The Past Comes Rushing Back |...

By shortfilipino

118K 3.5K 478

Book II-IV *Edited Beth McCoy, now called Izel, has to travel back with Logan, Wolverine, to stop Raven from... More

1 - Reunited
2 - War
3 - Different Man
4 - For Her
5 - Got to Admit
6 - Curiosity
7 - Truth
9 - Stop Running
10 - Hope
11 - Their Truth
12 - DC
13 - I Promise
14 - In Your Heart
15 - Day Out with Charles
16 - It Worked
17 - Yes
18 - Epilogue

8 - Beth

6.5K 218 17
By shortfilipino

Charles was still emotional after his mind being flooded with memories of Beth that he was not paying as much as he should while they walked around the large building. Izel had to steer him in different directions, which was making her uncomfortable now since she felt as if he was relying on her to steer him the correct way. She slammed on her heels as they were stopped at a fork in the hall.

"Which way?" Logan looked over at Izel as she winced at the thought of them being lost and not getting to Raven in time.

"Uh-" Izel reached out and snatched Charles' hand before he took off in any random direction, she also took this moment to use his powers but had to pull the same thing he did to concentrate. With her free hand, she pressed her index and middle against her temple and focused on the voices inside the building. She recoiled from Charles and released her other hand at all the distressed screaming about a blue woman harming people, "This way."

Henry had been the one to really notice what she did and that made him want to question her now. She was Beth. She must be but due to the situation, he thought it best not to expose her. Especially since Charles was recently so distressed over learning that he had so severely overreacted by her disappearance.

"How do you know to go this way?"

Izel kept running and refused to answer him because she genuinely could not say why she knew the way perfectly now. She had to focus on one of the people's minds but she knew that in minutes Charles' powers would leave her since her younger body was not used to this yet. She pushed the double doors in front of her wide open to see Raven on the table.

"Raven!" Erik called out to her, which distracted Raven long enough for a soldier to shoot her with a taser.

With a jump of shock, Izel dodged the electrical wires that passed her which connected to Raven's body, "Erik!" She shot towards the man who would be able to control the metal.

Erik nodded at Izel's words and moved the wires to the very man that shot her, having Logan look down to see him and freeze in shock.

"Raven!" Charles calls out to her, he caressed her face dearly with a small smile, "Raven."

"Charles?" Raven released a long breath as she gazed up into his eyes, a smile formed on her face to see him again after so many years of being parted. It was almost as if she was hallucinating his presence, especially since he was on two legs.

"We've come for you." Charles is full of happiness to see someone missing from his life, "Erik and I, together."

"I-I never thought I'd see you again." Raven stutters, she could still feel the shock burning through her body as she reached up to touch him, to see if he was truly there with her.

"I made a promise a long time ago." Charles began speaking just as softly to her as before, "To protect you and I-"

Izel rubbed at her head in pain no longer hearing his kind words to Raven, she turned her head to see Logan in a petrified state staring down at the man who had shocked Raven, "Logan?" She rushed over to him as he tumbled against the wall, his entire body shaking, "Logan-" She saw something move in her peripheral vision, Izel twisted her head to see a gun lift off the ground and in Erik's hands.

"Erik?" Raven questions at the sight of the weapon pointed her way.

"Erik-" Charles shifted his body to cover Raven protectively, "What are you doing?"

"Securing our future." Erik turned to Raven but his eyes did not show the remorse that he spoke of, "Forgive me, Mystique, as long as you're out there we'll never be safe."

Izel felt even more pain in her head as Logan continued to shake, "Erik..."

"Use your powers, Charles." Raven pressed, "Stop him."

"He can't."

Izel dropped to her knees feeling herself slipping, "Raven, run!"

At her words, the blue mutant ran for it while Henry jumped into Erik to stop him, but he could control metal and pulled the trigger. Izel tried her best to freeze the bullet but she yelled out as she grew dizzy.

"Happy thoughts..." Izel could hear his words but soon woke up next to his body in the future.

"I-Izel!" Kitty stutters seeing the woman awake, "Shit! Close your eyes and focus, I still have a connection to your younger self."

Beth opened her eyes and looked around in complete confusion, she pressed her palms against the ground and tried to center herself on the floor. Her eyes flickered up to see Charles and everything in her body reeled in shock, she stumbled over on the ground. He looked down at her for a split second but then focused on what was happening. She opened her mouth to say something when her head started to throb painfully.

Izel breathed in heavily and took in Charles' ragged looks, she twisted her body to look at Logan, "Hey-" She shuffled close to him placing her hands on his arms, "You need to calm down-" She suddenly saw Kitty again and then was back to seeing Logan, "Please, happy thoughts." She was trying to focus on keeping Logan calm but could hear the disaster happening around her, Izel glanced for a split second to see Henry growing angry and his body slowly shifting to blue. Her eyes flickered back to Logan and saw how he was hyperventilating now, "God, Logan..." She tries again by touching his arm gently but he flinched at her sudden touch.

