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August 19th:

It's been 5 days since that first Skype call, and we've had several since. Most of the time, it was just me and Luke, talking and flirting. One time, even his mum made an appearance.

The band got on a plane today to come to England. They caught it when it was afternoon in Australia, so I haven't spoken to Luke since yesterday. I decided that I would delete my 5SOS related twitter, and just use my personal one. I realised that the band weren't following me on that one so I messaged Luke on Skype.

Jen: Hi Luke, I know you're on a plane right now, but I thought I'd let you know that I deleted my main twitter and am just going to be using my personal one from now on. It's @jenmeatsix :P I realised that you guys aren't following me on it and now feel like a bit of an idiot. Anyway, I'll talk to you later :-) Miss you.

I finally decide to get out of bed and make dinner. Once I get back, about 40 minutes later, I see I have a message on Skype, and a Snapchat notification too.  

Luke H: We just landed in Singapore :-) Okay baby, don't worry, me and the band have a plan. Basically, tomorrow afternoon, we'll all follow you, you just need to tweet saying 'I had so much fun meeting @5SOS in London! Can't believe I just randomly bumped into them!!!'. That okay? Miss you too. Wish the tweet could be true though.

Jen: That's a good idea. And I wish it could be true too. Have a safe flight :)

I open snapchat and look at what Luke sent me. It's of him and Michael, making bored and tired faces. He captioned it 'Wish you were here babe :)' and I get flutters in my stomach, like always. I send him a picture of my food and say 'If I was there I wouldn't have this :P' and chuckle to myself as I press send. He sends back a video of the four of them looking sleepy at the airport . At the end of it, he whispers 'I can't wait to see you'. After hearing him say that, I can't wipe the smile off my face. I close the app, and see I have a twitter notification.

'Luke Hemmings followed you'.

I smile but then realise that he shouldn't have done that. When I open the app, I have some mentions asking 'why the fuck did Luke follow you?! You didn't even tweet him!', and several more along those lines.


@jenmeatsix: Luke!!!! Why did you follow me?!!? I hadn't even tweeted you and now I have some fan-girls tweeting me asking me why!!


@Luke5SOS: Sorry baby, didn't think, I'll unfollow you


@jenmeatsix: Well there's no point now, people have already seen! :/


@Luke5SOS: Sorry baby :/


@jenmeatsix: I'll just say someone rt'd me and you saw and followed me. Idk.


@Luke5SOS: Good idea :-) Me and the guys are gonna get some food, eat then get back on the plane. I'll speak to you later ok? We'll be in the same timezone in about 13 hours!


@jenmeatsix: Have fun! I can't wait! :D

I make a cup of tea and smile to myself. I can't believe all this is happening. I put on Netflix and watch a few episodes of How I Met Your Mother, and I doze off to sleep at around 8pm. Somehow, I manage to sleep for around 15 hours. That has never ever happened before. Maybe I was subconsciously waiting for Luke to get to England, so we could message each other again.  

August 20th:

When I woke at 11am, I had a few DMs on twitter. Not to mention 1000 new followers and 200 notifications, all because Luke followed me. So much for this being a personal twitter. I decide to make the account private, and block the majority of the people that followed me. Why I didn't think of that in the first place, I have no idea. I check my DMs and see that I have a few from Luke.  


@Luke5SOS: We just got to our house in London, baby :D


@Luke5SOS: I'm guessing you're asleep :-)


@Luke5SOS: I kinda wanna see you sleep one day


@Luke5SOS: I bet you look adorable when you sleep


@Luke5SOS: Wait that sounded creepy


@Luke5SOS: Man I need to sleep, jet-lag sucks


@Luke5SOS: Speak to you later!


@Luke5SOS: Actually, text me when you wake up. My number's 07XXXXXXXXX.


@Luke5SOS: Say the phrase 'Luke Hemmings is the most amazing guy in the world ♥' so I know it's you ;-)

I chuckle to myself, and text him quickly.

Me: Morning nerd! Welcome back to England ;-)

Luke: Who is this?

Me: You know damn well who it is :P

Luke: Well I told someone to text me a phrase and they haven't said it so I have no idea :-)

Me: You were being serious?

Luke: Deadly.

Me: Fine. Luke Hemmings is the most amazing guy in the world ♥

Luke: Aw, I never knew you felt that way babe ;-)

Me: Lucas.

Luke: Not my nameeeee.

Me: Lucas Hemmings.

Luke: Jennifer, you know damn well that that is not my name.

Me: Sorry babe ;-)

Luke: You called me babe :-----)

Me: Yeah?

Luke: You haven't called me that before :-----)

Me: Awwww did I make Lukey blush? ;-)

Luke: Nopeeee.

Me: You sure?

I don't get a reply for a few minutes.

Luke: Hiiii Jen, It's Ashtonnnnnn, and yes, you did make Luke blush!!! ;D

Me: I did?!?!?!!? Yay! :D

Luke: You definitely did. I'm gonna have to go because Luke is mad because I stole his phone. Skype soon?!

Me: Of course :-)

Luke: Damn I hate Ashton sometimes.

Me: But.... Lashton :'(

Luke: What?

Me:  Nothing :D

Luke: ... Okay. Well, I still haven't slept yet since we landed, so I'm gonna have a nap. Speak to you later baby ♥

Me: Aww okay, sweet dreams :-)

Luke: It'll only be sweet if it's about you ;)


Hmm, so, how long do you think it will be until they decide to meet? :-)

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