Car accident

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for Jahseh_daggerdick 😚❤️❤️❤️

"Baby just breathe for me....ok take a deep breath in and a deep breath out." Mike held Vally's hand as the boy cries in excruciating pain. The boys planned for this day for the past nine months. Doing practice drills every other week making sure they would have everything together and running smoothly.

"Mike I'm trying but it fucking hurts. Ugh you bitch this is all your fault. Fucking weak ass pull out game." Vally gasp as he heard what he had said and flushed.

"Sorry I didn't mean it baby. It wasn't a lie but I didn't mean to say it." Mike shook his head and laughed as he turned onto the highway.

They came to a red light and Mike leans over rubbing Vally's belly.

"Can you get a cloth from the bag please." Vally asks.

Mike kissed Vally's belly and turns to get the rag. As he did a truck sped across the wet highway tires screeching loud.

Mike looks up and sees the bright headlights coming their way. Without a second thought he unbuckles Vally's belt and pulls him into his lap covering him as best as he could. Without another minute waisted the red truck crashed into their car sending the flipping over against the side of the bridged highway.

If they had flipped again it would send them over the bridge but thankfully it had stopped.

Vally screams had died down as he looks up from mike neck and looks at his surroundings. The were upside down and he had a deep gash in his leg from the shattered windows.

"Mike wake up....Mike." He shakes Mike but receives no response. He gets a horrible pain contraction and cries out grabbing Mike's shirt.

"MIKE WAKE UP." People has surrounded the car and tried their best opening the door.

Vallyk sniffed the air smelling something like smoke.

He shook mike over and over trying to get his boyfriend to wake up because he knew that the car was going to blow to pieces.

"Sir we called the ambulance ok their on their way we have to try to get you guys out ok." Vallyk couldnt hear them though as he noticed how weird mike was sitting.

If you looked close enough it seems as if his uppper body was normal but something was oddly off.

Vally lifts mike arms up and his lower body  was stuck but a huge piece of glass the was deep in his stomach.

"Someone get me out of here." Vally cries banging on the door.

The people outside had finally gotten the door open as the smell of smoke had gotten stronger.

"Oh my god your pregnant let's lay you down." A lady had said but vallyk pushes her away as he limped over to the other side of the car.

He tried his best opening the door but he couldn't no matter how hard he tried.

A trail of fire lit up and trailed fast to the car.

"NO SOMEONE GET HIM OUT PLEASE." People tried pulling him away but he fought them off still in labor not caring. All he needed was his boyfriend. The man he wanted to marry, the man he wanted to down the rest of his life with.

He gets on the ground and sticks his arm in the window opening the door from the inside and opens the door.

"SIR NO GET BACK." Just then someone yanks him away and covers him as the car lit up in flames burning his lover inside.

"NOOOO." He screams in the strangers arms as he watched the car slowly burn in pieces and finally blows.

In the corner of his eye he sees something gold. He crawls over and picks it up.

Sitting in his hand was a good box. He opens it and falls to the ground.

An engagement ring sat on a white cushion pillow inside the box and it was beautiful.

Another contraction came hard being him back to reality.

"He's not going to make it bring him over here. I'm a nurse let me take care of him."

7 years later.

"And that's how your dad became the best super hero ever." Vally says looking down in his lap trying to hide his tears.

He sometimes couldn't look at them especially like this. He's been a mess ever since he witnessed his boyfriends death. No he wasn't going crazy but he was lost.

His daughter was literally a replica of him and his son was a clone of Mike. It sometimes brought him pain. His son acted just like Mike, dressed like him, talked like him, and even had braces.

The twins were now seven years old.

They were pretty advanced for seven years old. Vallyk  knew that when he was seven he wasn't that smart so they had to ge it from mike.

"Mommy it's going to ok dad is still here, I talk to him all the time." Vally's head snaps up as he looks in his daughters eyes.

"What did you just say Mia?" The girl giggles and hugs her mother.

"I said daddy talks to me. He tells me that his little princess will grow up to be a queen and that I can do anything I want. He also tells me to keep you happy because that's all he wants." Vally was shook. Not because she was "talking" with her father but because of what she said.

Mike Jr. sat on the couch with a faint smile. He was the one who sneaked into Mia's room and would whisper things to her. He knew that his mother fought hard everyday to get out of bed just to make them happy and he hated to her Vally struggle.

He gets up and pulls his sister in for a hug and Vally.

The small family sat there for awhile just enjoying the moment. And mike sat their hugging Vally even if he could see or feel him.

"I'm right here Vally. I never left."

And somehow Vally did here that. He heard that clearly and it broke him down but it also made him stronger. And from that day Vally began smiling again and made sure his kids was doing the same.

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