The Downtown Reapers

By Keryzule

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When worlds collide there is always war because everybody fears that which they don't understand. When two li... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 5

95 0 0
By Keryzule

Jenny and Beth found themselves in a strange scenario. Looking around they found themselves on a dusty planet with a laser blaster fight happening in front of them between a group of purple astronauts in metal spacesuits and armour wearing aliens. Behind the astronauts stood a massive black space ship which pulled their attention. As they walked in and looked around they heard strange distorted crying noises, they followed the cries and saw three of the aliens in a room standing over glowing baskets. When they took a step closer a loud bang was heard and everything went black for a moment before they sat up in bed from shock and covered their faces to ignore the light coming from the open door in their shared room.

Beth: Aye what the fuck?!

Jenny: Put that light out before I put you out man!

Jason: Girls, its ten A.M and I have a job for yall.

Beth: Well do it if youre holding coffee in this moment.

Jason: Way ahead of you. Drink up.

After finally adjusting to the light they saw Jason holding two still steaming mugs of coffee just waiting to give them the energy for the day.

Beth: You win this round old man.

Jenny: So whats the job?

Jason sat down after passing the drinks to them.

Jason: As much as I enjoy the name change and heading up in the ranks we arent doing enough fast enough. We need help.

Beth: So we going recruiting?

Jason: Uhhh. Not exactly. A member mentioned they saw you visiting a popular club.. Juniors. Alot. Apparently you three are good friends?

Jenny: Oh I see where this is going. You want us to sweet talk him into partnering with the reapers?

Jason: You catch on quick.

Jenny: Look Jason we-

Beth: Well do it.

Jason: Good to hear. Drink, eat, get dressed and get to it. Ill let you do your thing, I got more work for the others while you negotiate.

Beth: Later boss man.

Jenny: See ya.

After Jason left the room the girls finished their coffee and got up or tried to at least.

Beth: Oh fuck me!

Jenny: Why does everything hurt!?

Beth: Fuck, fuck, fuck. Shit.

Jenny: Regret taking the job now?

Beth: Oh fuck off Uhhhhh

Jenny: What bitch?

Beth: ...You were dreaming about Ashton last night werent you?

Jenny: What makes you say that?

Beth: One of your Ashtons on your boxers is really sweaty.

Looking down Jenny saw what she meant and turned away. Before grabbing some clothes and heading out to the shower room.

Beth: Fucking idiot Now I gotta get up oh god.

After an eternity of struggling to get up followed by a shower and breakfast Beth and Jenny managed to get to the church with a bit of trouble known as stairs and got into the new car gifted to them by Jason. They made their way downtown, driving fast to beat traffic they made it to Juniors club.

Jenny: God.. What do you think hell say?

Beth: We were gone for like, two months. I think the man deserves to say what he wants. Just prepare to feel like a brat that got caught taking a shit in a cake.

Jenny: Gross. Lets just go and get this over with. Not a fan of the business side of.. this.

They got out of the car ignoring the whistles aimed at them and walked inside only to find a group of men aiming shotguns and assault rifles at them.

Beth: .. Did we make a wrong turn?

Jenny: Maybe?

???: Beth? Shades? That you?

The men and woman holding the guns lowered them and let the girls through to see it was Junior who said their names.

Beth: Hey Junior been a while huh?

Junior: A while?

Jenny: Here it comes.

Junior: A few days is a while. A week is a while! YOU IDIOTS WERE GONE FOR TWO MONTHS!!

Beth: Yep, we kinda deserve that.

Junior: I thought you were dead! Or worse!

Jenny: Sorry

Junior: No. No Im sorry. I shouldnt have yelled. I just thought the worst cause you never came back. You two are like the daughters I never had.

Melanie: Hey!

Miltia: Rude.

Junior: Calm down girls or Ill tell them.

Melanie: Alright, alright.

Miltia: Good to have you two back. And thanks for the advice with the perv, been way easier to kick him out.

Beth: No problem. Although We are kinda here for business as well as pleasure.

Junior: Oh here we go.

Beth: You see, we were sen-

Jenny: Can I get a beer? This is really boring.

Junior: Sure. Ten units.

Jenny reached into her pocket and pulled out the currency before handing it to Junior who exchanged it for a bottle which he opened in front of her.

Jenny: Im gonna go talk to the twins. Find me when you wanna shoot some stuff.

