Shoto's Twin Sister

By Glitter_Crazy

198K 6.8K 5.5K

NOT AN X READER AND NOT INCEST Might be a bit of an OC x Katsuki Make sure to check out the Scenarios book I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Eimi Todoroki
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Clarification Chapter
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 33

1.6K 81 29
By Glitter_Crazy

Eimi's POV

It was pretty late when we got to the house and I was starting to yawn. Since I wasn't at the hospital where they could give me pain medication to help me sleep, they gave it to me before we left. The medicine by now has settled within me, so I was sluggishly making my way through the door. Auntie and Uncle grabbed my belongings while I worked on just getting myself into the house.

I took off my shoes and put them on the rack. I felt a big hand rub my shoulder and I looked to the side to see Uncle Masaru smiling down at me. I sleepily smiled back at him and he led me to the couch and gave me a blanket. I sat down and found myself yawning again. Mitsuki came in and sat down beside me.

"You doing alright kid?" She asked me and I nodded, my head soon falling onto her shoulder.

"Common, don't go falling asleep on me now. That's not gonna help you heal. Let's get you to a proper bed."

I was nudged up and off the couch and led up the stairs, we walked passed the bathroom and Katsuki's room until we reached the guestroom. I opened the door and rubbed my hand against the wall until I found the light switch. I flicked it on and Mitsuki growled at the state of the room. She rubbed the back of her head while mumbling some profanities. 

"I thought I told that brat to clean this room before he left, damn brat."

I giggled a bit before I choked on my spit and started coughing. Mitsuki rubbed my back until I stopped and I weakly smiled up at her. She looked at me in thought before her eyes seemed to light up, I'm guessing that she figured something out. She then pulled me out of the guestroom and pushed me down the hall. I was too tired to complain or even say something so I let her do as she wished.

I soon found myself standing in front of Katsuki's room and I looked back up at her with a questioning face.

"Since the brat didn't clean the guestroom like I asked him, you can sleep in his room for the time being."

"Is that really okay? I wouldn't want to be invading his personal space or anything." I panicked, starting to step away from the door.

"Nonsense. He will have to deal with it since he didn't do what I asked him." Mitsuki said while reaching over me and opening the door. She reached in and turned on his light and the room suddenly had life brought into it. 

"Well at least his room is always clean." Auntie said while shaking her head. I smiled and nodded. I looked around the room for a second before Auntie said she would be back with my bag. Now that I think about it, his room hasn't changed much from when we were kids. It still had the same colour scheme of black, army green, orange, and small accents of cherry red. I walked in and sat down on the bed. Soft and plushy. I thought as I lightly patted down on the bed.

Auntie walked back with my bags as well as a small cup of tea. She placed the bags down and carefully handed me the cup. I reached my hands out and lightly grasped the cup before blowing on the liquid inside and taking a sip. I felt my whole body warm up with the sweet steaming tea and relaxed my muscles.

Mitsuki then softly rubbed my head and planted a kiss to the top of my head. She stood back up and looked behind her. I glanced in the direction she was looking and found Uncle Masaru standing there with a soft smile. I smiled up at him and he came in and pet my head.

"Sleep well, okay?" He said as I nodded, taking another sip of my tea. Before Auntie walked out of the room she turned back to me with a sincere face.

"We're glad you're okay Eimi, and we all love you, so heal up fast, okay?"

I felt tears start to well up in my eyes and I nodded.

"Mhm." I hummed and Mitsuki smiled.

"Sleep well, we'll see you in the morning."

"Good night." I said in a small voice as I watched her turn off the light and close the door. I found Katsuki's bed side table and placed my cup of tea down on it before reaching into my pocket and grabbing my phone. I turned on the flash light and placed the phone down on the bed. The room lit up just enough for me to see what I was doing. I grabbed an over sized t-shirt as well as a pair of shorts out of the bag. I found it a little redundant to have changed into my school uniform just so I could come here to change into some pjs, but whatever.

