Reanimation...a Yugioh Fan Fi...

Door HopeJohn

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The Pharoah is gone peace within the spirit world, but that does not keep the world alone peaceful... Meer

[PART ONE] Issue #1...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #2...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #3...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #4...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #5...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #6...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #7...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #8....a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #9...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #10...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #11...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #12...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #13...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #14...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #15...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #16...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #17...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #18...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #19...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #20...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
[PART TWO] Issue #21...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #22...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #23...a Yugioh Fan Fiction.
Issue #24...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #25...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #26...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #27...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #28...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #29...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #30...a Yugioh Fan Fiction.
Issue #31...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #32...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #33...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #34: Reanimation's Holiday Issue...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
[PART THREE] Issue #36...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #37...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #38...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #39...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #40...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #41...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #42...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #43...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #44...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #45...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #46...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #47...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #48...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #49...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #50...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #51...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

Issue #35: Reanimation's Holiday Issue [continued]...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

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Door HopeJohn


Mom had only been making a quick errand into town, so I hadn’t stayed at Seto’s for very long when she came to get me.

I could walk the three miles, but it was nicer to get a ride, especially in the winter.

Once I had gotten back I still had things to do, like gift wrapping. Unlike cooking, I was a pro at this. I readjusted the ribbons on the gifts. I had gotten all of my friends, my sisters and my parents a gift.

I was happy—I actually got to see my sisters for once, they were usually so busy with work and college it was a difficult thing for us all to be together. I had the hardest time coming up with a gift for everyone, especially Seto. I mean, what do you get the guy who can afford anything? I was pleased with my findings however, and thought everything they would at least share some interest in, considering I put a lot of thought into it.

I set them underneath my tree, where Isis snored on the nearby pillow. I smirked ruffling the Siberian husky mix’s fur, as she opened her eyes to send me a glare, unhappy I had woke her.

“Hope!!” I heard shuffling in the kitchen and wandered out there.

My fluffy slippers shifted across the cold floor. “Yeah?”

“Did you know how the weather is supposed to be tomorrow? I want to know if I need to go look for my hat or not.”

“Hm…I don’t know, I think its supposed to snow, don’t forget I’m spending the afternoon with Seto, Mocuba and them.”

“Just great, I guess I’ll have to find that damn hat then,” She grumbled looking around. I started to help in the search; Dad was sitting down, resting and watching TV, happy to be on vacation for the holidays. “What about that Roran, and Breanna too?” he asked.

“Yea, they’ll be there too—this is like our Christmas with them. Roran wasn’t able to afford it, and Seto and Mocuba just never bothered because of how his adoptive family was.”

“That’s sad, if you want you can invite them to come with us on Christmas.” My brow raised, them with me—on Christmas? Meeting my family?

“Uh, no that’s okay, they already think I’m crazy—I don’t need to have them see where I get it from.” I joked, as Dad gave a small chuckle and Mom harrumphed at me.

“Whatever you want—only one of them is dating my daughter, not like I should care or anything.” She said touchily. Like I said before, sometimes the holidays bring out the worst in people.

“Okay! Alright I’ll ask them.” I looked under the couch, finding a black knitted hat. “Here—” I tossed it at her.

“Good,” She replied, “Your Dad and I don’t get to see enough of them.”

Dad looked at her, not really wanting to get involved. He just pretended to be immersed in the television, sitting in his favorite chair. I sighed, plunking down next to him in an adjacent couch and watching the latest Christmas special.


Christmas Eve.

“Roran!!! Roran!!!” An excited Amy chirped jumping up and down, I stared at her unimpressed, I didn’t care how cute she was at the time—she was still really enthusiastic, “CAN WE OPEN PRESENTS NOW!!! PLEASE!!!”

“God Roran, what the hell did you do—feed her a bowl of sugar?” I asked as she jumped up and down in front of him excitedly.

“Of course not!” He snapped at me and turned to his sister, “We’re watching a movie first—so calm down.” He retorted with a smirk as she pouted.

There was a shut of a door, as I heard someone enter, “Hey look!! You guys decorated…kinda.” Breanna said as she walked past the pine tree which Roran had put in the house, that he had went and bought earlier during the day. It had no lights and was strung with popcorn garland, but it was there, and was making the whole house smell like pine needles and a movie theatre.

Breanna walked in, holding a trash bag filled with presents, “Breanna!” Roran said with a smile, “Glad you could come.”

“Yeah, my mom was able to drop me off,” She smiled, placing a hand on her hips, “So you missed me huh?”

“Not really,” He joked as she sent him an irritated look.

“Whatever,” She said tackling him as she put him into a “forced” headlock to ruffle his hair. Amy laughed, happy to see Breanna too, “You know you missed me Roran, or do you just want me for my body?”

“I don’t see anything wrong with both,” The stupid fox replied, as he was smacked on the back of the head by—not me—Breanna.

“Perv.” She harrumphed, “I can’t believe I can stand being around you sometimes.”

“You’re not the only one,” I replied, crossing my arms while Roran sweat-dropped, unsurprised.

Amy glared at her, “Don’t beat on Roran! Let him give us our presents first,”

Roran gave a dark chuckle, shrugging out of Breanna’s headlock. “You really think that’s going to happen now?”

“Please,” I commented, “Like you’re going to deny them anything forever.”

Breanna stood next to him, giving him her big puppy dog eyes while Amy did the same. His eyes narrowed, as his gaze averted mine, “I wish I could say you were wrong.” He grumbled.

“So you’re saying—I’m right.” I smiled


“Yes, I think you did. Maybe not directly, but I’ll take it!” I grinned

Annoyed, he rolled his electric yellow eyes at me. “Whatever.”

“So where’s Seto?” Breanna asked

“Uh..not sure.” Roran lied, as he had with me.

“He’s not telling me, though I’m not sure why,” I replied, crossing my arms, “—Seto’s car’s here, but he isn’t.

Seriously Roran, tell me.”

“I can’t,” He said, looking flustered,

“Why not?”

“Because he told me not to say anything, so drop it.” He snapped as I frowned, well that was no good. I wondered if something had happened to him. I looked outside, the weather wasn’t terrible, it was snowing, but not heavily.

I could already tell he wasn’t inside the house, so he was out, up to something. Was he training; and if so, that was a surprise because I thought he had wanted my help, he specifically wanted me to keep him in check, if he couldn’t control it himself? He had been out there a while, what if he wasn’t able to control it? Mocuba wasn’t here either, leaving me with tons of speculations.

“I think I’ll head outside,” I replied.

“No!” Roran grabbing my arm. “Wait dammit.” I heard the slam of a car door outside. I raised my brow, so he had been outside this whole time.

“Wait he has Hope’s gifts out there doesn’t he?” Breanna said, glancing at Roran.

“Yes,” Roran growled, as my face flushed with realization.

So…it goes without saying—that Roran doesn’t want me to see what Seto bought me, whatever it was he got, he must’ve been working on it outside.

