sub rosa (Bellamy Blake x rea...

By slytherinbarnes

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sub rosa. latin. literal translation: under the rose. interpretation: happening or done in secret. just like... More

i. pilot (1.01)
ii. earth skills (1.02)
iii. earth kills (1.03)
iv. murphy's law (1.04)
v. twilight's last gleaming (1.05)
vi. his sister's keeper (1.06)
vii. contents under pressure (1.07)
viii. day trip (1.08)
ix. unity day (1.09)
x. i am become death (1.10)
xi. the calm (1.11)
xii. we are grounders, pt 1 (1.12)
xiii. we are grounders, pt 2 (1.13)
xiv. the 48 (2.01)
xv. inclement weather (2.02)
xvi. reapercussions (2.03)
xvii. many happy returns (2.04)
xviii. human trials (2.05)
xix. fog of war (2.06)
xx. long into an abyss (2.07)
xxi. spacewalker (2.08)
xxii. remember me (2.09)
xxiii. survival of the fittest (2.10)
xxiv. coup de grace (2.11)
xxv. rubicon (2.12)
xxvi. resurrection (2.13)
xxvii. bodyguard of lies (2.14)
xxviii. blood must have blood, pt 1 (2.15)
xxix. blood must have blood, pt 2 (2.16)
xxx. wanheda, pt 1 (3.01)
xxxi. wanheda, pt 2 (3.02)
xxxiii. ye who enter here (3.03)
xxxiii. watch the thrones (3.04)
xxxiv. hakeldama (3.05)
xxxv. bitter harvest (3.06)
xxxvi. thirteen (3.07)
xxxvii. terms and conditions (3.08)
xxxviii. stealing fire (3.09)
xxxix. fallen (3.10)
xl. nevermore (3.11)
xli. demons (3.12)
xlii. join or die (3.13)
xliii. red sky at morning (3.14)
xliv. perverse instantiation, pt 1 (3.15)
xlv. perverse instantiation, pt 2 (3.16)
xlvi. echoes (4.01)
xlvii. heavy lies the crown (4.02)
xlviii. the four horsemen (4.03)
xlix. a lie guarded (4.04)
l. the tinder box (4.05)
li. we will rise (4.06)
lii. gimme shelter (4.07)
liii. god complex (4.08)
liv. DNR (4.09)
lv. die all, die merrily (4.10)
lvi. the other side (4.11)
lvii. the chosen (4.12)
lviii. praimfaya (4.13)
lix. eden (5.01)
lx. red queen (5.02)
lxi. sleeping giants (5.03)
lxii. pandora's box (5.04)
lxiii. shifting sands (5.05)
lxiv. exit wounds (5.06)
lxv. acceptable losses (5.07)
lxvi. how we get to peace (5.08)
lxvii. sic semper tyrannis (5.09)
lxviii. the warriors will (5.10)
lxix. the dark year (5.11)
lxx. damocles, pt 1 (5.12)
lxxi. damocles, pt 2 (5.13)
lxxii. sanctum (6.01)
lxxiv. the children of gabriel (6.03)
lxxv. the face behind the glass (6.04)
lxxvi. the gospel of josephine (6.05)
lxxvii. memento mori (6.06)
lxxvii. nevermind (6.07)
lxxix. the old man and the anomaly (6.08)
lxxx. what you take with you (6.09)
lxxxi. matryoshka (6.10)
lxxxii. ashes to ashes (6.11)
lxxxiii. adjustment protocol (6.12)
lxxxiv. the blood of sanctum (6.13)
lxxxv. from the ashes (7.01)
lxxxvi. the garden (7.02)
lxxxvii. false gods (7.03)
lxxxviii. hesperides (7.04)
lxxxix. welcome to bardo (7.05)
xc. nakara (7.06)
xci. the queen's gambit (7.07)
xcii. anaconda (7.08)
xciii. the flock (7.09)
xciv. a little sacrifice (7.10)
xcv. etherea (7.11)
xcvi. the stranger (7.12)
xcvii. blood giant (7.13)
xcviii. a sort of homecoming (7.14)
xcix. the dying of the light (7.15)
c. the last war (7.16)
ci. including bellamy (the epilogue)

lxxiii. red sun rising (6.02)

577 16 0
By slytherinbarnes

With Clarke's realization that you are all at risk for exposure, you get inside the closest building to regroup and patch Murphy up. Jackson hits Emori with a tranquilizer stick, strong enough to knock her out for a few hours and protect herself, and all of you, from her eclipse reaction. When you get inside the building, Bellamy helps Murphy over to a bed and Jackson starts to patch him up, while Echo and Miller take Emori to the other bed in the room. There on the wall beside it, you see a thick leather restraint attached to a chain, and you hold it up, showing it to Bellamy. "I guess now we know what the restraints are for."

