Ishq Kinara[Love Ashore] Comp...

By AimmyB

181K 17.6K 27.8K

Five people. Five lives. Five tales. Each of them is struggling through life and these struggles aren't somet... More

Character Aesthetics
1. Abay Saalo'n!
2. A bunch of idiots
3. A regular Sunday
4. Changes
5. Shift
6. Realizations
7. Conundrum
8. Friends
9. Life
10. Clear Waters
11. Not Quite A Heartbreak
12. Too Much Work
13. Heart Ties
14. November
15. Not So Normal
16. Ashore
17. Serendipity
19. Horizon
20. Promise
21. Epiphany
22. Crown
23. Fall
24. Aurora
25A: Someday
25B. Everyday
26. Steady
27. Ripple
28. Crashing Down
29. Decisions
30. Crevice
31. Souvenir
32. Waves
33. Echo
34. Sinking Ships
35. Losing Grip
36. Fading
37. Unsaid
38. Ships in the night
39. Far from the shore
40. Life as it comes
41. Reminiscing
42. Homecoming
43. Warm
44. The same place
45. Changes and Constants
46. Traces
47. Start Over
48. Shore to the sea
49. Fall into place
50A. Love Ashore [Last]
50B. Love Ashore[Last]
Thank you Note
Bonus: Still Ashore
Bonus # 2: Then and Now
Once Upon a January

18. Dive

2.4K 289 241
By AimmyB

Hejab Alvi was described by her friends and family as a really easygoing person, the one who's somehow on good terms with everyone. She never really lost her temper easily, it wasn't in her nature. She was more inclined towards ignoring a problem until the rage of the other person simmers down and a rational talk can be done over the issue.

That's what she was trying to do right now by not going upstairs towards her room. Reason was her very frustrated younger sister who was everything opposite of what Hejab was. Zonish had a temper and she often let it have the reins of her actions. She had absolutely no filter when she was going through it and right now, Hejab was sure Zoni was definitely, certainly, without any doubt going through it.

It wasn't Hejab's plan to fall in love like this. But life works in unexpected ways. Daniyal was Saima auntie's nephew, her sister's son to be precise. Hejab could count on her fingers the number of the times she and Zonish had met Saima's family. It was all the same, the exchange of pleasantries, being on their best behavior (That was obviously for Zonish) and then seeing them off with smiles on their faces. Hejab couldn't remember when it shifted though, the whole aura of those visits, but she was sure that a person named Daniyal Idrees was becoming special for her, a kind of happy place. She had figured out her feeling pretty easily and those weren't one sided as well. The only problem was, she hadn't told anyone from her family about this development and now was the time to face the music, or in this case, Zonish's bellowing.

But for how long could she ignore it? Coming back from the wedding, Zonish had straight gone to her room. Hejab was collecting her thoughts or maybe her strength as well to face Zoni. This was the first time she had hidden such a massive detail from her. Saima auntie had also returned from her gathering and was asking them how the ceremony had gone. Hejab answered her absentmindedly. No one noticed Zonish's absence. It was normal for her to not sit around with the family anyways. Now that both Saima auntie and Baba had retired to their room and Taimoor had completely engrossed into his phone, there was no point in sitting here anymore. She sighed and got up finally.

Instead of going to her room which was the first to the side, she instead walked towards the far corner of the hallway. The door was ajar, the lights were on and it was clear Zonish hadn't slept yet. It was better to get done with it.

When Hejab pushed opened the door after knocking lightly, she found Zonish sitting on the couch with her eyebrows scrunched as if in deep thoughts. She looked up at Hejab who smiled in resignation.

"I was hoping you'd be busy with your nighttime reading."

She didn't say anything return, just folded her arms on her chest. Hejab smiled. Typical Zonish.

"It's Daniyal."

She whispered. Saima auntie had a lot of nephews so she had to help Zonish here to narrow it down.

"I kinda figured that out on my own."


Zonish gave her a sharp look."

"I just thought back to all the times they visited us and somehow that made sense. A lot of sense."