“Alright Roran, sorry,” I said, as he let go of my arm. “I thought he might have been training,”

The blonde raised his brow, regarding me carefully, “Training?”

“Yeah,” I said calmly, “That spirit inside him, you know, it’s not exactly my place to go into detail.”

He nodded briefly, his mind reeling. He knew as well as anyone else in this house about Seto’s temper, and the dark side of him. “I’ll ask him about it later myself.”

I heard the doorknob turn. Seto walked in wearing his black wool coat. “Seto! Wait up!!” Mocuba cried, as I heard bustling inside. Kaiba turned in the doorway and grabbed a large bundle from Mocuba’s arms. He turned and smirked seeing me. “We would have gotten them sooner, but they wouldn’t have lasted nearly as long.”

In his arms were a bouquet of roses. My face flushed at seeing them, the scent of roses beginning to overpower the scent of pine.

He placed them in my arms, as my face flushed, “Seto…”

Roran rolled his eyes, “You would go and one up me wouldn’t you?” He growled, “The other gift wasn’t enough?”

“Hardly,” Seto scoffed, “It was her birthday too, or did you forget? I’m merely making up for it.”

I smelled the sweet scented roses. “Seto—these are awesome!” I smiled. “You really didn’t have to get me another present but thanks so much,” I closed my eyes wondering what my first present was. Already, had this been a competition, I don’t know if my gift would win. I hoped he would like it.

“Don’t worry about it.” He smiled, “Now isn’t there something we’re supposed to be going to watch today.”

“Yep!!” Breanna smiled, holding up an old movie. “It’s a Wonderful Life, of course!” She held up the dvd. Seto looked at it, taking the cover.

Roran peeked over his shoulder, “This movies in black and white!”

Mocuba’s little violet eyes widened. “It is! And it’s got a copyright date of 1949! It’s ancient!”

“So? The stories great.” Breanna commented while I looked at the beautiful flowers he had gotten me, their stems appeared freshly cut. He must have went to a greenhouse of some sort.

“The stories old!” Amy pouted, “I thought we were gonna watch something fun.”

“Give it a chance—right Hope?” Breanna argued, looking at me.

I looked up, “Oh yeah, right…it’s a good movie. I think I’m going to go find a place for these.” Seto smirked, glad I liked my gift as I wandered into the kitchen, while Breanna face palmed and Roran rolled his eyes.

“She’s such a girl sometimes,” he muttered under his breath.


All the lights were on in the living room, the curtains drawn open as the scent of roses and pine filled the house. The movie was great, and although we didn’t change the mind of Mocuba and Amy, Roran had enjoyed it—despite it being black and white. It had been a bit of a cute comedy, and it had a sense of humor you didn’t have to be from the 1940’s to understand.

“So what’d you think of the movie?” I asked Seto. I turned to look at him on the couch. He had his arm draped over me and Mocuba. His eyes were closed; he had fallen asleep out of boredom. His hair was slightly covering his face as he leaned against me. He gave a weary deep breath, lost in sleep.

Breanna laughed, noticing. “I guess he really enjoyed the movie, huh?”

“I guess so,” I said blandly, looking at Amy next to Roran, who was passed out as well. The blonde chuckled, putting a blanket over her. “It looks like he wasn’t the only one.” Mocuba was also asleep as well, leaning against Seto. I smiled brushing back some of Seto’s bangs, which fell back over his face as soon as my hand left his forehead.

“Well at least you liked the movie,” Breanna said with a smile, glancing at Roran.

He nodded giving a brief smile, “Yeah, not as bad as I thought it would be,” As he said this, the lights flickered, causing all of us to pause. The power hadn’t gone out, to our relief.

“What’s going on?” Breanna asked curiously.

Roran stood, walking over to the window. There was a blur of snow, whipping around in the wind, he couldn’t even see five feet past the window it was that bad. He frowned. “Must be the weather,” he retorted, “Guess we shouldn’t be surprised, they said it was supposed to snow today. Just didn’t expect a blizzard.”

“Me either,” I agreed, still sitting next to Seto, “Do you guys want to exchange gifts now?”

Amy was suddenly wide awake, “Presents!? Yay!!” She cheered, suddenly tackling her brother. He had been so caught off guard, he fell to the ground with her on top of him.

“Get off Amy!” He growled in annoyance.

She began to pick herself off of him. “Sorry Roran, I thought you were going to catch me! You used to always,”

“You were little then you’re bigger now.”

She harrumphed, “Did you just call me fat?”

“Of course not, I—”

The two began to bicker as I glanced to Mocuba and Seto. The commotion caused Mocuba to stir, “What’s going on?” He asked, rubbing his eyes.

I smiled, “We’re going to exchange gifts now.”

“Really, cool.” He sat up, shaking Seto. “Seto!! Seto wake up! Its present time!”

I felt him stir next to me, his chest reverberating against mine as he asked, “Mocuba, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing bro—but its time for presents!” Seto grunted tiredly, as he stood up and went to wake himself up.


We gathered around the fireplace, “How do we even do this?” Roran said, “Do we all take turns?”

“At my grandma’s we all just pass out our presents and open them at once, and thank the people who give them to us. But I guess since there’s only six of us we could just go individually.”

“Really? That sounds like a good idea!” Amy said, “I hope you don’t mind, I didn’t think about it and only got Roran a present,” Her gaze lowered to the ground as she said this. “I just don’t know what you guys would have liked.”

“That’s alright.” Breanna said, as I nodded in agreement. “It doesn’t matter as long as we all have fun.” Amy smiled as we said this.

“I guess you should go first.” Roran said, taking out a small dark blue box, wrapped in red ribbons, and handing it to Amy, “You were so anxious after all,”

She unwrapped it, showing a long thin silver chain with a small round bell and metallic heart dangling off of it. “Oh Roran its so cute—I love it!” As she said this she smiled, and he took the necklace out of the box, and draping it across her neck where he hooked it with the small metal clip. She turned and hugged him, her new gift jingling as she moved.

I took out what I had bought for her as well, a small box of chocolates, which wasn’t much but I knew she would like them. Breanna had thought of a similar thing, taking out a small box which had candy inside it. Seto’s eyes averted, handing her a small bag as well.

“Really—you guys all got me something?”

“I didn’t, I just helped Seto find you you’re gift.” Mocha admitted sheepishly. Having to live with Roran, they heard him talk about her all the time, and new she had an obsession with animals. Inside the bag had been a small stuffed animal. She hugged it cutely, her new necklace from Roran jingling softly.

“I got you more than that.” Roran admitted, “I just want to wait until tomorrow, until real Christmas to give it to you.”

She beamed at him, “Really Roran? That’s so cool!” Roran smiled in return. “Here’s your present I got for you!!” She held out her hand, “I painted it myself.” There was a band of wooden beads in her hand, all painted black, except for a single black bead which was laced with red swirled designs.