Beth: Bye bitch.

Jenny kept walking and flipped off Beth without turning to see her reaction as Beth turned back to Junior who was shaking his head.

Junior: You two havent changed much have you?

Beth: Why change perfection? So back to what I was saying, we were sent here by the leader of the Downtown Reapers.

Junior: Reapers? Arent they they runners?

Beth: Name change, runners didnt seem that threatening.

Junior: I get that. So what does.. He? Want?

Beth: He wants to know if you are willing to partner up.

Junior: Well this being you I take it you have no idea what the details are?

Beth: Not in the slightest now that I think about it.

Junior: .. Tell you what. Since its you two Ill have a talk with him. If hes convincing enough Ill come out of retirement, if not then you have to do me a favour.

Beth: If you pull your dick out its the last time you ever see it old man.

Junior: Woah, woah. Nothing like that. I meant I have this.. pest I need taken care of.

Beth: Alright. Deal. So how about a drink?

Junior: No fucking way!

Beth: Dude Ive drank here before. Whys it a prob-

Junior: Not you kid, her.

Junior pointed at a group of teens walking into the club but most specifically one with purple eyes and blonde hair, Yang Xiao-long.

Beth: We told you how to kick her ass didnt we?

Junior: And we took that advice but she came back anyway and after a few fights she couldnt be beat again.

Beth: Want me and Shades to take care of them?

Junior: If you could Id pay since youre working with a gang and all.

Beth: Right. Give us a minute or so.

Beth got up from her seat and walked to Jenny while glaring at Yang and her friends who noticed her and started talking to each other.

Beth: We got a problem.

Jenny: Is the problem top heavy by any chance?

Beth: Yup. We gotta get rid of Yang at least since shes been giving Junior trouble. Again.

Jenny: Of coarse that bitch wants to ruin everyone's good time.. You know what? Lets not fight like its a match, lets beat her down Reaper style.

Beth: I was thinking the same thing. Hey! Blondie!

They walked to the group who were just about to sit and stood in front of them, Beth brandishing a knife and Jenny putting on her brass knuckles and cracking her neck.

Jenny: You arent welcome here fake blonde.

Yang: The hell did you call me?

Beth: She must be deaf: She called you a Fake blonde. Did you hear me?

Yang: You better watch it. We arent in Unitian so nobody will save you here.

Jenny: Funny but from what I remember it was always the others that needed saving from me and Beth over here. Did we hit you too hard maybe?

Yang: This is your last chance. Leave us alone or I break your spines.

Beth: Jealous that we have one and you dont?

Jenny: Nah I think shes mad we get more attention than the Unitian boys urinal.

Yang: Thats it!

Yang charged at Jenny with her fist reeled back ready to punch a smirking Jenny when she missed thanks to Jenny moving her head to the side a few inches then grabbed Yangs arm and punched Yangs elbow hard enough to dislocate it.

Yang: Gahhhhh! You bitch!

Weiss: What is wrong with you!

Beth: Self defense. And we have cameras to prove it. Wanna try again faker?

Yang: Y-youre the faker.

Yang was crying at this point since her aura was doing nothing because while her aura healed cuts, broken bones and internal injuries a dislocation is just a body in the wrong place that needs to be popped back.

Beth: Oof, that looks bad. Maybe you should see a doctor. You know, like a weak human.

Blake: Shut it! You think youre tough in your fake gang?

Jenny: Pretty much. After all it was a gang that killed.. oh what were their names? Ugh youre all so much the same I cant even remember your names without mistaking you for someone else.

Blake stood there in anger only for Jenny to turn around and perform an axe kick causing Blakes copy to disappear and the real to fall before Jenny

Rias: What? But how?

Jenny: Shes predictable, what about it?

Yang: How was what she did predictable?!

Beth: That would be telling. So unless you want us to do the same to you I suggest you all leave. And take your stray with you.

Yang: Blake is not a stray.

Jenny: Huh? Oh her too.

Jenny shoved Blakes body to the group with her foot and glared at them as they all left.

Beth: .. Man whyd you have to do all the fighting.

Jenny: Thought you were still sore.

Beth: Whatever. Next time I get to get their asses. Im getting rusty.

Jenny: Unit for your thoughts?

Beth: Just thinking, maybe we should get something with a bit more. Range?

Jenny: We still have the glocks dont we?