A good journalist in making.

"Is he aware?"

Hejab nodded.

"Did you two talk about it?"

Another nod.

"Who else knows?"

"No one from the both families. You're the first person to know as it is."

"Second to that jerk-face Baig."


"You should be happy I'm not full on swearing right now! Seeing my level of pissed!"

"There's nothing to be pissed about to be honest."

"There. Is. Not? Are you freaking kidding me!"

She got up all ready to charge.

"You fell in love, I didn't know. You have a full fledged love story going on, I didn't have any idea! I'm your sister for God's sake! I tell you every minor detail of my life and look at you! That class fellow of yours knows but I don't! You sure have your priorities set!"

"Zoni! Listen to me!"

"And to top it all, you CHOSE someone from our step mother's clan. Are you freaking out of your mind?"

Up until now, Hejab was trying to make her understand, no matter how fragile her attempts were but at this she suddenly felt insulted.

"What's wrong in that?"


"I don't think so."

"Then you should start thinking how this is such a bad idea you have ever come up with! It will ruin everything! It will ruin us can't you see! I'm not going to lose you because of this I'm telling you and you didn't even tell me! You told that moron Hesham Baig but not me!"

"Stop calling him names. He's my good friend and you can now see why I confided in him than anyone from my own family. It's not that hard seeing your reaction right now."

Zonish was quiet. Hejab had said it in a calm and composed way. So like Hejab and since Zonish knew her well, it wasn't hard to see she was hurt.

"Make your mind, Zonish. What fact is bothering you more, that I didn't tell you before anyone else or that I fell in love with someone from Saima auntie's family."

"The fact I'm most terrified about is you and I getting distant from each other, Hejab."

"If you think I'm going to let it happen then wow, you really don't know me, Zoni. And it's not nice. Thank you for making me feel so bad about something that was always associated with everything good and beautiful."

Taking long strides she was out of the room slamming the door behind.

And right that moment, Zonish Alvi knew she had messed up.


Attending a theory lecture of Pharma had never felt such a hassle to Izaan. He wasn't the kind of person to not pay attention in the class. He couldn't literally afford it. But because of the seasonal episode of flue he wasn't able to muster energy for even the simple task of listening intently. It started right after Irma's wedding from a simple runny nose and now he was under it completely. The added bonus of a headache wasn't letting him stay in peace. Elaf was rightfully feeling the cold that night. They all should've learnt from her.

"You should've taken an off today."

Roshna mumbled making sure the professor was out of earshot. Kumail also nodded agreeing to her. Izaan just shrugged his shoulder.

"Old Sarwar will throw a fit if my attendance is short."

"If your attendance is short than this fella over here shouldn't even try."

Roshna pointed towards Kumail who just huffed in response. The next hour went with them trying their best to focus on Professor Jamal Sarmad's droning. Izaan's heavy head had starting burning up a bit and that was the point he knew Kumail and Roshna were right. He should've stayed home.

"I feel my attention span died a slow death but hey! It was still faster than the speed with which Dr. Sarwar was going. "

Kumail joked. Izaan shook his head and took out his bike keys.

"I'm off. Should take some rest."

"You really should. Coming today was such a bad idea. Look at you!"

Roshna gathered his books and folder and stood there handing those to him.

"Thank you."

"Should I tag along?"

Kumail asked as they came out of the lecture hall. Izaan shook his head.

"I can manage. Just concentrate on the Forensic lecture for me."

"I wouldn't do it for even my first born."

"The reason you're never getting married anyway."

Izaan rounded the corner to get to the parking area. Roshna looked at him worriedly and then turned to Kumail.

"I hope he feels better soon."

"Oh, he will. You worry too much. His family will be all over him the moment he gets home."

Roshna knew that. Izaan's family was one close knitted clan.

"How are your injuries by the way?"

Kumail snorted.

"As if you don't examine those everyday."

"I do not! You're exaggerating."

"I'm being truthful."

"And delusional."