He took it examining it, “Thank you,” he put it on, the beads clinging to his wrist.

“Here!” Breanna threw a huge box into his arms. He blinked in surprise, opening it up, inside was a large jacket. “I thought you might want one that was thinner for in the spring.” He shrugged off his other jacket, revealing his large onyx wings which he stretched for a moment before he tried it on, it was a soft tan color, and the material was thin, like khaki; almost. It still did a good job of hiding his wings however.

Her eyes beamed as she grinned, “Oh let me get your guys gifts as well! It only makes sense if you open them all at once!” She handed Roran an extra box, then me, then Seto.

“What about Mocuba?” I questioned.

“Oh he got a gift too, but it doesn’t go with this. Now go!” She ordered.

“Don’t tell me what to do,” Seto scoffed, opening the box the same time I did mine.

I opened it up. I sweat dropped, Seto’s face reddened. “Breanna what the hell is this!?” I demanded.

“A bra, for those beasts of yours.” She giggled, “Isn’t it hilarious!?” Roran snorted, trying to contain a laugh as I shot him a glare.

“This is a size triple X!!” I snapped, holding up the bra the size tag dangling in my face. “Just how big do you think they are!?”

Seto’s brow raised as he pulled out his gift in disgust. “And you just think this just hilarious don’t you?” He was holding up a thong for men. Except it was pink with a rose on it.

My eyes widened, “Oh my god…” My jaw dropped, “She bought you underwear as well!?”

Roran laughed so hard tears were falling down his face watching the scene unfold. He held up his opened gift to show a normal pair of boxers inside. Breanna, Mocuba, and Amy were on the floor, laughing as tears streamed down their faces. I glanced at Seto, sweat dropping as I saw the thong. “Here let me see that…” I replied, grabbing the thong from him. I held one end, while pulling back the elastic on the other as I slingshot it at Breanna’s face. It smacked her dead between the eyes.

Breanna had bought us both gag gifts, a huge bra you could practically use as an umbrella, and then a man thong. Which I never have liked that type of clothing attire. Which I just shot her in the face with.

I suppressed a laugh, watching her stare at me with amusement, but my laughter was uncontained and I busted up. I was surprised to hear Seto laughing next to me, tears filling his eyes, I had never seen him so amused before. I laughed and eventually I snorted, humiliating myself even further, because Roran got a kick out of that. Breanna laughed even harder, so much she couldn’t breathe.

I can’t believe the things that girl thought of sometimes. I thought; my sides hurting from laughter. But then again…I shouldn’t be surprised by her antics….

The lights flickered in the room, temporarily pausing our laughter. Then they flickered out, leaving us in blackness. As the laughter began to subside we all slowly came back into our senses.

“What happened?” Breanna asked, wiping a tear from her eye.

“I don’t know,” Roran said with a slow chuckle.

I suppressed a laugh, “I think it’s the weather outside,” I said standing and walking over to the window. Seto walked past me, pulling back the curtain, showing the dimming light of day, and the whiting out of snow, that was piling up on the earth, and the snow so fine it was beginning to drift into tall piles, like an endless stretch of sand. It had already piled up in the small crevices of the windowsill, covering half of it.

“Well doesn’t that just look pretty,” I stated sarcastically, pressing my hand against the cool glass in front of me.

Amy jumped up on Roran’s back, her new gift jingling as she did so, claiming a piggyback ride, he grunted, readjusting his arms. “Amy, now’s not the time—”

“—why not?” She piped.

“Eh just forget it.” He retorted walking up to Seto,

“You’re not whipped at all,” I stated blandly, as he shot me a yellow eyed glare.

His eyes went from mine to Seto’s. “Hey Kaiba, we don’t have any back-up generators here do we?”

“It slipped my mind,” He replied stiffly, “I didn’t realize we’d have this type of weather.”

Breanna and Mocuba were still sitting by the fire watching us with interest. “Well Hope’s always used to the power going out. She’s gone days without it,”

Seto’s gaze flicked briefly to me, “That true?”

My face flushed, unsure of why I should be embarrassed, “Well yeah, we do live out in the middle of nowhere, whenever there’s a major storm that takes out the power they are required to fix the city’s power first. So if you don’t have a generator, then you can be out for a while.”

“And you never mentioned it to me before why?”

“It slipped my mind,” I replied bluntly, as his eyes narrowed, not very excited by my answer.

“Well we still have a few hours before we have to go home…” Breanna began, “Couldn’t we use the device and go to Battle City?” The device was used specifically for Seto, Roran and Mocuba to travel back to their own world, but if we could use it for recreational purposes so we weren’t stuck here freezing, why not?

“Hey we could, let’s go get it Seto.” Mocuba said with a smile.

We went upstairs, the dark was more evident as we got further away from the fireplace. Roran, who still had Amy on his back, reached behind him and grabbed Breanna’s hand, who had started to stumble on the stairs.


“No problem,” he said roughly, giving her a smile she couldn’t visibly see in the dark. My eyes, along with Roran’s and Seto’s had adjusted and we could see fairly well.

We got to the den upstairs, a room filled with furniture and books, Amy jumping off her brother’s back as he stepped forward, picking up one of the object on the table. It was a bracelet in simplest terms. It had microchips in each one, and he picked up the main device, the one that activated the others.

In the dim lighting I saw him scowl. “What—you haven’t figured it out yet?” Seto growled as Roran sent him a glare.

“See for yourself Lover Boy,” Roran retorted, throwing him the device. Seto caught it, staring at the small, dim glowing red light on the metal band. He frowned setting it back on the table.

“Take it we’re not venturing back anytime soon?” I asked as Roran shook his head.

“No, Kaiba killed the battery since he used it last. We can’t even charge it because the powers out.” Roran snapped, annoyed. “So now we’re stuck here in the cold, unless you’ve got any bright ideas.” His yellow eyes scanned over mine.

“We could go to my house, it’s the closest.” I offered, “We might have power at my house—” As I said this my cell phone went off.

“Oh great its home,” I answered it, pressing the phone to my ear. “Yeah?”

Next to me I heard Mocuba turn to Breanna, “Was she being sarcastic?”

“You’re still at Seto’s with Breanna right?” My mother asked as I began to tune out the other conversation going on around me.

I blinked, “Uh…yeah?”

“Hope, the weather outside is nasty,”

“Really—I hadn’t noticed.” I stated blandly.

My mother’s tone grew irritated, “Just shut up and listen, the weather’s too bad for you to come home. The roads are blanketed in snow drifts, and with that dinky ass car he has you’ll never get through. I called Breanna’s mom and she agreed the same thing. As much as we don’t’ want to, we think it’d be best if you stayed their overnight.”

I raised my brow, I wasn’t against the idea but still…“If you did that though the drive is going to be packed with snow in the morning, then we’ll still be stuck here.”

“We’ll come and plow out the driveway in the morning, the storm should be over with by then. Don’t do anything stupid,” Mom harrumphed, as my face reddened. The tone she was using was obvious, she knew how serious things were with Seto and she didn’t want me to make any mistakes.


