His?- (Louis Partridge friend...

By partridgeloll

208K 5.7K 5.7K

You meet the guy who changes your life in your 4th year of Hogwarts. You are a slytherin with a lot of gryffi... More

-Chapter 1- Hogwarts
-Chapter 2- Sorting Hat
-Chatper 3- Welcome to Slytherin
-Chapter 4- Bet
-Chapter 5- Friends
-Chapter 6- Angelina
-Chapter 7- Astronomy tower
-Chapter 8- Future?
-Chapter 9- Yule Ball
Chapter 10- Hospital wing
-Chapter 11-Amortentia
-Chapter 12- Closet
-Chapter 13- Goblet of Fire
-Chapter 14- Bruised arm
-Chapter 15- Moaning Myrtle
-Chapter 16-Truth or dare
-Chapter 17- Task 2
-Chapter 18- Potions
-Chapter 19- Detention
-Chapter 20- Task 3...
-Chapter 21- Cedric
-Chapter 22- Last day
-Chapter 23- Nail polish
-Chapter 24- Forbidden forest
-Chapter 25- Make up
-Chapter 26- I won't tell lies
-Chapter 27- Vaillia perfume
-Chapter 28- Yesterday
-Chapter 29-Professor Trelawney
-Chapter 30- New rule
-Chapter 31- I'm gonna regret this
-Chapter 32- Black hair dye
-Chapter 33- It's just a kiss
-Chapter 34- Sorry
-Chapter 35- Train
-Chapter 36- Best friend
-Chapter 37- Inahler
-Chapter 38- Stupefy
-Chapter 39- Blue
-Chapter 40- Adrian
-Chapter 41- Cats
-Chapter 42- Headmaster
-Chapter 43- Just ignore it
-Chapter 44- Death eaters
-Chapter 45- Potion
-Chapter 46- Day before summer break
-Chapter 47- Tom Riddle
-Chapter 48- Issie and Millie
-Chapter 49- Kendall
-Chapter 50- Joke shop
-Chapter 51- Potion class
-Chapter 52- Overthink
-Chapter 53- I'm kidding
-Chapter 54- Train ride
-Chapter 55- Snow
-Chapter 56- Why would you
-Chapter 57- Brain freeze
-Chapter 58- Extremely powerful love potion
-Chapter 59- I hate to admit it but...
-Chapter 60- I love you
-Chapter 61- Prove it
-Chapter 62- Polyjuice potion
-Chapter 64- Ministry of magic
-Chapter 65- Mary
-Chapter 66- Perfume
-Chapter 67- Horcrux
-Chapter 68- Ring
-Chapter 69- Godric's hollow
-Chapter 70- Mr Lovegood
-Chapter 71- Malfoy manor
-Chapter 72- Mr Dumbledore
-Chapter 73- Neville
-Chapter 74- Dark Lord
-Chapter 75- Marry you
-Chapter 76- It all feels like it was just yesteday

-Chapter 63- The wedding

2.2K 57 47
By partridgeloll

So basically Ginny told me Bill is getting married today at like 2 AM. Ginny had lots of dressed and me and Hermione could borrow some. I woke up early today. At like 8 AM. I climbed downstairs and saw George standing in front of the kitchen door.

"What are you doing?"- I asked coming towards him.

"Watching Ginny and Harry."- He said.

"And why are you watching them?"- I asked.

"Look."- He said. "I'm going to walk in them kissing."

"George do not."- I said.

"I need some coffee anyways."- He said taking a step forward.

"George no wait-"- I said trying to grab his shirt and hold him back. I didn't succeed obviously. Who is going to hold a whole 6'3
man back. I went towards them to try to stop him somehow or just try not to distract Harry and Ginny, but someone turned me around.

"What are you doing?"- Louis asked me as he turned me around and his hands were on my waist.

"What are you doing?"- I asked.

"Looking for you."- He said.

"Well I'm trying to stop George from distracting Harry and Ginny."- I said while my hands were on his chest.

"From what exactly?"- He asked.

"They are gonna kiss you blizzaring idiot."- I said smiling.

"How was I supposed to know that?"- He asked laughing.

