The Sun And The Moon T•M•R

Від classicallycomplex

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Tom Marvolo Riddle was the moon. Aurora Dahlia Blossom was the sun. His sunshine. well that's what he liked t... Більше

Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
i have question
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
just some cool fan art i found
Chapter 7
casting i guess
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13*
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27*
chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Not an update
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
hey guys
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74

Chapter 20

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Від classicallycomplex

Tom let out a sigh of relief as he watched his fiancee dash down the hall disappearing out of the doors.

That would buy him some time to come up for a plausible lie to cover up the mens murders. But right now he had bigger priorities.

His eyes scanned across the room and landed on a women with vibrant ginger hair, laughing along with her husband as he twirled her around, bringing her back in and kissing her nose.

Tom's eyes travelled down agian to Lilys stomach, trying to comprehend that the baby developing inside her womb had the potential to ruin his entire life.

A weak defenceless baby, how could this be? How could such a small useless infant take down the most powerful wizard known to man?

His eyes disconnected with the red head and began to search among the crowd curious to find what had lit Sirius Black's short fuse that had cause him to explode like a stick of dynamite.

His eyes landed on another women, the exact opposite than the fiery red headed gryfindor. She was pale yet dark, crazy yet cunning.

Bellatrix sensed somebody's eyes on her and her grin widened when she found they where Tom's.

She pushed her glass into the person beside hers hands and began to saunter over to him her head held high and Tom just watched her approach.

She placed her hands on his shoulders and reluctantly he draped his along her her waist swaying them lightly to the music.

"Its rude to stare Riddle" she snickered tilting her head to the side. "Who said I was staring?" Tom said monotonous.

"What's got you so up tight?" She questioned Tom sighed.

He broke away from her grip and offer her his arm to not seem suspicious around the other guests, leading her out of the room.

He stopped them in the darkest point of the corridor Aurora had ran down only minutes ago.

Bellatrix smirked leaning up against the wall but Tom leaned against the opposite keep a good enough distance between them.

His foot tapped agianst the hard narrow floor echoing loudly throughout the hall only adding to the obvious tension that began to bug Bellatrix as Tom kept his eyes down as if he was deep in thought.

"Well?" She screeched in her slightly hushed voice  are you  going to tell me what's going on?" She asked.

"Keep your voice down Bellatrix" Tom's scorned standing up straight and Bellatrix stumbled slightly back.

Tom paused as if trying to put together different pieces of knowledge in his head before proceeding to convide in Bellatrix.

"Its her" Tom murmured "who is?" Bellatrix rushed her eyes wide.

"Its her child" Tom muttered. "Who Tom? Who?" Bellatrix urged.

"Evans" he said meeting Bellatrix's eyes "Lily Evans. Its hers, it's her baby" Tom explained. Bellatrix raised an eyebrow.

"The baby is the prophecy" Tom said. Bellatrix looked taken aback her mouth parting slightly.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives ... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies…" Bellatrix said under her breath.

"How would you know it's the baby?" She whispered. Tom ran a hand through his hair looking frustrated and confused.

"I- I just know"


The echoing of Auroras high heels filled the stairway as she tried her best to run after Sirius Black who was storming up the stairs angrily nearly knocking over an expensive vase that stood on the side lines of the hallways.

He burst into the closest room to him trying to find some sort of privacy to have a temper tantrum. It turned out to be some sort of sitting room with large wall windows, purple furniture and a sleek black piano in the corner beside the fire place that had a large vase of  purple and white flowers  covered in dew drops of water on it.

Aurora gently closed the door behind her trying not to startle her friend. He was standing.

He had thrown his tie on the floor in frustration and had gave the sofa a rather loud kick that made Aurora cringe.

He was panting now his hands resting on the mantle piece staring straight into his disheveld reflection his hot breath steaming up the mirror.

"Sirius.." she started gently trying tor each for her friend.