“—and if you do anything don’t you forget to use a—”

“—Mom!!” I replied in disgust, “That’s not a problem, Mocuba’s here; we aren’t going to do anything like that!” I snapped, watching Seto’s face flush as Roran chuckled at our expense. Do to our abilities, they could actually hear the other end of the conversation. Breanna was putting the pieces together but she was still staring at me in question, uncertain as to why we were having this conversation, right now. Thankfully, Mocuba and Amy just didn’t have a clue.

There was a long pause, “Oh. Right. Well I guess we have nothing to worry about then.” I could almost hear the sarcasm in her voice. “Just be careful.”

“I will,” I replied annoyed, “Is that all?”

“I guess,” She snapped not liking my tone. “Bye.”

I blinked, “Oh okay, See you later,” I hung up the phone in irritation.

Breanna watched me curiously, “What was that all about?”

“I guess we’re staying,” I replied.


“Still can’t believe you didn’t have any candles.”

“Why would we?” Seto retorted as we all huddled closer to the fire. I sat close to him, surprising him by taking his hand in mine. He didn’t mind physical contact, and neither did I, but we just didn’t hold hands all the time. It was nice to do it to surprise him.

“That’s okay,” I mused, “But for future reference…candles are a good idea.”

We had spent the last few minutes passing out gifts, ditching our first plan of one person going at a time. Roran handed out our gifts, he had bought everyone CDs except for Breanna, he bought her a cd and something else, a large smooth square box for him to open it. My brow raised, as we had talked the last few minutes I had heard something rattling around in that box. Just what the hell did he get her?

She took the package, beginning to tear the paper, Roran watched her with interest, “You had told me your favorite color was yellow, so when I saw this, I hoped you would like it.”

She opened the box taking out a small mason jar. Inside was a yellow swallow-tailed butterfly, fluttering against the smooth glass.

“That. Is. So. Cool!!” She said, “How did you get one? There aren’t any butterflies around?” In her ecstatic response, the butterfly went spastic, flapping its black and yellow wings.

“It’s a robot,” He explained, tapping the lid as it fluttered more. “It responds to sound.” It fluttered in sync to him tapping the glass.

She gave him a hug for his thoughtful gift, he smirked, pleased with himself.

Mocuba had gotten all of us solar digital keychains we could use to download a large amount of photos on it. He had already put one of when they were kids on Seto’s keychain. Seto had given him a touchscreen that projected a hologram. I guess it was a system Seto had created himself. He had given Roran and Breanna checks, and although I wasn’t sure how much was on them, I saw them doing a happy dance, Seto handed Amy a bit of cash too, whose eyes widened and before Roran could stop her, she was hugging Seto.

I smiled, handing out my presents. Like everyone else I had put a lot of thought into it. Roran had gotten a sharpener for his sword along with a polish to keep it from rusting.

“Cool.” He said with a smirk. “Bet you’re glad I didn’t have this on me when we were enemies.” That was true, he didn’t even have a sword until after Seto had hired him to work under him.

“Maybe,” I mused, “But I think I would have held my own.” He gave a subtle smile in agreement.

Mocuba was difficult to shop for, I knew he was older now, but I had found something for him back when I had traveled to Battle City a few weeks ago, because I had planned on getting everyone something no matter what.

What not many people but Seto realized about him was he liked to solve things. I had been browsing around when I had found a cool three headed red eyes black dragon figurine, but it had to be put together and had hundreds of pieces for it to be assembled.

“Awesome—will you help me put it together Seto?” He asked his big brother with violet eyes.

“I’m busy a lot of the time Mocuba doing work.” His brother replied, who happened to look frustrated. “I guess, I’ll try—when I get spare time.” He muttered, trying to hide his annoyance. I knew how much Seto loved his brother, I could tell he got annoyed when Mocuba asked him to do stuff that would take away some valuable time working.

Mocuba should know more than any of us how much Seto worked, but he was still a kid.

“What about you Hope?” Mocuba replied. “Will you help me put this together?”

I smiled, “Well, I’m not much for solving puzzles Mocuba, I’ll try to help. On another note here’s your present Amy, before I forget.” I had gotten her something extra, she opened up the box to find a fluffy owl stuffed animal inside. She hugged it, Roran had given me a tip she liked animals a lot, especially owls for some reason. I had bought her chocolates too, but only because I hadn’t been sure what to get her at first.

“Then here’s yours,” I handed Breanna a narrow thin wrapped gift, “and here’s both of yours,” I gave Seto a small kiss on the lips and handed him the wide thin box, that was about the size of a small window.

“I suggest you open them at the same time.” I recommended as Breanna gave me a worried look, wondering if this was some type of revenge for her gag gifts. She opened it, revealing a picture frame with a drawing on the inside, it was of a large black winged fox, his eyes glowing yellow against the canvas as he crouched down, yet his eyes were staring at something off to the side of the photo, as if waiting for something. I had done most of the drawing in pen but I had went over part of it in watercolor. Feathers were scattered around him. His teeth weren’t bared, and he almost appeared to be cautious.

“Does he look familiar?” I smirked, as Breanna’s face reddened, Roran saw it and raised his brow.

“You gave me a picture of him?” She said, her face reddening as I gave a small smile, “I wish I could say it’s terrible, but it looks so much like him….”

“How did you do such a good job? You don’t have any photos of me in fox form. No one does.”

“I just went off of memory,” I replied and smiled as Seto continued to open his gift, “I hope you like it.” I mused. It was a drawing as well, only of the Blue Eyes White Dragon. Her wings were extended in flight, her head lowered and her eyes closed briefly in peace. Her tail was whipping powerfully behind her. I finished painting the background with a powder blue, and using that same blue to shade in her scales, because although she was a white dragon, she was tinted blue even in the sunlight. The pictures flickered a slight hue of orange from the firelight.

He smiled, grabbing my hand more assuredly, “Come on, Let me show you your gift.”

I blinked, “The roses aren’t my gift?”

“They are, but there’s something else too.” He said as he handed me my coat, and I placed it on. My gift was outside???

“So…I take it you like my gift?...” I was suddenly pressed against the doorway as he kissed me intensely. I heard Amy go, “Aww…” as Roran let out a snort nearby as Breanna giggled. Mocuba looked away, pretending not to notice.

“Um…I’ll take that as a yes,” I said with a blush, my face heated in embarrassment. He smirked in response as I slid on my jacket. He already had his coat on and he covered my eyes, as I was suddenly standing in the dark my other senses around me heightening more than usual.

“Are you finally going to show her?” Roran asked bored.

“Yes.” I could feel Seto behind me, “It’s a surprise.”

I waded through the cold snow in the darkness, the wind was whipping heavily and we probably shouldn’t have been outside, but we’d be back in a few minutes. He paused and I could hear Roran and the others following behind as Seto told me to keep my eyes closed as he let go of me, and brushed past me, kicking snow out of the doorway, leading me into the garage.

