Shortstorie कहानियाँ

198 कहानियाँ

Star_Bleeder द्वारा Fighting
FightingJosmary Matos द्वारा
Curtis James is the quiet one of the Diablos MC his been a member his whole live son of the Pres. next in line for the tittle and even though he doesn't show it he has b...
imagine-stories द्वारा The game
The gameimagine-stories द्वारा
distracting your doms games and expecting to get away without a punishment, nope! ⚠️very sexual⚠️
MyMysticEmpire द्वारा Marine || One Piece [ENG]
Marine || One Piece [ENG]Koohii द्वारा
Leona D. Monkey, the oldest of the siblings, a Navy genius, mockingly called the Navy's loyal dog by some, finally faces a choice. She had been betrayed and she had betr...
+12 और
immortalfirstlove द्वारा A New Year Coincidence
A New Year Coincidenceimmortalfirstlove द्वारा
New Year, new feels, new chances, same dreams and fresh starts... But could the midnight kiss bring back something old, someone unforgotten?
vipralol द्वारा Short Stories
Short StoriesVishh~ द्वारा
Just a collection of random stories... there'll be horror, romance, humor... and idk maybe smth else cuz i write many genres.
TheMovieMakr द्वारा Bully
BullyTheMovieMakr द्वारा
What would you feel like being bullied every second? How would you like to lose your social life over a silly thing you did in the past? That is what happened to Ally, a...
punkmustdie द्वारा kickass quotes and lyrics
kickass quotes and lyricsHelena द्वारा
the best quotes ever folks one quote every day
Secretreader39 द्वारा Kisses and Piercings
Kisses and PiercingsMeeee द्वारा
Jimin likes piercings, Jk does them, romance evolves.
chweetcat द्वारा Best Books In Town
Best Books In TownChweetcat द्वारा
"Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are"- Mason Cooley Wattpad is a home to incredible talent and world of romance, fantasy and i...
Erikstling8 द्वारा Walking down the street
Walking down the streetErik Ostling द्वारा
This is a short story with a fast pace. The story is about a man who's walking down the street, when a strange man suddenly bumps into him. Read the full story to find o...
DardenNation द्वारा my life
my lifeDarden Nation द्वारा
a step kid raven that is 12 and 6 years age ago her dad and step mom meet and now she has a big sectret to tell her dad that her step mom is mean to her
wafflexfoxy द्वारा Short random stories
Short random storiesWaffles द्वारा
hey these are story dumps. just little random stories i have wrote, and they didnt really go any where. so enjoy! and if i have nothing to update ill throw up a short st...
Lakritsgodis द्वारा Five minutes.
Five minutes.Lakritsgodis द्वारा
Short stories: Starman: A young woman sent on a mission to kill the beloved superhero Starman.
kate_mikaelson द्वारा Love Story of The Sun & The Moon
Love Story of The Sun & The MoonKate Mikaelson द्वारा
Love Story of The Sun & The Moon! THE SUN LOVED THE MOON SO MUCH , HE DIED EVERY NIGHT TO LET HER BREATH. But what happen next ? Read to find out. ****Special Thanks to...
CarrieHerron द्वारा My stalker boyfriend
My stalker boyfriendCarrieHerron द्वारा
An he convince me to stalk her too? A sexy man that I fall in love with turns out to be a stalker. Can he tempt me to help him?
MarieaKurenai2 द्वारा Magic Academy
Magic Academykurumi aimi k. tepes द्वारा
A new private school that only made for a special students .Rikka the First year Highschool girl , who come to that school by her Grandfather and Uncle , mother conditio...
idkfujoshi द्वारा Short Weird Story
Short Weird StoryWilliam Afton द्वारा
idk. Just something that happened today.