She jumped back biting her tounge when Sirius threw a small porcelain ornament off the mantel piece watching it shatter agianst the wall.

Aurora took a deep breath trying to control her reactions.

She knew how quickly this situation could change if Sirius saw her flinch.

He'd forget all about Bellatrix and start to bombard her with questions.

Sirius ran a hand through his hair sighed irritable and sat down in the chair resting his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands.

Aurora came round the back of him, being careful not to scare him. She tapped the sofa twice, something she would do with Sirius as a kid becuase when he was in a panicked state he was probed to being jumpy and aggressive, this use to happen alot to him as child after fights with his parents.

When Aurora saw Sirius tap his foot as a sign he was ok for her to interact with him without him thinking she was a threat, she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him into a loose hug as she rested her head on his shoudler.

"You okay Super star?" She mumbled. Sirius raised his head a little placing his hand on hers.

"No" he groaned. "You wanna talk about it?" She asked rubbing her thumb over his hand.

Sirius hesitated. Sirius never was one to let people see his true raw emotions, he only let them see what he wanted them too. But he knew he could trust Aurora, she had been his and Regulus's rock for so long it would be strange to not open up to her.

"Yeah ok" he muttered. Aurora sat herself down on the arm of the sofa still keeping her arms around Sirius's neck loosely as he let his head fall  back into her stomach letting her play with his hair.

She knew he didnt like looking people in the eyes when he opened up. It put him under pressure.

Aurora sat waiting intentally for her friend to gather his thoughts.

"Its just..." he sighed "god. Its been so long sense I've seen her and- and when I saw her I could just feel this.. this rage take over me. It was scary Rory! I wanted to kill her like I really really wanted to kill her" he confessed in a small emotion filled voice.

Aurora stayed silent to letting him continue on.

"And- and it was just like everything came running back. I-I... fuck I cant get it out of my head! The image of Andy on the floor after she- she... well you know the rest. And- and she just stands there, smirking at me like watching me suffer is all part of her little game. All part of her fucked up amusement. And i-i cant do anything about it." Sirius whimpered.

Aurora sighed rubbing soothing circles into his shoudler. "Shes not your problem anymore honey. Shes sick and shes cruel but theres nothing you can do to change what shes done. And you shouldn't torture self over the past" she murmured.

"I know I know, its- it's just frustrating." He sighed rubbing her arm. "Trust me.. I know" Aurora laughed but the light hearted feel of humor was distant from her voice.

Sirius swillved round to look at her, his face looking confused but concerned.

"what are you talking about?" He asked one of his eyebrows raising. "I um- oh nothing just, just rambling" she breathed smiling at him.

He gave her a half smile back and shuffled over in the seat giving Aurora a little room to squeeze in beside him.

He wrapped his arms around her tightly as he rested his head on hers, her thumb running across his elbow.

"Remember when we used to do this as a kid?" Sirius asked. "We'd stay up to like 2 am and watch the stars off my bedroom balcony." He chucked softly at the rare memory of his childhood that he was fond of.

"And if it rained we'd steal Reg's bedsheets and build a fort" Aurora laughed "he wa always so mad when he found them damp" he snickered lightly.

The two sat in silence for a moment, just lavishing in each others company, delving into old memories that make you feel a light fuzzy feeling in your heart.

"I missed you... alot" Aurora admitted. Sirius raised his head, turning to look at her with a smug smirk.

"Really?" he asked, Aurora rolled her eyes giving him a gentle smack on the forearm "stop being so smug" she groaned as his grin widened showing his perfectly straight teeth.

"I missed you too little sister" he teased Aurora groaned agian "first off I'm only 2 days younger than you, second I hate when you call me that I makes me want to be sick in my mouth" she whined.

Sirius laughed. "Your just gonna have to get used to it. I'm my biological families greatest disappointment" he said "which I take great pride in" he added. "So your my make shift family" Sirius smiled mockingly pinching her cheek.

Auror laughed pushing his hand away "your not a disappointment Sirius" Aurora said.

Sirius chuckled lightly "let's see.. I'm a loud mouth gryfindor with a god complex, who has long hair wears smudged eyeliner and is suffering from extreme gayness leading to marrying a 6 3" werewolf who loves books more than people. Yeah I'm toooootally the golden child" he smirked.

"Well your my golden child" Aurora smiled

"uh actually Remus is probably the golden child. your more like the rebellious teen brother who has an unhealthy obsession to rock music and too much after shave" She corrected. Sirius laughed "sounds about right" he said.

"But I'll tell you what" she whispered grinning shuffling forward  leaning towards his ear.

"The bad boys.. are always my favourite character" she smiled.

Sirius laughed rolling his eyes "come on sleeping beauty, we should probably be getting back" Sirius chuckled standing up.

"I told you not to call me that anymoreeee" Aurora whined but couldnt contain her smile as Sirius pulled her out of the room into the colder, long, dark hall.

"What? Why wouldn't you want to be a muggle princess?" Sirius asked teasingly. "I wish Remus never showed you that bloody movie" Aurora grumbled as they walked, her heels clipping against the floor.

"I know you I walked with you once upon a dreaaaaaam" Sirius began to sing flinging his arms around dramatically.

"She only had like 20 minutes of-" Aurora stopped speaking abruptly when her eyes caught on two figures at the end of the hallway and a thought ran through her head.

"Uh Sirius, im-im gonna go to the bathroom. You go back to the hall I'll be there in a little bit" Aurora muttered her eyes still glued to the two dark figures.

"Ok see you in a bit" he said and turned to walk quickly down the hallway.

Aurora didnt move till she was sure Sirius was completely out of view, she swallowed the growing lump in her throat and began to walk slowly towards the couple, she stayed to the side of the wall to hide among shadows that danded agiasnt the hard surface of the stone in the flickering candlelight, being careful not to step to heavily to stop her heels from clicking.

She neared the two and she could make out a man, he was tall but she couldnt really make out his facial features but he looked tense.

The other was a women with wild curly hair but her face was indistinguishable behind the man. He was edging nearer to her and Aurora couldnt tell if it was in a predatory or seductive way.

The man suddenly seemed to snap he shoved the women into the wall with one hand, the other on the wall beside her head. She drew nearer close enough to here a few words.

"" "mine...I promise you.." this peaked Aurora interest as she drew closer in curiosity or maybe she thought at the back of her mind it could be something she feared.

And she was right.

When she adjusted her eyeline angle the moon light hit the two pale faces lighting them up and making them recognizable.

It was Tom. Tom and Bellatrix.

Tom's head snapped up when Aurora let in a sharp inhale. He imediately jumped away from Bellatrix leaving her breathing heavily and smirking maliciously.

"Aurora yo-" Tom tried to protest "fuck you Tom. Seriously. Fuck you" she whispered. She turned on her heel and began to walk as fast as her legs that now felt slightly weak would carry her while being able to keep her dignity.

She heard Tom's fast footsteps running towards her. So she began to run aswell her heels stamping against the cold marble floor.

She flung open the doors to the dining room, she was panting a little, her eyes pricking ever so slightly with tears which she absolutely hated. She looked round desperately and began to walk quickly into the crowd of fancy frocks and smart suits.

Her frantic eyes searched for her friends but they where no where to be seen. She glanced over her shoudler to see Tom slipping through the large doors, his panicked eyes where searching for hers. Till they caught her.

She forgot her dignity then and began to run through the crowd slipping inbetween people trying to reach the doors.

She could hear the shouts of infuriated people Tom was pushing past, leaving his charming facade at the door becuase right now her had much more important things to deal with.

She began to get impatient and panicked, the crowd seemed to be closing in more shocked and angry faces peering at her as she barged past them Tom following not far behind.

