Study Buddy

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Vallyk has been very horny lately . He discovered what porn was and fell into an obsession. He even went as far as ordering him a white dildo. He used it quite often and enjoyed every single moment of it.

He thought back to the previous night when he was riding the dildo like crazy as he played with his nipples and jerked off multiple times throughout the night. His parents weren't home so he was free to have as much fun masturbating as he wanted.

He was interrupted by his study buddy , Derek. The two "hated" each other, meaning vallyk had a huge crush on him. It was a weird story between the two but all you need to know was that this study session wasn't there idea. The only reason they were working together was because the teacher told Derek if he didn't bring his grades up he'd be kicked off the basketball team. Luckily for the teacher vallyk had walked in the class at the right time so she paired the two just because she didn't want to have to deal with Derek.

So now the two were in Vallyks room. "Are you going to help me or not bruh cause I really don't have the time and patience for you to just sit hear and stare into fucking space."

Did I happen to mention the one person vallyk thinks about when he's riding a dildo or jerking off is Derek. Everything Derek did vallyk loved. You ever heard of a typical love hate relationship? Yep that's these two, of course vallyk is the loving one and Derek was the one who hated vallyk.

Although vallyk was constantly pushed around and made fun of, Derek never went to far as physically hurting him like he would do other kids. As much as he disliked the shy twink Derek couldn't bring himself to hurt the boy.

Vallyk was a fragile person, one wrong move and he's in tears. Once on the third week of freshman year Derek had already gotten used to picking on vallyk but it was only so much vallyk could take. That week Derek bullied him constantly and it was too much for him so he ended up balling tears in front of Derek. Of course Derek felt bad and he apologized in his...own way, "little one...sorry for making you cry ugh I'll go easy on you for now but one day you'll have to learn to toughen yo ass up cause it's people out their worse then me." He then patted vallyk on the back too hard knowing the boy into a locker but nonetheless it was Derek being considerable. He learned to bully vallyk twice a week and it worked they had a "thing."

Of course vallyk hated being bullied but he felt better knowing he wasn't being targeted every damn day. He actually looked forward to their encounters. He'd occasionally talk back just so Derek would cuss him out or threaten to hit him. Even though he was being tough like Derek suggested he was well aware that Derek meant that regarding other people excluding him. He also knew by now that Derek wouldn't dare hit him but he enjoyed the mean Derek. He was off to daydreaming again but Derek saw it happening and snapped at him.

"Vallyk I swear to fucking god bro if you don't help me i will beat yo ass and leave." As unappealing as that sounded vallyk couldn't help the small whimper that escaped his lips and the bright blush that painted across his cheeks. It was Derek's voice and his whole demeanor, whenever he was agitated or upset his whole attitude would change including body language.

"Why are you squirming around so much and the fuck are you blushing for?" Vallyk tries to speak but he became flustered and really shy whimpering again this time in frustration.

As Derek closed his textbook he starts going off.

"I'm not about to sit here all fucking day just to watch you whine all fucking day I'll do the work on my own because yo lil ass ain't helping me with shit." As he puts his books in his backpack he looks back at vallyk who had his head down.

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