Caught part 2

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Mike sat beside Derek in the meeting as they talked about the plans the management had planned out for them for the next few months.

Mike shifted as he felt vibrations from his backside and his vagina.

Looking to his left he glared hard at Derek who sat smiling at him. Everyone was so engaged in the meeting that they didn't even notice Mike gripping onto Derek's arm silently begging him to turn it off.

Thankfully the light skin turns off just the butt one and leaves the one on in his vagina keeping it at a bearable level.

"Ok so that's about it now we want to hear your ideas as well."

So starting with Kobe each boy voiced their opinions on some plans and gave their ideas for new ones. When it got to Mike Derek watched amused as the boy spoke more slowly then usual trying not to moan.

So to ruin his moment Derek turned off the vibrator and laughed when he saw the brown skin visibly relax. He made sure both vibrators were at their highest and turned them both back on earning a loud whimper from Mike's mouth.

Everyone fell quiet as they watched Mike whimper and moan quietly to himself completely in his own world.

Derek adjusted the levels so now the vibrations were still at its highest but instead of a consistent buzz it was a more jabbing as if it were moving inside of him.

Mike's face scrunched in pleasure as he closed his eyes tightly holding himself together.

"Are you ok Mike?" One of the managers asks. Mike knew he had to verbally respond because he knew if he didn't Derek would make him. So like the good boy he is he takes a deep breath and softly responds with a strained "I'm fine."

Everyone pretends to ignore what they had just witnessed and moved on to Derek. As they did Mike lay his head in his arms so no one could see his face. Without a chance to process his actions he abruptly calls out Derek's name and instantly regrets it.

Ignoring the boy next to him Derek kept talking and was honestly enjoying this more than he should.

Once he finished he clears his throat and turns to Mike tapping his leg. The boy just hums in response already knowing exactly what Derek wanted.

Sighing he taps Mike leg again but the boy didn't move.

"Fine then I guess it wasn't important." Just like that Mike sat up knowing he was about to make it worse for himself.

"Ok ok...can you You know..." He says in embarrassment. Everyone was still watching and it made him feel to exposed.

"No I don't know Michael, so tell me what is it exactly do you need." Derek turned off the vagina vibrator this time as Mike leaned against the back of his chair pouting. The angle he sat in was perfect. So turning the vibration down in his ass resulted in a once more relaxed state only for it to be ruined as he turns it up high again at a irregular jabbing buzz.

From the way tears clouded Mike's eyes instantly and how he lifted his shaking legs onto the chair pulling them in to his chest Derek could tell he was at his brink.

Mike hid in his arms that were wrapped around his knees and moaned uncontrollably as he felt it hit his prostate hard.

"Derek please...please I-m sorry about earlier I swear I'll be g-good just turn it off p-lease." His begging wasn't loud enough for Derek so he teases him more.

"Speak up Mike and put your legs down." Mike whimpers but do as told and apologizes again.

"I'll be a good i promise just turn it o-off." Derek smiles and turns it off.

MEREK +Kobe & Vallyk Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang