Shoto's Twin Sister

By Glitter_Crazy

198K 6.8K 5.5K

NOT AN X READER AND NOT INCEST Might be a bit of an OC x Katsuki Make sure to check out the Scenarios book I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Eimi Todoroki
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Clarification Chapter
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 36

1.5K 71 30
By Glitter_Crazy

Eimi's POV

When we all walked back into the classroom all the boys were awkwardly standing around, trying to make conversations with each other. I looked over at Katsuki who was sitting at his desk while Kiri and Denki were trying to make him speak with them. He had a scowl on his face and his eyes darted around the classroom until they landed on me.

"Hey!" He called out suddenly, which took Kiri and Denki by surprise. "We're leaving." He said with a grumpy tone and stood up from his chair, starting to make his way over to me. I laughed awkwardly while Kiri tried to stop him.

"Hey man! We have a few minutes until the bell is suppose to ring, you can't just leave right now!"

"Don't care." He barked back and grabbed my arm, starting to drag me out. The girls looked at me with concerned faces.

"I guess I'll find you guys at lunch then!" I called out to them before I was dragged out the door.

"Hey, can I walk normally-- Ow!" I tried to say but I twisted my body trying to keep up and the bandages rubbed my sides the wrong way. Katsuki immediately stopped and turned to look at me. I lightly rubbed my side, finding tears building up in the corners of my eyes. Katsuki gritted his teeth and rubbed the back of his head and brought his hand to his face.

"Sorry, didn't mean—" He turned away and cursed. "Damn it!"

I tilted my head slightly and stepped closer to him. I placed my arm on his shoulder and he somewhat flinched. My eyebrows furrowed and I was about to make him look at me but he stormed off. My hand stayed in the same place, now hanging in empty space due to the lack of shoulder that was there.

"Katsuki..?" I mumbled out as I watched his figure get smaller and smaller in the distance.

I don't remember much of lunch, or even class for that matter. Only that I got my bandages changed by Recovery Girl, sat in silence with the girls at lunch, and somewhat listened to what Present Mic was saying. This happened because Katsuki was ignoring me, he wouldn't even look my way and shouted at everyone who got somewhat close to him. When class ended, I tried to meet up with him to walk back to his house, since you know, I'm still staying there, but he grabbed his bag and left.

I looked down at my desk with a frown, tears starting to prick at my eyes. I pulled my bag off my chair and carefully put it over my shoulder. I walked out of the room beside Ura, I think she was talking to me, but I couldn't hear her. I was too focused on trying to think of anything I could have done to Katsuki to make him made at me, that I didn't notice that she stopped and was waving her hand in front of me. I blinked and at her face.

"Oh sorry, what was that?" I asked quietly and she grabbed my hands and looked me in the eye.

"Are you okay? You've been kinda out of it since lunch." She tilted her head at me and I sighed.

"I don't even know what I did." I muttered and Ura held my hands tighter.

"What do you mean?" She questioned.

"Katsuki's ignoring me, he has been since lunch. And I don't even know what I did wrong." I mumbled while looking down. I felt Ura's hands slip out of mine and I looked up. She turned around and started to stalk off.

"Wait, where are you going?" I called out, more tears starting to form in my eyes of her just leaving me standing alone.

"I'm going to go beat his ass." She called out from over her shoulder and I panicked. I quickly ran after her and I heard Tenya yell at us to not run. I finally caught up with her and latched my arms around her shoulders in a tight hug. She stopped and I felt her hands reach up to my arms and grab onto them.

"Please don't do anything. It's not worth your death." I said into her hair. Ura sighed and let go of my arms.

"I won't." She breathed out and I let go over her shoulders. She turned around and looked up at me, giving me a small smile.

"But if he does anything else, you can't stop me." She said and I inwardly laughed.

"I will still try to, but thanks anyway."

"You wanna walk together?" Ura asked and I nodded. We started to walk down the front path of the school and out onto the sidewalk. Ura dug her hand into her pocket and pulled out a pack of gum balls. She held them out to me and smiled.

"Want one? Gum always makes me feel better when I'm sad." She offered and I could only smile and nod. I held out my hand and she shook one into my hand, and did it for herself too. We both popped them into our mouths and started to have a conversation about our favourite flavours of candy. I found out she pretty much likes anything strawberry flavoured and I told her I really liked mango and cherry flavoured candy.