He nods, and motions for you to lock her up. You comply, tucking the key into your pocket once you're finished, and Echo looks down at her knocked out friend. "How long will she be out?"

"The sedative in the tranq stick should last up to 3 hours."

Miller changes the subject, reminding all of you that you are now stranded on a moon without a ship. "What about the mothership? They're gonna think it's us, how do we warn them?"

"We don't." Bellamy motions to the radio now clipped to his side. "Radios don't work down here. For now, we worry about ourselves."

He crosses the room over to Murphy, and you all follow him, gathering by his bedside as Jackson finishes up with the bandages. "Murphy, are you okay?"

Jackson answers for him, "His wounds are superficial, he's lucky."

"I'm lucky?" Murphy scoffs, voice rising in anger. "Sorry, is that your professional diagnosis? Because if so, you suck at being a doctor."

You give him a disappointed look, letting him know he's gone too far. "Murphy-"

But he cuts you off, not interested in what you have to say. "What? I'm dying to know what he thinks turned my girlfriend into the monster that just attacked me."

Clarke, who has been silent for the last few minutes, steps forward, the book in her hand. "It's all right here. 'For two days, heaven is hell, and friends become foes.' Whatever is in the air, it affects people too."

"Why are the rest of us okay?"

You all turn to look at her, but she shakes her head, unsure. "I don't know, but according to this, it comes from the plants."

"It's a children's book."

"Yeah, but it's coming true." You back your twin up, aware that this is no coincidence. And then you remember the night before, when the bugs were swarming all of you and Emori got separated from the rest of the group. "When we were running from the bugs, Emori went down in the brush. It's probably why she lost it first."

Echo deadpans, "First."

It's not a question, more of a horrifying statement, but Bellamy answers like it is. "We're all breathing it in."

"If it's the air out there, then we'll stay in here. We're gonna ride it out."

Murphy looks over at Miller, who is busy stuffing his jacket beneath the door, trying to prevent any more air from seeping in. "That's a great plan, Miller. What happens when we're trapped in here and the rest of us lose our minds?"

"Murphy's right." You all look to Bellamy, who clearly has a plan. "There's more restraints in the school. I'm guessing they're everywhere, so we need to separate."

"I'll stay with Emori." You all nod at Echo, who walks over to the other restraint in the room and locks herself up, before tossing you the key. Jackson leaves her a tranq stick, in case she needs it, and the rest of you file out of the room and to the set of stairs that leads to the top of the building, above Echo and Emori. As you walk up them and step into the room, you find an apartment with two restraints inside. There you lock up both Jackson and Miller, leaving a tranq stick with each of them, before you, Murphy, Clarke, and Bellamy all head back downstairs. You pass Bellamy the keys in your pocket, which he stores alongside Jackson's and Miller's keys, and then he turns to Murphy, who stands near the door, gun in hand. "No one's armed, now it's our turn. Gun."

Murphy reluctantly passes his gun to Bellamy, who creates a pile of weapons near the door, away from all of your restraints. Murphy and Clarke chain themselves across the room from each other, and you and Bellamy take the two restraints that are near each other, wanting to stay close. You toss everyone the tranq sticks that Jackson gave you, realizing as you do that you're one short. You don't say anything, hoping that you'll be okay without it. Bellamy turns to Murphy once he sees that he's locked up. "Toss me your key."

Murphy does as he's told, though you can tell he's unhappy about it. You lock up your own wrist, and you turn to Clarke, who tosses you her key, and then you toss both keys to Bellamy. Murphy catches this whole interaction, face pulling into a scowl. "Why do you get to keep everyone's keys?"

Bellamy locks up his own wrist, and you turn to look at Murphy. "Relax, I'm taking his key."

Bellamy sends his key over to you, and you catch it easily, tucking it into your pocket. Bellamy looks at Murphy, voice dripping with sarcasm. "Satisfied?"

"I guess so, as long as the people who live here don't come home after they kill everybody on the mothership."

