Danny Phantom X Oc- The Outca...

By AnimeMavy

56.3K 1K 425

Her name is Aero. Her father was born into a family of famous engineers and researchers. He grew up, knowing... More

The Move
Parental Bonding
One of a Kind
Attack of the Killer Garage Sale
Splitting Images
What You Want
Prisoners of Love
My Brother's Keeper
Shades of Gray
Fanning the Flames
Teacher of the Year
Fright Night
Public Enemies
Lucky in Love
Life Lessons
The Million Dollar Ghost
Control Freaks
Memory Blank
Pirate Radio
Reign Storm
Doctor's Disorders
The Fenton Menace
The Ultimate Enemy
Identity Crisis
The Visit
Secret Weapons
Micro Management
Flirting With Disaster
Beauty Marked
Double Cross My Heart
Kindred Spirits
The Fright Before Christmas
King Tuck
Masters of All Time
Reality Trip
Eye for an Eye
Infinite Realms
Girl's Night Out
Torrent of Terror
The Birth of the Half-Ghost
Family Drama
Urban Jungle
Identity Swap

Mystery Meat

3K 54 13
By AnimeMavy

 A month later; Danny, Tucker, and Sam were sitting in the Fenton Lab with Jack.

"So, Danny...You and your little friends want to hunt ghosts?"

"Uh, actually, Dad? I want to be an astronaut." Danny corrects.

"Sorry, Mr. Fenton. I was into ghosts, but they're so mainstream now. They're like cellphones."

"Waste these looks and all this charisma hunting ghosts? Criminal." Tucker replies.

"Well, if you do want to hunt ghosts, there are a few things you need to learn."

Jack turns to a table with laboratory equipment and beakers. A blue mist suddenly escapes Danny's mouth.

"Oh no.

The ghost portal door opens.

"This isn't good."

Two ectopuses escape from the portal, growling. The ghosts grab Sam and Tucker around their mouths and lift them up out of their chairs. Jack was still messing with stuff on the table.

"True, I've never seen a ghost, but when I do, I'll be prepared."

Danny looks alarmed. The ectopuses are floating above the floor, Sam and Tucker still in their grasp.

"And so will you. Whether you want to be or not."

Danny gets a determined look on his face. Jack is still messing with the various items on the lab table while Danny jumps away and transform into his half ghost self.

"It all starts with your equipment."

As he says this he holds up a thermos. Behind him an ectopus goes flying past. Sam and Tucker are land back into their chairs. Jack goes over to them.

"Sam, Tucker, this is the Fenton Thermos."

Jack hands the thermos to Sam, and both Sam and Tucker look at it. Jack turns back around to the lab table.

"It's supposed to trap ghosts."

Behind Jack, another ectopus goes flying past.

"But since it doesn't work yet, it's just a thermos. A thermos with the word 'Fenton' in front of it.

The ectopuses look defeated and dizzy and fly back into the portal. Danny turns back to normals. The portal suddenly closes and Jack points to it.

"And that? That is the Fenton Portal. It releases ghosts into our world whether I want it to or not. And someday, I'll figure out how that works too."

Jack turns from the portal and walks towards a trembling Sam and Tucker, towering over them.

"Now, who wants to hunt some ghosts?"

Sam and Tucker continue to tremble. Danny is resting against Tucker's chair; panting.

"You kids, look at you! You're too excited to speak! So I'll just go on speaking. I was born many years ago in a log cabin in the woods. Don't exactly remember where, but I do remember I wanted a pony."

Sam and Tucker look at Danny who only hangs his head.

"Never got the pony. As a matter of fact we had to eat horsemeat during the war. I had a problem with that."

Cut to Casper High School the next day. Danny, Sam, and Tucker walk through the hallway before going up a flight of stairs.

"I think I should tell them."

"Why? Parents don't listen."

The three stop walking midway up the stairs.

"Even worse, they don't understand!"

Sam throws her head back and yells.


"Sam, I-I'm talking about my powers, my problems?" Danny reminds.

"Oh, right. Me too...."

Danny sighs.

"It's been a month since the accident and I still have barely any control! If somebody catches me-"

Danny starts sinking into the floor while Sam and Tucker watch.

"-I go from geek to freak around here!"

Tucker raises an eyebrow.

"Kinda like what you're doing right now?"