Beth: Shit, you right. Just need the ammo for it. But the licensed weapon stores only sell those custom things, Where we gonna get bullets for glocks?

Jenny: . Didnt Jimmy mention a blacksmith that make guns?

Beth: .. Looks like we got a trip planned. Lets go. Bye Junior!

Junior: Visit some time alright! And try not to die!

The girls waved at Junior before leaving and getting into their car while ignoring the looks they were getting from the people outside. They drove off and relaxed with the radio on until another emergency broadcast played, this time with Ozpins voice.

Ozpin: Hello people of Unity city and other locations. We have a serious matter on our hands. The thief known as the curious has stolen important items that could spell disaster. We call to all non combatants to inform us if you spot anything suspicious involving the curious and all combatants to attack the curious on sight and retrieve the items. Other leaders are informing the rest of the world of this issue. And finally, to the curious, save yourself the trouble and hand yourself in. That is all, enjoy your day.

The car was silent after that as they took in the information that the curious was now considered an international criminal.

Jenny: She stole one thing and now the worlds after her? Damn.

Beth: What do you think she stole?

Jenny: Right now its none of our business. We already got our own problems to deal with since the shanks and rottweilers are trying to take our turf.

Beth: I refuse to believe its because we changed our name.

They made it safely to the church and went straight to the hideout and to Jasons office where he and Celia were stoned out of their minds causing the girls to chuckle.

Jenny: Yo what the hell? Am I missing something?

Jason: Girls, hey. Come unwind with us.

Beth: As much as we really wanna we cant. We nee to talk to Jimmy.

Celia: Why do you need to talk to Jimmy?

Beth: Hes not in trouble or anything, we just need directions is all.

Celia: Oh ok. Hes down in the garden area checking the greenhouses to make sure its good and wont break.

Beth: We have a garden area?

Jason: The giant patch of burnt dirt and dried grass. It looks so nice now man, so green,

Jenny: Hey B, you go ahead Im gonna stay here and chill.

Beth: Like hell youre staying.

Beth grabbed Jennys arm and dragged her out as Jenny made a feeble attempt to reach the joint they were smoking. With Beth still dragging Jenny they made it to a large area with a few glass buildings with poorly made pots holding plants, although that is heaven compared to the outside that looked charred and neglected but showed signs of life with a few flowers and bits of grass poking out.

Beth: I can see the potential.

Jimmy: I know right?

The girls turned around ready to fight only to see Jimmy still calm even with two girls ready to knock his teeth in.

Jimmy: .. Hi.

Beth: Damnit Jimmy we almost broke your face. We need your help.

Jimmy: Sorry but the plants are just babies right now.

Beth: Were not looking to get high.

Jenny: Speak for yourself, I wanna get blazed.

Beth: Of coarse you do. Jimmy, you said you met the angry blacksmith right?

Jimmy: Yeah but he doesnt seem angry but more annoyed than anything.

Beth: What do you mean?

Jimmy: I.. Look Ill explain on the way. Talking here would waste time. Plus I need to pick up some ammo anyway.

Jenny: Guess were going on a roadtrip Hey Jimmy you got any pot?

Beth: If you start smoking then Im driving.

Jenny: What? Why?

Beth: You drive way too safe when youre high.

Jenny: Youre overreacting.

Beth: Last time you drove while high I watched a turtle waddle passed the car.

Jenny: .. Fine. Gives me less worries while I smoke.

The three walked through the hideout and out the church to the car.

Beth: So where is he anyway? New kuo? Somewhere in the good ol U S of A? No mans land?

Jimmy: Nah nowhere like that. He lives in old Menagerie. It used to be just for faunus but since their species is above humans they kinda. Dont need it anymore. Since theyre now considered part of the alphas. Faunus still live there but so do humans and last I checked they get pretty fucked up once in a while. Its a long drive so lets get going.

Beth: Right.

They got in and started their incredibly long trip. The first five minutes was full of peace so they could get into a comfortable position and be prepared for the long ride.

Jenny: .Alright, what did you mean earlier about him being more annoyed than angry.

Jimmy: Well the dude never wanted to be part of the alphas, never wanted to fight but wanted to help so he started making weapons and man could he make weapons. He used to make all kinda of weapons, hybrids, ninja weapons, I heard he even made a sacred gear. I heard from others that he just became bitter but I heard the real story.