You glance at Clarke, watching her face drop at the thought of Madi being killed. You feel a rush of anxiety when you realize your mother is up there too, with Kane, Raven, and the rest of your people. Bellamy catches your worry and Clarke's, and he deadpans, "Nice one, Murphy."

"God, I hate being tied up." Murphy locks his gaze on your twin, "Yet somehow whenever I'm with you, sooner or later, we wind up here, don't we? I mean, first, you hanged me."

Bellamy counters, "Well, in fairness, I did that."

"Only after she forced your hand, and who could forget Lexa? Yeah, I was tied up that night, too. Just a disposable pawn in your game."

You see Clarke's expression drop even further, and you snap, "Murphy, enough."

She whispers, "That's not fair."

"Neither was tying up me and Emori in Becca's lab, but she was disposable too, right? I know you remember that one, Clarke, because you drew a little picture of it in your memory book." You and Clarke exchange a look, both of you unaware that he's seen her pictures. Pictures that were drawn to illustrate your entire history, the good and the bad, in the hopes that passing those memories to Madi would make her better than all of you. "Let me ask you a question. Did you draw a picture of Bellamy and your twin in the fighting pit too?"

Bellamy sees the hurt expression pass on both yours and Clarke's faces, and he speaks up in defense of you both. "Don't make me gag you too."

Murphy says nothing for a wonderfully short minute, until you all hear him suck in air through his teeth, shifting uncomfortably from the pain in his shoulder. Clarke, sympathetic to his pain despite the verbal assault he's launched on her, glances his way. "Jackson can take another look at that wound in the morning."

"Oh, it's not from the knife. It's from the bullet wounds that I took from saving your twin and Bellamy from those armed psychopaths you put back in the battlefield."

You're about to tell Bellamy to give you your key so you can get up to gag Murphy, but Clarke snaps, finally having had enough. "What the hell do you want from me, Murphy? I'm sorry, okay? For all of it. I never meant for you to get hurt, but no matter what I do, someone always does. Is that what you want to hear, that I'm the bad guy? Fine, I'll be the bad guy. When I'm in charge, people die. Isn't that what you said?"

She turns her gaze to Bellamy, reminding him of his words to her after she snuck into Arkadia, trying to make things right after Pike ruined everything. When she sees his face fall slightly, she turns back to Murphy. "Satisfied?"

"It's a start."

You are all granted ten very short, very tense seconds of silence before a muffled cry of panic floats over to all of you from the floor above Echo and Emori. You all stand in place, shifting slightly, listening to one of your own as they scream. "It's Miller."

Bellamy yells, "Miller, what's wrong?"

All you hear is more of Miller's screaming, and you call out, "Jackson?"

Again, you hear nothing more than another cry of panic, and Bellamy turns to you, just as worried. "I gotta get up there now, hand me my key now."

"Me and Clarke are going with you."

He nods, pulling both of your keys out and you grab his. At the same time, you toss the keys, both of you catching them, and you turn and throw Clarke hers, all of you freeing yourselves at the same time. As you start to run off, Bellamy yells out to the couple, "We're coming!"

Murphy calls after your retreating figures, "Hey! What about me?"

But all of you ignore him, continuing out the door and to the next building over, running up the stairs quickly to Jackson and Miller. Echo must hear all of you, because she calls out, "Bellamy, what are you doing?"

"Echo, it's okay. We've got this!" And then Bellamy pounds on the door, calling out, "Jackson, open the door!"

It takes a few seconds of you all anxiously waiting, all the while Miller is yelling from the inside, but finally Jackson pushes the door open, looking at all of you as you step inside. "The bugs, they're inside him!"

You and Clarke turn to Miller, struggling to see anything as Miller writhes and moves, not keeping still. "Do you see them?"

"Miller, stop so we can help you!"

Jackson yells at your backs, "Miller and I were just talking about the terrarium and how I think the bugs are an early warning system like canaries in a coalmine. Nate opened it, and they must have gotten out."

Bellamy turns to him, sounding unconvinced. "They're dead everywhere else."

"Just unhook me so I can examine him."

You and Clarke keep trying to look Miller over, both of you exchanging a look, seeing nothing. All the while, Miller yells, "Cut me! Gotta cut it out! I can feel it in my arms! Got to cut it out, doc!"

Jackson suddenly appears at his boyfriend's side, trying to soothe him. "Nate, I'm here. I'm here."

