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20th August


I lock my door behind me and finally make my way to the doctors surgery. My appointment's at quarter to two, and I seriously hope they can help me. My sleep problems have been affecting my social life and my uni work. I had to do something about it. I think the thing that finally pushed me to go to the doctors was Luke. His concern warmed my heart, and I guess the fact that one of my idols is worried about me, finally got me to do something.  

Me: I'm off to the doctors now. Wish me luck! :) x

About a minute later, my phone starts ringing, and I look at the screen and see that it's Luke.

"Hi Luke!" I smile to myself, realising how crazy this all feels.

"Hey babe. Just want to say good luck at the doctors, I know from experience that it's not the most fun place in the world."

"Awww thank you. Think I needed to hear that. I hate going to the doctors." I laugh nervously.

"Good thing I called then. How long does it take to get there?"

"About 2 more minutes. It's literally just down the road."

"Ahh okay, I should probably let you go then. I need to eat and sleep anyway. I'll Skype you later and we can talk about how it goes, okay? And this time we'll be in the same time zone!" I can almost hear the smile in his voice.

"Yeah okay, I hope you have a good sleep babe, I know that jet-lag sucks ass. Speak to you later!"

"You called me babe again!" He chuckles, and I feel the heat rise to my cheeks.

"And now you're blushing. Talk to you later, bye!!" He exclaims before hanging up. 'Ass.' I think to myself as I walk up to the ramp of the doctor's surgery.


After going to the doctor's, I decide to go into the city to get dinner. I go to the main shopping centre and head to the dining level. Today, because I'm feeling hungry, I go to McDonalds. I get a cheeseburger, medium fries and a large strawberry milkshake. After getting the food, I find a table for myself so I can eat. I almost have a food orgasm because of how good it tastes.

At one point, I swear I hear a familiar Australian voice, but when I look around, I see nothing.

'Bloody hell, now you're hearing things...' I think to myself.

Once I finish my food, I throw the rubbish in the bin and make my way home. I watch the first Hunger Games film and end up listening to some music. I decide to take down my 5 Seconds Of Summer posters, as now I find it a little weird, seeing as though I'm basically friends with them. At around 10pm, I hear the notification sound on my phone and instantly grab it, not-so-secretly praying that it's Luke.

The praying obviously worked because it is him.

Luke: Morn... I mean good evening :P

Me: Still adjusting to the time difference huh?

Luke: Yeah :(

Me: Good sleep though?

Luke: Yeah it was alright. How was your afternoon?

Me: It was good. Got McDonalds for the first time in forever. Just watching How I Met Your Mother now :-)

Luke: Ahh I love that show :-) And McDonalds is great :-)

Me: It is :-D

Luke: We should watch HIMYM together someday :--)

Me: That'd be awesome!

Luke: So do you fancy skyping with me and Ashton again in a bit? I think Calum and Michael are going out.

Luke: Also, I need to ask you something. I'll tell you on Skype though.

Me; Uhhhh okay, it's nothing bad is it?

Luke: Hahaha no it's not, well at least I hope it isn't :-)


What could Luke need to ask Jen?! Hmmmm.

Apologies for the short filler chapter, it sucks but oh well! :-)

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