Danny suddenly realizes his lower half became intangible, causing him to sink. He yelps before Sam and Tucker help him out. His feet and lower half return to normal. Sam and Tucker follow him up the rest of the stairs.

"Gah, darn it! If my dad can invent something that accidentally made me half-ghost, why can't he invent something that turns me back to normal?"

He becomes intangible and walks through a snack machine without paying any attention.

Sam runs over and Danny's body returns to normal.

"Danny, your powers make you unique. Unique is good! That's why I'm an ultra recyclo-vegetarian."

"Which means what?" Tucker questions.

"She doesn't eat anything with a face on it." Danny explains.

"Oh, who cares about that stuff? Danny, two words: meat connoisseur."

Tucker sniffs the air around Danny.

"Last night, you had Sloppy Joes."

Danny smirks at him.


"Meat heightens the senses, and my all-meat streak is fourteen years strong."

"...And it's about to end. The school board finally agreed to try a new cafeteria menu. I wore them down." Sam expresses.

"Wait... What did you do?"

Sam looks as Aero approaches the three.

"If you tell anyone, it should be Aero. I'm sure her dad could help us out, without dissecting you."

They all look over as Aero walks up next to Tucker.

"Hey guys."

They smile.


Tucker grabs Aero's shoulders.

"What has Sam done?! Did she tell you?"

She blinks and moves his hands off of her. She looks at Sam.

"No. What did you do?"

Sam smirks.

Soon in the cafeteria; A big banner, above the lunch line, states that this week is 'Ultra Recyclo-Vegetarian' week. The lunch lady gives what looks like grass on bread to a student, and then one to Danny. Aero had a packed lunch so she was waiting at the table.

"What is this? Grass on a bun?"

Tucker leans over and dramatically shouts to Sam


"Tucker, it's time for a change.

Sam holds up the grass on a bun in her hand. They walk over to the table and sit with Aero, she's already eating a sandwich. Danny has some of the grass on a bun on his spoon and seems to be debating whether to eat it or not.

"Don't you think this is a little extreme, Sam?"

Sam smiles before someone puts a hand on her shoulder. It was Mr. Lancer, one of their teachers.

"Ah, Miss Manson. The school board wanted me to personally thank you for ushering in this welcome experiment to our cafeteria."

Tucker begins to sniff the air; frantically.

"Meat. Near."

Tucker looks up at Lancer and sniffs the air around him. Tucker glares at him while he backs away.

"No, no. The rumors about the new all-steak buffet in the teacher's lounge are completely untrue."

Lancer pulls out a toothpick and uses it, then puts a hand on Sam's shoulder again.

"Thanks again."

Lancer then walks away. Tucker glares at Sam.

"Yeah, thanks again for making us eat garbage, Sam."

"It's not garbage."

Sam holds up the grass on a bun again.

"It's recyclable organic matter."

Danny and Tucker both reply.

"It's garbage."

They look at Aero. She raises an eyebrow.


"What your dad give you?"


"Share!" Tucker exclaims.

"Not a chance."

Danny is still holding the spoonful of grass on a bun. He gasps as his ghost sense goes off.

"Uh, guys? I've got a problem."

A handful of mud suddenly lands on his head. The three blink at him.


Danny turns around and grimaces.

"...Make that two problems."

Dash, the school's main jock, storms over to Danny, a plate of mud in his hands.

"I ordered three mud pies. Do you know what they gave me? Three mud pies! With mud! From the ground! All because of your girlfriend!"

"She's not my girlfriend!"

"I'm not his girlfriend!" Sam adds onto Danny's rebuttal.

Dash grabs Danny by his shirt and lifts him a few inches off the ground.

"These are the best years of my life! After high school, it's all downhill for me! How am I supposed to enjoy my glory days eating MUD?!"

"Actually, it's topsoil." Sam points out.

Dash tosses Danny at the table.


Danny lands on the bench. Dash walks over and shoves the plate of mud towards Danny's face.

"Eat it. All of it."

Danny seems to be about to go through with eating the topsoil, but his ghost sense goes off again and he sees a ghost woman floating behind the lunch counter.


Danny glances down at the plate and picks it up, preparing to toss it.


He tosses the plate and hits Dash in the face. The other students begin throwing food as well and chaos ensues. Aero ducks under the table with Tucker and Danny as food goes pass their heads. Sam peeks out from behind a table.

"It's not garbage! It's-"

Danny's hand suddenly grabs Sam and pulls her back down towards the floor. The three look at Aero.


"Aero, you are about to experience some things, promise not to freak out."

She gives them a look.

"What a way to phrase it, but okay?"

The four begin crawling away from the cafeteria. While crawling, Danny turns and looks behind him. Dash points towards Danny, while the garbage fight continues behind him.

"You're gonna pay for this, Fenton!"

Dash is hit on the head again, twice, with mud.

"Great. I'm still his favorite."

The four manage to crawl out the cafeteria door, and Danny & Tucker peek their heads around it to see a Ghost, resembling a lunch lady.

"Huh. Shouldn't be so bad. She looks a little like my grandmother."

Tucker & Danny are now standing in the room and Sam & Aero peek out from behind the door.

"A ghost..."

Aero hadn't seen one in awhile.

"Shouldn't she be haunting a bingo hall?"

The four close the door behind them. The ghost turns around at the sound.

"Hello, children. Can you help me? Today's lunch is meatloaf, but I don't see the meatloaf. Did someone change the menu?" She questions.


Tucker points his thumb at Sam.

"She did."

Lunch Lady becomes extremely angry, with her hair flaming on end and eyes flashing red.


The four gasp.


She yells as green flames surround her and appear circling above her head.

"Get behind me!"

Aero blinks. Sam and Tucker promptly jump behind Danny. Sam pulls Aero over.

"Wow. I feel safe."

"I'm going ghost!"

"Wait what?"

Danny transforms into his ghost form. Aero looks at him, astonished. It was someone...just like her. After transforming, Danny floats up towards the enraged Lunch Lady. Danny yells at her, but he sounded a little unsure of himself.

"I command you to...go away!"

The Lunch Lady causes many piles of dishes surrounding a sink to begin to glow and float around, before shooting them at Danny. He turns intangible, causing the dishes to pass right through him before hitting the wall behind him. He returns to normal, and smiles at his accomplishment of not being hit.

A bunch of dishes are heading right for Sam, which Danny sees and flies in front of to catch in neat stacks with his hands and arms. The Lunch Lady uses her powers to send even more dishes flying towards Tucker and Aero. Danny catches these dishes in stacks again, as well as a few in his mouth. Tucker stops wincing after realizing Danny stopped the dishes and smiles. Aero comes back to reality and smiles at Danny as well. Danny flies off to put the dishes back on the counter, leaving a few dishes still in his mouth. He removes the dishes and stares at his reflection in them.

"Well, if this superhero thing doesn't work out, I can have an exciting career as a busboy."

While looking at his reflection in the plates, Danny notices the stoves behind him beginning to move around. He frowns.

"I control lunch! Lunch is sacred! Lunch has rules!"

She suddenly changes back to being calm.

"Anybody want cake?"

Sam, Aero, and Tucker nod their heads in shock.

"Too bad! Children who change my menu do not get dessert!" She shouts; angrily.

The Lunch Lady phases up out through the ceiling while the three stoves begin to emit green flames. The green flames fire out of the ovens towards Sam, Aero, and Tucker; who dodge out of the way. Danny dodges a blast of flames as well. The three stoves give angry looks and fly at the three again, who flinch. Danny flies up behind them, grabs their shoulders, and makes the entire group intangible. He quickly flies them through the wall out of the kitchen. The stoves hit and crack the wall where the four just flew through. The four turn tangible again and roll out into the middle of a hallway. They look behind them in shock.

Danny looks down at his hands in amazement

"Hey! It worked!"

"Danny's half ghost..." Aero whispers to herself.

Sam grumbles, irritated.

"This is the thanks I get for thinking like an individual?!"

A loud crash is suddenly heard. Tucker and Danny turn to look for the cause. The hallway begins shaking violently and the lights go out, sending out sparks of electricity near the four. Danny looks worried and then looks at the row of lockers closest to him. Two of the lockers open and a bunch of school supplies come flying out.

Suddenly, a locker next to Sam and Aero does the same thing, and now many lockers are doing the same. The supplies fly to the Lunch Lady, swirling through her and then behind her. Tucker's eyes suddenly widen and he sniffs the air. Various meat products fly past him.

"Steak...! Rib-eye...! No, porterhouse! Medium-rare!"

The meat products begin attaching themselves to the Lunch Lady's body until she is completely covered and only her mean green eyes are showing.