"Hurry! They're crawling up my arm! Hurry, before they get to my torso! I can't die like Obika!"

Jackson jogs away, looking for something, and you look between Clarke and Bellamy, suspicion rising as you take in the scene in front of you. "I don't think this is real."

As if proving your point, Jackson returns, a large butcher knife in his hand. You all look at him in horror, and Bellamy tries to grab him, "Jackson, no. What are you-"

"I see it!" Jackson cuts him off, pinning Miller's arm to the wall before he plunges the knife into it. The three of you immediately react. You and Bellamy grab Jackson and pull him away, and Clarke puts her hands onto Miller's wound, slowing the blood that is already rushing to the surface. Jackson and Miller fight all of you, and you yell out to Clarke and Bellamy, "Tranq them! Tranq them both!"

You hold Jackson in place as Bellamy pulls out his tranq stick, plunging it into the doctor's neck, and he goes limp in your arms seconds later. Clarke uses hers on Miller, and suddenly everything goes quiet again, both men temporarily knocked out. You release Jackson, sagging with exhaustion, your energy levels still low from your injuries, your calf throbbing with the exertion you've put on it in the last 24 hours. You look between your twin and your boyfriend in disbelief, gasping out, "You want to tell me how two people can have the same hallucination?"

Both of them look back at you in confusion, just as unsure as you are, and you quickly patch up Miller before you run back down into the school. As soon as you get there, you make a horrifying discovery, the room now empty. "Murphy's gone."

"So are the guns."

Bellamy yells, "Son of a bitch!"

You look over at him, a little shocked by his explosive anger, but you don't have time to question it, because he turns to you and holds out his hand. "Give me your tranq stick."

"I don't have one."

His face pulls into a disbelieving glare, "What? Jackson gave all of us tranq sticks, and we need yours for Murphy."

"We were short one. I gave all of you what I had, and just hoped I'd be okay without it."

"Damn it!" You look at Bellamy in shock, your voice soft and soothing. "Bellamy, it's okay. We can just ask Echo for hers."

He turns and runs out of the room quickly, and you and your twin exchange a look before you follow him out of the school and into the village. Bellamy makes a beeline for the room that Echo and Emori are locked in, and he knocks before calling out, "Echo, open up. It's me."


"Echo, open up."

Emori, now awake, yells out, "Don't you open that door! He'll kill us all!"

"Echo, let me in."

Echo's voice is soft and confused when she calls back, "Bellamy, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be inside."

"Murphy's loose, he's taken the guns. I think he may come for Emori."

You sense a shift in the air, and the hair on the back of your arms and neck lifts, warning you. You turn to look at Clarke, and you can see that she senses it too, because she looks towards Bellamy with worry. "Echo's right. We should go back inside, he can't shoot us there."

Bellamy turns to look at the two of you and practically explodes, "No! You need to go back to the school and see if he left any weapons!"

You look at Bellamy in horror, watching him turn away from you and Clarke before pounding on the door in anger, "And you need to open this damn door!"

"Tell me why. What's happening?"

"We used our tranqs on Miller and Jackson, and we don't have any left. I need yours for Murphy."

"Are Miller and Jackson okay? We heard screams."

"Yeah, they're fine. Just let me in!"

He pounds on the door again, his anger rising, making you more worried with each passing second. The reality of what's happening starts to set in, and you know that Bellamy is becoming unstable, clearly starting to be affected by the eclipse. You take a risk and call out to Echo, "Echo, don't do it!"

Bellamy turns and glares at you, and for a terrifying second, you think he's about to stalk over to you, but he doesn't. He turns his anger back to the door, pounding on it repeatedly as he calls out to Echo. You can hear Echo and Emori bickering inside, though you can't make out what they're saying over Bellamy's yelling. "What are you waiting for, Echo? Echo, now!"

Clarke yells, "Echo, don't listen to him! He's losing it too!"

"Open the door!"

Echo is silent for a minute before her voice floats through the door, sad and dejected. "Bellamy, I'm sorry. I can't."

A second later, you hear her body hit the floor, the room now silent. You and Clarke exchange a worried look, and you step closer to Bellamy slowly, your voice soft and pleading. "Bellamy, it's okay. The toxin is affecting you. Come with me back to the school, so we can-"

Your mouth snaps shut when he turns to you, the angriest, most hateful expression on his face that you've ever seen. You know it's not real, that it's not his fault, but it breaks your heart to see him look at you that way. You feel Clarke grab your hand, and tug you closer to her, sensing your turmoil as Bellamy starts to snap at you. "Maybe you've forgotten, but I spent six years without you, and I was just fine. I don't need you or your bossy twin telling me what to do anymore!"