Beth: What happened?

Jimmy: He got some. Interesting visitors. The alpha leaders. Old ozpin, Sirzechs, those guys. They tried to make him join them, offered units, fame women but he said no cause he prefers things to be simple and not complicated. He still offered his services but wanted them to understand there are others that need his help and that he is one person, they didnt like that. Later his shop got robbed and burned to the ground. He asked to see the neighbor shops security footage and well

Jenny: The bastards were petty, werent they?

Jimmy: Yep. Huntsmen, heroes.. all of our Saviors took his stuff and burned the place before running off like damn cowards Damn I need a smoke.

Jenny: Sharing is caring?

Jimmy: Hey, potheads gotta stick together.

Beth: .. You gonna finish or what?

Jimmy: Gimme a second Damn. Alright. Ahem. Anyway he packed up what he had and left to old Menagerie and opened up shop again. He thought it was only the assholes under them that were dicks but he found out that the alphas he sold to after the move erased his mark and claimed to make it themselves.

Beth: Yooo thats fucked up. Its one thing to burn down his shop but its another to take credit for his work.

Jenny: That is so fucked man.

Jimmy: yeah. Humans and some faunus still gave him credit but it was always alphas that took credit for his work. So he decided to stop making alpha weapons and only basic stuff. Swords, shields, scythes, nun-chucks all the way to pistols, shotguns, semi auto and full auto and even sniper rifles but no over the top alpha weapons. He managed to rig up a security turret system that activates whenever he calls it. Scared the shit out of me when I saw these big ass barrels turn and aim at me when I walked in. Honestly, it sucks knowing he still gets shit from alphas who take credit for his work

Jenny: . You think hed work for the Reapers? Jason treats us like. A sort of family. Think hed join us?

Jimmy: Maybe? Wed need to be really convincing.

Beth: We could offer protection. And anonymity, they wont know hes there and he can do his work in peace.

Jenny: What about the other people that live there to?

Jimmy: offer easy access to drugs.. they love getting fucked up.

Jenny: Id agree.

Beth: I know you would. Hey Ive been thinking, what if we get our own bullhead? For the gang I mean.

Jimmy: Yeah! We could move product way easier and faster with a bullhead, not to mention the extra space.

Jenny: And if we add turrets to it we can be sky pirates and rob other bullheads.

Beth: Even though youre clearly high as a kite, thats not a bad idea.

Jenny: Mmhmm, Well menagerie is a while away so Im gonna take a nap. Wake me when we get there, if were getting shot at or if you see Ashton.

Jimmy: You really thin hell join us?

Beth: Thats up to him. Not gonna force him.

Jimmy nodded before laying back and letting the high fully kick in. The trip was fairly quiet with the occation random giggle or mumble but still fine. Beth eventually had to stop the car due to them running out of road and saw nothing but water.

Beth: .. Oh no Ashtons getting rob-

Jenny: ILL SAVE YOU! What happened? Where are we? Wheres Ashton?

Beth: Come on, help me find a boat or something. We gotta get to Menagerie.

Jenny: .. Did you seriously wake me up for that?

Beth: Yes. Now get up. And wake up Jimmy, please.

Jenny: Jeez why are you so cranky?

Beth: Try keeping a smile after driving for an hour and a half straight.

Jimmy: Whyd the rocking stop? Oh.

Beth: Hey Jimmy. Help us find a boat or something here.

Jimmy: Like the one headed this way?

Beth: Wait what?

Turning to the water they saw Jimmy wasnt hallucinating and there was in fact a ship head their way.

???: Up here!

The three looked up to see a figure standing on the mast, their face hard to see.

???: Headed to Menagerie? If so then get on!

The three shrugged and hopped onto the ship that stayed in place for another hour before heading back into the water and got close to an island that seemed dreary from a distance but happy somehow. The ship eventually made it to the island and the three teens got off the ship.

Jimmy: Man, this place sure hasnt changed much. Alright so were headed to the blacksmith and if I remember right then hes this way.

Jimmy began walking in a direction which started going into the town and didnt stop which lead them into the surrounding forest away from the small town they saw.

Jenny: ..Uhhh Jimmy, not to hate on your direction skills but are you sure were going the right way?

Jimmy: Yeah. Im headed to where his shop was last.. and there it is.

