Shoto's Twin Sister

By Glitter_Crazy

198K 6.8K 5.5K

NOT AN X READER AND NOT INCEST Might be a bit of an OC x Katsuki Make sure to check out the Scenarios book I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Eimi Todoroki
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Clarification Chapter
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 35

1.7K 74 35
By Glitter_Crazy

Katsuki's POV

I woke up to my 6 o'clock alarm and saw Eimi was still sleeping on me. She started to wake up and I quickly turned off the alarm in hopes that she would go back to sleep. She deserves some time to sleep in more before we head to school today. Once I felt like she was back asleep, I carefully moved out from underneath her and grabbed my phone and quietly left the room.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I did my normal morning routine and left the room. I made my way down the stairs to find Dad and the Hag in the kitchen. Dad was at the table with a cup of coffee and was looking at his phone while the Hag was making breakfast. She looked over as I walked in and greeted me.

"Morning brat." She said with a smile and I grunted at her.

"Morning." I said as I sat down at the table. Dad looked up from his phone and at me.

"How'd you sleep Son?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Good." I replied as the Hag came over and placed a plate in front of me. She then went back into the kitchen and came back with a cup of coffee as well as the bottle of sriracha. I slightly smiled and thanked her as she handed it to me. I drizzled it over my eggs and took a bite, humming in response since it tasted good.

"So, Katsuki." The Hag called out and I looked up, mainly cause she didn't call me brat. When she doesn't call me brat, it's something important.

"Yeah?" I replied while grabbing a piece of bacon.

"I'm guessing Eimi told you about her injury?" She said and I nodded.

"Well, there are a few things that she doesn't know, and I assume that she said that as well?" The Hag asked and I only nodded since there was food in my mouth.

"Alright. Well, during her ride to the hospital she had some troubles. She flat-lined multiple times and lost quite a lot of blood." She flat out said and I stared at her in shock. I swallowed my food in silence and she looked at Dad before looking back at me.

"I don't think that she has noticed yet, but there was some organs that got damaged as well as her sides. Luckily they will heal without a problem, but she could get seriously hurt if anything were to re-open." The Hag looked at me dead in the eyes before I nodded, kinda predicting what she is going to tell me next.

"I want you to make sure she doesn't try to hurt herself, meaning that you need to keep her from training for a while and as well as making sure she doesn't get hurt by someone else." The Hag said and I nodded, taking injuries very seriously. She nodded and I went back to eating. By the time I was finished, it was time for them to leave.

"Tell Eimi we said good morning and have a good day at school." The Hag said while grabbing her bag.

"Yeah." I mumbled from the staircase. I watched as they both left and I headed back upstairs. I quietly walked into my room to see Eimi still sleeping, though now she was curled up in a ball while hugging my pillow. She then spazmatically rolled around and shot up. She frantically looked around and calmed down when her eyes landed on me. I raised my eye brow at her and she placed her hand over her heart.

"You okay?" I asked, a little confused and concerned as to what just happened. She took in a big breath of air and smiled after letting it back out.

"Sorry, don't mind that." She said in a small voice before looking at the time.

"It's 7:15 already?" Eimi yawned and I nodded. I tossed her uniform at her while I grabbed mine.

"You change in here. I'll be downstairs when you're done." I mumbled while walking out the door. I quickly changed in the bathroom and threw my clothes in the bin and walked down stairs. I then saw that the Hag only cooked for me since I was up early and I shook my head since I knew she had planned this. I opened the fridge and gathered ingredients and I heated the pan.

If I remember correctly, Eimi likes sunny side up eggs on toast with a side of bacon. Oh, and a glass of orange juice. I cracked the eggs and got started on the toast.

Eimi's POV

Once I finished changing, which took me a little bit longer than usual, I grabbed my phone and made my way down stairs. I looked around a bit until I smelt some yummy cooking coming from the kitchen. I smiled and skipped into the kitchen to find Katsuki placing a sunny side up egg on a perfectly toasted piece of toast with butter. I smiled and sat at the table, soon pulling out my phone.

Soon a plate of toast, eggs and bacon were placed in front of me. As well as a glass of orange juice. I looked up at Katsuki who just sat down in the chair across from me. I looked at him, then back at the plate, before looking back at him.

"Did you make this just for me?" I asked while pointing my finger at myself. Katsuki huffed and nodded.

"The Hag and Dad left already, I already ate when you were sleeping, so don't ask about me." He grumbled and I smiled at him.