"But where did it come from?"

Tucker glares and turns to look behind him.


A piece of paper hits Tucker in the face. The meat-covered Lunch Lady towers over them.

"Prepare to learn why meat is the most powerful of the five food groups!"

The ghost suddenly loses her rage and goes back to innocent lunch lady mode, holding up a cookie.


Sam shakes her head no. The ghost seems surprised that she was turned down for a split second before reverting back to evil mode. The Lunch Lady raises a clawed hand to attack Sam.

"Then perish!"

Danny slides backwards towards Sam to protect her.

"Forget it! The only thing that has an expiration date here is you!"

He points at the Lunch Lady and accidentally reverts to his human self.

"Whoops! I didn't mean to do that."

The Lunch Lady roars and grabs Danny before sending him flying into Tucker. Both hit the lockers behind them and a pile of papers covers them up. The Lunch Lady grabs Sam off the ground and flies off down the hallway, taking Sam with her.

"Sam!" Aero exclaims.

"Come on! Change back! We gotta go!"

Two hands suddenly grab both boys by their collars.

"You two aren't going anywhere."

Aero turns to look behind her and sees Lancer pull the boys up off the ground.

Dash, still covered in mud, is standing behind Mr. Lancer, smirking in victory.

"Told ya you'd pay Fenton!"

The two were then in Lancer's office where Dash, Danny, Tucker, and Mr. Lancer are gathered. Aero was waiting outside for them. Lancer is sorting through files in a file cabinet while Danny and Tucker sit in chairs in front of his desk. Dash is leaning against the wall, looking pleased.

"Tucker Foley. Chronic tardiness, talking in class, repeated loitering by the girl's locker room."

Tucker smiles slyly.

"Danny Fenton. Thirty-four dropped beakers in the last month, banned for life from handling all fragile school property, but no severe mischief before today. So, gentlemen, tell me..."

Lancer slams a file on desk.


"Dash started it! He threw-"

Lancer cuts Danny off.

"Four touchdown passes in the last game is thereby exempt from scorn. You two, however, are not. I'll map out your punishment when I return."

Lancer stands in office doorway.

"Mr. Baxter, watch the door."

Lancer leaves and Dash smirks before closing the door. Danny and Tucker stand up from their seats.

"We gotta find Sam. For some reason, I feel like I got her kidnapped."

"Maybe because you told the ghost she changed the menu? How about that?" Danny rebuttals.

Tucker suddenly sniffs the air.

"That steak is still in the building. 200 yards, tops."

Danny glances over at a wall of TVs showing different security camera views of the school. Several cameras show a storage room filled with boxes of meat. The last one shows a trail of meat juice in front of the boxes leading off-screen.

"Check it out. Meat trail."

Danny goes ghost and grabs Tucker's arm. He turns them both intangible and phases down through the floor.

The office door opens and Lancer enters carrying a broom, Dash right behind him. Aero was peeking in.

"Gentlemen, your punishment will be-"

Lancer realizes the boys are gone from the room.


Dash and Lancer run off. Aero walks into the room and looks around.

"Danny? Tucker?"

She feels something grab her ankle and she goes intangible.


It pulls her down.

Tucker enters the meat storage room from the security footage. Danny soon comes down and places down Aero.

"Thanks for the heads up." She remarks.

"Heh, sorry. I'll explain everything later."

Aero nods and looks over as Tucker hugs the boxes of meat.

"Sweet mother of mutton! I'd dreamed of it, but...I never thought I'd live to see it!"

"How is it that I have the ghost powers and you're the weird kid?" Danny questions.

Aero chuckles and Danny smiles at her.

"Glad you aren't afraid of me."

She gives him a look.

"Why would I be?"

Their eyes widen as they hear cackling nearby. The three peer around the corner of a stack of boxes and see the Lunch Lady, who is floating in front of Sam; who is trapped neck-deep in a large pile of meat.

"My dear child...meat is good for kids! It helps them grow and makes them smile! Why won't you eat it?"

She offers Sam a chicken leg.

"We don't need meat. That's fact!"

The Lunch Lady suddenly reverts back to her evil form, with wind blowing around her.


She points at Sam.

"You need discipline, manners, respect! You know where that comes from? MEAT!"

The wind stops suddenly and the Lunch Lady reverts back to nice.

"Chicken? Or fish?"

