His?- (Louis Partridge friend...

By partridgeloll

208K 5.7K 5.7K

You meet the guy who changes your life in your 4th year of Hogwarts. You are a slytherin with a lot of gryffi... More

-Chapter 1- Hogwarts
-Chapter 2- Sorting Hat
-Chatper 3- Welcome to Slytherin
-Chapter 4- Bet
-Chapter 5- Friends
-Chapter 6- Angelina
-Chapter 7- Astronomy tower
-Chapter 8- Future?
-Chapter 9- Yule Ball
Chapter 10- Hospital wing
-Chapter 11-Amortentia
-Chapter 12- Closet
-Chapter 13- Goblet of Fire
-Chapter 14- Bruised arm
-Chapter 15- Moaning Myrtle
-Chapter 16-Truth or dare
-Chapter 17- Task 2
-Chapter 18- Potions
-Chapter 19- Detention
-Chapter 20- Task 3...
-Chapter 21- Cedric
-Chapter 22- Last day
-Chapter 23- Nail polish
-Chapter 24- Forbidden forest
-Chapter 25- Make up
-Chapter 26- I won't tell lies
-Chapter 27- Vaillia perfume
-Chapter 28- Yesterday
-Chapter 29-Professor Trelawney
-Chapter 30- New rule
-Chapter 31- I'm gonna regret this
-Chapter 32- Black hair dye
-Chapter 33- It's just a kiss
-Chapter 34- Sorry
-Chapter 35- Train
-Chapter 36- Best friend
-Chapter 37- Inahler
-Chapter 38- Stupefy
-Chapter 39- Blue
-Chapter 40- Adrian
-Chapter 41- Cats
-Chapter 42- Headmaster
-Chapter 43- Just ignore it
-Chapter 44- Death eaters
-Chapter 45- Potion
-Chapter 46- Day before summer break
-Chapter 47- Tom Riddle
-Chapter 48- Issie and Millie
-Chapter 49- Kendall
-Chapter 50- Joke shop
-Chapter 51- Potion class
-Chapter 52- Overthink
-Chapter 53- I'm kidding
-Chapter 55- Snow
-Chapter 56- Why would you
-Chapter 57- Brain freeze
-Chapter 58- Extremely powerful love potion
-Chapter 59- I hate to admit it but...
-Chapter 60- I love you
-Chapter 61- Prove it
-Chapter 62- Polyjuice potion
-Chapter 63- The wedding
-Chapter 64- Ministry of magic
-Chapter 65- Mary
-Chapter 66- Perfume
-Chapter 67- Horcrux
-Chapter 68- Ring
-Chapter 69- Godric's hollow
-Chapter 70- Mr Lovegood
-Chapter 71- Malfoy manor
-Chapter 72- Mr Dumbledore
-Chapter 73- Neville
-Chapter 74- Dark Lord
-Chapter 75- Marry you
-Chapter 76- It all feels like it was just yesteday

-Chapter 54- Train ride

2K 66 95
By partridgeloll

"Get up!"- Louis was screaming from common room.

"I have been awake since 6 AM."- I said walking towards him.

"Why have you been awake since 6 AM?"

"Because I forgot to pack things for home."- I said.

"Irresponsible I see."- He said smirking.

"Not one to talk."- I said. "Issie packed your things because you forgot."

"Y'l, Partridge!"- Dumbledore said as he stood in from of us. "How have you two been?"

"Good professor."- I said. "You?"

"I could call it good."- He said. "Have a good holidays."

"Thank you."- Louis said. "You too."

We turned around, but Dumbledore said something again.

"And Louis."- Dumbledore said.

"Hm?"- Louis asked.

"Hope you get to ask what you have been thinking."- He said.

"Ask what?"- Louis asked.

"You will find out."- He said.

We turned around and started walking out of the school.

"He can read minds if you didn't know."- I said.

"Wait really?"- Louis asked.

"What have you been wanting to ask for entire time?"- I asked.

"I don't know."- He said. "Like I wouldn't ask if I knew what he was talking about."

"You sure?"- I asked.

"Yea."- He said as we left Hogwarts.

"You tried to say something when we were hiding from death eaters."- I said.

"Y'n we almost died there it probably doesn't matter."- He said. "I don't even remember what I tried to say."

I looked over to him and I knew he remember. He looked so worried and like he has lots of things to say. If I could admit myself one thing maybe I would try to say something too.

After some time we entered the train. Our hair was full of snow and we sat down in the room we always do. We sat next to each other on the left side this time.

"You see it was the left side."- Louis said as we sat down.

"Your hair is full of snow."- I said shaking his hair with my hand.

"Thanks now it's wet."- He said smiling.

"It will dry. Eventually."- I said imitating him.

"Yours is full of snow too."- He said trying to touch my hair.