I carefully took my blazer and top off, finding myself staring at the bandages wrapped around my torso. I shook my head and pulled on my over sized shirt then taking off my skirt and replacing it with my shorts. I put my uniform on the chair by the bed before I scooted back against the head board. I grabbed my tea and finished the drink before placing it back on the table. I grabbed my phone and turned off the flash light. 

I was about to move the covers until I realized I needed my charger, but before I could get up I saw Katsuki's charger hanging on the bed side table. I shrugged and plugged it in before laying down. I pulled the blanket up to my nose and looked up at the dark ceiling.

I wondering how everyone else is doing...

Shoto's POV

I woke up the next morning and looked around the room. The only ones that are here now, are me and Midoriya. I looked over at his bed to find him still sleeping, so I quietly got up and went to the bathroom. 

I finished up and walked out to find Midoriya sitting up and yawning.

"Good morning Todoroki." He said while rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Morning." I said while nodding and making my way back to my bed. "You hungry?" I asked.

"I could eat." Midoriya responded and I nodded. I pressed a buzzer and soon a nurse came in and asked us what we needed.

"We would like to have breakfast now, if you don't mind." Midoriya asked with a squeak. The nurse nodded and said of course while she stepped out and down the hall. We soon got out food and ate while talking about school work.

"I wonder what we're doing once we get back to school." Midoriya asked no one in particular as he shoveled some eggs into his mouth. I shrugged and finished my food and placed the plate on the end of the bed.

"I'll be back." I said while going to the bathroom with my bag. I changed into my uniform and walked out.

I cleaned up my bed and gathered the rest of my belongings and stood back up.

"You heading out now?" Midoriya asked as I nodded.

"I still have some more time to do my internship, and I want to see the look on my dad's face about who really took down the Hero Killer."

I walked out of the door with a nod from Midoriya and left to Endeavor's Agency.

Eimi's POV

I woke up to a knock on my door. I opened my eyes only to remember this was in fact not my room.

"You up in there?" I heard Auntie Mitsuki call through the door and I nodded only to smack my face since she couldn't see me nod. I cleared my throat and called back to her.

"Yep, I'm up." I said while rubbing my eyes.

"Okay, well I'm just here to tell you that there is some food down stairs for you. I have to go to work now but I'll be back at lunch to change your bandages. Masaru will also be here for another hour so if you need anything he can help you."

"Alright, thank you!" I called out with a smile and I heard Auntie's foot steps get quieter until they left down the stairs. I fell back down and buried my face in the pillow and inhaled. I felt myself relax at the familiar scent of Katsuki and smiled before rolling around. 

"Ow!" I yelped and stopped rolling around. I looked up at the ceiling before sighing and getting out of the nice warm covers. I grabbed my phone and walked out of the room to go to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and ran my fingers through my hair, trying to get it to not look like a rat's nest. I settled with slightly messy and actually used the toilet. 

Once I was finished, I washed my hands and made my way downstairs to find Uncle Masaru sitting at the table with a cup of coffee and some work in front of him. I looked at the other side of the table to find some breakfast sitting there nicely for me as well as a glass of orange juice. I smiled as I walked over to sit down because Mitsuki remembered my favourite drink to have with breakfast.

When I sat down, Uncle Masaru looked up at me and smiled his signature smile.

"How are you this fine morning? Sleep well?" He asked and I nodded while lifting the glass of orange juice and taking a sip.

"Yeah, it was a much better sleep than the hospital bed. So comfy." I exhaled while missing the warmth of the bed. Uncle chuckled and took a sip of his coffee before he looked back at me.

"Well Katsuki insisted that he needed that bed, so much so that he offered to pay us back. We had him pay half, well Mitsuki wanted him to pay for all of it himself but I made it half."

I giggled to myself as I imagined Auntie Mitsuki barking about a bed and Uncle having to calm her down before Katsuki blew up the house in frustration. 