He placed his hands on my waist and kissed me, “Open your eyes,” He ordered smoothly as my eyes opened, focusing on the lights and shape. I blinked, my heart fluttering inside me.

“You…got me…a car!?” I squeaked. It was a 2010 ss chevy impala. It was as black as night, its tires gleaming against the concrete floors.

He looked a little stressed, watching my reaction, “It’s not too much is it?”

“Of course it is!” I said as he stared at me in alarm, surprised to get a hug, “But I love it!! You can’t possibly take it back now! How’d you know I liked impalas?”

My hands traced down the edge of the sleek hood, the cool metal pressing against my hands, I couldn’t wait to drive it. My heart fluttered at the idea of sitting behind the wheel of one of these bad boys, I wondered how fast it could go, and how Seto had even figured out the Impala was my favorite type of car.

“Rich Boy there can be very persuasive.” Breanna winked as I sent her a deadpan look, realizing she had helped.

“You knew this whole time?”

“Yep.” She smiled. I wasn't mad, I would have done the same if I could have. I was still in awe of this gift amazed he would go to such lenghts to get me a gift. So that's where he had been earlier. He and Mocuba must have gone to a dealership with Roran and he drove the Camaro back here while they tended to the Impala.


The flames cracked softly in the night. With no power, the temperature had began to drop in the house, leaving it chilly. We sat around the fireplace, all of us shrouded in blankets, Mocuba sat on my left, Seto on my right. Roran sat in front of me, staring me down, holding cards in his hands as Amy and Breanna sat at his side.

What were we doing? Playing cards. Neither of us were motivated enough to stand and hold our duel disks so we were just sitting on the floor, our played cards set out in front of us, bundled up in blankets.

I pursed my lips together, “I play, Blue Eyes White Dragon.” Seto glanced at me. “What?” I asked innocently, “I just borrowed it.”

Roran smirked, watching me place the card on the floor in front of us, “Well two can play at that game…I play the Blue Eyes White Dragon as well!”

Seto glared at him. “You are using my cards!?”

“You shouldn’t leave them out.”

“Give it back!”


“—Don’t tell him what to do!” Breanna chimed, glaring at him.

Seto stood up in agitation. “Don’t steal my cards.”

“I just borrowed it!” He claimed, as I raised my brow.

I snorted, I had just said that. “You don’t have a better comeback than that?”

“Not really,” Roran sighed, “It’s been a long night, I’m freezing my ass off.”

In return I flipped up a facedown card, “Not to mention getting it kicked.” I played a trap card, which sent all of his monsters to the graveyard, including “his” Blue Eyes White Dragon.

“Give back my Blue Eyes White Dragon—” Seto extended his hand, “Now.”

“No. This game isn’t over yet, you can have it back when we’re done.”

“No, give it back now.”

“No—why is it that Hope can have it but he can’t!” Breanna shouted in defiance, as Seto glared at her.

“Probably because she sleeps with him.”

“What!!?” I glared, “How dare you come up with that as all reasons. Not that he cares about me!? Not that I—”

“—You bastard, don’t even put it like that.” Seto snapped at Roran interrupting me.

“Why not?” Roran smirked, “You not even getting that?”

Seto growled, obviously pissed off as he grabbed Roran’s collar and yanked him upright, the card game forgotten as the room grew quiet.

Mocuba gave his brother a worried glance, “Seto, maybe you should just let it go, he’s our friend—”

“Shut up, Mocuba,” Kaiba growled causing Mocuba to stare at him in shock as his brother ignored him, pulling Roran closer to stare at him at eye level. “Say it again, loser.” He snarled, daring Roran.

Roran glared at him. “Or what Rich Boy—”

“—you’ll just have to admit you’re jealous I’m getting something you’re not—”

The room suddenly broke into a fit of snarls and shouts, as Breanna, Mocuba and Amy backed off. I stood there in momentary shock watching the russet brown wolf and the black winged fox try to tear each other apart, the firelight reflecting off their furs, casting it to be a soft red. Wasn’t it just a few moments ago we were playing a simple game of duel monsters? I sighed in frustraition, when did it become about this? I growled, I can’t believe he just referred to it as that. They were both being so immature, not to mention how Seto had so quickly lost his cool and lashed out at not only Roran but Mocuba as well. That arrogant, irritating—

              It was a yelp from Roran that snapped me out of it. I snarled, shape shifting tackling Seto to the ground, anger filling every fiber of my being. A paw was placed on the russet wolf’s chest who glared up at me with steel blue eyes, his fangs bared at me. I knew about his problems controlling his darker side, but this still wasn’t going to fly.

“Knock it the hell off!” I growled. The room appeared quieter, as a moment of realization seemed to cross his face.

Had he continued the rampage he had been on, I had almost no doubt in my mind he would had gone after any one of us.

 Roran was picking himself off the ground, his demonic tail swishing back in forth, the fur on his back bristled in rage. He turned to glare at the two of us, his yellow eyes piercing us as he shifted back, wiping blood off his lip as black feathers scattered to the floor surrounding him. Amy ran up to him, worried he was hurt.

"I'm fine Amy," He said simply, "Stay back, in case things get worse." She looked at him with worry, tears filling her eyes.

Seto had shifted back, staring at me in surprise, realizing what he had done. I continued to stand above him, pinning him down as my ears flattened against my skull in irritation. I didn’t bare my fangs at him, only stared at him with narrowed eyes. “I guess you weren’t kidding when you said you couldn’t control your darker side.” I muttered, staring down past my white muzzle as he glared at me, not liking I had brought it up in front of everyone.

“That’s supposed to be a secret.” He growled, being cross with me.

“Not so secret when you go after your friend.” I snapped. “You asked me to keep your spirit in line, even when you couldn’t. Sorry for keeping my word.

He looked away, knowing I had gotten pissed at him for getting short with me. I jumped off him, my paws shifting as I shape shifted, running my fingers through my long brown hair in frustration.

“Even if you wouldn’t ever openly admit it, Roran and you are friends. You two can barely stand other people unless it’s me, Breanna, or a relative of yours, and yet somehow you have gone this whole time living in the same freakin’ house as each other! You guys have both been through hell and back, and I don’t blame you lacking some patience but attacking each other over such stupid things!? Over card games, and whose getting ‘some!?’ UGH!! You’re both such asses sometimes!!” I growled in frustration, storming out of the room, further from the fireplace and deeper into the dark.


[Third Person Perspective]

They watched the white wolf stalk off, her tail swishing back and forth as her paws clicked across the cool floor. Breanna placed her hands on her hips, she’s seen Hope get mad at Roran plenty, but she was mad at Seto too?

“You two really screwed up.” She decided, as Roran licked the blood off his lip. She took time to gaze wearily at Kaiba, who had sat up. “Especially you,” He glared at her as she continued. “You overreacted about your card,”

 His gaze went back to the direction had left, before he looked down to the floor. “I…know.” He said after a pause and she stared at him in shock. She had never heard him admit he was wrong before.

