false confidence. [original]

By shayslater

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EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN SECRET Everyone has great confidence in themselves... but what really is the truth beh... More

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By shayslater

As Olivia left, Liam went in first. He gave Mr. Olley a smile before sitting down." Mr. Hayes, what bothers you?" Mr. Olley asked." Uhm..." Liam trailed off.


2 years ago, it was night time and his car broke down so he had to walk home. He was walking down by the main road, both sides were a forest. It was creepy but he didn't mind.

He walks down listening to music calmly when he heard rustling by the forest and footsteps running. Then he heard a loud thud and almost a scream but it fainted like someone was covering his mouth. Liam go scared and didn't knew what to do so he ran away as fast as he can.

He was sleepless that night, he couldn't stop thinking about but he swore to himself to never talk about it to anyone.

End of Flashback

" It's a trauma." Mr. Olley said." Well.. Yeah.. Obviously." Liam looked at him like he's dumb." You're actually not helping so I'm gonna go." Liam said leaving the office.

" How was it?" Liv asked." I don't know, you go next." Liam said." I'll be in the library if you need me." Liam said." Are you ok?" Liv asked." Yeah." Liam said before leaving.

" Alright Liv, you go next." Oliver said. Liv nodded and went inside then sat down." Ms. Patterson." Mr. Olley greeted." What do you want to share me today to let it all out?" Mr. Olley asked.


When Liv was only 12. back in Canada." HAHA, It's Fatty Liv Liv!" One of her classmates points at her and the rest laughed." Hey! Leave my sister alone!" Oliver yelled.

" Ooh, so scared. What are you gonna do about it?" The bully asked sarcastically. Oliver got mad and punched him in the face.

Punched him over and over. Liv was in shock. The teachers came to pull them away." Principal Office! Now!" The teacher yelled.

Oliver glared at the bully before going to the office. The bullying never happened again, but the insecurity filled Liv. Everyday, she looks at the mirror and stare at her whole body.

" I'm so fat. I'm ugly." She said to herself." I need to stop eating." Liv added." Liv, let's go." Oliver said behind her bedroom door.

" Coming." Liv said. She wore an oversized hoodie and went out of her room." Why are you wearing an oversized hoodie?" Oliver asked." It's cold."  Liv lied, Oliver just shrugged it off and went inside the car with their mom as they drove to school.

When they arrived at school, at Lunch, Liv looked around her schoolmates. They were pretty and skinny and she wanted that.

Her thought of being skinny forced herself to stop eating. It developed as she would eat less and less each day until she wouldn't eat anything.

Chubby Liv Liv was stuck in her head. Each day she looks in the mirror, she still thinks she's fat when the truth was the opposite. Days ad months goes by, she felt weak.

 " Hey, I'm home." Dale said." Hey dad." Oliver and Liv greeted." So... I got promoted as senior partner." Dale announced." Honey that's great. I'm happy for you." Meredith said.

" Yeah, but the thing is. We have to move to West Brook." Dale said." When?" Oliver asked." This summer." Dale said.

The family celebrated Dale's promotion with lots of food, but not a single thing Liv touched." I'm going to my room." She excused herself. A couple of months later, they moved into West Brook and bought a big house. 

First day in school, Liv was nervous while Oliver was excited." Have fun." Meredith said before driving away. The twins looked at huge facade of the school. It looks luxurious.

They entered the school and were already greeted by 2 girls both have blonde hair and blue eyes." Twins?" Oliver asked confused." Do we look like twins to you?" One of the girls asked.

" Uhm.. Sorry I guess." Oliver apologized." Ignore her, she's just not in the mood. I'm Elizabeth Cleo Harper. School president. Call me Elise." Elise introduced.

" Jaycee Wilkins. Vice President." Jaycee introduced." Nice to meet you two." Oliver spoke, you could tell Liv was nervous.

" I'm Oliver Patterson."  Oliver introduced then he looked over to Liv. He nudged her gesturing her to talk but she shook her head.

" A little nervous. I see. Don't worry, I'm not mean." Elise assured her. Liv seemed convinced and calmed herself down." Olivia Patterson... Liv for short." Liv introduced.

" Assumed you guys are twins." Jaycee said. They both nodded." Follow us and we'll show you around." Elise said with a smile.

Liv smiled back at her. Elise and Jaycee toured them around and introduced them to some of the students, including Elise's sisters and best friends.

" This are my older sisters. Avery and Natalie, and my best friends Max and Liam."  Elise introduced." Nice to meet you both." Max greeted." Twins, how adorable." Avery said.

" You guys looks so identical." Liam said."  Of course they look a like. They're twins." Natalie said." Smart." Oliver said.

Natalie smiled. Days goes by, Liv felt weaker and weaker. As she was eating lunch, she felt anxious thinking she's going to gain weight again.

" Excuse me." Liv said excusing herself and run out of the cafeteria to go to the bathroom and threw up." Liv?" Elise called then she saw Liv throwing up.

" Liv, are you ok?"  Elise asked, helping Liv." I'm fine." Liv said wiping her mouth and standing up and going to wash her hands.

" I don't think you are." Elise said." No, I'm fine." Liv was in denial. As she's about to walk out she fainted." Liv! Help!" Elise yelled, so then Natalie and Avery came. Avery ran out and called Oliver, Liam, and Max for help.

Liv was rushed into the hospital. Waking up, headache greeted her." She's suffering with Anorexia. Did you know about this?" Liv heard the doctor asked." No. She was all fine, but I did notice she wasn't eating her lunch for the past couple of months." She heard her mom say.

" We need to do treatments with her before it gets worse." The doctor said." Do anything you can." Liv heard her Dad say.

" She's going to be fine right?" Oliver asked. Liv opened her eyes." Liv."  Oliver said sitting on the end of the bed then they heard a knock on the door.

Dale opened it." Uhm... who are you?"  Dale asked." I'm Elise, this are my sisters Natalie and Avery. And my friends Max and Liam. We're Liv and Oliver's classmates." Elise introduced.

" They're the ones who brought Liv in here." Meredith said." We just want to check on Liv." Natalie said. They all turned to Liv and waved a hi.

" Uh, hi." Dale said to a tall with dark brown hair guy wearing a formal suit together probably with his wife who's blonde and wearing a formal dress.

" Lorenzo Harper, this is my wife Amelie. We're Elise's parents." Lorenzo introduced." The girls wouldn't stop begging for us to come here. They were really worried about Liv." Amelie said.

" It's embarrassing to disturb your night by spending here." Meredith said." Oh no, don't worry about it. I'm sure you guys haven't eaten yet. Join us for dinner tonight, the kids can stay here with the bodyguards so you don't have to worry." Lorenzo said.

" Are you sure?"  Dale asked." We can handle Liv. You guys can go." Avery said." Come on." Lorenzo said so then they left.

The Harpers, Max, Liam, and Oliver took care of Liv. They talked for awhile and got to know each other a lot until their parents came back.

The next couple of days and months, Liv's  treatment was getting better and better. The Harper, Max, and Liam always goes her up and boost her confident with herself.

That was why the Harpers were really important to her. Without them, she could've failed the treatment and do the same with Lucy.

End of Flashback

" That's a very touching story Liv." Mr. Olley said. Liv was confused. " That's it? That's all you're gonna say?" Liv asked.

" Uhmm... Yeah." Mr. Olley said. Liv relled her eyes and walked out. " I'll be in the library if you need me." Liv said.

" Uhm..ok?" Max said." I'll go next. " Oliver said before going inside." Mr. Patterson. What's the problem?" Mr. Olley asked.


Back when Oliver and Liv was still in Canada. This was before Oliver beat up Liv's bully. Growing up, Oliver has anger issues. He's always mad and always pick up a fight with random guys for suspecting they were talking bad about Liv for being fat.

Oliver's known as an overprotective twin. By chance, the eldest by 5 minutes.
" Hey Fatty Liv! You're ugly!" Someone yelled from across the cafeteria.

Oliver looked over his twin who hide herself in her hoodie. He looked back and search the one who yelled.

" You wanna fight?!" Oliver stood up from his seat walking towards the bully. The gully just rolled his eyes and laugh with his friends but then was caught off guard when Oliver grabbed his collar and punched him in the face.

That's why everyone was scared of Oliver and that the bullying Liv stopped because of him. He was never caught for sure because the fights happened after classes, outside the school property.

So when Dale announced they're moving away, of course Dale and Meredith heard about everything with Oliver so they decided to put him up in a treatment sessions during the summer.

End of Flashback

" That's basically my life." Oliver said. " Ok Oliver. Thank you for sharing me your story." Mr. Olley said.

Over looked at him with 'wtf' look then left." How do you feel?" Max asked. " Nothing." Oliver said.

" I'll go next." Max said before entering the room." Mr. Anderson, story to tell?" Mr. Olley asked.


Back in 3rd grade, he sat down alone at the back row, while everyone was chatting with each other.

He was a loner, nobody really wanted him because he was too boring and irrelevant but everyone knows him because his dad's the town police officer.

But that all changed that day.

" Class, please settle down, we have a new student." Ms. Gina said then a little a blonde girl walks in the room, looking out the door.

" Bye Dad, see you later Nat and Aves." Her tiny voice said before turning to the whole class.

" Please introduce yourself." Ms. Gina said." Hi everyone, I'm Elizabeth Cleo Harper, but you can call me Elise. I'm 8 years old. I'm from Los Angeles, California. " Elise introduced.

" Alright Elise, take a seat wherever you want." Ms. Gina said. Every boy cleared the seats next to them, waiting for her with a smile.

The girls were either irritated, faking a smile, or just being friendly. Even in 3rd grade there's a lot of fake people already.

Elise noticed Max alone, she was intrigued by him so she sat next to him. Max was shock when Elise sat next to him.

" Hi, I'm Elise. What's your name?" Elise asked. " I'm Maxwell. You can call me Max." Mac introduced.

" Nice to meet you, Max." Elise said." Nice to meet you too." Max said with a smile.
At lunch, Max sat alone in a table at the corner.

He was anxiously looking around while eating when he saw Elise sat down next to two girls, guessing it was her sisters she waved goodbye to awhile ago.

So then, they were joined by 4 girls and a guy, And were added with another 3 girls and 4 guys.

He saw Elise look around until she saw him and waved hi and gestured Max to join them. Max got up from his seat and walked towards the group.

" Hey Max."  Some of the students in that table greeted including Elise." Max, this are my sisters Natalie and Avery." Max introduced." Nice to meet you, Max." Natalie and Avery said.

" Nice to meet you too." Max said. And then after that, Max's friendship grew with the Harpers. Reaching 7th grade, Oliver, Olivia, and Liam came and added to their friendship.

Growing up to 9th grade. Elise was pretty much to have a lot of boys around her. Each day boys line up to give her flowers or chocolates.

" See you later, Elise." Hunter said before leaving as Max came." After having a fling with Tyson, you're moving onto Hunter." Max said.

" Jealous much?" Elise asked turning around to face him." What? No." He lied." I can tell when you're lying." Elise said." You know everything." Max said.

" Growing up with a genius sister isn't that bad." Elise said shoving the rose inside the locker that Hunter gave her." Speaking of sisters. Nat and Aves."  Elise called as the her sisters came.

" Let me guess. Your locker's filled with flowers and chocolates again." Avery said." How did you know?" Elise asked sarcastically.

" Obviously you're the prettiest girl in our family and the whole school." Natalie said." Don't say that. You guys are prettier than me." Elise said.