Danny looks to Aero and Tucker.

"I'll take care of the ghost. You just find a way to get Sam out of that pile of meat!"

Tucker holds up a fork and knife.

"Waaaay ahead of you."

Aero slaps her forehead and gives Danny a thumbs up. Danny flies off to punch the Lunch Lady, who turns around surprised, but notices Danny too late. She is sent flying and crashes into a nearby wall before collapsing to the ground. Danny lands in front of her and she glares at him.

Sam stops looking in Danny's direction and then looks at Tucker who is cutting away pieces of the meat with his knife.

"I'll have you free in no time, Sam!"

Sam frowns in disbelief.

"You've gotta be kidding me."

Danny is crouched on the ground. He jumps up and somersaults in the air before preparing to kick the ghost. The Lunch Lady catches his foot in her hand right before he hits her, then dangles a surprised Danny upside-down by his foot.

"Don't you see? This is why you need meat! You're skin and-"

She tosses Danny away.


As Danny is sent flying through the air, he turns intangible; phasing halfway through a nearby wall up to his waist before falling to the ground.

Back with the meat pile; Tucker is struggling to cut a piece. Aero sighs and looks at her hand. She pushes Tucker aside.

"Hey, what are-"

Aero turns her hand intangible and sticks it inside the meat pile. Sam and Tucker look in disbelief as she grabs Sam's arm. Sam turns intangible and Aero removes her from the pile. Aero lets go of Sam, returning her back to normal. Her hand goes back to normal and she rubs her wrist. Sam and Tucker blink at her.

"Aero...did you just..."

The Lunch Lady summons kebabs from a box, their pointed ends heading straight for Danny. Danny, who is now out of the wall now. He sees this and splits his body in two. The meat passes through the stretched intangible area of his body he created. He smiles at the new power, but the smile quickly fades as he sees what the ghost is up to now.

The Lunch Lady yells and summons meat out of all of the boxes. Danny pieces himself together again and watches the meat go flying towards the ghost.

Tucker is about to take a bite of meat from the stack, but the piece as well as the meat pile that was covering Sam goes flying off towards the ghost. The meat soars around and attaches to the Lunch Lady to form the meat monster she was earlier, but way bigger than before. She fires a meat fist at Danny, capturing him in her grasp.

Tucker strikes a determined pose, fork and knife handy.

"Help's on the way, buddy!"

The Lunch Lady sends Danny flying. He yells and turns intangible, passing through a wall behind the three. The Lunch Lady looms over Sam, Aero, and Tucker; growling at them loudly. Sam, Aero, and Tucker look; in fear.



The three yell as they head for the door, but the ghost sends another pile of meat to block their exit, knocking them away. Danny holds the back of his head as he phases partly back into the room. He sees the three yelling as they run past him, and he determinedly goes flying after them. The Lunch Lady makes fists with her hands and prepares to slam down on Sam and Tucker, but Danny quickly flies down and grabs them in his arms before turning all of them intangible and flying through a wall. The Lunch Lady is surprised and can't stop herself in time before the meat splatters all against the wall.

Cut to the four phasing through the wall outside and floating, turning tangible again. Danny looks tired.

"Gee, Danny. Fighting meat monsters, flying through walls...You must be exhausted."

"What? Of course not! What would give you that idea?" His words trail off.

They soon fall to the ground as Danny passes out from exhaustion. He returns back to his human self, and the three look at each other. They pick up Danny and head to his house.

Aero opens the front door to Fenton Works to reveal Sam and Tucker carrying the still-unconscious Danny.

"Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Fenton! What a school day! Poor Danny nodded off. We figured we'd just carry him all the way home and tuck him into bed-"

They start carrying Danny upstairs.

"-without any parental interaction whatsoever."

"Don't get up! We know where to go. Bye!"

A few hours later; Danny suddenly wakes up with a yell.

"Ah! Aah! Wha? What's going on?"

Tucker, Aero, and Sam are looking down at him.

"You passed out. We took you home. You've been asleep for four days!" Tucker exclaims.

Danny sits up quickly; alarmed.

"Four days?!"

Aero elbows Tucker.


"Don't worry, It's only been a couple hours." She assures.

Danny lays back down, still a little shaken. Sam puts her hands on her hips.

"Knock it off, Tucker. This is the second time today your carelessness almost got him killed."

Danny and Aero look at each other, then back at the two as they start fighting.

