Anathema [Drarry Fanfiction]...

By jaden_without_a_y

130K 4K 4K

After a fight between Draco and Harry, Dumbledore had finally had enough of their little 'rival' and let thei... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Bonus chapter
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15 part 2
More exams...
Guess who's back!!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Holiday chapter
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Another A/N
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31, part 1
Chapter 31, part 2
before I ruin your life and the lives of everyone in Hogwarts
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
36.4 K reads and an apology
Chapter 42 part 2
Chapter 42 part 3
Chapter 42 part 4
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
on hold

Chapter 21

1.6K 50 91
By jaden_without_a_y

Malfoy paced impatiently across his bedroom - his shoes made a faint clacking against the polished floor with each step.

' if they hadn't found out about Harry and I... Then why was I called back? ' Draco pondered worriedly. ' I haven't failed any of my classes and I've been keeping up with my Quidditch practices. '

He grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it angrily at the door; immediately hitting a house elf who happened to pop in his room.

"Oh! Dobby, I am so sorry-" Draco rambled and stumbled towards the small shaky elf.

"Is master Draco alright? Dobby can see that master Draco is looking upset" Dobby observed hesitantly - Lucius had a habit of lashing out whenever Dobby questioned his wellbeing, so he was always hesitant about asking Draco about his since their looks and behavioura had many similarities.

"I'm fine, thank you, Dobby" Draco sighed. "What do you need?" He brushed off the worried aura of the small elf.

"Master Malfoy has asked Dobby to retrieve master Draco to come down stairs" Dobby smiled his crooked smile.

"Thank you, Dobby" Draco sighed. "And how many times have I told you to call me Draco whenever it's just us - alone?" Draco chuckled.

"I apologise mast- Draco" Dobby shook his head. "Dobby forgets..."

Draco had been asking his father to withdraw Dobby's position as house elf for years - so he could finally be free. Of course, his father dismisses the idea entirely. Dobby and Draco actually had a good relationship; a friendship - almost.

Unfortunately, whenever they had company Draco was forced to put on his mask.

A mask that suddenly seems to fall whenever he is met with those forest jade eyes...

~ Meanwhile ~

"- and that is how you preform the conjuration charm" the professor stated with a grin. "As I said students, all you need is focus and you will gain the best results in your spells!"

"That's all for today's lesson. Your homework will be to present an essay on the negative and positive effects of the conjuration charm. Enjoy the rest of your evening; class dismissed."

Everyone let out a sigh of relief and started piling out of the door - Blaise being one of the first to shoot out of the classroom. Upon exiting the classroom, Pansy was met with the smirking face of Nott.

"I heard that Draco was summoned to the manor" he stated. "It seems your time to make a decision is coming to an end."

Pansy looked around and dragged him to the nearest empty hallway. "I do not need your attitude right now, Theodore. I've got enough to deal with and your constant interference isn't helping!"

"And what exactly could be more important than this?" Theodore scoffed. "What? Is that 'little miss perfect' too distracting?" He taunted.

Pansy felt her fists clench at his tone. Merlin how she wish she could wipe that smug smile off his face! Surely he must know that when Draco accepts he will be-

Then it hit her.

"Draco" Pansy gasped.

"What about him?" Theodore scoffed and crossed his arms.

"I need to go"


"Hermione, have you seen Harry?" Pansy panted as she approached the courtyard.

"Yeah, he just left to go to the bathroom" Hermione stated curiously. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes everything is fine, 'mione" Pansy waved her off. "I just really need to talk with him"

Hermione huffed and grabbed the dark haired girl's hand before pulling her towards a secluded spot next to the school.

"Hermione, what are you-" Pansy gasped.

"I know you're not alright, Parkinson" Hermione stated. "You've been acting strange lately and..." She trailed off desperately.

"And...?" Pansy encouraged.

"I'm getting worried about you." Hermione blushed. "You've been spacing out during class and- you got a C on your charms essay. Not to mention the fact that you keep excusing yourself from us to go and talk to Opal and Quinton!"

"Hermione, I already told you. I am- How did you know I've been talking to them?" Pansy cut herself off and eyed the brunette.

"I- um..." Hermione stuttered and let her eyes trail away from the Slytherin.

"Have you been spying on me?" Pansy barked in disbelief. She could only hope that she hadn't heard their conversation the other day at the lake.


She was talking out of fear.

"Pansy, I didn't mean-" Hermione started apologizing.

"Look, Granger. We've never been on the best of terms; excluding this year though. We might have been sneaking around each other's backs back then, but now we're friends." Pansy sighed, "Friends don't spy on each other whenever they feel like the other one is hiding something!"

"Are you hiding something?" Hermione lashed out angrily. "Because it bloody seems like it. Or do you just not trust us, your actual friends, enough to tell them what is going on!?"

"There are some things I can't share with you or the rest."

"But you can with Quinton and Ophi- Opay- whats her face!?" Hermione stuttered over her words and flushed more with the embarrassment of not remembering the Hufflepuff's name.

"I can't talk to you guys about it because you wouLDN'T UNDERSTAND!"

"That's because yOU DON'T TELL US ANYTHING!"


"You're right" Hermione stated, immediately making Pansy back away with a few steps. "You don't have to tell us everything. You just have to want to tell us."

And with that Hermione turned around to leave, but Pansy caught her wrist before she could disappear.

"Hermione, I'm sorry. It's just that I-"

"Forget it, Pansy" Hermione growled and pulled her wrist back.

"But, Herm-"

"Forget. It."

~ Meanwhile ~

"Come in" Lucius called once Draco knocked on the door.

Draco opened the large oak door and felt his blood run cold at the sight infront him - the large black table stretched across the dull room and seated at the very end was the dark lord himself.

His pale milky skin gleamed in the dimness of the room and his piercing eyes watched Draco closely - it was almost hard to believe he, too, had been human once. His dark robes hugged his skinny completion and his bony fingers clasped his wand in anticipation.

"Ah, Draco" Voldemort greeted in his snake-like voice. "It's good to see you again."

Draco sucked in a sharp breath an looked towards his father, who only beckoned him closer.

"Come, Draco. We have something to discuss with you." Lucius said in his monotoned manner.

"Now now, Lucius" Voldemort hushed. "I do believe that I am the one who should deliver the news. After all, the poor boy hasn't processed it all yet" he hissed calmly, almost like he was reading Draco's mind.

To Voldemort's left sat his ginning aunt - Bellatrix. Her jet black hair was messy as always and her dark eyes held no remorse. Narcissa and Lucius were seated.

His mother's lip was trembling slightly, while his father's held a sickening smirk as he watched Draco near the table.

"Now Draco, tell me" Voldemort drawled. "How would you like to make a deal?"

• • • • • • • • • •


I just had a wave of random inspiration and will probably be posting another chapter after this...

You guys are making my day! Thank you so much for all your votes and comments, it really means a lot to me!

I actually told my friend that I couldn't believe people actually enjoyed my crap and she just started laughing. I'm actually making most of this up as I go and are just using my laid out plots as guidelines so... Yay?

I hope you all are having a good time and I hope you all are staying safe!❤️

Happy reading!

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