"Oh yeah, I hate orange flavoured things, but I love orange juice and just plain oranges. I don't know why though." I started to question my taste buds and she laughed.

"I can see where you're coming from, I understand what you mean." She laughed and I realized that we now where starting to turn in different directions. I stopped walking and turned to look at her fully. I pointed behind me and smiled slightly.

"Well, I go this way." I said and Ura nodded.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow?" Ura said and I nodded, I gave her a hug before we parted ways. We both waved until we decided to actually turn around and leave to our respective houses. I soon walked up to the door of Aunties house and lightly knocked before opening the door. I quietly walked in and took off my shoes.

Placing them on the rack, I looked around to see if anyone was there. I sighed when I saw Katsuki's shoes pushed beside the rack and closet door left open. I reached over and closed it before making my way up stairs. I noticed the bathroom door shut and heard water running. I walked to his room and found that my bags weren't there. It was then did I notice a note at the end of his bed. I walked over to it and picked it up.

I came home at lunch to change your bandages but forgot you were at school, since I had the time I cleaned the guestroom and moved your things. I made sure to give you the fluffiest blanket and softest pillows. Love you! - Auntie M

I smiled at the note and walked down the hall. I heard the water turn off and I quickly ran to the room and shut the door as quietly as I could. I slide down the door and let my bag fall to the floor. I didn't bother to turn on the lights as I heard the bathroom door open. Katsuki stomped into his room and slammed the door shut, I heard drawers open and close and I decided to get up and turn on the light.

I flicked the slight switch on and looked around. The room was much nicer and more open when it was clean. I also noticed a small cubby of sorts that I could put my clothes in. I grabbed my other bag and started emptying the contents into the little spots and backed up when I was done. I nodded at my work and grabbed my charger to plug it in beside the bedside table. When I went to plug it in, something sparked inside and the lights went off, which caused me to scream and stumble back.

I tripped over my school bag and hit my forehead on the side of the bed frame. I quickly grabbed my head and rocked back and forth, the tears just flowing out since I had already cried today. I heard the door slam open and saw a small light trail over to me.

"Shit, are you okay?" I heard Katsuki's voice call out to me and I looked up at him to see a concerned face. Seeing him act all concerned after he was ignoring me just made the tears grow bigger. He calmly knelt down in front of me and pulled my hands off my head. He pushed my bangs out of my face and shook his head. He then gently grabbed my arm and lifted me up, directing me to the bathroom where he reached under my arms and lifted me onto the counter.

He placed his phone down and opened a drawer. He quietly pulled out a hair clip and carefully pinned my bangs back before squatting down and opening the cupboard sink. He pulled out the first aid kit and set it down beside me. He grabbed a cloth and dampened it with some water from the tap and carefully wiped it over my skin. He then grabbed a band-aid and looked back at my forehead before grabbing a bigger one. He put some polysporin on the band-aid and put it directly on the middle of my forehead. He took the clip out and ruffled my bangs a bit before putting everything away.

I could only stare at him as he cleaned up and washed his hands. He stood up and looked at me before pulling me off the counter. He lead me to his room and pointed at his bed before he walked out and down the stairs. I looked down and crept over to his bed before sitting against the wall and pulling the blanket around me. A few minutes passed and the light turned back on and I shielded my eyes from the sudden brightness.

I heard foot steps come up the stairs then into the bedroom where I soon felt a dip in the bed.

"I'm sorry." I heard a soft apology come out of Katsuki's mouth. I peaked my head out from under the blanket to see him sitting over the edge of the bed with his elbows on his knees and his head hanging over.

"I was supposed to keep you from being hurt then I hurt you myself. And that damned grape, I wanted to blow him up so bad but Shitty Hair stopped me." He confessed and I sat there shocked. I mean he's apologized to me before, but he actually explained it this time. His feelings that is.

"What did he say? I know Kyoka told us he was being a pervert, but never told us what it was he said."

"He didn't even get the chance." Was all he said.


"Once I heard your name I set off explosions towards him, then Icy Hot froze him in his place."

"Oh, I see." I mumbled while looking at Katsuki's back. He only sat there and looked at the floor, and I decided to take things into my own hands. I crawled out from under the blanket and reached my hands around his waist in a hug. I rested my face against his back and took in a deep breath. Even if he just took a shower, he still smells like caramel.

