Chapter 42 part 4

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Last part of Chapter 42. I don't even know if this makes sense so... Feel free to ask questions — I KNOW IT'S CONFUSING AND PROBABLY DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!!

On another note:
Prepare for some...


• • • • • • • • • •

Christmas break

Pansy stared down at the room from the top of the stairs - everyone was in their best attire and, as predicted, discussing their recent accomplishments or making up stories to make their family name seem so perfect.

Theodore was nowhere in sight, but she could see Draco and Blaise by the fireplace, forced smiles plastered on their faces as they talked to some of the pure blood daughters. She grinned sympathetically and straightened the fabric of her skirt before hurrying down the stairs to join the sea of people.

Draco looked even more miserable up close.

" Sorry girls, but I'm going to have to steal Dray and Blaise from you for a moment " Pansy said plainly and reached for the two boys, quickly pulling them away from the few complains and whines.

" About bloody time " Blaise muttered as Pansy dragged them towards the table of drinks and treats.

" Oh shush " Pansy rolled her eyes. " I could've just left you there to rot. "

" Dramatic much " Draco smirked. " But thank you, Pansy. I swear I was about to throw up right there and then - their perfume is the most revolting thing I've ever smelled! "

Pansy grinned. " Even more disgusting than Potter's shampoo? "

The boy scowled with a blush. " Yes. Even more disgusting than that. "

Blaise chuckled. " You aren't fooling anyone, Draco. We all know that you have an extra bottle of the exact same bottle in your tru- "

"- Shut up! " Draco yelled in embarrassment.

" Yes, please shut up " Pansy groaned and stepped up on her tiptoes to look over the crowd.

Still no sign of Theodore.

Little did she know how much she'd wish it had stayed like that.


Hermione stormed down the hallway, angry tears falling down her face. She didn't know where she was going, but once she came to a stop she found herself in front of the portrait that led to the Slytherin common room.

" Password? " The painting scowled.

" I- " before the girl could answer, however, the painting swung open to reveal a familiar face.

" Hermione? " Blaise's eyes widened. " What's wrong!? " He asked and placed a hand on the girl's shoulder.

" Ginny- Pansy- Christmas- " Hermione couldn't seem to string a proper sentence together and cried even harder.

" Oh, 'mione " Blaise shushed and engulfed her in a hug; which Hermione immediately fell into. " It's okay... Everything is going to be okay... "

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