Before them stood a shabby sort of building that seemed stable but not the usual building design. They walked towards it but the closer they got they easier it was to hear the screaming.

Blacksmith: And I told you either get out my shop or I throw you out with a free sword shoved up your ass!

Alpha: Youll regret speaking to me like that.

Blacksmith: I regret not locking up early and letting you in now GET OUT!!

When the yelling stopped they saw a kunoichi walk out looking enraged. She glared at the grup before jumping into the trees and leaving. Not being bothered by what they saw they headed into the blacksmith shop.

Blacksmith: Welcome to my shop where I make anything but alpha weapons such as hybrid weapons, sacred gears, etc. How can I. Jimmy.

Jimmy: Hey Yin. Long time.

Yin: Long as my patience. How you been?

Jimmy: Pretty good Oh these two are Beth and Jenny. Their members of the Downtown runners, renamed Downtown Reapers.

Yin: Catchy. So, how can I help you three?

Jimmy: Well I need ammo for my guns and grandmas shotgun.

Yin: Can do. And your friends?

Beth: We want guns and ammo. We also want to offer you a place with the reapers. You, of coarse, get a choice in the matter with no negative effects after.

Yin: Id love to get somewhere the alphas cant reach but I mainly serve the people here. Theyve been good to me.

Jenny: They can come too. We have the space. And with how fucked they look we could probably sell the stuff on the streets for a good profit.

Yin: Thats an interesting offer. Definitely better than the alphas offer.

Beth: Oh yeah, Jimmy mentioned what happened. You denied riches and fame?

Yin: Tch, riches and fame, Ive sold and traded long enough to know when somethings a scam and their deal was nothing but hot air. They were probably planning to work me to the bone just so their toys work the best.

Jenny: Sounds about right.

Yin: Whats your stories?

Beth: Not much of a story. We grew up together, joined Unitian academy somehow and got kicked out for a bullshit reason. We were homeless for like a month before joining the Downtown Reapers and well. Here we are asking if the greatest blacksmith will join us.

Yin: . So basically we all got screwed over by the alphas? Well you know what they say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Beth: Are you saying what I think youre saying?

Yin: Yup. Beats having my throwing knives used for knife games.

Beth: Awesome. Ill call Jason and let him know the news.

Beth left the building and pulled out her phone before dialing Jasons number.

Jason: Ay B. Whats the word?

Beth: You are not gonna believe this, we got the angry blacksmith to join us.

Jason: Beth if this is a joke its not very funny or creative.

Beth: Im not kidding. He said hes join as long as we let his friends stay with us too. Hes friends apparently make some really good drug that fucks you up and Shades thinks we could sell it if we can copy it.

Jason: So we got a new drug and the best blacksmith? How has this gang survived without you girls?

Beth: Who knows. Send someone with a van or something with space for the people and us at the docks on the way to old menagerie. Well meet them there.

Jason: Yeah, yeah. Just make sure everyone's safe.

Beth hung up after that and walked back into the shop to see Yin and Jenny still packing.

Beth: . Guess Ill tell the people whats going on then?

Yin: If you could that would be great.

Beth: On it.

Yin: Oh! Before you go, here. I had these just sitting around so I gave them a quick paint. Try not to break them.

He tossed a small metal briefcase to Beth who opened it to find two desert eagles in it with the reaper symbol and colours on it. She took the guns out of the case and admired them for a minute before putting them away.

Beth: Theyre fucking beautiful man. I look forward t using them instead of the glocks that I keep forgetting I have.

Yin: Youre welcome the people?

Beth turned back to the door and walked out. Walking through the forest again was a bit tricky since everything looked the same but ten minutes later she found the small village with a bunch of faunus and humans running around. A random, hairy cat faunus sitting on the ground in front of a tent stopped her.

Faunus: Greetings traveler, care to see my wares?

Beth: Uhhh, no thanks. Uhm look do you know how I can get everyone's attention? Is there a leader here or something?

Faunus: Ah, you seek leader Adam. He lives in the big house on the hill, hardly comes out but very approachable.

Beth: Thanks man. Good luck with your uhh wares.. and I hope you find a bath soon.