“This is ridiculous,” He grumbled, not laying his eyes on anyone in that room. He was still sitting on the ground, not having moved much since Hope had taken him down.

Now that his mind was a little more sorted, he realized how close he could have been to seriously hurting someone. Roran had been able to fend for himself quite well, but what if it had been Mocuba? Mocuba couldn't fight off something like him... Seto Kaiba's stomach clenched, thinking about how bad the situation could have been. Why...he thought in disgust...why must I act like this? This dark side of me...I couldn't keep it in line.

“It’s because of work isn’t it—that’s pissing you off?” Roran grumbled catching Seto's attention. “It’s not like we couldn’t tell…that’s gotta be a part of it. Are they riding your ass about some project?”

“That’s one way to put it,” He said stiffly thinking, that and it’d bring me no greater pleasure than to kill some of those idiots that work for me. Too bad they’re actually the best in their fields, otherwise I could just fire them.


Seto walked down the hall upstairs to the den, his steel blue eyes adjusting to the dark. He could hear the storm outside pounding down on the house, the snowflakes piling up.

She was standing up on her hind legs in wolf form, her front paws propped up on the windowsill as she stared outside into the storm. Her ear twitched, hearing his feet fall on the floor as he entered the room.

“I lost control earlier, I know that.” He said, as she glanced at him wearily out of the corners of her eyes.

“I’m not mad you lost control Seto, I’m mad at what set you off.” She retorted, shifting as her long brown hair swished as she turned to glare at him. “You reacted about someone taking a freakin’ card! In your world that would be a big deal but this is Roran we’re talking about! Roran. You know, the guy who saved your life once?”

When Seto had been attacked by Shadow, Roran had been the one to fly him to the hospital. He would have bled out otherwise. Seto stared down at her, while she glared up in him in annoyance. “That’s not completely why I went after Roran.”

“I know; you also went after him because he pointed out that I only am allowed to use your cards because I’m “putting out” as he would say.” She looked away, her face heated in embarrassment for saying it like that.

“You believe all that nonsense?” He asked stepping up to her.

She sighed, her breath visible in the air. “Well…its true isn’t it?” She said her face turning an even softer shade of pink.

They had been together a few times, the first time hadn’t been planned, but it had happened, only further deepening their relationship.

“I let you use Blue Eyes White Dragon because I trust you.” He admitted, crossing his arms and looking away. “If anyone should be allowed to use its power, it should be someone who knows how to use it; and not disgrace its name. Roran is not one of those people. Even if we are...friends.” This last part he said with a bit of uncertainty.

“Roran is just as powerful as I am.” She retorted placing a hand on her hip, looking away as she added, “But don’t ever tell him that, it’d all go to that big ego of his.” She scoffed at the last part, and was startled as she was pressed against the cool glass of the window behind her, Seto looming above her.

You are one of the strongest people I know.” His stern voice softening slightly, “Only the people that I truly care about are allowed to use Blue Eyes, anyone that uses that card otherwise is a disgrace.”

She watched him wearily, placing her hand on his chest, feeling his heart begin to race. “You need to control that temper,” She sighed. “Even if work has been getting to you.” She muttered.

“How did you—”

“—I overheard Roran mention it. Plus it makes perfect sense. You’ve stayed here this whole time, I can’t believe you even agreed to live here since you have a whole business to run back in Battle City.” She looked away wearily, “I guess I should have known you’d get frustrated at some point, it was pretty damn selfish of me to have asked you to stay here.” Her gaze started to wander to the floor as Seto brought her even closer to him.

Her eyes widened, her heart skipping a beat as he hugged her in response, his hands wrapped around her tightly.

“Since when did you begin to think of yourself as selfish?” He demanded. “This isn’t the person I know, the one who vowed to keep me in check.” He muttered the last words into her ear and began to kiss her neck. “I’m sorry for overreacting.”

“That’s okay…” She said after a few moments, he pulled away and looked down at her. “Um…who are you and what have you done with the real Seto?” She smiled, suppressing a shiver. She hadn’t noticed how chilly it had gotten till just now.

“He’s off, finding you a jacket,” He mused as he took off his coat, draping it over her shoulders. “Now, come on, let’s go.”

She smiled, readjusting the coat as they began to make their way down to the stairs. Seto glanced to her, his arm wrapped around her. Had he have been in her shoes when he had lost his temper, Seto was unsure if he would have been able to stop her no matter what, becuase what if it would have resulted in hurting her?

She had stopped him though, despite that fear he was sure she must have had, she truly is the strongest person I know. Seto thought, bringng her closer to him. I need to get stronger as well, if I ever want her to not worry about me losing control.

"I will get better at controlling my rage." He vowed, catching Hope's attention.

Her blue eyes softened, "I don't doubt it." She replied.


[Hope’s point of view]

The rest of that night we sat around the fire, chatting. The flames crackled in the background, licking up the wrapping paper, and other trash we were feeding it to keep warm. The night seemed to wear on and we all got even colder, I was bundled up between Mocuba and Seto, all of us wrapped in twice as many blankets as before.

I suppressed a shiver, as I glanced over to Roran, who looked rather pleased with himself. Breanna was practically sitting in his lap freezing.

“I-I will n-never wear a d-dress again!” She vowed, as Roran smirked at her. For today’s outfit she had chosen a red dress with white fluffy trim, that looked like it was made of velvet. All in all, it looked pretty cute and Christmassy—if that was a word—but she was now regretting what she had chosen to wear as the temperature dropped. “I hate this weather…” She decided, “Mother nature…and her b-blizzards…stupid son of a…”

“So what—no more skirts either?” Roran questioned, no longer amused as he began to realize what this might mean for him. I rolled my eyes, knowing why he enjoyed her dressing up.

“Not if I keep freezing like this!!” She hissed, shivering. Roran’s eyes widened with realization. He quickly stood, the two girls nearly doing a face plant in the process.

“I’m going to go grab some more blankets,” He decided quickly, running ambitiously downstairs to his room as Seto chuckled at his expense. The two were still annoyed with each other, but it almost seemed like they had cooled off after trying to tear each other apart.

I snuggled more to the blankets, hiding my smile as I could hear Roran running around frantically downstairs.

[Several minutes later]

“Can’t we please just sit closer to you!?” Roran pleaded having had minimal luck with blankets downstairs. They were on the other side of the fireplace, shivering.

“No.” Seto said smoothly, Mocuba had passed out, leaning on my shoulder, he had half assembled the 3d dragon puzzle I had given him, but about half the pieces were sitting in a box next to him. I had attempted to put a few parts of the puzzle together. I frowned, looking to Mocuba, damn this puzzle was hard. How did this kid get over half of it done?

“….Hope!” Breanna pleaded, interrupting my thoughts, I guess she had said my name a couple times already.