"Me? I almost got him killed? The only reason this happened is because you had to be unique. You had to take the meat away!"

Sam crosses her arms and turns away from him. Tucker storms off.

"And I'm going to get it back!"

"You want to change that menu back?"

Sam goes over to the bedroom door.


She leaves, slamming the door closed. Danny and Aero look at each other again as he sits up.

"Oh yeah, I should explain to you the whole being ghost thing."

"Sam explained it to me. Why didn't you say anything?"

"I was afraid. You've seen my parents."

"I understand how you feel..."

Danny gives her a look.

"What do you mean?"

Aero rubs her arm and sighs. She holds her hand up to Danny's face and turns it invisible. He gasps. She turns it back.

"Wait are you-"

"I'm half ghost, like you. But I was born this way."

Danny sits up fully and blinks.

"I can't believe it."

Aero sits down next to him on his bed.

"My mom is a full ghost. She got sent into the ghost zone when she got found out by the government. The other story was a cover-up. That's why my dad wants to make a ghost portal." She explains.

"Why are you telling me?"

She looks at him.

"I've never met someone like me. I've met other ghosts, but no one like me who was half. When I saw you turn ghost, I almost cried. I couldn't believe it. My mom taught me to embrace who I was, even if I had to hide it. But now that she's gone, I felt alone and I didn't wanna use my powers ever because of what could happen."

Danny smiles.

"This is great!"

Aero raises an eyebrow.

"I felt alone too. Even though it's only been a month, I felt like a freak. But now knowing this, we can find ways to accept our other selves together." Danny assures.

Aero smiles.

"And I'm sure you teach me how to fight."

Aero gives him a sly smirk.

"Yeah, watching you try to blast the Lunch Lady and turn to normal was pretty funny."

Danny glares at her as she chuckles.

"Anyway, I'm sure everything will be back to normal by tomorrow."


The next day; outside Casper High, Danny and Aero walk up, a look of disbelief on their faces.

"Or not. Maybe it'll be worse."

A bunch of meat lovers are decked out in meat merchandise. On a stage, some girls are dancing in hot dog outfits. The girls dance offstage and Tucker appears carrying a microphone in his hand.

"What do we want?"


"When do we want it?"


Aero looks over at the other side of the protest. There is the vegetarian equivalent of the meat-protest side; full of hippies, laid-back people, and goths. Sam is standing on top of a school bus yelling into a microphone while carrying a sign that reads 'NOW!'


Sam & Tucker come to stand on opposite sides of Danny & Aero, glaring at each other.

"You guys put together two protests in one night?"

"How is that possible?" Aero questions.

"Meat-eaters, you two. Always ready to fight. And our high-protein diets give us the energy we need to do it quickly."

"Ultra recyclo-vegetarians are always ready to protest. And because we don't have to waste time cooking our food, we can move even faster." Sam adds on.

"Don't you guys think this is a little extreme?"

Tucker continues to glare at Sam.

"No choice, guys. You're either with me!

Sam glares back.

"Or you're against him!"

Sam & Tucker lean over the two as they duck a little.

"So whose side are you on?!" They both exclaim.

A wind suddenly starts blowing and the sky turns gray. Sam and Tucker's eyes widen. Cackling is heard and Danny's ghost sense goes off. The crowd looks bewildered and confused. A voice yells angrily as the contents of a meat truck fly out in various directions. The meat swirls around and eventually forms a gigantic version of the meat monster the Lunch Lady Ghost was.


Both groups of protesters run away; while screaming in terror.

"Meat! Why have you betrayed me?!"

Danny looks around.

"Guys, time to makeup. Now!"

Sam and Tucker hug as Danny transforms beneath their cover. They break their hug to reveal Danny's ghost form. He looks at Aero, who looks away nervously.

Danny flies up in front of the meat-covered Lunch Lady. The ghost yells ferociously before attempting to punch Danny, who flies out of the way. The ghost then tries slapping him with the other hand, but he dodges again. She then tries an uppercut which he also dodges. Danny then kicks the ghost hard and knocks her over. Sam, Aero, and Tucker smile as they watch this.

"He really is getting better."

Danny looks down and smiles, then frowns as he turns back to the ghost. The ghost punches him and he goes sailing into the sky. Sam runs forward as she watches.

"I sure hope he can take a punch!"

