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3rd September;

// Jen //

Today, 5 Seconds Of Summer announced that they are going to be releasing a new version of Long Way Home, accompanied by me, Jennifer August. The previous day, I had made my account public again and managed to get it verified too, by emailing twitter and telling them about the song. After a few phone calls and emails, everything was sorted.

Since the announcement, I have gained 30,000 followers, and have received many congratulations, as well as a little hate, but I just ignore that. Now that I'm verified, I have this extra option where I can see when other verified accounts interact with me, and that's pretty cool. I also changed my username to @JenAugustx. 

We were all in the penthouse with most of 5 Seconds Of Summer's crew, including their manager, agent and even their make-up artists.

I stood next to Luke, our fingers intertwined. I couldn't help but look up at this beautiful boy adoringly, because he meant so much to me. I adore him. Heck, I could even... Love him.

This has all moved so quickly, and I'm actually so happy.

Two days ago, Luke and Michael had an idea, but they refused to tell me what it is. Everybody will be finding out tonight.

"Okay, so if I could get everybody's attention!" Michael yelled over the music and the continuous chatter.

"Mr Hemmings and I would like to propose an idea to you." He announced, before taking a sip of his drink.

Luke's hand slipped from mine, and he pressed a kiss to my temple before joining Michael in the middle of the room.

"Miss August is an incredible musician, who has the ability to write her own songs and play many instruments." Luke began, and I looked at the two of them with a confused expression.

"As many, if not all of you know, the 4 of us started a record label a while ago, and right now it's just sitting there, doing nothing." Mikey added, and things started to slot into place in my head.

"Michael and I have discussed this with the other boys as well, and we all agree that this is an incredible opportunity, not only for us, but for Jennifer as well." Luke smiles at me, before looking out to the group again.

"Just get to the point already!" Calum shouts from the crowd, and I giggle.

"We would like to offer Miss August a record deal, and to sign her to Hi or Hey Records." They both they at the same time. I have a large grin on my face, as I walk over to the boys. I get on my tip-toes and kiss Luke's cheek.

"That would be incredible." I smile up at them both, then at the rest of the people in the room. They start to clap their hands, and then everybody is. Luke leans down to mumble something in my ear.

"You should play everyone that song you played us the other day." He smiles warmly at me, and I nod, slightly nervous. I walk over to Ashton and ask if I can use his Cajon again, and he agrees. I run to his room to get it, and there's a book on top of it with a worn-out spine, and the book is struggling to stay closed. I put it on his bed and it flips open, and I swear I see my name. But I don't have the time to be nosey, so I just grab the instrument and walk back out into the main room. 

I sit where Luke and Michael were previously stood, and make a small speech up in my head.

"I would just really love to thank Luke, Michael, Ashton and Calum for bringing me on this incredible journey. Without Luke, I probably wouldn't even be in London right now, let alone be sitting here, about to play my own song to my heroes. If you told me about 2 months ago that this would happen, I probably would've laughed and told you that the idea is ridiculous and that it was never going to happen. I was simply a university student who had just finished her first year and absolutely hated it. This opportunity could not have come at a better time in my life, and for that, I will be eternally grateful to these 4 Australian idiots that I am now lucky enough to call my friends." I finish, and look up at the four boys that have changed my life. Luke smiles at me and mouths 3 words at me. My heart beats faster and the smile on my face gets bigger. I wipe the tears that had formed away from the speech I gave, and compose myself ready to play the song.

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