I sighed knowing what she wanted, “Seto, aren’t there extra blankets around here?” He shook his head. We were wrapped in a warm thick blanket, Roran had one two, but they were still freezing, which I didn’t quite understand. Roran was probably warm, but didn’t want Breanna to give up her skirts and dresses just coz she was freezing now. He had draped his other wing over her as well. We had gathered pillows from our rooms as well, intending to sleep out here, unless by some weird luck the power would come back on.

“Here you and me trade places,” I said to Seto. We would all be warmer if we were in a group, but I knew it was just Seto didn’t feel like sitting next to a lot of people, so he could just sit between me and Mocuba. “You guys can come over.” I sighed. We had the pillows arranged on the floor and I found myself placed next to Breanna. Seto on my left now, and after a few moments the blankets were draped over all of us. Mocuba gave a soft snore—still out like a light, as Roran laid on his stomach, probably the most comfortable position to sleep for him, his wings draped over Breanna and they were so large they even covered me, I think he had a 14 foot wingspan at least.

“Roran, get your wing off me,” Seto grunted next to me, as I felt the wing pull in closer as it laid in between the layers of blankets above me. I wasn’t going to complain, it was keeping me warm. Plus I imagined it would be uncomfortable for him trying to sleep with his wings folded tightly against his back.

“Sorry,” Roran apologized, not bothering to make any wise cracks or tell him to shut up and live with it.

I felt Seto move carefully next to me, he draped his arm across Mocuba, trying to keep his brother warm.

I laid there, staring up at the ceiling as the flames flickered next to us, and nearly everyone around me fell asleep.

“Hope, are you awake?” I heard Breanna say softly next to me.

“Yeah,” I muttered, “No one else is though,”

“How can you tell?”

“I can hear that their breaths have all gotten deeper.” I sighed.

“That’s cool,” She whispered.

I turned on my side to face her, “I bet this isn’t what you had in mind for a Christmas eve, getting snowed into your boyfriends place?”

Her face reddened, “He’s not my boyfriend,”

“Suuure, and I was born yesterday.” I retorted sarcastically. She stared at me in annoyance. “Oh come on Breanna,” I sighed, “I know you like him, he knows you like him, he likes you…for some reason.”

“Hey!” She snapped in a hissed whisper.

I gave a quiet laugh, “I was kidding, of course he would like you. What’s not to like—you’re one of the nicest people I know.”

“You do well to remember that.” She harrumphed, which was really hard to do at a whispered level. I smirked, finding her irritation amusing. No wonder Roran never took her beating him up too seriously, he always thought she was kidding.

“Don’t worry, I won’t forget,” I replied with a smile, laying on my back, “I can’t believe I’m here right now.”

“Me either,” Breanna agreed, becoming quiet as she turned to lay on her back as well. “Sometimes…” She began, “I wish I had powers too. That way I could have helped you guys out more. Remember when Roran was all beaten up when we were in Laval? Maybe if I would have had powers then I could have helped and he wouldn’t have gotten so hurt.”


“Yeah yea, I know it’s time for the “why powers are bad” speech.”

I raised my brow in annoyance, I was actually going to tell her Roran was awake now. She can’t read my mind, “Actually I wasn’t going to say powers are bad, they’re just really hard to control. And Roran’s an experienced fighter—he rarely gets hurt during fights.”

“I know…” She said quietly, “And it’s one of the things I love about him, but I wish I could feel like he needed me sometimes.”

“He does need you.” I replied, “He’s a stupid fox, a big blonde, winged jerk—he needs someone to be his opposite.” I could imagine him rolling his eyes to my response.

“I just wish he’d say it once in a while.” Breanna said as I felt Roran shift next to her.

“Well—what she said, minus the insults.” He said quietly, as I felt Breanna’s heart begin to race next to me. He propped himself up on his pillow with his elbows as he turned to stare at her.

“How much did you hear?” She squeaked, scared. She was frightened he didn’t feel the same way, and was equally embarrassed he might have heard her slip up and say she loved him. I think she was scared of their relationship changing too fast.

Roran paused, taking a moment to try and respond appropriately. “I heard that you wished you felt like I needed you. Which is true.” He replied as I felt her relax next to me.

I smiled, “Aw…how cute, now I think I’m gonna try and sleep over here, so don’t stay up gossiping all night, okay Roran?”

“Shut it, Hope,” He scoffed, amusement evident in his tone. I gave a small chuckle in response, as I closed my eyes, attempting to fall into oblivion.


There was no one on my right side, leaving it all cold and breezy . I shivered, now realizing half the blankets were gone. Stupid blankets, I snuggled closer to the being closest to me—praying it wasn’t Roran, otherwise when I woke up later this situation might be a little awkward….

[One hour later…]

“Do you two ever shut up?” Seto scoffed next to me, his voice reverberating against me. I realized now I was wrapped around him. I snuggled closer, feeling the sunlight through my eyelids, so it was morning at last? Eh, I was still too tired to move.

“No,” was all Roran bothered to respond with. Well, I guess honestly works.

Breanna giggled, “She’s clinging to you like it’s the Titanic and you’re the last lifeboat.” Oh great, they’re talking about us…wonderful.

“Shut up, Mocuba,” I grumbled underneath my breath.

Mocuba was annoyed, “I didn’t say anything!”

“Oh…sorry,” Tiredly I opened my eyes, “I meant Breanna.” I looked over to her with a squint, her, Mocuba and Roran were sitting on the other side of the fireplace roasting hot dogs of all things. Amy was still asleep as well, several blankets still draped over her. “Even if what you said is true and I’m clinging to Seto like he’s a freakin’ teddy bear, leave me alone, I’m cold.”

“You could come set closer to the fire,” Roran suggested.

“Meh, no thanks.” I sighed, as I felt Seto sigh in dread next to me. “What’s wrong?” I asked, peeking up at him.

“My bladder,” He retorted gravely as I gave a small tired laugh.

“Sorry, I didn’t know,” I apologized, getting off him, as he stood up and walked off, headed towards the restroom. I sat down inbetween Roran and Mocuba.

“People have told me twice lately to shut up!” Mocuba said in annoyance, “What did I do?”

“Nothing,” I replied with a surprised blink, “And Seto apologized for yelling earlier.” That was true, later that night he had given an apology for acting like a jerk. I had never heard Seto apologize so much, it was the season of giving, and perhaps he felt obligated.

“Yesterday he just got mad at everyone Mocha—don’t think he singled just you out.” Breanna replied as Roran gave a nod. The small cut from his lip being split open was already healed. Thank goodness for super powers, I guess.

“I know, it’s just not like Seto to take it out on me.”

“Yeah usually he takes it out on everyone else,” Roran retorted as Mocuba stared at him annoyed.

