Chapter 22

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"a d-deal?" Draco cursed himself for stuttering in the dark lord's presence.

He didn't want to believe the news about his return during the triwizard tournament last year — but now that he was right there...
In the flesh.

Sitting at his table.

In his house.

He believed it more than ever. Even after the first week of his bound with Harry...


"It's all bullshit" Draco scoffed and looked at the Golden boy. "He can't be back!"

"Well if you don't believe me than why did you ask?" Harry groaned.

"I was just curious about how loony you really were, Potter" Draco smirked. "Hell, you might be even more loony than Luna!"

"Don't call her loony!" Harry defended.

"What?" Draco teased. "Are you saying she's not?"

"Of course she's not!" Harry barked.

"Okay geez, chill, Potter" Draco rolled his eyes. "Someone might think that the Golden boy has anger issues"

"I don't have angER ISSUES!"


Draco winced at the memory of them at least a month ago.

' wait a bloody minute ' Draco frowned. ' why am I thinking of Harry right now!? '

"My oh my" Voldemort chuckled and shook his head in amusement. "I think your son and I should have a talk..." He stated and looked towards Lucius. "Alone."

Narcissa shook her head and looked at Draco. "I thought you wanted us with him when you-"

"-It appears that the situation has changed, Mrs Malfoy" he smirked. "I do apologise for the sudden change of plans." He lied.

"But I do believe it's best that Draco and I have a talk without interference."

Lucius nodded and placed a comforting hand on his wife's shoulder. "Come, Narcissa. He'll be fine."

Narcissa pulled against his strength, but it was all in vain once they disappeared behind the heavy doors.

"You too, Bellatrix" Voldemort seethed.

Her eyes widened and she looked at her nephew with angry eyes. "But- but my Lord. I am the one who requ-" she started with a pur, but the dark lord was quick to hush her thoughts.

"Like I said" he drawled. "The situation has changed — it appears that our little Draco has been in contact with someone of our value..."

Anathema  [Drarry Fanfiction] [ON HOLD]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora