ATLA: The Lost Airbender

By infern8king101

497K 12.5K 2.4K

What if another airbender survived the Airbenders Genocide? This story will focus on that. I suggest you rea... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three

Chapter Forty Three

4.6K 131 97
By infern8king101

Katara was walking through the halls of the Palace, she was deep in thought. Her talk with Sen a few days ago had her shaken to the point that she searched for Toph and immediately apologized to her and the two made up after that. The past few days they worked on a plan for the two Airbenders to make up, they realized that the only way for them to make up was to take them back to where everything began.

As she finished thinking about this, she looked up and saw the white haired airbender sitting in the dining room enjoying a nice breakfast. She also noticed that he had stopped eating meat, which surprised her but then reminded herself that he was no Sokka.

"Morning, Sen".

"Morning, Katara". He said with a small smile.

"How are you doing?".

"I'm great. You?". He asked, turning to look at her.

"I'm fine". She responded,"Great in fact, because I wanted to know if you wanna join me, Aang and Toph for a picnic?".


"I know you and Aang aren't on the best of terms bu- Wait, what?!".

"I said sure". He repeated.

"Oh, okay. Okay, great". She said, starting to back up,"I'll see you later then".

Then she took off. Phase One complete.

Now for Phase Two.


Sen whistled a tune as he walked along the footpath of the courtyard, while twirling his staff in his left hand. He thought about what he and Katara talked about this morning and he thought that it was a good idea for a  picnic, even if he and Aang were not on good terms. He then saw Aang on Appa's head tying the reins to his horns, he then saw Momo scurrying through some bushes and he figured that he was probably looking for some bugs to munch on.

He came closer and saw Toph already in the saddle, trimming her nails. He also noticed that she was doing a few lady like things along the way. Guess Mai and the others were rubbing off on her.

"Hi, beautiful". He smiled up at her.

"Hey, Feathered feet". Toph said before smiling down at him.

He smiled before he saw Katara throwing a bag onto Appa's saddle, the white haired airbender analyzed the saddle very carefully before he noticed the many bags and supplies.

"We're not going on a picnic, are we?". He asked turning to her.

"Nope". Katara smiled.

"Then where are we going?".

"We're going on a life changing field trip". She smiled, a little too sweetly for Sen's taste.

"About time I got one anyway". Toph said from the saddle.

"Let's get going already". Aang said,"We're already burning daylight".

"Okay, sweetie". Katara said before climbing up the saddle.

Sen shrugged before using his airbending to jump up onto the saddle.


After flying for a whole day, the night hit them like realization. They stopped for the night because Appa became tired and they all needed to rest. They stopped by a river with good trees to use as firewood, Aang went to collect firewood, Katara took out their pots to make their dinner, Sen was busy making sure their campground was safe and Toph was well, Toph.

"Area seems clear". Sen said after checking out the area.

"While it took you an hour to figure that out". Toph teased,"It took me a little under a minute".

"Then why didn't you just say that the area was safe? ". Sen asked, a little annoyed.

"I wanted to listen to you trek through the woods and waste your energy". She laughed.

"Okay, that's enough you two". Katara said.

"Don't worry, I don't mind her". Sen said,"I'm used to it by now. She's worth all the trouble".

Toph's smile faded and she immediately started to blush.

"Aw, you're making her blush". Katara teased.

"No, he's not!". Toph yelled before conjuring up an earth tent around her.

The white haired airbender merely smiled.

"She really likes you, you know". Katara said as she started to cut up some vegetables.

"I know". He responded.

"Hey, I got some firewood". Aang's voice said from behind them.

They turned and saw him carrying a pile in his hands.

"Good. Could you start a fire for us, sweetie?". She asked.

Aang smiled,"Sure".

The Avatar crouched and started stacking up the wood and he used his firebending to start up a nice fire.

"Oh, yes. That's a nice fire". Katara said,"You guys just wait for awhile and I'll be done with dinner in about a moment".

Sen turned and headed for Toph's earth tent. He gave the earth tent to light kicks before he heard a groan come from it.

"What do you want, Feathered feet?".

He wasn't surprised that she knew who it was.

"Open up, honey".

He heard her sigh before he saw the front side of the earth tent slide back down into the earth. He crouched down and entered the tent with ease before sitting next to her lying form, she closed up the tent with a wave of her hand.

"Huh, it's really cozy in here". Sen said, getting comfortable.

"Yeah, it's not that bad". Toph said.

