Symphony (Brett x Eddy)

By nanamisiaaaa

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Just another twoset violin Breddy fanfiction. Hope u like it! Please don't judge my poor english, this is no... More

Chapter 1 - together
Chapter 2 - sadness
Chapter 2 -sadness(continuation)
Chapter 3 - fear
Chapter 4 - darkness
Chapter 6 - sleepy
Chapter 7 - laugh
Chapter 8 - blood
Chapter 9 - smoke
Chapter 10 - worried
Chapter 11 - caring
Chapter 12 - little
Chapter 13 - escape
Chapter 14 - cough
Chapter 15 - moody bloody
Chapter 16 - weak
Chapter 17 - on high
Chapter 17 - on high (continuation)
Chapter 18 - forgiveness
Chapter 19 - thoughts and feelings
Chapter 20 - drunk again
Chapter 21 - Brett is always drunk
Chapter 22 - perfect
Chapter 23 - not as a friend

Chapter 5 - evening

453 22 4
By nanamisiaaaa


"Eddy, please stop me, when I start talking shit." Brett said opening soju.

"Bro, I try to do it every time. You just are that drunk that you don't understand or you are an alcoholic."

"Whatever, just stop me when I babble to much."

"You have my word."



"Eddy, you are sooooo hot"

"Excuse me?"

"You are so hot, why don't you have a girlfriend yet, lah?"

"Lmao I don't have time for girls."

"Bad for them" Brett lay his head on Eddy's thigh and tried to grasp a bottle from the coffe table, but his hand was so shaky and he felt so dizzy, that he couldn't reach it. "Can you?" he looked up at Eddy.

"Nah,nah,nah, I told you already that it is enough for your liver and your head."

"Meh, I'll just stand up"

Eddy watched Brett sitting next to him and drink. Beer was dripping down his chin and marking his white t-shirt. Tomorrow will be hard for him. At least he's having fun now.
Eddy liked their common evenings. So carefree and airy. He couldn't have that precious time with anyone else. And he was the only one who remembered it, cause Brett wasn't a heavy drinker and he never remembered anything after two bottles of alcohol and when he drank that much as today...



"Don't gooooooooo"Brett grabbed his hand.

"Can I use the bathroom? You can come along if you don't want to leave me, as you like."

"Nooo, stay here"

Eddy stood up with a sigh. He had to wash his face, or he'll fall asleep. And who knows what will Brett be able to do then.

"I'm back."

"I missed youuuuu" Brett hugged Eddy and cuddled his head in Eddy's neck.

"Oh my god, you are so exasprerating."

Brett leaved his head on Eddy's shoulder and soon was out like a light.

"Brett? Brett, you hear me?" He gently removed glasses from Brett's warm face. Then he picked him up and carried to his own bedroon, cause it was closer than Brett's. He changed himself in his pajamas and lay down beside Brett. Boy looked quite cute all flushed and smiley. He mumbled in his sleep and placed his hand on Eddy's shoulder. Eddy stroked it and closed his eyes.


The first thing which Brett felt when he woke up was scent of alcohol, second was strong, pulsing pain in his head. He surprisingly found himself in Eddy's bed half covered with the quilt. Eddy took him there, when he was drunk, probably. And where is he now? Brett heard quiet violin tone. Practising, huh? He sat down and hissed, his head wasn't ready for abrupt movement. He noticed paracetamol and a glass of water at a table next to the bed. How nice of Eddy. He swallowed the pill and went out of the room. He followed the sound to his bedroom. He opened the door and stared at Eddy for a while. Eddy opened his eyes when music stopped. 



"How's your head?"

"Don't even ask."

Eddy put the violin down and touched Brett's forehead.

"Wanna eat anything?"

"Nah, it won't end good. I feel like throwing up."

"Some activated charcoal maybe?"

"Yea, maybe."

"So I'll eat lunch by myself."

"Huh, what do you mean? What's the time?"

"Idk, it was one p.m. earlier. Now it's ... half past, nah, ten to three."

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"What for?"

Hm, true, what for if he will be just doing nothing and grumbling all day. Brett lay down on the couch. Ah, he doesn't deserve a friend like Eddy.

"Brett, you sure you don't want to eat anything? Or a coffe? Hey, you hear me? ...  And why did you even get up, if you could sleep in bed? "


Hi, this is me. Another fluffy breddy evening. Sorry I have ideas only for evenings. I like evenings.

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