The Descendants | KTH | ✔️

By BeeFinch

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The Descendants of the Greek Gods and Goddesses, were here for a reason, the blood lines had been linked for... More

Chapter One - Find the Owl
Chapter Two - New Faces
Chapter Three - She Doesn't Know
Chapter Four - Sole Survivors
Chapter Five - Blood Lines
Chapter Six - A Natural
Chapter Seven - Pantheon
Chapter Eight - Souls
Chapter Nine - Burning
Chapter Ten - Lightening
Chapter Eleven - Let Go
Chapter Twelve - Thanks To Athena
Chapter Thirteen - Black Shimmer
Chapter Fourteen - Abilities
Chapter Fifteen - The Messenger
Chapter Sixteen - Stories
Chapter Seventeen - The Protectors
Chapter Eighteen - The Key
Chapter Nineteen - Connected
Chapter Twenty - There You Are
Chapter Twenty One - Iris
Chapter Twenty Two - Look Ahead
Chapter Twenty Three - Give Them To Me
Chapter Twenty Four - The Fog
Chapter Twenty Six - Gaia
Chapter Twenty Seven - Hollow
Chapter Twenty Eight - Never
Chapter Twenty Nine - Welcome Home
Chapter Thirty - We Are One

Chapter Twenty Five - The Gods Of Chaos

1.4K 119 5
By BeeFinch

Every single one of the boys around Jimin, were panicking. You could see them tensing their shoulders.

"Head up, Pantheon or another bullet will go into you" the voice said slowly.


The breath left my mouth in a desperate way to keep quiet as Jimin turned his head to the side on the grass. I pushed into him quickly, trying to heal him as quickly as I could.

The veins under the blind fold were a vivid turquoise colour, but filtered away as I healed him.

Even without the voice saying anything, you could feel the satisfaction from the hunters around us.

"Ah, Poseidon... nice to finally meet you" the deep voice said.

The hairs on the back of my arms were raising. I couldn't take this anymore. The fierce need to protect my family was taking over me, and I lost any cause of thought that was holding me back, even though we were well out numbered, and something drastic could happen. I couldn't watch this anymore.

Tae quickly looked over to me, and then widened his eyes.

"No Erin, no" he breathed out quickly, taking his hand away from mine, and then putting both of his large hands either side of my cheeks.

It was too late.

I knew very well that my eyes were shimmering a golden colour, I could sense it. And as I rose one of my hands to place on Tae's cheek, I saw the all of my veins, that were a mesmerising golden tone.

Thunder rolled, and you could see the hunters around us shift, sensing something.

"Zeus, have I gotten to you?" The voice said.

That was all it took.

I closed my eyes, feeling the electric current flow through my body in the most natural way possible, as I took my hand away from Tae, and opened my palm wide.

Lightening crashed down around us, and as I saw the white flecks, I connected the electric energy to each one, as it fell into a domino affect. I opened my eyes to see Tae looking behind him, his hands still on my cheeks, the coolness from his touch brought me back into the moment.

I watched as the white shimmering souls slowly moved to come towards me, and with a flick of my wrist, the all fled into Tae. Ten bodies laid around us.

The remaining circle of hunters around our family, all changed their stance. Some knelt, putting their guns right to their eyes, ready to shoot.

Thunder was still rolling above us.

Tae pulled away from me, and began walking ahead to the last four men.

I followed him, and when he went to the right hand side, I went to the left, near JK and Jimin. I heard the groaning from the hunters near Tae, as the souls were being brought away, and then a crack echoed around us.

I pulled the fog away from us and as I saw the man in front of me panic as he saw me filter away from the fog, I raised one hand, putting it on his neck as the other man next to me, quickly went to grab me.

A large black wolf, darted into my vision just as I was about to throw some vines from the ground around the man, and knocked him down. The screams he made made me look away as his throat was torn apart from the wolf.

I took my hand away from the man's neck, as he slumped to the ground in a heap, and as usual with the shake of my wrist, to throw the soul away from me, it knew exactly where to go to.

The wolf bared it's blood filled teeth at the savaged man underneath him, before turning around and running away again.

Without wasting another second, I took the few steps to JK and Jimin, and with each hand I pulled down their blindfolds. I saw Tae do the others, heavily breathing, glancing over his shoulder.

Jimin's eyes were full of tears, as I pouted my lip, and knelt down next to him, putting my head on his shoulder.

JK's grunt as he pulled his wrists apart out of the handcuffs, and went ahead to start on his brothers. I felt the heat from Yoongi as he melted the thick metal away from him.

None of us spoke, while looking at each other for a handful of seconds.

"I knew you wouldn't do as you are told" Joon said, and I watched the gentle smile appear on his lips, looking between Tae and I.

I flashed a grin.

JK pulled me in for a hug, putting his hand over my shoulder as we walked back to our rucksacks. Shasta screeched above us, making Joon look up with a knowing smile.

"What the fuck was that voice though?" Jin asked, walking next to Hobi.

Joon shook his head, "I have a feeling, it's another descendant. None of them were speaking were they?"

Tae and I shook our heads.

Joon took a large breath in, rubbing each of his wrists that had large red welts on them.