Danny is sent flying upward through a plane. He suddenly phases through and up out of the ceiling. He then phases back down through the floor again, grabbing someone's water cup. Danny flies back towards the ghost, splashing the cup of water on his face before throwing the cup aside.

Danny slams into the ghost sending meat flying everywhere. The meat explosion lets off orange smoke. Danny weakly pulls himself out of a crater the explosion created. The Lunch Lady hovers before Danny.

"Oh, dear! What a mess! Are you okay?"

Danny finally pulls himself out of the crater and rubs his left arm a bit.

"Yeah. I think so."

The ghost has a small smile on her face, but suddenly reverts back to evil mode.


Meat suddenly pours out of the crater forming five small piles in front of Danny, which turn into little meat monsters. Danny flies off, with the meat monsters jumping after him. He does a flying kick that slices through all of the monsters before landing back on the ground. He looks up only to see the meat monsters form themselves again.

"Wasn't expecting that."

He suddenly turns human again.

"Or that."

The meat monsters grab Danny. He tries fighting them off but they keep their hold and fly up with him. Two of the monsters let go of him while three dangle him upside down by his legs. Danny yells.

Aero looks, in fright. She looks at her hands and clenches them.

"You two cover me."


Aero pulls them together and transforms behind them. They pull apart and marvel at Aero's ghost form.

"I knew when she helped me with the meat pile, that she was ghost!"

"So cool!"

She squats and blasts up to Danny. She punches away the three monsters holding him and catches him before he falls.

"Just thought I'd let you know that I'm terrified right now."

Danny looks up at her and marvels.


He shakes it off and smirks.

"And you think I'm not?"

She smiles down at him. A thermos then hits him in the face.

"The Fenton Thermos! But how am I going to get it to work?" Danny questions as he pulls it off his face.

The three meat monsters Aero hit, come back and head towards the two.

"How about you think about it while you try changing back?!" She shouts as she flies away from them, Danny dangling from her arms.

"Oh yeah...Change back! CHANGE BACK!"

A light flashes and he turns ghost again. He holds his arms up.


The meat monsters look surprised, then become furious before chasing after them more.

"You go after the Lunch Lady, I'll distract these guys."

"Got it!"

Aero drops him and bolts away from the meat monsters.

Danny soon flies in front of the Lunch Lady, the Fenton Thermos in his hand.

"NO! Soup's not on today's menu!"

"I'm changing the menu, permanently!"

He grabs the top of the thermos.

"Please work..."

He pulls the top off of the thermos and aims it towards the Lunch Lady.

"I hope I'm right!"

A blue aura surrounds Danny and then the thermos, which powers up before releasing a stream of energy. The energy forms a net that surrounds the surprised Lunch Lady and traps her.


The energy swirls and sucks the Lunch Lady into the thermos.

Danny turns human again. Aero gets close to the ground to land, but turns back before she does as Danny puts the lid back on the thermos.

"Oh no!"

Danny catches her and smiles.

"Now, you know how I feel."

"Look, it's been like 3 years, okay."

He puts her down.

"Thanks. I know that was difficult for you."

She smiles back and sighs.

"Actually. That felt good to do. I think it's time to embrace that side of me again. I was neglecting it because of my lost mom. But she'd want me to continue to love that side of myself."

Danny smiles. The two then help Sam and Tucker, who were trapped under one of the protest balloons.

"What happened? Where's the ghost?"

Danny smiles down at the thermos.

"My parents have their moments."

They all suddenly hear a faint beeping noise and Danny hides the thermos behind him.

"Ghosts directly ahead."

Meat-covered Jack and Maddie walk up to the four, Jack is holding the Fenton Finder in front of him.

"You would have to be some sort of moron to not notice the ghosts directly ahead."

Danny and Aero are standing right in front of the device, smiling weakly. Jack and Maddie look up from the Fenton Finder towards him.

"Oh, sorry, Dad."

Danny points behind him with his thumb.

"You just missed them."

Jack and Maddie run away. Aero sighs.

"I guess, my ghost side can be found on radars again...great." She expresses as she rubs her neck.

Tucker looks at Danny.

"So, you're not gonna tell 'em?"

"Nah. I think I might've finally figured out what these powers are for. They make me-"

A hand suddenly grabs Danny by the shoulder. His eyes widen and he glances upward at Mr. Lancer, who looks furious.

"In a world of trouble."

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