" Don't flatter us, El." Natalie rolled her eyes then Liam, Liv, and Oliver came." What are you guys talking about?" Liam asked.

Elise grabbed boxes of chocolates and gave it to Liv." We're just stating the fact everyone likes her." Avery said." Everybody Wants You." Oliver said.

" Exactly." Max said. The group looked at him." Oh so you do have a crush on me." Elise teased." What? I don't know what you're talking about." Max denied.

" You're kinda obvious." Natalie said." No I'm not." Max said." Yeah you are." Avery said." I'm not." Max said." Yes you are." Liv said.

" No." Max said." Definitely lying." Liam said." I have a crush on all three Harpers. I'm not scared." Oliver said.

" We know." The Harpers said." Just admit it." Max said." I'd rather not. See you guys around." Max said before leaving.

10th grade, after years of denial he likes Elise. The Harpers weren't the same as they used to. It was after school hours, Max always stayed late in school and hang out by the music room. 

Max sat down alone in the music room playing the guitar, composing a song for Oliver when he heard a knock on the door.

He looked up and saw Elise." Elise, are you ok?" Max asked." I honestly don't know." Elise said sitting down next to him.

" What's wrong?  Did Hunter broke up with you?" Max asked." No, we were never together. And we've stopped talking like the beginning of summer." Elise said.

" Wanna hear what I've written so far?" Max asked." Yeah." Elise said. Max started strumming and humming.

" I've been tryna fake it

Can't take another minute
I look at them look at you
Wonder who you're gonna choose
You're the main attraction
The second that you walked in
Every drink is bought for you
I know that means a lot to youAnd I wish that you would look at me
The way you're looking at your own reflection (your reflection)
Now everybody's watching you
And I can tell you're loving the attention, hahYou and I both know
They wanna take you home
Don't know what I'm gon' do, na-na-na
'Cause everybody wants you, na-na-na
We're running out of time
So if I'm on your mind
Tell me what you're gon' do, na-na-na
'Cause everybody wants you, na-na-na " 

After singing, he looked at Elise who's been staring at him the whole time in awe." That was really good." Elise said." Thanks, but I'll probably give it to Oliver." Max said.

" What's the title?" Elise asked." Everybody Wants You." Max said like he meant it towards her. They both locked eyes. They both felt butterflies in their stomachs.

Max likes her a lot, ever since they first met, but he was too afraid to admit it because he doesn't want to ruin their friendship.

While Elise, was just realizing everything and finally knew she was falling for him. They're best friends, but they act like more than that. And now it confuses them.

" What are we?" Elise asked." What do you mean?" Max asked." Max. I know we're best friends since we're in 3rd grade... but at some point, I felt like we're more than best friends." Elise told him straight to the point.

" I need to tell you something." Max said, placing down the guitar and faced Elise and looked at her eyes." I've been wanting to tell you this for the longest time, but I'm too afraid to ruin our friendship." Max said.

" Just say it Max." Elise said." I like you. A lot. More than best friends." Max admitted." I like you too." Elise confessed. Max was taken by surprise, he was speechless.

A smile grew both in their faces. After that, it was different, sparks flying everywhere. They wouldn't stop smiling, everyday, they hang out and go for a drive around town or stay at home and watch movies.

Max never felt lonely with her. But that all changed in just one night. After that, everything turned upside down for him. He was so lost with himself, and the feeling of emptiness kills him.

End of Flashback.

" That's basically what happened." Max said." I understand. What you've been going through was very tough to handle. You lost the one you loved." Mr. Olley said.

Max looked at him annoyed." Is that all?" Max asked." Yeah. Thank you for sharing your story." Mr. Olley said. Max stood up and left.

" Why do you look so annoyed?" Avery asked." You'll know when you're done." Max said." I'll go." Cassie said.

" Ms. Steele, glad to see you." Mr. Olley said with a smile." What's your story?" Mr. Olley asked.