The sentence hits you like a slap to the face, your body freezing up as you try to comprehend his anger that is now aimed at you. He's in your face now, and you and Clarke both start to back up, sensing the danger you're in, suddenly scared of Bellamy for the first time in your life. His words bounce around in your head on repeat, cutting into your heart and breaking you open, and you fight hard to hold back the tears that threaten to fall. Luckily for you, you don't have to fight for long, because bullets begin to rain down on you, Bellamy, and Clarke. All three of you split apart, taking off running in different directions, trying to get away from the path of Murphy and his guns. You can hear Bellamy yelling out for Murphy, and you're careful to run away from both your boyfriend's voice and the sound of the bullets, not ready to confront either of them right now.

You run back towards the school, hoping the others aren't going that way too, aware that everything you might need is in your pack by the swing set. You crouch low inside the building, peeking out the door to your pack, across the way and in a wide open area. No cover. You take a deep breath and bolt towards it, limping slightly from the pain in your calf as it flares up, too much strain already put on it for today. You ignore it and push past the pain, bending down to scoop up your bag before you take off running again, darting inside a small building near the back of the village. You move through the building until you're in the back, away from any windows or doors, and then you pull open your pack, peering down at the contents inside.

You almost smile with relief when you see the gas canisters, and you reach inside and pull them out, knowing they'll come in handy. You peek into the bag again, grabbing the medkit to see if there are any tranq sticks inside, and as you unzip the bag, a voice behind you sends a shiver down your spine. "Ai natshana."

My moon. You spin around, grabbing your knife from your holster, looking for Bellamy. Your hand grips the handle tight, shaking, but there is no one in the room with you, just you and your anxious thoughts. You shake your head, a rush of panic running through you that you're next, when another voice calls your name, soft and loving. You turn around, tears in your eyes, calling out to him. "Dad?"

Still, you find nothing, your dad not in the room with you. You're about to turn back to your pack when you hear his voice again, sounding full of static and crackly. You look around, eyes falling on an old tv in the corner of the room, the screen lit up with your dad's picture, standing in the middle of your living room on the Ark. You run over to the tv, dropping to your knees in front of it as your dad smiles at you, whispering your name. You look at him through watery eyes, your hand lifting to the screen to touch his face. "Can you hear me dad?"

"Loud and clear, kiddo."

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to pass on a message."

You look at him in confusion, shaking your head. "A message, what message?"

"If you had saved me, you would have known."

Your heart sinks, and the scene around him changes. Suddenly, he's in the airlock, the doors still open, the big red button in the corner blinking, waiting to send him out to space. Your lower lip trembles, about to cry, but you go completely frozen when the next voice reaches you. "Not only did you not save him, but you killed him."

You watch in horror as Shumway steps into the screen, coming to a stop beside the flashing red button, a sinister smile on his face. "Miss me, la lune?"

"Shouldn't you be in hell, Shumway?"

"Why stay in hell when I could be with you instead? You do, after all, belong to me."

"I never belonged to you, you piece of shit."

"Really?" He presses a button, closing the doors to the airlock. Your dad starts to panic, pounding on the door and calling your name, begging for you to save him. "What about now?"

"What are you doing? Stop, please stop!"

He smiles, hand hovering over the button. "Only you can stop it now."

His hand lowers, and ice flows through your veins. The pounding on the airlock grows louder, and you look back to your father, realizing now that he's not alone. Bellamy is inside with him, fists desperately slamming on the door, tears falling down his face. "Natshana, please! Help me! Please!"

You watch Shumway's hand rest on the button, not enough to press it, just enough to send you into a panic. "Okay, Shumway, okay! I'm yours, alright? I'm yours."

You choke up on the last word, the confession making you sick as it leaves your mouth, and Shumway laughs, completely amused. "Music to my ears."

And to your horror, he presses the button anyways, opening the outer airlock doors, sending your father and the love of your life into space, killing them both. You let out a gut wrenching scream as you watch them die, and Shumway laughs and laughs until he says, "La lune, I thought you would have known better by now. You're a curse, bringing death to everyone you love. Isn't that why they call you Wanlida?"

