how to survive 7th grade

Por Olivia_Barron

5.2K 148 68

Maddie Horan is new at Clearview highschool in California. as Maddie just barely gets to this new school, sh... Más

chapter one
chapter two
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
soon to come

chapter three

370 7 6
Por Olivia_Barron

*a half hour of torturous science

We were quiet through the whole entire class. As the bell rang, everyone stands up, and grabs their books. As i got up, i looked over at AJ who took off his raybans and put them on his shirt. He stands up revealing a boot on his foot( the kind of boot that you would wear if you injured your foot) i look at his foot then up at AJ who was puling out some crutches he had hidden under our table," how did i not notice that?" I asked surprised. AJ looks down at his boot and back at me," i don't know, you were probably too busy checking me out, to even notice." Said AJ then smirks," haha yeah right." I said actually laughing. I grab his books and we walk out in the hallway, where there were other teens talking, getting books out their lockers, or just making out against a locker. Ugh! I hate it when couples show off their love and make out in public. AJ and i walk down the hall," so what's your next class?" Asked AJ," um-" i said then was interupted by the speakers in the hallway," all students meet with their home room at their next hour, thank you." Said the lady in the speakers," well, i guess we have home room." Said AJ.

AJ led me to Ms. Lanecaster's room, our class superviser, since i didn't know where her room was. As we walk into the room, AJ waves at some guys, and the guys motion their hands laughing, telling him to come in their circle," hey, is it okay if i go sit with my buds?" Asked AJ," why are you asking me? Go sit with you buds limpy, i'll be fine." I said walking away. AJ sits with his crowd of friends and sets his crutches next to him. I was sitting by myself. I look around me and see that the room was kind of small, yet a little big, and looked pretty nice and cozy. Then i saw some girls looking and slightly pointing at me. Uh oh. What was happening. I got scared, so i put my face behind my binder. I looked to check if the cost was clear, but it wasn't, they were coming straight towards me. I put my binder down and pulled on of my brown hairs, that was in my face, behind my ear. They sat next to me. One of them had brunnett hair, with a little bit on blonde, and one of them had pretty wacky blonde curly hair" i'm jordynn and this is Nikki Pedrad." Said The brunett, who was aparently Jordynn," hi." Said Nikki, the blonde curly haired girl, Nikki," so your the new girl?" Asked Jordynn. I nodd my head," whatcha name?" Asked Nikki," um, Maddie Horan." I said in a soft voice. We all talked. Jordynn was a very confidnet person. And Nikki was really nice and funny. They told me that they wanted me to sit next to their friends, so i did. We walk up to the biggest table in the room, where there were two other girls talking and laughing," hey guys this is Maddie, maddie this is Adrienne Rivers." Said Jordynn pointing to a short brunnett haired girl," and Alivia Diaz" Said Jordynn pointing at a short yet tall latino girl," hey." Said both Alivia and Adrienne in unison and waving at me," Hi." I said softly in a shy voice. We all sat and talked to each other as we waited for our superviser to come in the room. A few minutes after talking, or listening, Ms. Lanecaster walked through the door with her hands full with papers," hey guys." Said Ms. Lanescaster. She was nice and looked in her thirties. After a few minutes more. A tall brunnett boy walked up to the podium that was in the front of the room," who is that?" I asked," Alan Watsen, he's our class president." Jordynn paused," Garrett over there is the vice president." Said Jordynn pointing at a short  blonde boy," and i'm the secritary." Said Jordynn  joding down notes on a piece of paper that was titled 'homecoming'. We were talking about what we were going to do for homecoming floats. Homecoming was one of those most important things to do in highschool, like prom. Our homecoming float theme was the incredibles, because Clearview was incredible! Hahaha. I crack myself up! At least i do. Nikki, Adrienne, Jordynn, and i talked after we decided what we were doing for our float. They were all really nice and cool girls who've known each other since forever. Adrienne was one of those funny girls who just go with the flow, and Alivia was one of those singing and writing girls that liked to find different things to do. They all played sports, they were all kind of sporty girls. Which i thought was pretty cool.

After class our class meetings, we had to go to math. I was good at math, so i wasn't worried. But i really had to use the bathroom. I ran around trying to find the bathrooms. I finally found the signs and didn't even bother to read them. I just ran into one of the echoy rooms. As i got inside the room, i saw urinals! I WAS IN THE BOYS BATHROOM! I quickly ran outside. Thankfully no boys were in the bathroom and everyone was already in class, so no one saw. As i ran out, i saw one person, who saw me walking out of the bathroom. Spencer. SPENCER? REALLY!! It couldn't have been anyone else. I looked at him and at the boys bathroom. His face had no emotion. We looked at each other. I was soo embaressed," um...i..." i stopped. I didn't even know what to say," did you see that?" I asked softly in a shy tone. Spencer slowly walks up to me and smiles," see what?" He asked," see me...oh." i said catching onto what he meant by see what?  We both laugh," so... your not gonna say anything about that?" I asked,"about what?" Said Spencer doing it again. I laughed," your too cute." I said. OMG! Did i just say that out loud. I blushed in embaressment," um, thanks, your cute too." Said Spencer laughing, causing his dimples to show. Which made me blush even more. Spencer chuckles then starts to walk away," espiecally when your blussing." Said Spencer walking away. I blushed," your doing it." Said Spencer still walking away. I covered my face and ran to my math class.