Finally she made it to the doors of the deserted entrance hall flinging them open she ran to the door to retreave her coat.

In her head she was screaming at herself to stop letting herself be so bothered about him an Bellatrix. She did not care for him nor even like him.

So why should she cry? She had no reason yet she couldnt stop the water blurring her vision ever so slightly so all the lights where shining in vertical lines.

She fumbled for her white fur coat on the coat wall resulting in many others lying carelessly on the floor, her heartbeat raised when she heard the entrance doors slam open then shut accompanied by the sound of frantic footsteps as she pulled the coat on and out came her wand.

"Aurora wait i-" Tom called as he ran towards her. "I'm going home Tom" Aurora spat quickly wiping the dampening waterline of her glaring green eyes.

"Aurora please I-" but with a loud pop she was gone.


Aurora appeared in the dark entrance hall of Riddle manor. She didnt waste time hanging around there in case Tom appeared any minute.

She began to walk quickly up the stairs, her face contorted into a sour scowl, her eyes glassy like snow globes.

"Narcissa!" She called as she stepped up the last few stairs to the hallway and threw her coat over her arm.

"Narcissa?" She repeated approaching the door of the guest bedroom where she assumed her friend would be. She turned the door knob to the room.

"Narcissa?" She called quietly as she open the door.

"Narcissa i- OH MY GOD!" She yelled due to what her eyes where greeted with.

Tangled within sheets of white where Narcissa Black. Looming over her was Lucius Malfoy.

Both naked.

There eyes snapped from each other to Aurora, their faces turning into a look of shock.


Lucius scrambled his sweaty blonde hair into his shocked blue eyes, Narcissa sat up clutching the duvet to her chest.

Lucius stood up and Aurora smacked her hand over her eyes.

"GOD MALFOY COVER YOURSELF!" she screamed. "Alright alright!" Lucius cried tugging on his  underwear and trousers, picking up his shirt and tie quickly.

Aurora peaked cautiously through her hands removing them when she saw Lucius was decent enough that she wouldnt vomit.

He began to stumble towards her.

"No no no! Go out the window!" She hissed "the wind- why?" Lucius gasped.

"Tom!" Aurora spat shoving him towards the window. Lucius scrambled back towards the window throwing it open and swinging his legs outside.

He looked back grinning at Narcissa like a flustered school boy. Narcissa blushed a small smile on her face.

Aurora nearly gagged and she stormed over and ushered Lucius out the window with a sharp shove.

Lucius fell a little out the window onto the roof below before scaling down the tiles clumsily out of sight.

Aurora whipped around facing Narcissa with a furious face her eyes bright with fire that Narcissa cowered into the sheets a little.

Aurora scoffed heading towards the door. "Here. Don't let Tom see you" Aurora muttered throwing her coat onto the bed.

Narcissa grabbed it pulling it around her shoulders hastily. Aurora opened the door but paused in its frame.

"And.. please make sure theres no.. mess.. on the covers" she said her nose wrinkling in disgust slightly before disappearing out the door.

She quickly made her way into the master bedroom, her anger to the point of bubbling over now as she pulled out her earrings and slamming them down in the dressing table.

She didnt hear the pop from downstairs, or the frantic footsteps running up them. She did hear the door squeak open and Tom's footsteps into the room.

"Go away" she snapped not turning around to look at him. "Let me explain" he protested "no" Auora spat spinning around to meet his serious eyes.

"No I'm done with  you shit. I'm done with your lies and your excuses and you so called fucking apologies. I'm done Tom. I dont care about if it wasnt what it looked like or if I'm over reacting cause I dont care anymore. Just- just leave me alone" she seethed turning back around.

Tom bit his tounge and walked around her so she face him agian. "Fine. If you dont want to know the truth I wont force you." Tom said sternly.

"But you've got alot of nerve to pin me on Bellatrix when you've been clinging to those 3 twits all night" he sneered.