"Shush."- I said putting my finger on his lips.

I turned around and saw George awkwardly going to get his coffee. To my left I saw Harry and Ginny kissing. Very awkwardly.

"I really hope people don't see us like this."- Louis whispered.

"Morning."- George said holding cup of coffee while Ginny and Harry turned around. They backed off each other while George was smirking.

Me and Louis walked in kitchen and I took newspaper's.

"You idiot."- I said hitting George's shoulder with newspaper's while Louis laughed. I would hit his head, but his head was wrapped.

"Thanks."- Harry said.

"It was funny alright."- George said rubbing his shoulder.

"It kinda was."- Louis said.

"Still didn't had to ruin the moment."- I said turning around to George.

"What did he do?"- Hermione came inside the kitchen while I sat next to Louis.

"Harry and Ginny kissed and George may or may not interrupted them."- Louis said. mm

"They what?"- Hermione said almost spitting out tea. "Finally!"

"You didn't had to stop me from stopping George you know?"- I whispered turning around to Louis.

"Like it wasn't nice being pinned against me."- He said drinking coffee and turning around to me smirking.

"Very funny"- I said smiling as we turned around to George and Hermione.

After some talking and Louis realizing that wedding is today we had to go help to set up everything. We sat up pretty white tables and chairs and many more decorations.

"I can't believe little Bill is already getting married."- Louis said faking wiping tear off his eye. "He's so grown up now."

"You met him yesterday."- I said.

"I remember when he was like this."- Louis said pointing to his knee.

"I can't with you sometimes."- I said laughing.

"What is minister of magic doing here?"- George asked as we turned around and saw man walking towards us.

Minister of magic walked in the house with Hermione, Harry and Ron. He was holding something in his hand, we couldn't really see what. Molly said we rest a little and go for a walk. Of course me and Louis, the most curious people on this planet wanted to know what's happening, but we just went to take a walk.

"This is cute."- Louis said as we sat down while corns were around us.

"I thought George had bigger injury, I got scared for him."- I said.

"And you didn't listen when I said this was dangerous."- Louis said.

"It was, but I had to help Harry."- I said.

"But what if George was you or what if Moody was you."- Louis said. "If something happened to you I would lose myself."

"What if Harry was Moody? If we didn't help him he would be in Voldemort's hands now. Dead or alive."- I said.

"Y'n I know you care about Harry. I do too. Hermione told you in the letter that we can come if we want. We didn't have to do this urgently. It's dangerous out here. Who knows what that minister of magic is telling them now. It gets dangerous more day by day. I can't risk your life."- Louis said.

"Louis listen."- I said sitting in front of him. "You can't always say "Your life". You need to look out for your life too. Don't put me before you. We are not risking just my life we are risking yours too. Don't put me before you."

"I care about you Y'n."- Louis said.

"Louis you risked your life by getting attention of death eater. If Fred and Arthur weren't there you could've end up like Moody. When I saw you leave with death eater I turned around too. Don't put your life after mine. I know you love me, I love you too, but we are even."- I said.

"It's dangerous here Y'n. I get your point, but if I wasn't there God knows what would happen to you."- He said.

"I can protect myself Louis."- I said.

"I never said you couldn't. You were struggling at the moment and I helped. Best thing that we can do right now is to go somewhere safe."- He said.

"Are you serious? We are safe now. We can't go back."- I said.

"Y'n Voldemort knows where Harry is which means he knows where all of us are right now."

"We can't leave them."- I said.

"But what if something happens to you?"- He asked.

"You see."- I said. "You are putting me in front of you again."

"We shouldn't even go here at the first point, I know we had to get out of there anyway, but we could've go to Issie and Millie and my mom and dad."- He said.

"So you are saying we shouldn't of helped Harry?"- I asked.

"No I-"- He tried to say something, but Molly cut him off.

"Y'n, Louis!"- She was yelling.

"We got to go."- I said getting up.

"Y'n listen-"- Louis tried to say something.

"No it's fine."- I said walking.

We got to The Burrow and talked to Hermione, Harry and Ron. Well I did. Fred and George pulled Louis aside and started asking some questions. Probably about me. They were like my brothers so they had to know everything.