As i come inside the room and close the door behind me, but i closed it hard, making everyone stare at me. I stood still in fear as the teacher stopped her chalk in place from writing on the board, which made chills run turough my body. I could see Adrienne, AJ, and Jordynn in the front of the class," that was louder then i expected." I said then made everyone laugh," first day, and your already late for my class, i'm Ms. Case, and you are Ms.?" I realized that she wanted me to finish her sentence," Horan, Maddie Horan." I said," well, Ms. Horan, would you like to explain to me why you were late?" She asked scaring the death out of me," um i'm sorry sir, ma'am, Mr, Ms. UGH! I'm not making such a good first impression, am i?" I asked. Everyone laughed once again," go on and take a seat over there by Adrienne, Ms. Horan." Said Ms. Case. She seemed in a bad mood. I slowly walked over to the empty desk next to Adrienne and set my stuff down. I'm pretty sure she's kind of ruining math for me. But we still carried on with the lesson.

After Math, was lunch. Finally! A class that i actually liked. Where you can hang out with your friends, eat, and just goof around. The bell finally rang. Everyone ran out the door and out to the lunch room. They were serving chicken nuggets today. Yaya. Jordynn, Nikki, Adrienne, Alivia, and i were looking around for some where to sit. We found one table, and it happened to be AJ's table. There were two other guys and two other girls, i felt bad for the guys, they were out numbered. Haha not! AJ stood up," hey beanie." He said smiling," beanie?" Asked Jordynn setting her tray down next to mine," yeah, only i can call her that." Said AJ. We all laugh," guys this is maddie." Said AJ introducing us all," i already know them, that's Adrienne, Jordynn, Nikki, and Alivia." I said pointing to all of them," cool, you know our people." Said AJ then more guys came. The way they dressed indicated that they were popular. I sat in between Jordynn and Nikki and ate my mashed potatoes and chicken nuggets. They were all really funny making smart remarks about everything.

*a few classes later

It was the last class of the day. The day went by pretty fast. We were in band, so it was pretty fun. I got to play on my trumpet and learn some pep band. It turns out you, if you volunteer at some football games, you can get extra credit, so Adrienne, Alivia, Adrienne, Nikki, and Jordynn volunteered for friday's home game, which means, EXTRA CREDIT! Man do i sound like such a nerd. As the bell rang, i walked out to the parking lot to wait for my brother to come pick me up. I was waiting with all my new friends. Slowly they all left. And i was waiting for my brother. I walked around the large parking lot and looked every where for my brother's car. But i couldn't find it, so i texted him.

Hey i'm waiting for you in the parking lot, where are you?

I sent the text. And waited for him. Soon after my brother drove up," took you long enough." I said," yeah, i have some plans, so, you're gonna have to find your own ride home." Said Mike," what? I don't even know this neighborhood, how can i find my way home?" I said enraged," i don't know, but just do it please." Said Mike giving me my skate borad to me," mike i can't-" before i could even say find my way home, he rolled his window down and left," great." I said to myself and get on my skate board and start to ride away. I stop, pull out my phone and earbuds, and put on some music by Five seconds of summer. It was on soo loud, that i couldn't hear anything around me. I got back on my skate board and began to ride down a block. As i turn a block and head on a street, i see the front of a car coming closer to me and is ready to hit me. When out of the blew, someone pushes me out of the way, causing me to fall onto some strangers lawn. I look around and notice that my earbuds were still in my ears. I take them off and breath heavily. I look around and see next to me Spencer. Who was on the ground bleeding from his forehead. I look over at the road and see that the car had stopped. I look over at Spencer. We look deep into each other's eyes," hey." Said Spencer out of breath," hey." I said out of breath too, but i didn't know why. Maybe because i almost got ran over," maybe you should think about not listening to your music that loud." Said Spencer," yeah, maybe i should stop." I said wipeing away sweat from my forehead," oh my goodness, are you okay, i'm so sorry, i didn't see you." Said a teenage girl getting out of the driver's seat. I look at spencer then at her," it's okay, i shouldn't have been listening to my music that loud." I said looking up at her as she comes closer towards me," i honetly don't know what to do right now." She said. I look over to see my skate board split in half," it's honeslty okay, i didn't get hurt." I said putting my hand on my forehead," are you sure there's nothing i can do?" She asked," um...fifty bucks for a new skate board, and a bandage for my friend's forehead." I said. She walked to her car and came back with some money in her hand and a bandage. I grab the money and bandage. I put the bandage on Spencer's forehead. Then i count the money. It was seventy dollars," um...this is twenty dollars more." I said to the girl," oh, just spend the rest with your boyfriend." She said

" He's not my boyfriend"

"She's not my girlfriend."

We both say in unsion," okay, well then you two can have lunch together as friends." She said smiling," sorry again." She said. She then leaves. I see with the money is her number if she wanted me to call her for anything. Her name was cierra. She had a really pretty name. Spencer and i both get up and walk to the nearest restruant. Which happened to be a really cute cafe. Spencer opens the door for me and we both walk in and order two meatball subs and two pepsi's. We go to a table and wait for our food to be done. We sat next to the big glass window," so..." i said breaking the awkward silence," so..." said Spencer running his fingers through his hair," thanks for..that." i said awkwardly. Spencer gives me a slight smile and confused look,"that? As in saving you life?" Asked spencer then chuckles," yeah, as in that." I said then laughed. I put my hair that was in my face, behind my ear. It was then and there i noticed that i didn't have my beanie on," shoot." I said under my breath," what?" Asked Spencer playing around with the napkin holders," i lost my beanie." I said sadly. Spencer chuckles. He looked so cute with that bandage on his forehead," what?" I asked," you almost got hit, and your worried about your beanie?" Asked Spencer," yass." I said. Spencer chuckles again," your something else." He said still chuckling," thanks i guess." I said. The lady called our number, indicating that our order was done. I grab our food and rinks and we ate in silence.

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