All of us were still on very high alert. And I noticed I definitely felt a little mentally tired from all of the use. I let the nature seep into my soul, filling me with warmth around my chest.

Tae looked over at me, and rose an eyebrow. I wondered if he could feel if felt a little drained.

"I know you don't like feeding from souls. But take one of the ones that you gave to me" he breathed out, his lips pouting slightly.

I burrowed my eyebrows together. I don't know why I didn't just start letting the souls seep in through my skin, I thought of the fact that Persephone was the Goddess of the underworld as well, it was a massive reason onto why I could see the souls around me. It just didn't feel right in my soul to feed from it.

I shook my head.

Tae came over to me as we walked, and took my hand. He knew this was the only way he could help to heal me, was through touching. He noticed as well as I do that if we were physically touching, it just made us feel instantly at ease, pulling away any negative thoughts.

It didn't take long for us to get back to our rucksacks. Joon looked up at Shasta as I covered the bright sky with large clouds, taking the heat from the sun away from us, and added a gentle breeze to cool us.

The large tanned owl darted to the right, leading us further into the forest.

I felt proud of us suddenly, the fact that we managed to get through that just then. We had so many hunters against just the eight of us, this was all so new to us, having to fight them again after so many years. I was trusting in myself more and more, and finding that I just had to relax my mind more and follow my physical instincts.

We stopped after half an hour, we all need to just take a breather and drink, and even eat. I let the sun beam down on Hobi, and he came me a big smile. I enjoyed this of having them all back with us, even though we were separated for only short while, the threat of worrying about harm coming to them right at this second had gone.

The sun was starting to lower in the sky, filling the sky in a yellow haze right at the bottom, as soft clouds started to fill the horizon.

I was pushing with my mind in front of me, I was not going to let us fall trap into anything again.

The map turned into lots of tiny white flecks, as I knew we were coming up to some water. Jimin turned to look around at us, with a big smile. I knew he could sense the water.

We could see the waterfall right in front of us, as we broke through the trees, giving us a much better view. We all stopped walking, as Tae rubbed his thumb over my knuckle. I could barely take my eyes away from the beauty of it, as Shasta started to dive towards the waterfall, going down the crashing water into the river in front of us, as the water leant to the right in front of us, falling of another cliff, making a second waterfall.

He circled back up and glided along the slight breeze, going over it again.

All of us were quiet, just staring at the waterfall. I could feel the mixed emotion, some nervous, some eager, and others apprehensive. 

I wasn't sure what I felt, but something was differently pulling me in the direction at the bottom of the waterfall, the way the spray from the water joining the lake, it was almost glistening at me.

I looked over at Jimin, and in the same time he looked to his left, directly at me. He gave me a little smile, "we can walk on the water, it's fine"

We all watched him as he began walking forwards, and his fingers daintily reached out as he pushed his hands away from his body. The water almost lit up as his trainers touched it, shooting out a current of turquoise, rippling the water for a few feet around him.

Tae pulled my hand gently as we all began walking. It was strange on how solid the lake felt under my feet, as I looked down, my shoes weren't even getting wet.

The sound of the waterfall was all we could hear at this point as we got so close, but it wasn't deafening, if anything it was a comforting sound that made us all tune into it. We weren't even getting wet from the spray either.

"Erin" Joon said loud enough for us to hear, and even then I could hear him perfectly.

I nodded, and Tae let go off my hand, as I walked forward. And I knew I had to walk through the water, this was second nature, like I knew exactly what I had to do.

I still was not wet from the waterfall which took about four steps until I saw the other side.

And then I paused.

My eyebrows buried together, as I saw a tiny cave. I only had to walk about ten foot to be touching the earth and rocks in front of me, being about eight foot tall.

"What?" I breathed out, confused.

I quickly turned around and went back through the waterfall, and as I appeared in front of my family, who were now walking towards the waterfall, they all stopped walking, looking confused onto why I was back here.

"Erin?" Tae breathed, reaching for me as I came away from the crashing water around me.

"There's nothing there. Just a tiny cave on the other side" I muttered, looking at him and then at Joon.

He looked even more confused, rubbing his hands on his chin. I had seen this look a fair few times now.

"Shimmering eyes" Joon breathed out, about ten seconds or so later.

I glanced at Jimin, and then back to Tae, who was looking over at Joon with a raised eyebrow. He turned to look at me, and give me a little smile, the corner of his mouth raising upwards.

I took a deep breath, this mist travelled through my mind, as I got lost in perfect dark brown eyes.

"The God of Chaos, shimmering eyes" Joon said again, nodding at the three of us.

Jimin joined Tae and I, taking my spare hand as we walked towards the waterfall. My heart was beating so fast, as I felt a warm feeling in my hands, I looked down briefly to see my veins Illuminating a golden tone, as Jimin's veins were in a matching turquoise, equally as bright as my own. Tae's seeped out of his skin, the veins were so black, but you could see the shimmer of red, pulling through.

I didn't look at their faces as we passed through the water.

My mind felt so hallow for a second, as I couldn't even feel my own soul, and then in that moment I realised I couldn't feel Tae's thread between us. I couldn't even feel the coolness from his hand on my own.


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