Bellamy suddenly appears on the screen again, though he looks awful. Broken. Eyes hollow, dark bags neath them, skin pallid, face sunken in. "Isn't that why they call you Azazel, the angel of destruction and corruption? Because you corrupt everything in your life, poisoning the people around you until they are shells of their former selves. Ghosts."

"Bellamy, no. Please don't say that."

The tears start to fall down your face as your dad steps back into the picture, looking just as awful as Bellamy does. "There's only one way to stop the curse, la lune. One way to end it all for good."


"Take out your knife."

You look at him in horror, the tears steadily streaming down your face, and Bellamy adds, "How can you expect us to do better when you're still around?"

You nod in agreement, understanding instantly that he's right. While you still live and breath, there will be no doing better. The Bringer of Death can't live a life of peace, it just doesn't make sense. You take out your knife, looking down at the notches in the handle. Shumway muses, "Don't worry, we'll add yours when you're gone. Right beside the tally mark you made for me."

The thought makes you sick to your stomach, and you feel yourself want to back out, something your dad must sense. "La lune, put the knife to your throat, just like you did in the desert with Clarke."

You nod, lifting the knife, and all three men on the screen in front of you smile. "Good. Now when you do it, make sure you go deep enough or it won't work. On the count of three, okay?"

You nod, and Shumway counts, "One."

You grip the handle of the knife tighter, psyching yourself up as your dad whispers, "Two."

You start to press the knife into your neck, nearly nicking your skin as you get ready, watching Bellamy's mouth open as he says, "Stop!"

You look at him in confusion, not understanding. Stop? That is not what his mouth said when his lips moved, and just as you're trying to figure out what's going on, you hear someone call your name from behind you. You spin around, coming face to face with Murphy, who stands in the room across from you, a rifle in his hand, pointed straight at you. You look at him in alarm and he urges, "Put the knife down, or I put one in your leg."

You hear your dad, Shumway, and Bellamy all calling out to you from the TV at your back, urging you to ignore the cockroach in front of you and end Wanlida, once and for all. Murphy's grip on his gun tightens as he aims at your kneecap, the rest of your leg folded up beneath you. "Come on, don't make me do this. If I shoot you, Bellamy will hear it."


He looks at you like you're crazy, as you turn to look at the TV behind you, your eyes falling on Bellamy. Murphy glances at it too, clearly catching on to what's happening, and he tries to reason with you, "Listen to me, you're talking to a TV. That's not how TV's work at all. Besides, the damned thing is off, unplugged from the wall."

He gestures to the wall with his gun, and you look at it, seeing the TV plug sprawled out on the ground, nowhere near the outlet. You look back to Murphy in confusion, just as Bellamy's voice bellows from somewhere outside. "Murphy!"

Your eyes flit to the wall, imagining that you can see Bellamy on the other side. Angry Bellamy with a full beard, on the ground near you. Not in the sky on the Ark, with your father that he never met. Because that isn't real. Your dad loved you, and he willingly sacrificed himself to save you. He would never want you to hurt yourself. Bellamy either. He's the love of your life, and he'd follow you to hell to save you, this is not what he'd want you to do. And Shumway? He's dead. Has been for over 100 years, killed by your hand to save Bellamy. He can't hurt you anymore. You don't belong to him, you don't belong to anyone.

It's not real.

You look to Murphy again, lowering the knife in your hand, dropping your hand down to your side. Murphy sighs, lowering his gun. "Good choice. Now, since you're clearly only a threat to yourself and not to me, what do you say we save your boyfriend before he kills both of us?"

You nod, sliding the knife back into your holster, before Murphy lays out a plan. You distract him, Murphy gasses him, and you wait for the eclipse to pass and everything to get back to normal. Once you both agree on the plan, you pass him a gas canister that you found earlier, and you sneak out of the room, ignoring the voices in the TV that try to call out to you. Instead, you follow Bellamy's voice, the real Bellamy's voice, who stands near the pond in the middle of the village, calling out for Murphy. You surprise him by stepping out from between the buildings, coming to stand across from him, near the pond. "Hey Bell."

He turns to look at you, glaring, his eyes falling to your hands, which twitch nervously near your knife. "Are you scared of me? That's funny, because I should be scared of you, Wanlida."

He says the nickname mockingly, further reminding you of why you hate it. You smile at him, trying to stay calm, slowly grabbing the knife and tossing it away from you. "I just want to talk, Bellamy. The eclipse is getting to your head, and you're not acting like yourself. This isn't you."