Growing up, Cassie was alone. She was always playing alone, she didn't have any friends. She was homeschooled and the inly time she gets to hangout is if she's with her bodyguard, which is Andrei.

Cassie will always get excited every summer because she knows her cousins come and play with her for the rest of the summer. She had a lot of cousins because her mother was the youngest out of 7.

But things changed as she grew older and older. Her cousins were moving away in each different country and couldn't visit her anymore. Her happiness slowly faded, thinking, why do people leave.

Her family were a very private with things so they were very strict when it comes to Cassie and it was just too strict, it felt like Cassie couldn't do anything but stay home and read books.

They were shaping are as this perfect daughter they wanted her to be and it made her feel pressured. So she thought about another outlet to express herself and she found it in dancing and singing.

When her found out, they didn't approve of it because of social media she will get involved with, but her Grandpa said otherwise. He was very much supportive so he made a few calls and signed Cassie up in a recording label.

Cassie was doing great with her career but as soon as she got big and famous, the pressure in her, increased. Her confidence decreased as she started to get hate over her instant career blow up.

Every time she goes online and go live, people will always comment mean stuffs and tell her to kill herself for not being talented and receives a lot of bullying saying she was big nose, big body, can't sing, can't act.

It was painful for her at such a young age, she could handle it, but her grandpa said she should still continue and ignore everyone and just do what she loves. She was only 15, she was out with Andrei on a meet and greet with her fans.

After the meet and greet she waved goodbye to her fans as she went inside her car and drove off. When they got to their house, they noticed the door was open.

" Stay here." Andrei said." What? Why?" Cassie asked confused." Just stay here." Andrei said getting out of the car and went inside their house. 

[ Warning! Blood Content!]

Cassie didn't take any chances and went out the car and went inside the house. She was horrified as she entered the house.

Blood was everywhere. All the bodyguards were lying on the floor, lifeless." Cassie." Andrei called." Where's mom and dad?" Tears were falling down.

" Mom?! Dad?!" She yelled as her hands were shaking, looking around the house. She immediately stopped when she reached her parent's office. 

She screamed in fear, falling down to her knees while Andrei ran up to her. Her dad was sitting in his chair with a shot on his head and her mom was lying on the floor shot on her head and stomach.

Andrei held her tightly, he was like a big brother to her. It was traumatizing to see. Cassie felt like the universe was against her.

The police came and investigated everything. They were trying to talk to Cassie but she was too traumatized, she couldn't speak.

The whole house was cleaned up and  few days had passed but she still hadn't spoke about anything, she brought her whole attention to her career as she received a lot of sympathy because of her situation.

Cassie was in custody of Andrei temporarily." We're going to your Grandpa." Andrei said. Cassie looked up at Andrei by the door of her room.

" Go pack your stuff." Andrei said. Cassie did what she was told to and after that, they flew to where her grandpa lives.

" Cassie." Grandpa Enzo opened his arms for a hug. Cassie broke down and run to her Grandpa and cried. Ever since then, it was her and her grandpa.

" Thank you for sharing the story Cassie." Mr. Olley said." That's it? You're not gonna give any advice?" Cassie asked.

" I'm not quite sure what advice do you want to hear." Mr. Olley said." You're a guidance counselor! You're supposed to give students advice on their problems!" Cassie snapped.

" Do you even know how it feels to be cyber-bullied?! Do you know how it felt to lose your parents in such a young age because they were murdered? How did they hire you anyway?! You're useless." Cassie said before storming off the room.

" Cassie-" Avery was cut off when she noticed Cassie was mad and upset." Cassie wait." Avery followed Cassie behind. Natalie raised her eyebrow, intrigued what happened that made Cassie upset.

Hey guys!!!! This is part 2, let's wait for part 3. Enjoy reading the flashbacks of the characters. Wow, 2 chapters in two days. I'm very productive this weekend. Anyways, make sure to vote, comment, and follow me for more stories. Peace!

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