Coffee incident

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Kobe was clumsy and awkward but he couldn't help it so the best alternative for him was to avoid anything that may be to "advanced" for him. So for example him working at a cafe was easy because he's behind a counter taking someone order and handing them a drink that was easy.

Now let's say he was working in a restaurant...he woul most likely trip over his own feet before tripping over anyone else's.

Ao He was very releases that he could work somewhere that didn't require walking around too much.

Today though was a tad bit different. It was extremely busy for whatever reason and the mangager has told him and a few other people to walk to the customers table to take their order or give them their order.

And just about five minutes ago Lobe stood behind the counter where he was safe from embarrassment and had just taken an order for one large hot coffee and two ice coffees.

"Ok and what's the name for the Oder?" He asks.

"Oh Vallyk." The gut responds. Kobe nods his head and pauses for a second trying to figure out how to spell the guys name.

"Um c-can you spell it please." He asks shyly playing with his shirt. Vallyk chuckles and spells it out as he types it into the computer.

"Ok your order will be ready in about ten minutes it's been a busy day." He explains. Vallyk nods his head and smiles as he walks to a table with two other guys.

At least I didn't embarrass myself...

Which brings us to now. Kobe was just told to take Vallyks order to the table and was literally freaking out. Not because he was a klutz but because he didn't want to seem flustered by the stranger.

So he made sure he was paying attention and walking slowly because he did not want to upset the boy. When he got to his table the boys friends took the drinks thanking him.

Kobe took vallyks coffee out of the holder and turned to hand it to him but he didn't notice the boy had stood up. So what did he do...he bumped into vallyk spilling the hot coffee all over his shirt and pants.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention." Kobe says frantically grabbing tissue and patting down vallyks shirt. He was so invested in not upsetting him that he didn't care he was literally on his knees wiping away st the front of vallyks pants.

The whole group was in the back so no one really were paying attention. "I'm just making it worse I'm sorry...WAIT we have towels in the back come with me." Vallyk couldn't respond as he was quickly being pulled to the back of the store.

"Ok sit down on that crate." Kobe tells him. Vallyk sits down and watches in amusement as Kobe looked around for towels.

When he had found them he blushed red thinking of the question he had to ask. "I know your probably sticky could you um take off y-your pants please."

Now vallyks knew he could simply just go home and change but he liked what was happening.

Smirking he kept eye contact as he unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants off. Kobe went to the sink in the corner and wet the cloth. Walking back to vallyk he handed him the damp towel.

Vallyk laughs to himself and takes the towel wiping at his legs while Kobe just awkwardly stood their. When he finished he placed the towel on a table next to him.

"Sorry about your pants." Kobe said. Vallyk shook his head telling the boy not to worry about it.

"KOBE!." The boy jumped hard as hell as his co worker busy through the door. She looked between Kobe and Vallyk and was completely confused but didn't care enough to question it.

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