The Cry Of A Mockingbird •Dio...

By cvsmix_plvto

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vex /veks/ verb make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried, especially with trivial matters. This wa... More

New cover
•Thirty-Seven [Final]•


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By cvsmix_plvto

“How are you feeling?”

The soft, sultry voice pulled you from your thoughts as you looked over from where you’d been sitting in front of the window. You shifted your gaze from the trickling rain and to the blonde walking towards you. Dio stopped a few feet back and placed his hands in his pants pockets. Your hand rested on your thigh as you shifted to face him more. 

“Fine,” You replied, glancing at him. “Why are you standing so far back?”

Dio gave you the kind of look that said: “Seriously?” You raised an eyebrow at him before it dawned on you. It was daylight, and you were sitting in front of the open window. Dio was standing at the part of the room where the shadows met the light. 

“Oh. Sorry,” You said, standing up. You faltered for a moment and Dio almost stepped forward to grab you but hissed and stepped back instead. You walked towards him and as soon as you stepped in the shadows, Dio was in front of you, holding onto your waist. 

“I don’t like you being out of my reach,” He muttered, pulling you closer to him. You frowned. 

“Why are you acting so clingy?” You said in almost disgust. 

“I let you go once,” Dio said angrily. “I will not let you go again.”

“You sound possessive,” You said, removing his hands from your waist as you turned away from him and walked back towards a table. 

“Is there something wrong with that?” Dio growled, flashing in front of you before you could walk back into the sunlight. You glared at him. 

“I’m not something you can possess, Brando,” You snapped. Your eyes went wide as Dio pulled your hair, making your head tilt back and exposed your neck. He felt your body tense up even more as his breath fanned against your neck. His nose brushed against your pulse point and he could feel it quicken under him. His lips curled into a grin. 

“Are you certain about that, Y/n?” He whispered, making goosebumps erupt across your skin. “All it would take is a single move, and I could drain you until you were no use to me anymore. I could easily pierce your pretty little neck,”

“What’s stopping you?” 

The smoothness of your voice surprised both of you. You were honestly terrified right now. Dio was right, he could easily drain your blood and kill you instantly. His fangs were so close to your skin, you could practically feel them. It was a surprise he hadn’t killed you yet. His bloodlust was obviously high seeing how many bodies you’ve seen laying around in the past three hours you’ve been there. Not to mention how much blood you had lost from your leg, you knew he could smell it, and he had a hunger for it. Yet, he’s never been hostile towards you. In fact, he’s been the complete opposite. It was disgusting. 

Dio chuckled against your neck, making a shudder run down your spine. He trailed his lips up your neck, to your ear, jawline, cheek, and stopped above your lips, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his path. His lips weren’t pressed against yours, but hovering above them, watching as your cheek grew red in color. 

“Your blood is too precious to consume,” He replied. “You’re too...interesting...for me to destroy.”

“Interesting?” You repeated quietly, flicking your gaze anywhere but his eyes. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Dio grinned. “It means you’re full of surprises, Y/n. Like now. You seem quite stunned by my actions, but you have no objections towards them. Why is that?”

“You’re all bark, but no bite,” You said. “To me at least. You can threaten me all you like, but you could never hurt me,”

Dio dug the tip of his nails into your side. “What makes you think I can’t?”

“You’ve had every perfect opportunity to do it. If you say you can hurt me,” You said, placing one hand on his bare chest and finally met his enchanting eyes. “Why haven’t you?” Dio frowned at you. 

“You’ve proven it to me, Dio,” You said. “You can’t hurt me, even if you wanted to. And do you know why that is?”

Dio hummed as a response, curious to hear what your answer might be. 

“You’ve fallen in love with me,”

You saw his eyes widen by a fraction, and grinned in triumph. You chuckled and leaned against him, trying to ease some of the weight off of your leg. Dio immediately noticed your discomfort and led you to the dresser and sat you on the top of it. His hands slid under the fabric of your shirt and danced along the bare skin on your hips as he looked down at you. 

“And what if I have?” He asked. 

“Then it’s a foolish mistake on your part,” You laughed bitterly. “You shouldn’t fall in love with someone like me.”

“Why is that?”

“You ask so many questions,” You sighed, looking up at him. “Because I’ll die soon, Dio.”

Dio frowned in response and held onto your waist tighter. “What?” He snapped. 

“Not literally,” You said. “I’m wanted for murder, and they’ve probably found out I’m gone by now. It’s only a matter of time before they’ve found us. You’ll face off with Jonathan, and I’ll be drug away by the police.”

“No, you will not,” He growled. “I-”

“You cannot face a hundred men at once, no matter how powerful you are,” You cut him off with a hard glare. “You’re overpowered by numbers. I’d rather get arrested than to see you fall because you stupidly tried to save me.” Dio was quiet for a moment as he soaked in your words. 

“You think it’s foolish for me to love you because you don’t want me to perish. If I didn’t know any better, Y/n, I’d say you were worried about me,”

“Of course I am, you blundering buffoon!” You scoffed. “Why else would I go through this much trouble for your sorry ass?”

“You know what?” Dio purred, lowering his face closer to yours. You glared at him coldly. 

“What?” You huff. He placed a hand on your chin, making your eyes slightly widen. 

“I think you’re in love with me.” 

Your face turned red and your body stiffened. 

“Y-You’re an idiot if you think I’d fall in love at all!” You shouted, attempting to pull away, but Dio held you in place. 

“That’s not what you told me a year ago,” He purred. “I’d just say you’re too bullheaded to admit it.”

“I-I’m not in love with you, D-Dio,” You muttered, averting your eyes. Why did you suddenly feel nervous?

“Hmm, believe what you want, Y/n. I know the truth,”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?!” You snapped. Dio chuckled and replaced the hand that was on your chin and moved it to your hair. He threaded his fingers through the strands and began combing it out. You sighed and leaned into his touch. Could you really be in love? Especially to the likes of him?

“Y/n,” Dio said, making you turn your attention to him. “May I do something?”

“What do you mean?” You asked, lips turning into a frown. 

“I want to do something, but I don’t want to upset you,” He muttered. 

“What could you possibly do to-”

Your body froze up, eyes blowing wide. Dio’s lips were pressed against yours. The feeling was foreign and weird to you, wasn’t unpleasant. Dio pulled away and looked at your shocked expression. It was obvious you’d never been kissed, much less romantic with anyone. You glanced at him with shiny eyes, cheeks heating up as you looked at his pretty amber eyes. Your hands hesitantly trailed to his face where you cupped one of his cheeks. Dio grinned as you pulled him back down and pressed your lips against his again. This time, the kiss was much longer. It felt like Dio knew exactly what he was doing, while you had no idea. But as his lips molded against yours, it was like you were learning. Dio took his time and didn’t try to rush it like you’d seen people in the bar do. This was slow and gentle, nothing like you’d seen before. It was almost frightening how gentle he was being with you. He was treating you as if you were the finest piece of china in the world, and so fragile that you could shatter with a single exhale of breath. 

Your eyes fluttered open as Dio’s lips left yours, making you feel colder. He stared down at you with a small smile, and eyes full of admiration. 

“I’m not fragile,” You whispered, voice shaking. 

“I know,” 

“A-and I’m not going to break,”

“I know,”

“Then why do you treat me as if I were?”

Dio’s thumb swiped across your cheek. “You’re valuable to me,”

“What do you mean?”

“You, Y/n,” Dio said, brushing his lips against yours again, making your face heat up once more. 

“You are my mockingbird,”

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