Auroras eyes pierced into his, her teeth gritting and his fingernails stabbing into her palms trying desperately to keep calm.

"Those twits are my best friends that I havent seen in 3 years. I have the right to talk to them" Aurora growled protectively.

There was no way in hell she was going to let him of all people speak about them like that.

"Yes yes. But I'm sure you wanted to do much more than just... talk" he said with disgust clear in his voice.

"Is this about me and Sirius dating after we broke up? Becuase if it is dont you dare try and make me the bad guy. Your the one who killed an innocent girl just becuase you are so pathetic you dont know how to deal with your own emotions" Aurora snarled.

"Sirius Black is a traiterous Man whore" "Sirius Black is a good man!" Aurora yelled stabbing her finger into Tom's chest.

"And he is 100 times the man you will ever be" she hissed.

"You wouldnt know a man if they hit you in the face" Tom spat.

"Your right" Aurora said "becuase I've never been hit in the face by a man. I've only ever been hit by a pitiful orphan who is so fucked up he has convinced himself he is greater than everyone. But deep down he knows hes just a simple, ordinary son of a bitch like everyone else" she barked.

Tom was silent, his jaw clenching and un clenching.

Aurora watched Tom's face, his smooth pale skin blunted in the candle light highlighting how defined his features where.

His eyes were glaring, hard hazel orbs that seemed to try and find some way to worm into her mind once agian. His tall stance was atleast a foot taller than her making his already threatening appearance even more dangerous.

He was large and well built, his shoulders where wide as he stood straight and tall like he always did.

"You looked beautiful tonight" he said softly. Aurora scoffed, "dont, dont do that" She muttered trying to turn around but her caught her shoulder keeping her facing him.

His hand moved from her shoudler, trailing down her arm to her hand.

"I'm serious" he whispered running his thumb over her knuckles and the engagement ring on her finger. Aurora stared down at the floor keeping her eyes focused on his shining black shoes.

He raised her hand to his lips kissing her knuckle softly then placed her hand around his neck, his own sliding onto her waist rubbing soothing circles into the fabric.

Aurora was tired, she didnt feel like fighting agian so she allowed her self to melt into him raising her other hand around his neck letting herself come closer to him and rest her head on his chest.

"Dont you ever wish... that- that you didnt... want what you want? That you could live a normal life?" She whispered.

Tom took a while to respond "If the world was as it should be. Then yes, it would be nice to not have to work all the time" Tom said.

"I- I didnt mean work Tom. I meant- I mean about us. Do- do you think things would have been different?" She asked.

"What do you mean by different?" He asked "if- if I hadnt left. You think we'd still be together?" She whispered.

"who knows" Tom murmured his lips resting on the side of her temple.

"We could have moved away somewhere, you always talked of Italy didnt you? Could've found a house by the water. Got married... Started a family" he whispered his thumb tracing circles through her dress the other pushed her hair behind her ear.

"But I think that's a question you should ask yourself" Tom muttered.

Aurora stayed quiet, forcing herself to keep her tears behind her eyes. Hearing Tom speak like that made her heart hurt. It hurt her to think the life they could have had together, instead of this toxic, depressing life she was trapped in now.

Tom kissed her temple slowly. "Come on, we should go to bed" Tom murmured.

Aurora just nodded but made no attempt to move out of his grip.

"Ok" she breathed "do you want me to sleep in another room?" He asked surprising her slightly.

"...No" she whispered now surprising Tom.

"Okay" he murmured.

Hi everyone!
First of thank you so much for 60k views that means so much to me. Sorry that this chapter took a little longer than usual but it is a long chapter I would have stayed up last night writing it but i was exhausted. Ps a good few people are questioning why I casted Tom Hughes for Tom riddle. Trust me watch some edit videos on YouTube as him as Tom riddle and you'll understand. I hope you all doing great and staying safe. And I hope your all excited for Christmas coming up soon.

Thankyou again and stay safe!

~Lizzie <3

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