He tucked his hands in the pockets of his jacket. They were walking towards there next class side by side. Roshna was waiting for him to come up with a comeback but he didn't. He didn't contradict her. Didn't tell her she was just saying this to cover up. His mysterious smile was telling he knew it. Her nervous gaze told she also knew it.

And somehow the universe was also aware.


Elaf slung her bag on shoulder and looked around standing on the sidewalk. She had just come out of the department after working on the key points of an assignment. It was ridiculous in her opinion. The semester had just started rolling and they had a load of work on their shoulders already.

They had almost thirty minutes to their next lecture. Her first choice of spending this time was, of course heading to the canteen and having Mubarak's Biryani but Safwa had texted her that she was stuck in a double lecture and Hesham also had to take care of some business of his. This left Elaf with just one option, look for Sarim Haider and annoy him.

He had started a new internship recently and that made him busier than ever. It wasn't his first and looking at how passionate he was about learning new things, it wasn't going to be his last. His freelance work was also going on the side and Elaf was amazed how he could manage all this with such a stellar record academically as well.

Elaf could see him sitting on a bench under the warm sun, doing some work which was most probably related to his new venture. She had decided she wouldn't disturb him but he beat her to it. Waving her to come join him, he pulled his things aside to make room for her.

Elaf took hurried steps and reached him in no time.

"What were to even contemplating standing over there?"

Sarim asked raising an eyebrow. Elaf shrugged her shoulder. The warmth around was very homely. Elaf didn't pinpoint was it the sun or the person sitting next to her.

"Didn't want to disturb your work."

"Oh, it's nothing."

"Well, in my opinion you shouldn't be investing too much into this anyway seeing they are paying you nothing, nada, zilch."

Sarim shook his head smiling.

"So we are still not over this."

Elaf left out an exasperated sigh. It was an unpaid internship because according to Sarim he wanted to observe the work process and since the company wasn't offering a paid program so he had to do what he could. It wasn't fair in Elaf's opinion but Sarim wasn't having any of it.

"You're going to give them two months out of your schedule where you're a full time student and part time freelancer, and this is what you get in return?"

"I'm thinking long term. This is one of the best companies in this country at the moment so the exposure will be amazing. Also, I will get to know the working process as well. There's just as much curriculum can teach you."

"But you're giving so much to this. You should at least get a small amount in return."

It was going to take her a while to be used to this.

"The system is messed up, Elaf and no, I'm not talking about just this country. It's everywhere like this only. Paid internships aren't that common, you've to put work in unpaid ones as well though the exposure and understanding is the only take out. But there are students who are spending lots of money just to get this exposure I'm getting free of cost. There are thousand of students who have to pay to hospitals and companies to let them learn. If we think about the bigger picture, it's not that bad."

Elaf was staring at his lost expressions. In this moment she realized how serious he was about his career, not that she didn't have an idea before but he was actually trying his best to be able to fend for himself.

"Why you're so practical about every situation you're in?"

"I'm realistic most of the times. You got to be if you're on your own since you started university."

"Ha, your years old feud with your father."

"It's funny how you all know about it now."

"It's not hard to pick on. Why things are the way they are? I mean is there no middle ground?"

"Middle ground...hmm"

He leaned into the bench thinking hard.

"My father is of the view that if you spend on your kids then you're the one to decide for everything in their lives."

"Wait really?"

Sarim nodded solemnly.

"I understood this very early on in life and since then my motto in life has been just to be independent. So, this is what I'm trying to do."

"And you're almost there."

She added to which he just smiled. It wasn't the truth. They both knew. The path from here on was a long one but Sarim Haider wasn't easily fazed.

Elaf was regretting it now. She shouldn't have broached this topic but now it was done.

"I shouldn't have disturbed you by my useless talks."

"Who says I'm disturbed. I started with my work only when I was sure you were using this time to plan something new with your Dramatics club members."

"Oh that! It's gonna take a while for us to plan a performance. Professor Kaleem is out of city for some family event. We can't come up with something in his absence as we need his permission and approval."