"Are you mad at me for some reason?". He asked.

"Of course not, I'm just not good at talking that's all". She admitted.

"I'm nodding". He said as he gave a nod.

"I know". She smiled.

He knew she was still adjusting to being in a relationship and relationships required for partners to communicate and Toph wasn't exactly the type to talk things out.

"So, how many kids do you want?". He asked randomly.

"Whoa, hold up. Don't try to speed things up tonight, Sen!". She said holding up a hand.

"We're bound to eventually try".

"Yes, eventually. The key word is eventually, not now". She said.

"I didn't imply that I wanted to do it now". He defended himself.

"Pervert". She muttered.

"Oh, so I'm a pervert just because I asked about how many kids you wanted?".

Toph smirked,"Kind of, yeah".

"Toph, I'm-".

"But you're my pervert".

That immediately threw out whatever he wanted to say out of his mind. She got to her knees and gave him a light kiss on the lips before pulling him down with her, he reached for her hair and pulled it out of its bun and let it loose and long which inevitably covered most of her face and for some to drape on the ground around her head. She looked absolutely godly and Sen couldn't help but stare at those confused but beautiful milky green orbs of hers.

"Always leave your hair long for me". He demanded silently.

"Never gonna happen". She said softly as she sensed another kiss coming her way.

And she was right, but the kiss was more aimed at her neck and she gasped and held onto his clothes with a powerful grip that surprised Sen with how much strength she possessed. He kissed every part of her neck before moving onto her cleavage which became visible from their kissing, she moaned deeply and pressed his head further into her.

"Do you want to know how many kids I want?". She asked as she let out another gasp.

"How many?". He asked, kissing her nose for a brief moment. Which she found funny.

"As many as we can make". She whispered erotically,"So many that you will beg me to stop giving birth".

That only made Sen become wild with hunger and she sensed it, she could feel the heat coming from him in big waves. They were so close to cross the boundary, so close to the point of no return. Just a little push and they would be there, just a little push.

"Guys, dinner is ready!".

That broke the veil of their passion and they came to their senses and moved away from each other when they realized what they were about to do.

"Remind me to throw Sugar Queen in the cold river later".

"I'll keep that in mind". He chuckled softly.


The clouds raced by as Appa tore through the sky, Katara constantly turned back to look at the sleeping forms of Aang, Toph and Sen. She knew that they were getting close to their destination but she wanted to get there while they were still asleep, but then that hope died when she heard the familiar yawn coming from Sen.

'Dang it!'. She cursed in her thoughts.

"Morning, Katara". Sen said.

"Morning, Sen". She replied without turning to him.

Sen raised an eyebrow at this. He found her greeting a little strange but quickly dismissed it when he stared at the sky and the clouds around him, he couldn't place it but the air around this area was way too familiar. Unlike other airbenders, Sen had the ability to locate different places just by sensing the air in said areas. And the air that he was feeling was way too familiar, like Southern Air Temple familiar.

Wait a minute!

"Katara, where are we going?".

"Oh, you know an old place we went to before".

"I'm not going back there, Katara". Sen said glaring at her back.

"I know". Katara bowed,"I just want to fix things. But you can jump off if you don't want to go there".

Sen was about to jump off but then stopped when he heard her say that she wanted to fix things. Then reconsidered and sat back down.

A tear streamed down her face and she smiled.

"Thank you".

Appa circled above the temple three times before landing in the training ground which lead to the entrance into the temple, Aang and Toph stirred into consciousness and they both quickly sat up. Aang's eyes widened when he realized where the freak they were.

"Why are we here?". Aang asked.

"To fix things". Katara said.

Sen looked at the temple before flashing memories hammered into his head and he staggered back and held his head. Katara instinctively stepped toward him and held him.

"Are you okay?". She asked.

"Y-y-yeah, I-I-I'll be fine". He said in a shuddering voice.

"Sen?". Toph asked worriedly.

He looked at the temple again but still the flashing memories hit him hard. Then he remembered what Gyatso taught him if the mind was ever troubled, if it ever suffered from great trauma.

'Sound mind, Sen. Sound mind'. He thought.'Come on, Sen. Sound mind'.

He opened his eyes and saw that he was looking at the temple now and it wasn't covered in flames like he saw in the flashing memories and the screams stopped as well.

'Thank you, Gyatso. Even in death, you still find ways to help me'.