"How would you know what's me? I spent six years without you. You don't know who I am!"

"You're wrong, Bellamy. I know exactly who you are. I always have. You're the guy who's willing to do anything for his sister. You're a leader to our people, who has made so many sacrifices to save us. You're the love of my life, who has been there for me at every turn."

"The love of your life?" He laughs, and you can tell he's trying to bait you. "Is that why I fell in love with someone else?"

And though you know he only says the words to get a rise out of you, to bring out your rage and make you stoop to his level, you can't ignore it. You let out a scream of anger and dive at Bellamy, intending to knock him off his feet and distract him while Murphy gasses him. "Murphy, do it! Do it now!"

Except the gas never comes.

Instead, Bellamy rolls away from you, jumping to his feet, and you scramble to yours quickly as he stalks towards you. You lift your fists in defense of yourself, not wanting to fight Bellamy. You've seen him spar people and defeat them easily, you've seen him actually fight people and defeat them easily. He has a height advantage and size advantage on you, not to mention the fact that you're already heavily injured from your near death experience in Shallow Valley. But eclipse Bellamy cares about none of that. Instead he lunges at you, grabbing you by the shoulders, holding you in place as he punches you so hard in the stomach that you double over with a gasp of pain. He tosses you to the ground and kicks you in the side, his boot connecting with your ribs, and you hold back a cry of pain, sure that there's going to be a bruise there by morning. He grabs you by your jacket and pulls you to your feet again, swinging a punch at you so hard that pain immediately explodes across your eye and cheekbone. You're sure that your healing black eye is now going to be much worse, and you hit the ground hard, landing on your back, trying to find the will to keep fighting Bellamy.

Luckily, you don't have to, because Murphy has finally arrived. Unfortunately for him, Bellamy sees him coming and knocks the gas can out of his hand before he can use it, punching him in rapid succession, one after the next. Murphy is still trying to recover from the hits when Bellamy grabs his knife wound and digs in, before delivering subsequent hits to the injured man's bullet wounds, the same wounds Murphy received while trying to save him. Murphy cries out in pain, and Bellamy seizes his moment of weakness to toss him into the pond, splashing in after him to grab him and hold him beneath the water. You pull yourself to your feet, the sight of Murphy's impending danger lighting a fire within you, and you rush towards the pair, as Bellamy grinds out, "I will keep us safe!"

You grab Bellamy when you're close enough, trying hard to pull him off of Murphy and save him, but Bellamy turns and hits you again, knocking you back into the water with a splash. You fall into the pond, your head sinking beneath it, and you close your eyes as you sink, wondering if you should just let yourself drown. But your survival instinct kicks in, and you get a rush of adrenaline strong enough to pull you out of the water and over to Bellamy. You shove him off of Murphy, towards the pond's edge, and you swing a punch at him so fast he never sees it coming. It's powerful enough to knock him backwards onto the ground, and you run back to the pond and grab Murphy, dragging him out of the water as he lies in it, still and unmoving.

You see Bellamy moving from the corner of your eye, but you don't pay attention, too worried about Murphy's still form. You drop him onto the ground, falling to his side and immediately starting chest compressions, hoping and praying that he coughs up the water in his lungs. You can see Bellamy stalking towards you, but he freezes in place when your twin's voice screams out for the first time in hours, "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

Bellamy turns on her with a sinister smile, and you see the two of them spar as you continue to help Murphy, sending prayers to the Universe to save his life. You almost cry in relief when they answer them, Murphy turning his head to violently cough up the water that nearly killed him. Your relief is short lived though, ending when you hear a body thud to the ground nearby. You look up in horror and realize that it's your twin, and Bellamy stands over her, smiling at you. "Clarke!"

The scream that rips though you is absolutely heartbreaking, and you move over to her as fast as you can, dropping at her side and pressing your fingers to her neck, searching for a pulse. This time, you do cry in relief when you find one, your twin only temporarily knocked out, not dead. But you don't get long to process this, because Bellamy grabs you and yanks you backwards until you're flat on your back, and then he straddles you, his hands lifting up to your throat. Your eyes instantly widen in alarm, your hatred of choking to death already so powerful, but especially at the hands of the man you love. Murphy tries to help you, but Bellamy easily knocks him away, still too weak from his near death experience. He weakly yells, "Stop it, man, you're killing her! You're gonna kill the girl you love!"