"Well I think it was well worth it for that bed. It's super soft and plushy, 10 outta 10 would sleep again."

Uncle Masaru just laughed at me while I dug into my food. By the time I was finished eating it was time for him to head to work. I met him at the door and said good bye as he petted my head and left. Once the door shut I looked around and sighed.

"What am I supposed to do all by myself?" I asked no one in particular. I walked back upstairs and back into Katsuki's room. I jumped onto the bed cuddled under his blanket before I looked at my phone. I went to play a game until a phone call showed up on my screen. I smiled at the ID and quickly answered it and put it on speaker.

"Hi Sho! Good morning!" I called out sweetly to him through the phone.

"Good morning, how'd you sleep?" Shoto said and I could here the small smile in his voice.

"I slept really good! Katsuki has a super soft and plushy bed! I wish my bed was this comfy." I kinda pouted at the end. I heard Shoto chuckle a small bit before speaking up again.

"You slept in Bakugo's bed?" He asked and I nodded before remembering he couldn't see me.

"Yeah, he didn't clean the guest bed room so Auntie told me to sleep in his room. It's a good thing that his room is always clean though, he can't stand a messy room." I replied before I decided to take a picture of myself bundled up in his blanket to send to Shoto.

I turned my camera on and took a selfie before sending it to Shoto through text.

"I just sent you what I look like right now." I said as I heard someone else's voice over the phone.

"Who's that Sho?" I asked as I heard Shoto and this mystery person speak to each other. That was until I recognized who's voice it was.

"Is that Dad?" I asked and waited for a response.

"How'd you guess?" I heard Shoto heavily use sarcasm and then an angry huff from our Father not soon after. I heard some quarreling between them before Father started to speak into the phone. 

"How are your injuries, did they get any worse since you left the hospital?" He asked in an assertive voice and I just rolled my eyes a bit before replying.

"No, they did not get any worse. Auntie knows what she's doing, and Uncle knows what to do as well. I'll be fine here." I replied with a bit of sass and waited for my response.

"Fine, but I still don't trust that women after the way she spoke to me." He said like he was a little bit hurt or something, or maybe it was anger, I don't know anymore.

"Well I didn't get to see her for a majority of my life so of course she would be mad. It's like I had to go into hiding or something due to someone not wanting me." I said with a straight face and monotone voice. I didn't even get to hear his reaction to it due to Shoto taking back his phone and leaving the room he was in.

"Oh my gosh, you should've seen his face." Shoto said quietly into the phone before I heard him laughing quite loudly. I smiled and started giggling as well.

"I wish I could have seen it. Maybe I will see his face like that again some day." I said into my phone while laughing. We started talking about some school and hero stuff before we heard a dramatic 'SHOTOOOO' being yelled out by a certain flaming trash heap.

Shoto sighed before speaking into the phone.

"I have to go now. I will text you what happened today after dinner."

"Okay Shoto, have a good day. I love you!" I called out to him.

"I'll try my best, love you too. Bye." And with that he hung up. I looked at my phone, then at the wall, then back at my phone.

"Eeeeeeee!" I squealed super loud and started doing a little shimmy dance under the blanket.

"That was the first time he told me he loved me straight forward! Which would be hard for him considering he's not, but eeeeeeeee! I'm so happy!" I smiled with a goofy grin plastered across my face.

A/N. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Kinda a filler and some cute-esque scenes that I thought were needed. Also, I was playing Animal Crossing while writing this chapter and I wished on a hella lot'a stars. Like I got my last two wishing achievements this night. Oh, I guess if any of you have Animal Crossing, my Dream Address is DA-1129-6441-6698 and my Creator ID is MA-5362-0992-8035. I have a few designs I've made if you want to check them out, and I just hit 5 stars yesterday for my island! So now I can grow golden roses! I'm so happy!

I will also be drawing a picture of Eimi in her little blanket bundle at some point, don't know when but I'll work on it! See you all next time!

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