After that awkward talk she looked a round for the biggest house around and found it almost instantly since its literally the first thing you see when you look up the hill, the very tall hill. Taking a deep breath Beth started her twenty minute walk to the large and worn manor with gaping holes and moss all over it. Not believing anyone would live here she didnt bother knocking before she walked in which lead to her almost losing her head if her natural instincts didnt push her to jump to the left avoid a great sword that was now stuck where she once stood. She quickly thanked her instincts or in this case ears for hearing the angry yell. Turning to her attacker she saw a tall male with red hair an a horn growing from his head and an eye patch over his eye.

Beth: So, you must be Adam.

Adam: Yes and you are trespassing.

Beth: Woah, take it easy big guy Im not here to hurt you. Or steal from you I need to talk to you involving a deal with the blacksmith.

Adam: Yin? What kind of deal did you two make that involves me?

Beth: Well not you directly. Look I work for a gang and we wish to offer you and your clan, a safe haven.

Adam: And why should I believe you?

Beth: Because we all win with this.

Adam: How so?

Beth: Your people apparently have an amazing drug, we can make more and faster to sell for money to get food and take care of our needs and stuff. Plus you all get protection. We also get weapons to protect you . So What do you say?

Adam: . I cant. Im sorry but I just cant. Ive been abandoned and betrayed too many times that I just cant. They call me their leader because I ended up protecting them when really I was just protecting myself

To make his point he removed his eye patch to show the brand mark over his eye, shocking Beth.

Beth: . What happened to you?

Adam: I was a monster. I wanted humanity to be lead to extinction because your kind enslaved mine. I was blinded by anger and hate and when my wish sort of came true and I saw humans being treated as slaves.. I hated the sight. Children died, humans were beaten, insulted, had their needs ignored and all faunus just did nothing. No looks of sympathy, nobody said this was wrong or hypocritical and the faunus that fought to have us equal just abandoned that idea when they were called alphas. I found it sick to see newborns treated like dirt, children who never commit any crimes treated as if they pulled the trigger And when I turned away the other did the same to me And so I stayed here, the only place I consider home.

Beth: . So you just gonna give up?

Adam: What are you on about?

Beth: Dont you still want everyone to be equal?

Adam: With all my heart but I am one person.

Beth: Then join the reapers. We plan on flipping the script on the alphas.

Adam: How? No offense but youre just humans.

Beth: Exactly. If we can bring them down to our level, make them feel as weak as us then we can take a step to equality.. at least I assume that. So far weve just been winging it but our main goal is to not be seen as slaves and filth But then again you can just stay here in your past and House. Ill just get out of here.

Beth headed for the door and once she grabbed the door knob she started counting down from ten in her head and by the time she reached one she was half way down the steps when the doors opened and she heard Adams gruff voice.

Adam: Like hell Im going to waste away here while the world is on fire. Stay there while I grab my stuff, Ill tell the people we are moving you got that?

Beth smirked to herself as she sat n a step and waited for him to get back. She knew someone like Adam who lost his drive would be easy to convince especially when you offer something to fight for again or make the other option sound less pleasing than it actually was. Adam walked out with the sword that almost killed her and some clothes that looked old but still good to wear.

Beth: Looking good big guy.

Adam: You think Im big? You should see Nevermind. Not even sure if hes alive.

Beth: Ok, well Im gonna let you do your thing. Gotta make sure Jenny hasnt done anything too crazy.

Adam: Ill meet you at the docks.

Without a word Beth walked down to the village to make a quick announcement that Adam has something to tell them before she went back to the blacksmith shop and saw a ton of bags but nothing too difficult to carry which surprised her due to all the stuff she saw inside.

Beth: This it?

Jenny: Apparently.

Beth: There some kind of black of black hole in the bags that keep a shit ton of stuff?

Yin: No, just my tools, clothes and personal things. Ill need the gang to supply me with metals.

Jenny: That would take a while but I think Jason will be cool with that.

Yin: Ill also need-

Beth: You can make your demands in front of Jason since he holds the last word. The leader agreed to help get the village to come with us so the new drugs will be out there eventually.

Yin: It might help to have someone figure out ways to evolve it. Know anyone that can make new things out of old things?

Beth and Jenny stood in place for a minute before looking at each other, nodding and turning back to Yin.

Jenny: Granma Celia.

Yin: Granma Celia?

Beth: Granma Celia, now come on we have a boat to catch.

Yin, Jenny and Beth grabbed whatever bags they could and started walking to the village in hopes of not running out of energy too fast, they talked about their past and before Yin could talk about his past they got to what was left of the village as they saw people walk to the docks calmly. They followed them and arrived just as the ship came back and docked itself.