"You can be so sweet at times, Suki!" I smiled brightly before poking the egg yoke and watching it slowly spread across the toast and slightly off the edge of it. I looked back at Katsuki and thought I saw a slight blush to his face, he caught my eye and placed his head on the table. But that didn't stop me from knowing that he was blushing, since his ears were also red.

Awee, that's so cute! His ears still flame up if he's embarrassed. 

I bit into my toast and hummed happily. I continued to eat in a happy state of mind that I didn't realize that Katsuki was watching me. It was only when I finished my food did I look back up at him to see him staring. I just blinked at him while he stared back. I cocked my head to the side and he abruptly stood up, pushing his chair back. He roughly grabbed my plate and cup and stomped into the kitchen and started washing them.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was now 8:00. I carefully got out of my chair and pushed it back under the table. I then walked into the kitchen and stood beside Katsuki who just finished washing my dishes and placed them on the drying rack. He looked down at me and I smiled.

"Whadda want." He asked in his normal tone and I smiled.

"Nothing, just the fact that you'd make a pretty good house wife." I said with a teasing face, while slowly backing away. He stood there for a second before he blew up the dish towel in his hands.

"What did you just say!" He yelled at me and I started to laugh and run out of the kitchen. I heard his foot steps behind me and I bolted up the stairs and into hiding. I heard him grumbling at me and I giggled from my hiding spot. His foot steps stopped in front of my hiding spot and I covered my mouth, trying to muffle my giggles. He then opened the closet door and looked down at me before crouching to my level.

He reached his hand out and I thought I was going to get blown up, but that thought soon left my mind as his hand rubbed my head. I looked up at him confused before he huffed and stood back up.

"It's time to leave." He said and walked out of the room with his bag over his shoulder. I quickly got up and grabbed my bag and phone before running after him. By the time I got down the stairs, he was already putting his shoes on. I quickly ran over to him and untied my shoes so I could put them on. Katsuki waited for me to finished before he opened the door and walked out. I followed him out and he locked the door with his key and started down the path.

I ran up to keep up with his pace and walked beside him. We walked in a nice silence together and reached the school in no time. We walked into the class room and my eyes traced around the room until it reached Shoto. My eyes lightened up and I ran over to him.

"Shoto!" I called out to him and he turned to face me. He slightly smiled and patted my head when I made it over to him. Izuku and Tenya walked over and greeted us good morning.

"Tenya, Izuku! Good morning, are you injuries feeling better?" I greeted them as I put my bag on my chair.

"--Now, if you wanna talk about the ones who really changed, it was those four." I heard Denki's voice over everyone else's. I looked over to him while others joined in. I was confused as to why Katsuki was holding both Sero and Kirishima by the collars of their blazers, while the two spoke up.

"Oh, yeah! The Hero Killer!" Sero called out while holding up a finger in remembrance. 

"Glad you guys made it back alive. Seriously." Kiri added and I looked up at Katsuki who had a blank face, but I knew he was thinking back to what I told him.

"I worried about you, too." Momo said from her seat beside Shoto. I smiled at her while others came over to us.

"You were lucky that Endeavor showed up and saved you guys." Sato added and Shoto's eyes closed a bit. I rubbed his shoulder and smiled at him. 

"So cool! Just what I would expect from the number 2 hero!" Toru exclaimed and Shoto looked towards her before looking down at his desk.

"Yeah, that's right. He saved us." Shoto confirmed everyone's excitement while Izuku and I slightly smiled at him for saying the right thing. Even if he so desperately wanted to say otherwise, I honestly did as well, but what can you do.

"Did you guys hear the news about the Hero Killer? Everyone's been saying that he was somehow connected to the League of Villains." Ojiro told us and I shook my head.

"I don't want to think about that chance." I mumbled and covered my mouth like I was going to be sick.

"Could you imagine how terrifying it would've been if that creep was at the USJ attack?" Ojiro continued and I shook my head. I felt a hand on my arm and I saw Momo give me a reassuring smile. I smiled a small smile back at her before Denki called out.

"He's scary, yeah. But did you see him in that weird video? It's all over the internet." Denki added and I looked at him like he was crazy. I bet his opinion would be completely different if he was there.

"I didn't even know there was a video about him." Ojiro voiced and I nodded in agreement. Denki went on to explain what the video was about and I decided to sit in my seat. His explanation ended with him calling the Hero Killer 'pretty cool' and I almost got up to strangle him, but Izuku stopped me and called him out.

"Kaminari!" He frantically said while trying to calm me down and get me back in my seat.

"Uh-- oh. Dude!" Denki realized what he said and put his hand over his mouth.

