Showtime: S7 Ending And S8 Fa...

By blu_tns

8.8K 230 48

It's the finale of Dancemania and the stakes are high. A-troupe verses Richelle, and J-cruise, and only one o... More

I've put myself in this corner
Coming Home
The Comeback Kid
Bigger Decisions
The Absolute Face
Not So Neutral Grounds
Back to Business
Let's Get This Party Started
The Hello Girl
Missed Opportunities
Spill The Tears
Beggin' On Your Knees
The Eleventh Wheel
Here Comes Trouble
The Auditions Are Here, Right?
Let The Auditions Begin
The Bet
The Fall of Richelle?
Unexpected Friends
Wait Till Tomorrow
Between a Pillow and a Soft Place
Dance Captaincies and Denials
Falling Behind
Not His Girl
Contemplating Choreo
Don't Call Me Captain
The Best Couple Ever?
Catching Up
No Corners, Just Dead Ends
Alone Again
Warm-Ups and Whispers
History is Bound to Repeat
This Changes Everything
This Changes Somethings
Opportunity Knocks
The New A-Troupe
Last Rehearsals
Say Cheese
Drop Dead Gorgeous
Hit the Road
Feeling Better

Should I Speak At All?

261 10 2
By blu_tns

Richelle's POV:

I scrolled through my contacts, stopping when I cam to the Ns. I found The Next Step just above Noah and pressed dial. 

One ring...

Two rings...

Someone picked up. 

"Hello, this is Nick speaking." 

"Hi, Nick. It's Richelle." 

"Aw, hey Shelly." Gosh, he needed to stop giving people weird nicknames. 

"Yeah, hi. I was just calling to..." Why was I even calling? It felt like the right thing to do, but I didn't really know what to say. 

"I was just calling." 

"Richelle, it's okay. I doubt the team are even mad at you." 

"Really?" I wouldn't know. They kicked me out of the group chat. 

"Yeah, in fact, you should come to our little celebration party tomorrow. But don't tell them it's a party, they don't know that." I felt a bit of relief 

"Don't you think it'll be a little weird, seeing as I have nothing to celebrate?" 

When I came home, my parents had crowded me with hugs and support, but it still felt awkward. Later that evening, I found a bunch of congratulation decorations in the bin. They thought I would have won. But I didn't.

"I mean, you can still eat cake." I laughed at that. 

"Yeah, I'll try and come. Thanks."

"Great, and guess who's going to be there."

"Who?" I asked. The line went silent. I looked at my phone screen to make sure I hadn't accidentally ended the call.  Ick finally said something.

"Actually, I'll keep it a surprise." I rolled my eyes. Just like Nick to almost blow a secret and then keep you in suspense. 

"Fine." I hung up the phone and tossed it across my bed, lying flat on my back. Now thinking about it, maybe I should have asked if I was still a member of The Next Step. My dad wouldn't be pleased if he had to pay for more dance tuition than he had to. 

Regardless, it still felt like there was some hope to make up with them. 

I heard my phone buzz. It was probably another retweet or someone sending me some sort of comment regarding Dancemania. I looked at my phone anyway. Not going to lie, the attention is addicting. 

I swiped up expecting to find a notification from Twitter. Instead, it was a text. 

Summer: Hey.

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