Sarim nodded but his mind was somewhere else. He looked up at Elaf.



"Are you planning on taking up theater as a career?"

She was taken aback by this sudden question. It was something she was dodging for so long. Never had she ever asked even herself about this certain topic.

"I...I have never given it much thought."



"I think you should really think about it. It's something you're naturally good at, more than just good. You're phenomenal. You should try for once."

She didn't say anything in return. How would she tell him she was yet to let her father know about this tiny detail of her life.

"The class is about to start. Let's go."

He got up casually not knowing in what dilemma she was right now. Elaf shook her head. She needed to get it out of her system. There was no point in delving on it right now.

"Let's go."

Both made their way back to the department building with some baggage of their own hanging along. His were out on the surface while hers were so hidden she didn't even realize they were weighing down on her.


Sibling arguments are the easiest to resolve. You won't talk all day and at night one bowl of ice-cream over a sappy movie and you're being back to normal. At least that's what Zonish used to think.

Not anymore.

Hejab wasn't easily offended but this time around her easygoing persona had closed off for Zonish. Both weren't on talking terms, mostly Hejab wasn't talking to her at all. When her initial annoyance on the topic subsided, Zonish analyzed the whole situation with a rational approach and she was sure of one thing, she messed up. She overstepped a line and now she was trying her best to apologize to Hejab but seemed like that was an uphill task.

Hejab would leave for her university and even after coming back she'd be in her room. Zonish tried her best for Hejab to let her in but that never happened. When all her attempts at home failed, Zonish knew it was time to act more diligently.

So here she was today, right outside Hejab's campus waiting for her outside of her car. She had decided she was kidnapping Hejab and taking her somewhere where they could have a heart to heart and resolve their issues. She wasn't letting Hejab get away today. It was high time they both reconciled. They had only each other for heaven's sake!

"I'm in the parking. Meet me here soon or else I'm leaving!"

The voice came from her side. Zonish's head whipped in the direction and she left out a long sigh. Just her luck.

Fiddling with his keys, standing close to his prim and proper shiny vehicle, Hesham Baig was talking to someone on his phone. Zonish folded her arms on her front and huffed. Few strands on her hair were colliding with her black rimmed spectacles. She gave a long judging look to Hesham and then turned away.

"Staring isn't cute you know."

He had reached her side. She snorted.

"Neither are you."

"Cute isn't a word I associate with myself."

"It's brute we've been known."

"For someone who is here for some damage control you for sure haven't lost your spunk."

"You did NOT just go there!"

He laughed aloud seeing how offended she was.

"The car looks in good condition. You've stopped ramming it around?"

"Unfortunately, Yes. But I can always resume with your head."

He looked around amused. Hejab was inside discussing their new group project with the team. He was aware the process before hand so didn't need any briefing. That's why he was here.

"We can take this bickering as far as we want to but I wanted to say something to you."

Zonish raised an eyebrow. He was being civil suddenly and that was suspicious.

"I know things are pretty rough between you and Hejab right now."

"Oh yes! Of course you know!"

She flailed her arms around exasperated.

"Will you let me finish?"

"I don't plan on doing so."

"Whatever. I just want you to know that right now you should just think about your sister and her happiness ignoring everything else."

"Excuse me?"

"Excused. You have your own reasons to be wary of this new development and I won't say anything on it. But I've seen Hejab falling in love with Daniyal over the course of past year. She's in deep and so is he. They're right for each other in a way that just fits. It didn't happen overnight. It was a gradual process. Rest you can know from your sister but as someone who's witness of this whole thing, I'd say no matter how wrong everything else feel, it doesn't matter as long as they're together into this. That's it I guess."

He took a step back indicating he was leaving. Zonish was still looking at him. He reached his vehicle and stood at the same place he had left earlier.

"Your car is nice."

Zonish's voice reached his ears making him grin. He loved receiving compliments regarding this beauty of his.

"Exactly something I'd expect someone to have whose father is a law firm owner."