"No, no, no."- I said stopping his hand. "You will mess up my hair which is already messed up enough."

"You messed up mine."- He said trying to escape his hand.

"It looks the same."- I said.

"You can't try to block my hand when I can block your two hands with only one hand."

"Want an Oscar for that?"- I raised my eyebrows.

"I'll take it."- He said as he trapped my hands with his one hand and messed up my hair.

"You had to do that."- I said while my hair was messed up.

"Couldn't resist."- He said.

"There they are."- George said as him and Fred entered the room.

"Told you that they are in the same room every year."- Fred said.

I looked to Fred's pocket and saw something familiar.

"What's in your pocket?"- Louis asked.

"Oh this?"- Fred said as he took mistletoe out of his pocket. "Y'n said better luck next time so."

"No, no, no, no, no."- I said sitting opposite of Louis now.

"Wouldn't be the first time anyways."- George said as me and Louis looked at each other and had confused looks.

"He was kidding."- Fred said. "Why do you two look so shocked?"

"It's just something that Louis said."- I said trying to improvise.

"Yup."- Louis said.

"Okay anyways."- Fred said coming towards us. "Why don't you two sit next to each other for a second."

"See you guys."- I said getting up and trying to leave the room, but George moved in front of the door.

"Not so fast Y'n."- George said.

"George I will tell Molly what you and Fred did to Ron when he was 7 and now he has fear of spiders."- I said.

"Yup about the mistletoe."- George said. "Maybe another time Freddie."

"I would rather die then let mom find that out anyways."- Fred said. "See you two on the train back to Hogwarts."

"Thank God."- Louis said as they left. "What did they even do?"

"They were the reason Ron has fear of spiders basically."- I said.

"How do you know that?"- He asked.

"Ron told me and they told me about all of their pranks so."- I said.

"Poor Ron."- Louis said trying to hold in his laugh.

"You are trying to hold in your laugh aren't you?"- I asked.

"It's funny okay."- He said laughing.

"You can't take anything serious."- I said sitting next to him.

I rested my head on his shoulder as we sat there in silence a little. I tried not to let myself overthink about my feelings right now. I kept saying to myself everything was just accident what happened and blamed potions on everything, but it just didn't add up at the end.

"Y'n."- Louis said interrupting my thoughts.

"Hm?"- I asked.

"You know what I wanted to say that night."- He continued. "Well I have been wan-"-

"Excuse us."- Harry said as him and Ron entered the room.

"Lavender is crazy sometimes."- Ron said.

Not a second later Lavender came in front of the room and draw a heart of the window.

"Well."- I said. "At least she appreciates you."

"She is all over him every day."- Harry said.

Hermione passed by door looked at the window and walked away rolling her eyes.

"I'm going to check up on her."- I said.

Louis started getting up after me.

"You stay."- I said as I pushed him back to sit.

I walked to bathroom and saw Hermione sitting there.

"Hermione."- I said as I came towards her.

"He is so annoying!"- She said. "She is all over himself all the time! This is rubbish!"

"I'm pretty sure he likes you."- I said. "Lavender is his first girlfriend so of course he will act different."

"I hate him Y'n!"- Hermione said as I didn't say anything at first and just hugged her.

"It's gonna be okay I promise."- I said hugging her.

"Did you feel like this when Louis was with Angelina?"- She asked.

"I didn't."- I said.

"Would you feel like this if it happened now?"- She asked.

I didn't say anything. I didn't even know how to answer this question.

"You talked to me about that Kendall girl and you said she's annoying."- Hermione said. "And why exactly was she annoying again."

"Because-"- I tried to say.

"Because she was all over Louis."- She said. "And now let me ask again. Would you feel like this if it happened now?"

"Probably."- I said hating to admit. "Don't you dare remind me I said this."

Hermione just started giggling and at least I cheered her up. I talked to her for some time and went back to Louis.

"Where are Harry and Ron?"- I asked as I entered the room.

"Lavender came here and Ron said they have to go and she followed them."- He said.

"What did you wanted to say?"- I asked as I sat opposite of him.

"It doesn't matter."- He said.

"No say it."- I said.

He stood there in silence clearly trying to make something up.

"I wanted to say how grateful I am that I have you as my."- He said as he took a little break. "Best friend."

"Your lying."- I said.

"No I'm not."- He said trying to pretend to be shocked.

"You just made that up."- I said.

"Can't even give compliments."- He said.

I rolled my eyes as we changed the theme of conversation and continued talking. After some time we arrived at the platform and left the train.

"Don't die okay."- He said.

"Say hi to Issie and Millie."- I said hugging him.

"Byeeee."- He waved as we walked away from each other.

I will regret so bad saying that to Hermione.

Give me ideas for Christmas break!!! And of course feel free to text me anytime!!

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