"Are you listening Y'n?"- Hermione asked me.

"So basically you are telling me Dumbledore gave you three gifts from him?"- I asked.

"Yes. Very weird ones."- Hermione said. "What happened with you and Louis? Did you break up?"

"No, no, no. Of course not."- I said. "It's just a small fight. It's fine."

"If you say so."- She said.

Evening came quick. I didn't talk to Louis. Fred and George were just asking me questions and saying how me and Louis misunderstood each other. I know he didn't mean it like that, but I can't put his life in danger because of me. I would risk my life for him any-day, but he could've of died there because of me. It was time for Bill's wedding. Fleur was gorgeous in her dress. Everything was set up. Food, people, drinks and other. I wore Ginny's pink sparkly dress. I didn't even see Louis for the whole wedding.

I was talking to Hermione the whole time until everybody started slow dancing as well Bill and Fleur.

"Y'n you know what's a good idea?"- Hermione asked me.

"You dancing with Ron?"- I asked as she gave me hand to get up.

"Better."- She said turning me around and pushing me.

I ran into someone. The smell of mint gave it away. I looked up to Louis who looked as confused as I am. My hands automatically led to his and we were just standing there awkwardly.

"I hate them."- I said.

"Come on."- Hermione whispered to me as she walked pass us.

Everyone was dancing at the slow song and me and Louis just stood there. Fleur was resting her head on Bill's chest. I looked around and we looked like idiots. I looked to my left and saw Ron and Hermione dancing. I rested my head on Louis's chest as we started dancing. I could feel him smiling.

"I'm still mad at you."- I said.

"I know."- He said smiling as I looked up to him. "Fred pushed me here too."

"Realized that."- I said.

We kept dancing until blue sparkle flashed in front of us all and we separated.

"The ministry has fallen. Minister is dead."- Blue ball said. "They are coming, they are coming."

The ball closed and everyone started panicking. Louis took my arm and black flashes started getting inside. Death eaters started attacking guests.

"Y'n!"- Hermione was yelling. "Take my hand! Now!"

I took Hermione's hand and she took Harry's hand. Next thing I know we teleported. We teleported in London. In front of a bus. Louis pulled me aside so I don't get hit.

"Did I do that right?"- He asked as he was holding onto a fence so I couldn't move.

"You did."- I said smiling as he moved his arm and we were now walking behind Harry, Hermione and Ron.

"Where are we?"- Louis asked.

"London."- I said as we turned left and Hermione started giving us clothes.

Hermione gave us clothes as we dressed up. We couldn't walk around in dresses and suits. After sone time we dressed up and got to the cafe and sat down.

"Coffee?"- Waitress asked.

"Cappuccino."- Hermione said.

"You?"- She pointed to Ron.

"What she said."- Ron said.

"Same."- Harry, me and Louis said.

I was sitting next to Harry while Louis, Harry and Hermione were opposite of me. Two men entered the cafe and Harry caught an eye on them fast. One of them put their hand in his pocked and I immediately looked over to Louis.

"Get down."- I mouthed.

"Down!"- Harry yelled as spells came from two men's wands. I got under the table and Louis was not far from me.

"Stupefy!"- I yelled as spell hit the man.

One was down and other one was obviously stronger. Hermione got up and thew a spell on him and he was on ground. We all looked to Hermione impressed. Waitress entered the room and looked at us confusingly.

"Go! Leave. Now!"- Hermione said as she turned around.

Me and Louis looked around the cafe and closed the blinds while Hermione, Harry and Ron were looking at them.

"Maybe we should kill them?"- Ron said.

"Ron."- Hermione said.

"What? How did you feel when they did this to Mad-eye."- Ron said.

"Wipe their memories doesn't sound bad, you know?"- I said.

"Hermione, you're the best at spells."- Ron said as Hermione stepped further.

"Obliviate."- Hermione said as she did the spell. Spell wiped away their memories as we were standing there not knowing what to do.

Sorry that it's taking me long to update. I need to look through every scene and write my thoughts down so I need a lot of time to put everything together!

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