Her next sentence had him scowling. She grinned his way. Hejab was coming towards the parking area and Zonish had already sat inside.

Tit for that.

Sarim Freaking Haider, as always right.


Izaan rested his head on the back of the couch and snuggled more into the warmth of the blanket. He had just woken up from an untimely nap. After coming back from the campus, the first thing he did was taking medicine and then sleeping. It worked well as he was feeling better than before. Though the effect of flu was far from being vanished but it wasn't as bad as earlier.

It was after a late breakfast and behind him both Abba and Baba were engrossed in a political debate with Ibtihaj putting in his opinion as well. Izaan didn't feel like being a part of the conversation. He wasn't apolitical, far from it. The social class he belonged to, didn't allow him to be ignorant of what was going around in the country. He was from a middle class family and that section of the society was almost the most affected from any change in the higher level. But he wasn't veru vocal about his views on capitalism and social injustice. He liked to refrain fro getting into useless arguments so his opinion was saved and would come out only when he wanted it to.

"Izzu! Take this!"

The hot piping mug of herbal tea was shoved in his hand. Izaan made a face and looked at Memoona.

"I'm better I don't need to drink this."

"Rubbish! This Qehwa will work magic. Come on now!"

He looked around helplessly. Though the political discourse behind him had stopped but none of them got up to help him. Izaan was sure he found Abba eyeing his mug with disgust written on his face. Memoona was standing close to the couch with her arms akimbo. She was in her typical Desi Mother mood.

"It tastes weird!"

"You're not a whiner, Izzu! It's for your own health only. I can't believe I have to tell you, of the all the people, You!"

"I'm a medical student doesn't mean I've sent my taste buds on a vacation."

"Your nose surely is on one so drink this to summon it back!"


His cry didn't really have any effect on Memoona so putting a brave front, he took a sip of the tea and as expected the taste messed up his taste buds but how far you can resist when a brown mother is standing watching you with her narrowed eyes. In next few seconds the mug was empty.

"You should've finished it in sips."

"You're being demanding like a teacher!"

Memoona ruffled his already disheveled hair and giving a disapproving glance to the trio sitting behind went inside the kitchen.

"Thank you for the support, everyone."

Izaan called out hotly. Seasonal flu can make even the most composed ones cranky.


"Should we buy some fruits?"

"Hesham we.."

"Or some chocolates?"


"What about flowers. I know a very good florist."

"You're imbecile!"

"And our friend is sick. Sorry if I'm being considerate while you all are going there just for free lunch."

Elaf and Safwa were ready to throw him out of the car at this point. Sarim was used to his useless blabbering so he wasn't even one bit bothered.

"Doesn't he has a off button or something?"

Elaf asked and Hesham grinned. Clown.

Going to Izaan's place wasn't on her list for today. It just happened. Hesham called Izaan randomly to ask about something random and hearing his voice, Hesham was sure he wasn't in a good state. A bit more prodding and Izaan told him how he was burning up during class and had to come back home. Now he was resting. Hesham informed Sarim who informed Safwa and Elaf and now they were enroute to Gulshan to see Izaan.

It was Elaf's first time going there. Izaan was the only person in the whole gang she found a bit closed off. Not in a bad way of course. He was a very nice guy and very thoughtful as well but she was pretty reluctant on joining them. That's when Hesham took the matter in his hand and called Izaan effortlessly asking him they were visiting and Elaf was also with them so he wouldn't dare say anything instead he should ask Memoona auntie to prepare the lunch. Hesham was shameless.

The car rounded the corner and stopped in a lane which was not too narrow and neither too broad. They all got out of it and walking few steps ahead Hesham rang the bell of a brown gate.

The woman who opened the door had a wide smile on her face as soon as she saw Hesham.

"You guys surely forgot the way to here! Do I have to remind how long has it been?"

They entered into a narrow hallway which lead into cozy looking living area. Izaan was sitting on the couch and his state was telling he was feeling under the weather.

"I told him this morning not to go to university today but you know your friend don't you?"