But Bellamy doesn't stop. If anything, his grip gets tighter, the stars of unconsciousness exploding around the edges of your vision. You reach down for your Grounder knife, panic surging through you when you remember you discarded it earlier in an effort to keep the peace. Lot of good that's doing you now. Your feet start to kick as you struggle for air, sending pain through the stitches on your calf, lighting up a memory in your brain. The skull knife. You reach down to your uninjured calf, grabbing the knife from its holster and immediately plunging it into Bellamy's thigh. He lets out a gut wrenching yell of pain, and you take in a dizzyingly large rush of air, filling your lungs up with oxygen again.

You hear Murphy weakly call your name, and you turn to look at him, a gas canister held tight in his hand. You push Bellamy off of you and crawl towards him, grabbing the can from his hand just as Bellamy grabs you and flips you over, straddling you again. His hands lift to your throat just as your hands grab the pin, pulling it from the can and releasing the gas in a cloud that overtakes the three of you instantly. You get light headed as soon as you breathe it in, your head lulling to the side, and you feel Bellamy drop to the ground beside you as the gas reaches him, all of you unconscious within seconds.


Your name being repeated over and over is the first thing you hear as you start to wake up.

You swim through the thick haze in your head, reaching for the surface, the voice growing louder and louder. As you break free, you realize it's two voices, your mother's and Clarke's. You pull your eyes open, confused to see your mom in your vision first, well aware that she was on the mothership when you used the gas can earlier. But now her hand is caressing your cheek, feeling very real, and Clarke's hands are cradling your head, both of them looking down at you with worry. "Mom?"

"I'm here."


"I'm okay."

You try to sit up, untangling yourself from Bellamy, the two of you a mess of limbs. You shift over to him, out of the grip of your mom and sister, placing your hand on his cheek. He blinks awake slowly as you hear Jordan ask, "Where are the others?"

You ignore him, helping Bellamy to sit up, and Clarke answers for you. "Locked up to protect us."

"What happened to Shaw?"

No one says anything to Raven, but you don't care right now, too focused on Bellamy, making sure he's okay. He sits up, clutching his leg in pain, and he looks down at it, eyes landing on the knife wound, before turning to you with horror. Tears instantly spring to your eyes and you whisper, "I'm sorry, I had to."

His hand lifts to your face, tilting your head to get a look at your darkening eye, before he tips your chin to get a look at the bruises that are already starting to form around your neck. You see the horror in his face deepen, and you realize now that he isn't horrified that you stabbed him. He's horrified that you had to. Bellamy is well aware that you wouldn't just stab him over nothing. He reaches out for you, pulling you into a hug, tucking his face into the crook of your neck to hide the tears falling down his face. When he pulls away, he rests his forehead against yours, whispering, "I'm sorry. God, I'm so sorry."

You shake your head, tears in your eyes. "There's nothing to be sorry for, my love."

He pulls away, trying to get a look at you again, but his eyes land on someone else in the process, and his gaze turns hard. You turn to follow it, eyes landing on Octavia, who is watching you both closely. Bellamy asks, "What the hell is she doing here?"

And before anyone can answer, his gaze shifts to a different person. A woman, someone you don't recognize, cuffs around her wrists. "And who is that?"

You look at her, your gaze only pulled away when you hear your mom worriedly whisper, "John, wake up. Come on now."

You turn in alarm, remembering how weak he was before you gassed the three of you, and you see your mom and Clarke at his side, checking his pulse. "His pulse is too weak."

Clarke tugs his shirt open, seeing something the rest of you don't. But as she exposes his skin, you see it too, a dark color running through his veins, spider webbing across his body. "Mom, what is that?"

"I don't know."

She starts to look him over, trying to get a better look, when a cacophony of sounds hits your ears all at once. It's joy and laughter and talking, and when you look up, towards the source of the sound, you realize it's from a large group of people, heading your way. It would be an exciting sight if it wasn't shocking, so many people walking up the stairs and into the village. The kids lead the group, running right over to all of you, and a girl stops nearby, closer than the others. She looks up at the woman you don't know, who reassures her, "It's okay, Rose. Don't be afraid."

Rose doesn't seem afraid at all, because her gaze shifts to Clarke, meeting her eyes head on. "Are you here to take us home?"

You all exchange a weird look, not understanding what she means, before Clarke voices the thought you're all collectively sharing. "Isn't this your home?"


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