Logan could not see who was in front of him but knew that something had touched him, he retracted his claws and swung violently at Izel. His claws dug right into her torso. She fell back and released a blood-curdling scream, pressing at her wound. Her energy drained and woke up to look into Kitty's eyes again.

"Kitty... He's-" Izel kept her connection with Logan, "He needs to calm down, please..."

"I'll do my best."

Beth pressed against her stomach in absolute agony, she had not expected to suddenly awaken to be in such pain. She could tell that she was using her powers at the moment to look different due to the fact that she had barely any energy to move.

Charles got up from the ground and rubbed his eyes, he looked back to see the two from the future and was only shocked at the sight before him. Izel was on the ground shivering in pain and gripping a bloody wound and Logan was flickering his eyes in confusion. Henry had already changed into his Beast form, inhaling deeply as if to try and keep himself under control.

Beth pressed her forehead against the carpeted ground, "What the hell is happening!?" She rolled onto her back and breathed heavily, a part of her couldn't remember how to revert back into herself to save her energy.

"Where am I?" Logan suddenly demands, sweat rolling down his forehead.

Charles looked on at the two, "Huh?" His focused shifted back to the broken window.

"How the hell did I get here?" Logan and Beth yelled at the same time, but Beth's was a broken sentence.

"What?" Charles faced them again, "You two came with us?"

"Why would I-" Beth struggled to say, when Izel suddenly looked at the roof of the conference room, "Fuck..."

"Who are you?" Logan stressed at the man in front of him.

"Charles." He replied curtly, not exactly caring about the two at the moment, but Logan reached out and snatched onto him and demanded his name again, "Charles Xavier!"

"I don't know you..."

"Logan..." Izel called out to him, "Please, calm your mind."

Logan didn't hear her words but Charles had, but the Wolverine yelled out in shock and terror, "What the hell is that?"

Henry released a growl of anger and went to approach Logan but Charles stopped him, "I can deal with this... Just go! Stop Erik!"

"What the hell is going on?"

Izel looked back at Kitty again as she slipped out, "Please, fix this." She opened her eyes again and pulled herself up with as much strength as she could to look at Logan.

"You're Logan, that's Hank McCoy, that's... Izel, I'm Charles Xavier." He explained slowly but quickly at the same time, "You spent the last couple days with us." Charles noticed the look of absolute disbelief on Logan's face and how bad Izel looked so she truly could not assist him, "You're on acid... Somebody gave you some really... bad... acid... Yeah?"

Izel heard movement beside her, she was suddenly shoved to the side causing the pain in her torso to increase, she turned to face who had moved her to barely see Stryker rushing out of the room.

"Professor?" It took Logan a minute to register who he was looking at, "Professor?"

Charles sighed heavily but thankful to see that he was back, "What happened to you?"

"I just saw someone who was going to be bringing me a lot of pain someday." Logan shut his eyes with a low sigh, "Where's Raven?"

"Gone." Charles croaked out, his eyes fell on Izel's injured body, he could see how she was doing her best to stay awake, but he could see she was using far more energy that she was meant to, "We need to get out of here. Logan, you'll need to carry Izel to the car."

"Carry...?" Logan trails off now finally seeing Izel on the ground, familiar claw marks along her side, "Shit-"

"L-Logan-" Izel struggled she could feel her body crashing at how much energy she was exerting, "I can't-" She breathed in heavily, "I can't hold this anymore-I-" Her entire body crashed against the ground, a wave of blue took over her body, revealing her long brunette hair and pained expression despite having passed out.

"Izel!" Logan dropped to the ground next to her, he pressed his finger against her neck to check if she was okay.

Charles, on the other hand, had grown completely frozen as he stared down at her. He had not even reacted yet, so much shock and realization coming over him. He dropped down to his knees beside Logan, he reached out and took her in his arms, "B-Beth-" His hands moved to press against her wound, her blood staining his palms, "Beth!" Anger took over him now as he looked accusingly at Logan, "Why did you not tell me this was Beth!"

"You didn't ask."

His response only made Charles even angrier, his fists slammed against Logan's chest but truly did nothing, "I would not need to ask to know such a thing! You knew! You knew all along and did not tell me!"

"It was what she wanted." Logan shot back at him, "Are you going to just crowd her or get her to Hank for help?"

Charles did not allow Logan to carry her now, he lifted her body into his arms not believing that he was holding her in his arms again. He ignored the pain erupting in her lower back because he needed to get her to help. His eyes were filling with tears when he looked down at her face again, and then the wound along her torso. He hadn't seen her beautiful face in so many years and all of the regrets built up the moment he saw her again overflowed from his mind. There had not been a moment that he did not regret leaving her in the hands of the CIA. He had been so overcome with jealousy and anger that she had left with Erik that he let her go through something without him. He abandoned her.

Despite the heartstrings being pulled, he brought her body slightly closer to his - ignoring the blood staining his close - there was overwhelming happiness coursing through him just by being able to see her alive and well. 

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