Izaan's mother, who Elaf knew by now, was Memoona auntie was the warmest person she'd ever had the chance of meeting. When they introduced Elaf to her she was so happy to know how close Safwa was to Elaf and commented how female friendships were important.

But she wasn't the only person Elaf found endearing in this household. Izaan's grandfather aka Abba was the kind of person just fit in with every age group. His personality was so welcoming that Elaf was left with no chance than comparing him with her grandmother's no nonsense persona and she was so disappointed that she wasn't blessed with someone as cool and loving as Abba.

"Meeting Izaan's friends is always something I look forward to and Elaf is such a wonderful addition to this group of yours."

He exclaimed after knowing about Elaf's inclination towards the art of theater. He was pleasantly surprised and even narrated his anecdotes of Alhamra art center and the shows he attended there whenever he visited Lahore.

How easy it was, the atmosphere of Izaan's house.

"Your family is very sweet."

Elaf didn't leave the chance to let him know that. He was standing up to get freshen up. He just smiled wholeheartedly.

"Specially your Abba. He's such a nice person to talk to."

"Another addition to Abba's adulation group I see."

"Now, now don't be jealous, Izaan. He deserves it."

"I'm not. I came to terms with this fact long back that Abba will always be more popular and loved in my friends group than me."

Elaf laughed lightly and then straightened up.

"I hope you didn't mind me coming here. I mean we're still not like friends kind of friends and I came straight to your home. I really wanted them to think this through but you know Hesham, once he makes his mind he just can't..."


She stopped her rambling and gave him a questioning look.

"You're always welcomed here and I don't know why you don't think we're friends because we totally are. I thought it was self explanatory."

Elaf grinned.

"Now we definitely are!"

Izaan saw her taking her seat back in the circle formed around Abba. His eyes fell to the right and sure enough, Safwa was giving him her best smile.

He hadn't repeated his mistake. He's learnt. These were his friend and they were always going to be around announced or unannounced.

And he liked it this way.


"I told you there's no need to help me. I can manage."

Safwa shook her head cutting vegetables for the Salad.

"Hesham shouldn't have asked you for lunch. He's such an idiot sometimes."

Memoona shook her head contradicting with Safwa. Just before Hesham's call Ibtihaj and Shoaib had gone out of the house. Ibtihaj had to drop Shoaib at his shop and then he had to go for his classes. Ibsam was also at the university still. She didn't have a problem preparing the meal but Safwa was feeling bad that she had to work alone. Elaf was listening to Abba's tales of his college days intently so Safwa didn't disturb her and now here she was, making the Salad because Memoona auntie agreed on just that.

"Hesham told me about the new development. He looks very happy about it. Such a mature and welcoming kid he is."

Memoona had just got to know through Hesham about his father's second chance at life by rekindling an old bonding and she was genuinely happy for both Hesham and Atif.

"He is. I'm pretty relieved he didn't take it the other way. He's very open about everything Phupho and Atif uncle decide."

Memoona's hands stopped stirring the curry. She looked on confusedly at Safwa.


Safwa immediately understood what was happening here. Memoona auntie knew Atif Uncle were spending time with an old friend these days but didn't know that old friend was Safwa's Phupho only.

"The friend Hesham was talking about. Well it's my Phupho. She and Atif uncle are old friends and now they are rediscovering their bond. "

Realization hit Memoona but it came more questions with it.

"But then you and Hesham..."

Safwa wanted to face palm. Izaan Shoaib! He hadn't told his mother anything.

"No, No! No, Auntie. That thing got over long back."

Safwa added the chopped tomatoes in the bowl.

"We weren't into each other that way, you know. It was always the friendship. We were comfortable around each other and we misunderstood this comfort as something it was not. Hesham was the first one to realize it and then he made me see sense as well. So here we are today. I also feel kind of happy how everything turned around because if me and Heshan would still be a thing I don't think so Phupho and Atif Uncle would be in this comfortable camaraderie we are right now."