"I'm here to help you two make up and to stop this tension". Katara said to Aang,"Come on, Sen".

She gently pulled Sen along with her and they headed for the temple first.

"Why do I have to come back here to remember what happened to my people?". Aang complained.

"You know, Twinkletoes". Toph said,"You just lost your people to the Fire Nation. Sen watched them die". Then she walked away without another word and followed the other two benders.

Aang sighed and followed after.


So far, so bad. Katara tried with every ounce of her being to remind them of their happier childhood but they just threw negative comments. She was about to give up but she knew she had to keep trying.

"See, your people found a way to defy gravity and became the first people to fly". Katara said as they all looked at the painted murals in the temple.

"Yet, they didn't use that advantage to escape the Fire Nation's wrath. Typical". Sen said,"It's as if they wanted to be murdered".

Aang glared at him,"Don't forget you were apart of them as well".

"Guys, you're not trying here". Katara said,"You're both more than just friends, you're brothers. You shouldn't be fighting".

"Brothers don't call Brothers cowards". Aang snapped.

"Brothers don't abandon their own brothers". Sen snapped back.

They both headed out of the temple and left Katara to sigh in despair, Toph put a hand on her shoulder and smiled softly.

"I think you're doing a good job".

"How? They're still at each other's throats". Katara said.

"Come on". Toph said pulling the water bender with her.

They both headed for the exit and saw Aang looking at a statue of Monk Gyatso, Sen was standing in a corner twirling his staff but he also seemed to be staring at the statue.

"I wish I could have met him". Katara said, standing next to her boyfriend.

"Me too. You would have loved him and he would have loved you too". Aang smiled,"He always said that if we're ever in trouble, we should always find the true secrets in-".

"In the gooey center". Sen finished with a small chuckle,"The man knew his proverbs".

Aang smiled,"I know right".

Katara stepped back with a forming smile and stopped next to Toph with a small squeal.

"It's working. Monk Gyatso is their center". Katara said in realization.

"See, I said you were doing a good job". Toph smiled.

Katara hugged her friend and Toph patted her back with one hand.

"He was a great teacher, wasn't he?". Aang asked.

"He sure was". Sen said as he stood next to Aang and stared at the statue,"His love and devotion for the both us surpasses what Guru Laghima achieved in his entire lifetime".

"I know". Aang said silently as they both stared at the statue.

Sen walked up to the statue and twirled his staff a few times before placing it in the hands of statue, much to the surprise of Aang, Katara and Toph.

"You're giving it back?". Aang said,"But you had it for a hundred years".

"I know. But Katara made me realise that it's good to let go of some things". Katara smiled at this,"Besides, this is its home. It belongs here".

Aang burst into tears and hugged the older airbender.

"I am so sorry. I can't imagine the pain you went through".

Sen smiled as a tear ran down his face as he hugged back.

"It's okay, brother. It's okay, our people may be gone but we still have each other".

Katara wiped a tear away as she them hug out all the pain. Toph merely smiled at the scene, she couldn't see them but her feet were doing that for her and what she saw made her heart flutter. Not that she would admit it to anyone.

After all that, the two were more cooperative when Katara showed them more around the temple. They came to an area where a staircase lead up to a balcony, Sen noticed a mark in the cement tiles and bend down to touch it.

"Hey, remember this?". He asked turning to Aang,"Guru Dosu used to scold us when we played around the cement when it was wet. But you and I never listened and one of our staffs left this mark in the cement".

Aang burst out laughing.

"I totally remember that. Dosu was that close to popping a vein when he saw that mark in the wet cement. His whole head was red".

They continued laughing as they kept walking until they saw Momo fly above them and they ran up the small hill to follow the lemur. They came to the top and saw the Air ball field below them.

"Hey, I think we're a little too old for this but how about we play some airball". Sen said.

"We're never too old for fun". Aang said as he slided down the hill with Sen following a moment later.

"They are such old men". Toph said with a smirk.

"I know but they're our old men". Katara smiled.


As Appa flew away from the temple that night, the two airbenders sat in the back of the saddle and watched their home disappear behind the clouds. They watched the tall spire of the temple still visible through the clouds.

"Thank you for doing this, Katara". Aang said softly.

"Yeah, it really means a lot". Sen smiled.

Katara blushed,"You're welcome".

Katara came and hugged Aang from behind and laid her head on his back, Toph did the same as she rested against her husband and they all watched the temple disappear.

Phase three complete. Mission accomplished.


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