"No, it's okay. You're fine." Tenya called out from behind me while looking at his arm. "It is true that he's quite a tenacious villain. I understand why people might see him as cool. But instead of helping the world, his beliefs lead him to cold-blooded murder. No matter his motives, killing cannot be condoned."

I nodded and looked at Denki, who's face has fallen slightly.

"To keep anyone else from suffering like me, well, I promise: I will strive to be the perfect hero!" Tenya called out while holding his hand out in the classic Tenya way. I smiled and Izuku jumped in with him.

"Yeah, let's do it!"

Before anyone else could say something Tenya called out to the whole class that it was time for class to begin. He started rambling about sitting in our seats and being ready for the lesson to start while Kyoka ridiculed Denki for being stupid. He moped and said he needs to learn when to keep his mouth shut.

"You really do." I added and he looked at me with a slightly scared look. "Cause if you don't, I'm gonna strangle you."

I said with a murderous intent while holding my hands over a nonexistent neck and Shoto lightly smacked my head. I slumped in my seat and pouted. Everyone sat in their seats then All Might came in.

"Good morning class!" He said with a bright smile and hearty laugh.

"Today we'll be training at Field Gamma, but first. Young Eimi!" He pointed at me and I felt everyone's eyes on me.

"Uh, yes?" I questioned as I sat up a little more. 

"I was told you needed to check in with Recovery Girl to see if you are able to participate in training." He bellowed and I suddenly remembered the call I got from Dadzawa. I put my hands on the sides of my head and cursed myself.

"Ah! Sorry I forgot! I will do that right now!" I squeaked out and quickly got up from my seat. I sped my way to the door and left. I walked down the hall and made my way to Recovery Girl.

I knocked on the door before I opened it.

"Recovery Girl?" I called out while stepping into the room.

"Over here deary." She called back and I made my way over to the back of the room. She turned around in her chair and looked up at me.

"Sorry about coming in late, I forgot." I said while scuffing my feet against the ground. Recovery Girl hoped off her chair and walked over to a desk.

"That's quite alright, now let's check you, shall we?" She said while she held up a scanner of sorts. I nodded and sat down on one of the beds before she told me to lay down since it would be easier for the scanner to read. It was a minute until I could sit back up and she walked away with the machine to look at it at her desk. She nodded and wrote some things down on a clipboard before she turned to me with a sad smile.

I already knew what she was going to say, I even knew it before I walked into the room.

"I'm not going to be able to participate for a while, aren't I?" I asked in a sad voice and she only nodded. I sighed and got off the bed.

"Thanks anyway, I'd best be going. Even if I can't do anything, I can still watch my classmates." I said with a small smile and headed towards the door. Before I could leave, Recovery Girl called out to me.

"I can help you recover faster so you can get back to training, as long as you are willing to come back for daily check ups." She said and I turned to her.

"Really?" I asked, starting to get excited that I could participate sooner.

"Yes, though when your body is healed almost fully, I still don't want you to do anything too rough. You may use your quirk but I don't want to see you jumping off ice towers or blasting yourself higher with fire. You insides still need proper time to heal." She said and I nodded, only to then have my eyebrows furrow.

"My insides?" I asked out loud. "I knew there was something else they didn't tell me." I mumbled and Recovery Girl walked over to me and put a small kiss to my hand which took some of my energy, but she gave me some candy in return and sent me on my way.

By the time I got to the change rooms, all the girls were done and gone so I got undressed and put on my gym uniform as quickly as I could before I made my way to Field Gamma. Once I got there, All Might was putting everyone into groups to do an exercise he was planning, but stopped once he saw me.

"So Young Eimi, what's the news." He asked and I smiled sadly and shook my head.

"It's a no, not for a while at least." I replied sadly and stood beside Shoto and grabbed his hand. All Might nodded and separated the rest of the students. He got the first group together and sent them on their way to their spots. We all made our way to a larger screen that was able to show everyone and how they made their ways to the middle of the fake city.

"Iida hasn't fully recovered yet, right? He should sit this one out." Denki asked as we all got situated.

"Man, everyone in this group has really good mobility." Kiri added and I sat down by Shoto's feet.

"I'd say Midoriya is at a heavy disadvantage against those four." Momo voice her opinion and Kyoka agreed. I leaned back on Shoto's legs and I felt him lightly ruffle my hair.

"That's what I think. Moving around quickly isn't really one of his strong suits, that's for sure."

I only smirked at the conversation they were having.

"And whenever he uses his powers he always gets badly injured." Momo added and I had to agree with that part, but it's changed, at least a little bit anyways.

"Just wait and see, Momo, Kyoka. Just wait and see." I said and they looked at me with confusion as I looked up at Shoto and he nodded. The others put little bets on who they thought would win and I just looked forward to seeing how surprised they would be with Izuku.

"Is everyone ready? Begin!" All Might called out and pressed the button in his hand that would let out a distress call and the starting sound. Right as the button was pressed, Sero started on his way and wrapped his tape around a pole and launched himself into the sky. Mina was skating on the pipes with her acid, Ojiro was pushing himself off the ground with mighty pushes from his tail, Tenya was speeding on the ground with his quirk, and Izuku. He was blowing everyone's minds as he flipped and jumped through the maze of pipes and poles after he sped passed Sero.

"Whoa! Midoriya!?" Kiri and Mineta called out in surprise and I only laughed.

"Since when could he do that?" Denki exclaimed and I answered for him.

"I'll give you one hint." I said while smiling as everyone observed him.

"Crazy. Those jumps--! He looks just like.." Ura called out and I nodded. I couldn't help but look over to Katsuki to see him standing, while looking shocked at the screen. I could tell that he was fuming at the ends because Izuku has gotten better, and that he was copying him. I saw him grit his teeth in anger and I quietly looked away. Better to leave him fuming by himself rather than bring attention to it. I thought as I looked back up at the screen.

I saw Mina and Ojiro pause in their paths as they questioned if that was really Izuku jumping over them. And just as it started, the race was over. But the only thing wrong at the end is that Izuku slipped and fell straight on his face while Sero was the winner. Tenya was concerned for him while Mina frustratedly stomped around for not winning.

All Might congratulated the rest of the group and called for group two to get to their places. The rest of the exercise went as planned and soon we all found ourselves in the change rooms. All the girls started taking off their hero suits and grabbing their uniforms. I pulled off my shirt and I heard some gasps.

"Eimi! Are you alright?" Ura quickly made her way over to me and looked at the bandages. 

"Is that why you can't participate in hero training? Ribbit." Tsu asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, that Nomu really got me." I sighed but quickly covered my mouth. I wasn't supposed to say that! Shit, crap, damn, I'm fucked. I internally panicked and it looked like Ura was about to make a comment on it until Kyoka told us to be quiet. We all looked over to her and saw that her headphone jack was in the wall, listening to the boys in the other room.

It was then that I noticed a small whole in the wall, that I'm guess the grape bitch found. We all waited a bit in silence before Kyoka was about to stab Mineta in the eye with her earphone jack. We were all surprised as we heard explosions and then felt the cold air of ice blow over us.

"Kacchan! Todoroki!" We all heard Izuku call out and we sighed.

"Guess that Bakugo and Todoroki took care of that." Mina said as she buttoned up her shirt.

"Todoroki probably stepped in since you are in here, Eimi. Ribbit." Tsu commented and I nodded knowing that Mineta would be dead if Izuku weren't there to stop Shoto.

"Though I don't know why Bakugo was in that mix." Toru added and I giggle a bit, knowing exactly why he was exploding.

"That's because Bakugo and Eimi are childhood friends, just like how Deku and him are!" Ura said and Kyoka took her headphone jack from the wall.

"Is that true?" Kyoka asked as she pulled her skirt up. I nodded and put on the rest of my uniform.

"Does that mean you and Midoriya are also childhood friends?" Toru asked and I shook my head.

"No, I was friends with Katsuki at different times. I believe that Izuku and Katsuki have been friends since they were born because Auntie and Izu's mom had been friends for a while before they were born. But my mom and Auntie met since we are neighbors, and we were around 2 when we became friends." I explained and the girls nodded.

"That's so cute! You're gonna have to tell us some stories of tiny you and Bakugo." Toru said as Mina agreed.

"Maybe we could all have a sleepover and I could tell you! Though it can't be at my house right now since I'm not even there at the moment." I said as we all finished up with changing.

"Why not your house?" Ura asked.

"I'm staying at Katsuki's house because my cousin is in the hospital. Auntie is also taking care of me there too."

"Then maybe we should wait to do this sleepover for when your injuries are healed." Momo suggested and we all nodded.

A/N. I'm sorry if any of you liked the part when Kiri and Sero were making fun of Katsuki's hair and then it puffed back into place since he was so mad. But I really liked the idea of Eimi helping him fix it and then her telling him about the Stain fight. My story, my way! It's all for Eimi!!

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