A.N. Like the roughest of rough drafts omg. Katsuki's hair makes me want to die and not to mention his FUCKING SIDE PROFILE I WANT DEATH. Meant to post this with it originally when I posted this chapter and only remembered about it today 💕

He continued to sit there until I felt his hands tap my arms. I pulled away and he turned his body to the side and looked at me. He reached his hand out and placed it on my head, soon ruffling and petting my hair. I closed my eyes and smiled slightly before he stopped and stood up. I looked up at him with a confused face and he leaned over and grabbed his bag. He pulled out some books and papers and I suddenly remembered the homework.

I watched as Katsuki stared at me before lightly laughing at my panicked face. He placed his work on his desk and sat in his chair.

"If you hurry up and get your stuff, we can work on it together." He said in a kind voice I jumped off the bed and ran out of the room. I barged into my room for the time being and grabbed my bag, not even bothering to just get the work out. I ran back out into the hall and into Katsuki's room. By the time I got there I found out that he had gotten a spare chair from his closet and placed it beside his.

I was about to go and sit on it but he sat on it instead. I paused for a second before he pushed me into his chair.

"It'll be better for your sides and lower back." He said as he flipped through the pages of his notebook. I nodded slightly before reaching into my bag and pulling out some random notebook which I was hoping was the right one. I looked at the cover of the notebook in my hand and I sighed.

"Luck is on my side today." I mumbled out and Katsuki looked at me strangely. I couched and smiled sheepishly.

"Ah, never mind." I quietly said and I felt my face heating up. He rolled his eyes and grabbed his pencil and started working on the first exercise. I quickly reached into the small front pouch of my bag and pulled out a pencil and started on the first question as well.

It took us a hour and a half to finish all the work, scratch that, it took me a hour and a half to finish the work. Katsuki got done pretty quickly and sat there as I struggled. Don't get me wrong, I am pretty good at English, but I couldn't pay attention today so I have no clue what I'm doing. Luckily Katsuki is here to explain it to me.

Shoto's POV

I leaned back as I just finished my homework and my thoughts trailed to Eimi. She was having a hard time focusing in class today, and wasn't acting like her normal self. I wasn't able to stay late to ask her why since I had to come home to train. But now that I was finished with that, as well as my homework, I think I could give her a call.

I reached over to my bed and grabbed my phone and pulled up her contact. I pressed call and put the phone up to my ear. It rang a few times before a click happened and soon Eimi's voice called through.

"Oh, hey, Shoto. What's up?" She said with her normal bubbly voice. I blinked a couple of time before she called out again.

"Shoto?" She said and I shook my head.

"Uh, sorry. I was just calling because it looked like you weren't very focused in class today. Or anytime after lunch. Did Bakugo do something?" I asked as I heard some ruffling around before Eimi's voice sounded in my ear.

"Oh, that. I'm sorry if I worried you. I'm fine now, really! So no need to fret, okay?" She said sweetly into the phone. I was about to answer her back until I was cut off by someone yelling in the background of the call. And I knew exactly who it was and I could only shake my head.

"At least I fucking cleaned them, you hag!" I heard through the phone and then Eimi's voice laughed over the yelling.

"Sorry about that, me and Katsuki just finished with the homework and I guess Auntie just came home and found the dishes on the drying rack from this morning."

"Oh, so that's why he's yelling." I said while nodding, also slightly holding the phone away from my ear.

"Well, I'm going to make sure that those two don't kill each other. I'll see you at school tomorrow, yeah?" She asked and I answered right away.

"Of course." I said with a genuinely happy tone.

"Okie dokie! Love you, Shoto, have a good sleep!" She beamed through the phone and I found myself smiling as well.

"I love you too, sleep well." I said and we both hung up. I lowered my phone and continued to look at the screen. It still feels strange to say that out loud, but I'll have to get used to it because she seems to end everyone conversation with me with 'I love you' or 'love you'.

I was about to put my phone down when a different caller ID came up on my phone. I looked at it and smiled before answering.

"Hello, Midoriya."

A/N. More soft Katsuki content! Don't worry, there will be much more now that we're getting into the good stuff!

Written: December 21, 2020

Edit: Merry Christmas! Decided to post this for you all!

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