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12th January

// Luke POV //

While we were driving to the hospital, Ashton fell asleep. We weren't sure of what we were meant to do, so we just let him sleep. I'm sure his brain must be in some sort of override, because there's no reason why he would only forget Calum.

Once the driver arrives at the hospital (at an entrance away from the public eye), I shake Ashton to wake up.

He doesn't flinch.

"Ashton, mate, wake up. We're at the hospital." I say, and there's no response.

"Go and fucking get someone!" I yell at no-one in particular. Jen and Calum throw open the door and run inside the hospital. I try and hear his breathing, but with the way he's sitting, it's awkward. Instead I take his arm and press my fingers against his inner wrist, in an attempt to find his pulse. After a few seconds of searching, I feel the beating beneath my fingertips and sigh in relief. However, I realise that it's pretty slow, but at least it's there. Now the doctor will have something to save.

When I sigh, Michael visibly relaxes too. Suddenly, I hear crappy wheels against the road, and I know the doctor is here.

"Name?" She says urgently.

"Luke Hemm-"

"The patient's name." She tells me, and I would've laughed at myself if the situation wasn't so serious.

"Ashton Irwin, ma'am." I inform her, and she nods slightly before climbing into the car. Ashton's in the middle, so there's room on either side of him.

"Mr Irwin, can you hear me? Can you show me that you can hear me, by squeezing my hand lightly." She pauses for a moment, before giving a small smile.

"Thank you, Mr Irwin. Okay, we're going to get you out of the car, then we'll take you inside and assess you, okay?" She tells him, and I think he squeezes his eyelids slightly.

Within minutes, he's been gently pulled out of the car and into a wheelchair, and pushed into the building.

Once we're all in the waiting room, we're all a little calmer. Well, except from Calum, who is still slightly freaked out by the fact that Ashton couldn't remember who he is.

5 minutes later, Ashton's bed is being pushed out of the room and towards the elevators.

I'm the first one out of my chair, rushing after the array of professionals surround Ashton's bed.

"What's wrong? What's happening?" I say, blatantly worried about my best friend. Michael, Jen and Calum are right behind me, asking the same thing.

The doctor who came to the car steps away from the bed and walks over to us, telling one of her co-workers that she'll be 'there in a minute'.

"Mr Irwin is currently suffering from something called intracerebral bleeding, which means he's bleeding inside his head. Brain tumors can cause this, so this is the cause of it. We have to operate in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Afterwards, it is likely that he will have to be put on to life support." She tells us, and I hear a gasp escape Jen's lips. I just nod, and the doctor tells us that's she'll let us know if anything further happens, and when he's out of surgery.


Hours pass. Hours. During this time, I call Ashton's family in Australia, When the doctor finally walks through the doors into the waiting room, I want to cry.

"Is he okay?" Calum asks, standing next to me.

"Mr Irwin is now in the intensive care unit, or ICU. Only family may visit him at the moment, I'm afraid." She tells us, and I want to scream.

"But his family are in Australia!"Michael exclaims, and the doctor closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

"I am aware of that, Mr Clifford, but there's nothing I can do. Mr Irwin is on life support, so this is a very crucial time for everybody." She tells us before turning on her heel and walking away. I groan and sit back down, my elbows on my thighs and my face in my hands. I feel someone touching my leg, and I know it's Jen. I'm so glad I have her.

Reaching down with one hand, I clasp hers in my own and intertwine our fingers. I need her now more than ever.

"Now what?" Calum asks, his voice breaking the tense and unbearable silence.

"Now... We wait."


Omg this is so bad idk

Slight change in plan, the 2nd book on the series will be a Calum fic rather than an Ashton one, and it'll be called 'Cigarettes" :)

Also, it'd mean the world to me if you could check out my completed short Michael au, its only like 13 short chapters and I would love people's feedback!!

It's called 'Hold On Tight".

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