“My brother works really hard—he wouldn’t be so cranky all the time if he didn’t have the board always driving him and Roland nuts—”

“Not to mention a wolf spirit inside him tempted to tear everyone to shreds,” Roran added and held up his hand before Mocuba could start to protest, “That wasn’t meant as an insult—if anyone here knows about the type of inner rage Kaiba has—it’d be me and Hope. Though we clearly have our rage a bit more under control.”

Before I could reply, I heard the rev of an engine outside. I stood up, walking over to the window, pulling the curtain back to reveal a world of light. I squinted, seeing a large white chevy pickup truck sat on the edge of the road, I could see Mom getting out heading the house. And then there was an old beatdown tractor plowing the drive.

My eyes brightened. “Dad! He’s plowing the driveway so we can all get out.”

“Cool, so I’ll be able to get home today.” Breanna smiled happily.

“Yep, it’s sure looking that way.” Roran replied, taking a hot dog off the metal rod, “Do you want ketchup with this?”

“Nah that’s okay.”

I snorted, this was actually kind of comical. Here we were eating hotdogs for breakfast on Christmas morning. “You guys do realize that you can just eat at my grandma’s right?”

“What do you mean?” Mocuba blinked.

Oops, I had forgotten to invite them, “Well if you, Roran, Amy and Seto don’t mind, you guys can all come and spend Christmas at my house.”

“Sure, hog Roran all to yourself.” Breanna said as I rolled my eyes.

“Well do you want him?” I asked, making it sound as if having Roran in my house, was a tedious task. It certainly felt like one. Every time he was at our house he raided our fridge like he hadn’t eaten in days. At least today I knew there'd be enough food for him.

“No that’s okay, I never even thought to ask my parents if it would be okay,” She said sheepishly as he sent her a dead pan look as he slid on his black trench coat, realizing he’d have to cover his wings soon with my mother approaching the house.

“I didn’t ask either; it was my mom that suggested it.”

“Oh so your mom made some food right?” Roran asked hopefully as I sweat dropped. That dumb fox had a one track mind sometimes.

“Yes, you keep eating all of my Mom’s cooking, you’ll be so fat your wings won’t be able to pick you off the ground.”

“Nah, I’ll be fine,” He smirked, patting his stomach of hard abs, “A metabolism of a racehorse.”

“Yea and a bird’s brain.” I muttered, and he glared. We were interrupted as the door was pounded on, Mom had made it from the drive to the door.

“Come in Mom!” I chimed. The doorknob turned and she stepped in, holding a baking pan with some type of apple and cinnamon scented food inside it.

“Hey Second Mom!” Breanna and Roran chimed, Breanna having given my mother this title years ago. I refrained from rolling my eyes at their title for my mother.

Roran was up off the floor, as my mom caught sight of him and smiled, seeing what Mocuba and Breanna were roasting over the fire. “Hot dogs? Wouldn’t you guys like some pie instead?”

“SCORE!!” Mocuba and Roran cheered in unison.

Seto had wandered back out into the hall. “Oh, Mrs. Young…” He blinked, “Hello.”

“How many times have I told you to call me Mom?” She said as he raised his brow.

“Frankly, that’d be a little weird—” He began as I shut him up with a warning glance. Seriously Seto, it was the holidays—you don’t poke the bear. The bear that is my mother.  “—I mean, I’m sorry…uh…Mother?

              “Mother!?” My mother beamed and hugged him, she was even shorter than me, Seto gave me a look like he had just been shot. He still didn’t take hugs too well, especially from other people.

“Even my own children don’t call me that!” My mom cheered. “You have the nicest manners.” I sweat dropped once, watching the scene unfold.

“Would you like anything to drink!? Second Mom!?” Roran asked, standing behind Seto with a smile on his face, his eyes closed cheerfully.

“Oh sure…” She asked. She never did know what to think of Roran. I mean he had those eyes that would shift from a tamed golden color to bright yellow eyes, not to mention he wore trench coats all the time. I explained the eye color as he used colored contacts because yellow was his mothers favortite color (not a bad fib, I might add), but as for the trenchcoat, I had no really good explanation.


“Um…he likes trench coats?....”

[End of Flasback] >:3

I listened to the group continue to talk and I smiled. Seto came over to me, not interested in pie or the conversation. He stood next to me as I smirked, grabbing his hand, “Just can’t stay away, can you?” I mused. He smirked in response, not bothering to answer. “Come on, you can't be quiet now. You’re the one that has to break the news to my dad you bought me a car.”

“Break the news?”

“Yeah, he wanted to buy me a car, that was his job.”

“You don’t suppose he’ll be mad do you?” Seto asked. I never did quite understand how a guy that owns a multi billion dollar company could be nervous around my father. The problem with that was they were both people of little words. My father wasn’t an old army guy or anything, he just knew how to fix cars and use a gun. It was a common thing living in the countryside to know how to use a rifle, I actually thought about learning myself a couple of times but Seto still seemed bothered when he had found out.

Seto still looked upset, not wanted to displease my father. I didn’t think Dad would react too badly about getting a car—he might actually be happy later when he realizes he doesn’t have to go buy me one now.

“I dunno if he’ll be mad…let’s find out.” I replied, hearing the tractor shut off, as I took Seto's wrist and half walked-half dragged Seto outside.

He followed behind me, I felt him begin to grow tense, “W-wait!”

“Hey Dad!” I shouted pretending to not hear him. “Thanks for plowing the driveway! Seto’s gonna show you what he got me for Christmas!!!”

"Did I do something wrong?" Seto snapped under his breath, "Why are you trying to get him mad at me?"

 "Well he's going to find out what it is sooner or later anyways." I reasoned.           

My dad jumped down from the tractor, his silver eyes sparking with interest. “Really what might that be?”

“Uh, maybe I should just show you. You could take a look at it for me, tell me what you think.” I suppressed a chuckle, knowing that Seto was just as educated about cars as my father was but he was just trying to break the ice. As the two began to talk about the car, they headed into the garage.

I leaned in the garage doorway, peeking outside where it began to snow softly, the flakes sparkling in the sunlight, the crisp morning beginning to wake me up at last.

I was eighteen…

                      …and I had already been through hell and back.

I was responsible for the deaths of Shadow and Kya…

                                                                      ...yet here I was celebrating.

Should I feel guilty?

The white wolf appeared next to me, her blue eyes flickering with interest, listening to my innermost thoughts. They tried to kill us, we fought for our lives and the lives of the world. We’ve already been through so much, and I do worry about what’ll happen to our friends if some type of evil comes again. What would we do? I thought glancing to her.

We’ll do what we’ll have to do. Entrez reminded me, swishing her white tail. Whatever it takes.

Right, I agreed with a smile, No one will hurt any of our friends. Not as long as you and I are around.

Instead of worrying about how long it’ll last, I think I’ll enjoy it.

For now...I have no regrets….


 I hope you all enjoyed your holiday present. What'd you guys think about the story and the video? I felt like even though this chapter was pretty fun, the video helped bring out the action in it and helped set the stage for Part Three. Please leave a vote or comment.

Thanks Happy Holidays.

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