???: My, my I havent seen this many getting on my boat since. Well, ever. Hell this is everyone that was on the island guess Ill go explore the world now that theres no reason to stick to this route but before that, next and final stop, land! Haha!

The ship started moving in the direction of the docks where Beth and Jennys car is as well as hopefully the transport that Beth asked for.

Beth: Hey Yin, I noticed a dart board with Ozpins face back in your shop.

Yin: Therapy.

Jenny: What did that asshole do?

Yin: Sent huntresses to kidnap me. They caught me but the collision or whatever people call it now happened so I escaped. Moved to old menagerie and Been there ever since, til now anyway The hells that?

Beth and Jenny turned to where Yin was looking and saw a dark figure moving over the water toward the island they just left. The figure didnt seem to notice them and the people on the ship didnt notice the figure except for Yins sharp eyes. Beth grabbed a pair of binoculars from Yins bag and looked through before giving an annoyed groan.

Jenny: What is it?

Beth: Cuntsmen and Shinobi.. Wait a Unitian?

Jenny: Unitian? Unitian academy? Lemme see.

Beth handed the binoculars to Jenny who got a good look.

Jenny: Yeah theyre Unitian alright. And those are seniors. Was there a field trip supposed to happen around now?

Beth: Not that I know of. Even then thats less than a full class.

Jenny: Well looky who we have here, Shinobi teacher Kiriya.

Beth: I should probably get pics of this. Jason might want to know about this especially with how suspicious this is.

Jenny: Yeah.. how much you think the drugs gonna make us?

Yin: Depends how much the ingredients cost.

Jenny: Fuck! Holy shit I forgot you were even there.

Yin: I prefer it that way, less issues and talking on my end.

Beth: Right hey Jen get a look at the docks and see if theres any vans or something to get all these people to the hideout.

Jenny: Checking.. Yeah. Definitely Reaper vans.

Beth: Are you sure?

Jenny: Lets see. Bunch of rust, red and black paint and a skull on all of them, you know now that I think about it it could be anyone.

Beth: Oh shove it.

A few minutes passed in silence as the boat rocked side to side while heading to the docks eventually coming to a stop. The passengers of the boat nervously looked at the gang members before feeling calm when Adam asked them to trust the gang since they will be staying with them. Without a word they got into the vans and once full were transported to the hideout while Adam got into Beth and Jennys car along with Yin and Jimmy.

Jimmy: So that was fun.

Beth: Holy shit! Whered you come from?

Jimmy: Been here the whole time.

Beth: Where were you when we carried Yins stuff?

Jimmy: In the village getting fucked up.

Jenny: Of fucking coarse you were. What was it like?

Beth: Lets just go home. Youre driving.

Jenny: Sweet.

Adam: Beth.

Beth: Yeah big guy?

Adam: I wanted to say thank you, for giving me a new purpose. For saving me from myself.

Beth: Oh uhh. Youre welcome. You know you remind me of a story I heard once, about an angel that was betrayed by his best friend, had his wings taken from him and sent to the lowest point only to get revenge with the help of a demon. Sounds a lot like this situation huh?

Adam: I suppose. It sounds like a good story.

Beth: I wish I remembered it though so I could tell you.

The silence that followed made things awkward so not a minute later Jenny started the engine and drove back to the hideout where she saw the vans from earlier still bringing people into the church. Ignoring stares from passersby the five walked into the church and the girls lead the group to the tunnel after introducing them to the priest. When they got to the hideout they introduced Adam and Yin to Jason who looked impressed and after quick chat pulled Beth and Jenny aside.

Jason: Girls, you did something amazing. You got the best blacksmith to be part of the reapers. I still gotta talk to him about what he needs and agreements and stuff but this is already a win. I talked to Jimmy about the drugs and he says theyll sell easy. You two are a real blessing. Not to mention we got Junior to work with us, got a couple of our guys there looking after things and some girls looking pretty ready to give someone a lead clot in the brain if things escalate. I look forward to seeing what you girls do next.

Beth: Always an honor Jason.

Jenny: Hey boss, think we could get separate rooms? It gets kind of weird having Beth be the first thing I see every morning.

Jason: Ill see what I can do, until then rest up because things are just starting. Nice guns by the way.

Beth: Thanks

Jenny: I know.

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