MEREK +Kobe & Vallyk

By kaeethabratt

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Mall trip
Make him say sorry
I love you
Nudes?....omg nudes!
You practically asked for it
Car accident
Bubble bath
Doctor appointment
Car masturbation
Zoom call
His thigh
I cant think of a tittle
my bad I was wrong
Make it stop
Can i be him
Stfu bitch
Its your fault
frl this time
little Vallyk
Boss baby?๐Ÿ˜‚
Caught part 2
Its for a tiktok
Take me to a rooftop
I need you
Did i?
No title part 2 continuation
Yes? No? Maybe so?๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ
Sex tape
Pleasurable punishment
Helping hand
Boys for Sale
Sin city redo๐Ÿ˜
Study Buddy
Stress relief
The end (for now๐Ÿฅบโค๏ธ)
Just a Prank...maybe
I did a thing
I did a thing part 2
Princess and the frog
Brotherly bondage
Bathroom stall quickie
The last ride
Beauty and the Best sneak peek
New book up

Coffee incident

1.8K 40 66
By kaeethabratt

Kobe was clumsy and awkward but he couldn't help it so the best alternative for him was to avoid anything that may be to "advanced" for him. So for example him working at a cafe was easy because he's behind a counter taking someone order and handing them a drink that was easy.

Now let's say he was working in a restaurant...he woul most likely trip over his own feet before tripping over anyone else's.

Ao He was very releases that he could work somewhere that didn't require walking around too much.

Today though was a tad bit different. It was extremely busy for whatever reason and the mangager has told him and a few other people to walk to the customers table to take their order or give them their order.

And just about five minutes ago Lobe stood behind the counter where he was safe from embarrassment and had just taken an order for one large hot coffee and two ice coffees.

"Ok and what's the name for the Oder?" He asks.

"Oh Vallyk." The gut responds. Kobe nods his head and pauses for a second trying to figure out how to spell the guys name.

"Um c-can you spell it please." He asks shyly playing with his shirt. Vallyk chuckles and spells it out as he types it into the computer.

"Ok your order will be ready in about ten minutes it's been a busy day." He explains. Vallyk nods his head and smiles as he walks to a table with two other guys.

At least I didn't embarrass myself...

Which brings us to now. Kobe was just told to take Vallyks order to the table and was literally freaking out. Not because he was a klutz but because he didn't want to seem flustered by the stranger.

So he made sure he was paying attention and walking slowly because he did not want to upset the boy. When he got to his table the boys friends took the drinks thanking him.

Kobe took vallyks coffee out of the holder and turned to hand it to him but he didn't notice the boy had stood up. So what did he do...he bumped into vallyk spilling the hot coffee all over his shirt and pants.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention." Kobe says frantically grabbing tissue and patting down vallyks shirt. He was so invested in not upsetting him that he didn't care he was literally on his knees wiping away st the front of vallyks pants.

The whole group was in the back so no one really were paying attention. "I'm just making it worse I'm sorry...WAIT we have towels in the back come with me." Vallyk couldn't respond as he was quickly being pulled to the back of the store.

"Ok sit down on that crate." Kobe tells him. Vallyk sits down and watches in amusement as Kobe looked around for towels.

When he had found them he blushed red thinking of the question he had to ask. "I know your probably sticky could you um take off y-your pants please."

Now vallyks knew he could simply just go home and change but he liked what was happening.

Smirking he kept eye contact as he unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants off. Kobe went to the sink in the corner and wet the cloth. Walking back to vallyk he handed him the damp towel.

Vallyk laughs to himself and takes the towel wiping at his legs while Kobe just awkwardly stood their. When he finished he placed the towel on a table next to him.

"Sorry about your pants." Kobe said. Vallyk shook his head telling the boy not to worry about it.

"KOBE!." The boy jumped hard as hell as his co worker busy through the door. She looked between Kobe and Vallyk and was completely confused but didn't care enough to question it.

"It's busy out there c'mon." She walks back out and Kobe turned back to the boy.

"Thanks for the towel and the help I'll be on my way then...but you owe me." Vallyk said putting his pants back on. As he buckled his belt back up he walks close to Kobe.

"I'll be back around five to pick you up. We should hang out." Kobe contemplated for a second because he had just met this guy not even an hour ago. He did spill hot coffee on him and literally watched the man strip..sorta.

"O-ok I get off at five thirty anyway." He said.

"Good I'll see you then." Vallyk walked to the door and jut before he left he turned to ask a question.

"You smoke weed?" Kobe blushes for literally no reason at all and stammers over his words.

"It's ok if you don't I just wanted to know."

"No I don't smoke seed but I'm cool with others smoking around me it doesn't bother me." Kobe answers.

"Ok good to know. Anyway I'll be leaving now see you later." Kobe waits for a few seconds trying to piece the events together.

"Oh Jesus I need a express."

All day Kobe could not focus on anything. He tripped about three times and got six orders wrong and got into two verbal arguments with customers. It was a wild afternoon and he blamed it all on Vallyk.

Stupid cute ass

It was now 4:50 and he couldn't help but be anxious. It was starting to become slow in the cafe so everyone was back to normal yet he seemed to be everywhere.

"Hello I'm Kobe what would you like to order today? We have two new flavors that came in recently, we have the brand new chocolate mint frappe and the vanilla and strawberry cappuccino." The customer was got off gaurd by the extreme giddiness but he liked the energy.

"No not today I would just like a caramel ice coffee that all." He said.

"Okie dokie your total is 6.21 woah that's high we're we always that high...i don't know I just take the damn drinks." Kobe spoke rather out then to himself like intended to.

The guy laughs as he paid for the drink.

Once the drink was done Kobe handed him his order and flashed a huge smile.

"Have a wonderful day come back soon." He waves wildly at the person.

His coworkers were all stunned by his behavior Kobe was usually very shy and he never held a conversation with a customer unless it was necessary.

No one questioned it though they just let him be.

He didn't seem to notice but it was now 4:59 and exactly nine about to be ten minutes had passed.

At exactly five on the dot he heard the bell from the door jingle indicating someone has walked in. His head was down as he busted himself with cleaning the counter suddenly so quiet and so calm.

His coworkers were being nosy as the noticed how quickly his mood changed when the boy walked in.

"My eyes are up here not the counter Kobe." You could hear the whispers that came from his fellow job mates as they literally were havin the best time of their lives it seems.

Slowly and hesitantly Kobe looked up from the counter and to Vallyks eyes but as they looked at each other he diverted his eyes away.

"Kobe don't make me embarrass you in front of your friends." Blushing wasn't even a thing for Kobe anymore this was a whole new level of blush, his whole face had flushed red.

Taking a shaky deep breath he looks back up trying his hardest to keep contact.

"Good boy, now since it's only 5:05 I'll just sit out in my car. You didn't come in a car did you?"

Kobe shakes his head no to nervous to speak.


Signing the boy stood straight and answered the question.

"No I didn't. I walked here." Vallyk nods and walks back outside.

"Um...bitch that's your boyfriend or something cause the way he was looking at you and all...thenearlier he didn't have any pants on." The girl from earlier said.

His other friend Bryce had snorted loudly.

"Y'all was about to fuck or something?" Kobe stutters as he hides his red face behind his hands.

"N-no I just met him this morning when I spill Ed coffee on him I- I was helping him clean it up." The letbthe flustered boy relax as they just smirked and went to their stations.

The rest of his remaining time he cleaned all the tables and swept the floor and counted the till.

A/N For those who doesn't know, a till is the cash register when working at a fast food or a retail store you have to count the recorder at the end of every night shift or whenever your swiping off with someone. At my job we count the till and leave 150 in it and take the rest putting it in a envelope for our manager to pick up the next day to take to the bank.

When he finished he took his sweet time clocking out and saying goodbye.

He walked out the store to be greeted by vallyk who was leaning against the side of his car smoking a blunt.

His low eyes and lazy smile was too sexy to not admire. He opens the door gesturing for Kobe to get inside.

The boy got in and vallyk walkeed to his side getting in and pulling off.

"Ok so how about we go to one of my favorite places to relax. I got weed for me and snacks for you sounds good?" Kobe says yes not wanting a repeat of earlier and this time possibly having it actually happen.

The two talk about themselves getting to know one another during their long drive.
When Vallyk pulls in to the area Kobe looks around and spots a sign.

To surprised to speak he allows Vallyk to open his door and help him out. Val grabs the snacks and his two other blunts and the huge blankets.

Two were regular thick covers and one was a weight blanket. He takes Kobe hand and helps the oyndoen the steep hill.

Once the stood in front of the huge sign Kobe freaked out.

"You brought me to the actual freaking HOLLYWOOD SIGN!"

It's just a sign but ok.

"Yeah I figured why not. It's one of my favorite spots where I can see the city."

Kobe felt special but it was quickly shadowed by a few thoughts.

"How mAny thotties have you brought here and told them they were the first person you shown?"

Vallyk laughs loudly for a few seconds before calming down and setting up the blankets.

"My mom is the only person I've brought here before she died from cancer." Kobe felt bad and apologized.

"It's fine you didn't know. I guess a lot of girls and boys see me as a player but I'm truly a kind person who wouldn't think about using anyone or hurting anyone's feelings.

Married? Is that what he wants cs I'll say yes please propose like now.

"If it makes you feel any dog died last week. His name was prance and he was chasing after a rat and got hit by a car...sorry that literally has nothing to do with the situation I'm really bad at conversation."

Vallyk chuckles and lights his blunt.

"I don't mind your actually pretty entertaining." Kobe hums at the compliment and pulls out his phone to take a picture of him sitting in front of the sign.

The two had fell silent with nothing to really say. It wasn't awkward though it was chill as it should be.

"Are you a virgin?" Kobe asks out of the blue.

Vallyk looks at him shocked but shakes his head no redirecting the question back to him.

"Well y-yes but I've given head before." Kobe says quite proud.

"You any good?"

I- chile

"I think so the guy always texting me asking for head almost every other day...see." He unlocks his phone going to the guys messages. Vallyk watched as Kobe scrolled through their messages of the guy literally begging for head.

