Chapter 42 part 3

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I am so sorry.

I have no words.

I really hope this was worth the wait!

• • • • • • • • • •


"No bloody way" Harry scoffed and looked down in distaste at the grinning photo of the pink nightmare.

"There has to be some mistake" Hermione shook her head and began reading...


Due to Fudge's recent departure, his position as minister of magic has been handed over to Delores Umbridge who will be taking his place until a new minister can be selected.

When questioned about his sudden retirement, Fudge refused to speak or do anything to put the recent rumours to a rest. Umbridge claimed that she had no idea that the minister was even planning to retire.

Some sources have suggested that Fudge has become too paranoid about the Dark Lord's plans to recruit, and has retired because of it. Although these rumours are yet to be confirmed, Delores has promised to do her best to uphold Fudge's legacy until "someone more suitable for the job" can be reeleced.

Written by: Rita Skeeter.

"Bloody hell" Ron repeated as he peered over Hermione's shoulder to read the article. "How did we not notice anything about this? There must have been talk... Right?"

Hermione shook her head. "We must have been so caught up with everything that we- We didn't notice" her voice choked back on another sob.

Harry placed a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder, but his emerald eyes mirrored everything but comfort. "Besides Cornelius's sudden retirement" he began sarcastically, "who the hell is her source?"

"What do you mean?" Ron frowned.

"Ron, no one else besides Dumbledore and us know about Voldemort's plan to recruit" Harry reminded. "How did she find out about it?"

Hermione stayed quiet as the few tears continued to drip down her cheeks.

"Hermione?" A familiar voice whimpered from the stairs that led up to the painting. "A-are you okay?"

~ Meanwhile ~

Blaise sighed in relief once the soft snores of Draco began pattering through the room, and a calmer aura immediately settled within him as settled the sleeping blonde underneath the nearby green cover that draped over the sofa.

I'm sorry, Draco.

With one last glance at his sleeping friend, he hurried over to the stairs that led to the dorms and headed over to Draco's four-poster bed.

The large brown trunk that hid under the dark emerald covers was quick to catch Blaise's attention and he bent down to slide it out - the scrapping sound sent guilt bubbling through the boy's heart.

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