Memoona felt like an intruder but she was genuinely confused few minutes back. Though everything was clear now, she was going to give a good scolding to Izaan to not tell his mother half truths which lead to awkward situations like this one.

"I'm sorry, Safwa. I had no idea. That's why I was confused."

"No, no, It's okay, Auntie. Don't feel bad about it."

Memoona was thankful how understanding Safwa was.

"I'm done with the Salad though."

"Yeah I'm seeing that. You're good at this. I'll set the table. Go and call everyone."

Safwa left the kitchen nodding in her way. She stood close to the wall. Everyone was sitting in Abba's room now and last she knew, Izaan had left for his to tidy himself up. This or that. She looked around and knew what to do.

Izaan was putting on his hoodie when the door was knocked at. He pushed his hair out of his eyes and opened it. Safwa was standing there.

"How are you feeling now?"

Izaan stepped to the side and that was the indication enough. Safwa entered his not too small and not too large well maintained room. The first thing she noticed was the order in the room. Everything was neatly kept. It spoke of its owner.

"Don't tell Amma this but I'm feeling far better than I did after waking up from my nap all thanks to her herbal tea."

Safwa narrowed her eyes in his direction. He just shrugged his shoulders. She was about to bring up the lunch when her eyes went towards his study table and the pile of the books on it.

"Wait a second!"

She said and walking towards it, brought out the book she had helped Abba to buy for him. Izaan was cursing his fate.

"Something about this tells me this one hasn't been read yet."

Her judging eyes made Izaan sigh.

"I did try okay but I slept through just one page."

"I thought you were different, Izaan Shoaib but turns out all my friends have no taste in poetry. It hurts."

Her dramatic response was the cutest thing Izaan had seen all day.

"I mean look at this wonderful piece on the first page itself! What's there that can possibly make you sleep, other than having no artistic taste?"

She was rambling turning pages after pages and Izaan was just looking at her. Her occasional pouts, or the way she was telling him about her favourite lines.

Safwa Kirmani was in Izaan Shoaib's domain. Everything around her was his but for him nothing remained his right in this moment.

Kyu tu acha lagta hai, waqt mila to sochay gye

Tujh mein kya kya dikhta hai, waqt mila to sochay gye

(Why you're so close to my heart, I'll contemplate it later

What do I see in you, I'll contemplate it later)

Not far away, just on the distance of one room, Sarim Haider couldn't help looking at a laughing Elaf Daud. The cute scrunch of her nose, the way her eyes were shining and and that curl of her lips. She was ethereal and this was the sound he could spend days listening to.

Mausam, Khushbu, Bad e Sabah, Chand, Shafaq aur Taaron mein

Kon tumharay jaisa hai, waqt mila to sochein gye

(Weather, fragrance, the morning breeze, moon, twilight and stars

Among all these which one is as beautiful as you, I'll contemplate it later)

That's the sea of love. You have to dive in to be ashore.

They had dived in.

Now how they'd be ashore?

That was a story to tell.

And live.


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Follow Jae as he travels through friendships, crushes, heartbreaks (sort of) and heartaches before finding unexpected love.
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It’s tiring to go the distance for someone that you love. It’s even harder to cherish them in your heart and mind every single day. Only the special...
3.8K 152 8
π–―π—‹π–Ύπ—Œπ–Ύπ—‡π—π—‚π—‡π—€ 𝖳𝗁𝖾 π–­π—ˆπ—π–Ύπ—… "𝖠𝗆a𝗋𝖻𝖺𝗂𝗅" 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗇 𝖻𝗒 𝖴𝗆𝖾𝗋𝖺 𝖠𝗁𝗆𝖾𝖽 𝗂𝗇 π–€π—‡π—€π—…π—‚π—Œπ— π—…π–Ίπ—‡π—€π—Žπ–Ίπ—€π–Ύ. π–©π—ˆπ—‚π—‡ 𝗍...
2.8K 517 12
In this story when one friend loses all hope in her life, the other one shows the path to move on and also encourages you to follow up the passion...