"Damn he wildin ." Kobe presses his home button taking it back to his home screen. For him it wasn't nothing because he did this everyday but for vallyk it's his first time seeing Kobe's phone so when he saw his homesceen he was curious.

"That's you?" Kobe was confused until he saw it.

"Y-Yeah." It was a picture of Kobe in red underwear shorts and he had on a cut white women beater.

"mm you got a nice body."

"I know." Was all Kobe said.

"Let's play truth or dare I'm bored." The lightskin says turning toward vallyk.

"How about truth or strip?"

Niggas these days the ghetto.

"Ok sure you go first." Vallyk thinks for a second before asking.

"Have you ever kissed a boy or girl?" Kobe giggles and says yes.

"I've kissed a girl in like kindergarten if that counts and I kissed a boy for the first time last year."

"My turn...have you had sex with a boy?" Vallyk smiles as he answered the question.

"Did you see that one boy who was with me today? He was lightskin had curly hair really pink lips." He nods his head.

"That hat was Derek he was my first body but we didn't date or hade feelings it was to figure out my sexuality."

"Ohh that's nice. Have you ever had a crush on any of your guy friends." Vallyk scoffs and takes off his shorts.

"You couldn't answer that simple question?!" Kobe laughs.

"No I couldn't now my turn...who's one person you'd want to give head too?"

Kobe sighs and takes off his shoes to take off his left sock.

"It's the toes for me." Kobe punches Val arm and the boy pretends it hurts.

"Ok would you rather get head from a person who has AIDS or head from peaches?" Vallyk pauses looking at the boy like he was crazy.

"That's nasty I'm not picking neither."

"Uh uh pick one."

"Peaches.." Kobe scoots away and scrunches his nose.

"Now that's just nasty she actually has AIDS vallyk." The curlyhead groans and lays back.

After awhile Vallyk turned on his side facing Kobe.

"Would you give me head?" Kobe eyes widen at the question and he removes his pants.

"No that isn't pasty of the game this is my question I'm asking for myself." Kobe didn't know how to respond.

"Well I- no WAIT no I meant yes but no like hold on I meant." Vallyk pushes himself up to lean directly in front of Kobe's face.

"It's a yes or a no..there's isn't a maybe or a let me think about it."

Their faces were only inches apart and honestly all Kobe wanted was to kiss the boy.

It almost went unnoticed but vallyk caught the slightest nod the skinny twink had made.

"Yes I would."

"Then do it." Vallyk moves away and back against the blanket like before. He removed his slides and shorts only in his underwear.

"Oh like now out in the open?" Kobe squeaked.


He shyly pulls vallyk underwear down letting the boys length his his stomach. He wasn't with allat teasing.

As he took ahold of the boys shaft he suddenly became really nervous.

"You don't think this a little ghetto? Cause I mean-" vallyk cut him off by reaching behind Kobe's head gripping the back of his neck and pushing him down onto his length.

Kobe protest but when vallyk praises him he just went with it.

Slowly he bobs his head down the boys dick letting his nerves go. Taking his other hand he pumped what he couldn't fit in his mouth. As he came up to the tip he sucked rather hard making Vallyk groan.

The curlyhead lit his third blunt of the night and relaxed as Kobe sucked him off.

"Just like that your doing so good." He praises.

Kobe moans around the third leg ( CARESHA PLEASE) bobbing faster. Once his jaw had gotten used to the pace he was going he fully went down all the way letting Vallyks tip hit the back of his throat. He didn't gag like a bad bitty and it made vallyks toes curl.

Coming up on the tip again he uses both hands as he got sloppier letting his spit lather the mans shaft. He runs his tongue flat over the sensitive surface playing with it.

He let up all the way just jerking Val off while looking him in his low red eyes.

"Fuck Kobe in boutta bust." (PLEASE CARESHA PLEASE) (I'm dying😭).

Kobe jerks faster and goes back to sucking bobbing faster than before moaning around it. He feels Val twitch in his mouth and sucks hard hallowing his cheeks and using just his lips and he goes up and down letting more spit coat it.

"Fuck you too good."

Vallyk put the blunt out too invested in Kobe's mouth.

His mouth falls open an his face contours into a look of immense pleasures he cums down Kobe's throat.

Kobe continues his amazing sucking skills making Vallyk flinch every time he would lick or suck on the tip.

"Alright alright alright alright alright...damn." Vallyk said pulling away from Kobe's warm mouth.

When he looked the boy he was hard again in an instant. Kobe eyes were watery and he have spit and cum on his mouth looking very much sloppy.

I mean he just did give some sloppy tippy so it was acceptable and Vallyk found it irresistible.

"Let me ask you know how to ride dick?"

"I never had sex remember but I can try..."

Um...yep I could not stop laughing when I was wrong certain parts of this😭😭. Shit was hilarious. Anyway Hunter and Miguel are are freaking cute but soooooo in a good way. If you look at my libraries on my page and you look at my dominance and Larry stylinson libraries you'll understand me when I say their so much like wattpad gay couples and I'm talking about the kinky kind.

The way hunter talks to Miguel the way Miguel acts around him it's so obvious they're a dom and sub couple. It's cute though and very interesting to witness.

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