Innocent (Louis Tomlinson)

By stylessins

2.3K 85 13

They judge her by the way she acts, the way she looks, and the way she dresses. She's all alone, and she's ok... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 12

60 3 0
By stylessins

The rest of the weekend rolled along pretty easily. I didn't see Harry again at the bar, and I didn't see Louis all weekend. We texted each other, and sometimes he would call me because he was bored, or if he just wanted to talk to me. We weren't close because we knew nothing about each other, but we acted close. We acted like best friends; we acted like we've known each other for years. But in reality it's been a week.

One week.

But I enjoyed hanging out with him, I couldn't deny that. I was hoping that he felt the same way. It was nice to have a friend. Someone who has your back... like Louis demonstrated when he came to my house. I guess I was missing out all that time... I shouldn't have just given up.

I found myself thinking about Louis a lot that weekend. I guess it's because he's the only being on this earth that gives a fuck about me.

I sighed as I changed the song on my iPhone, staring into space in the now empty club.
Even though it was Sunday, and I had classes tomorrow, I still had to work my dreaded shift all the way 'till midnight. Even if no one was here.


"Babe, what are we eating tonight?" I asked my girlfriend, who was seated on the opposite end of the couch.
"Maybe we can order a pizza." Jessica suggested.
"I'd rather not... considering I've been around pizza all weekend. The smell starts to get old."
"Okay... well what about Chinese?" She asked. I scooted closer to her, as I lied my head on her shoulder. "Or... we could go out..." I started.
"I don't wanna go out, Louis." Jessica complained.
"Oh come on Jess, we never go out." I began, "I feel like a bad boyfriend 'cause I never take you anywhere."
"You don't need to take me anywhere, I can manage myself." Jessica stated.
"But I wanna go out..." I pouted, "Don't you wanna go out with me baby...?"
"Not tonight, Lou. Maybe another night." Jessica said as she stared at her phone screen. I sighed in defeat as I looked at the Telly, then back at Jessica.
"What are you doing?" I questioned. I tried to peek over at her phone screen, but she locked it.
"I said what are you doing." I stated.
"Oh nothing." She responded, as she went back on her phone again.
"Ok, well I'm gonna order Chinese then." I said pulling out my phone. I found the number and called them.
"Babe, is there anything specific that you want?" I asked her as it was ringing.
"No, I'll just have whatever you have." She replied. So I ordered what I usually got.
I sat right next to Jessica, but she completely ignored me, whatever she was doing on her phone took away all attention towards me. I lied my head in her lap, hoping to at least get a glance from her, but that failed.
I couldn't even see her face because that stupid phone was in the way. So I snatched it from her hands and looked to see what she was doing.
"Who's Marcus?" I asked her.
"Just a friend, don't worry." She replied. I looked at their conversation, and it did seem pretty friendly. She was talking about me. "Ah, so your bragging about our relationship?" I questioned, as I set her phone down on the ground so she wouldn't play with it anymore.
"Well yeah." She stated, "3 years is a long time."
"It is isn't it?" I started. And that made me think.

"Maybe we're ready to move to the next step." I thought. I looked at her, thinking, "Is this the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with?"
Before I could answer my own thoughts, I was interrupted.
Jessica gave me a weird look.
"What?" She questioned, "Why are you looking at me like that?"
I smiled as I grabbed her hands, "Because you're beautiful." She just rolled her eyes, and then the doorbell rang. She brought in a couple boxes, which was the food I ordered. She set them on the dining table and we both sat down. We both started eating. I picked up some teriyaki chicken with my chopsticks, and held it to Jessica's mouth. I fed it to her, and she smiled as she chewed it,
"Why do you always do that?" She questioned.
"Do what?" I asked as I ate some of the rice.
"You always feed me whenever we eat together." She stated.
"Oh I don't know." I replied honestly, "I want to make you fell like you're my princess."
She laughed at my cheesy comment and replied with, "Alright, Lou."
"Do you feel like a princess?" I asked her.
"Uh... sure, I guess." She replied.
"That's good enough for me." I decided, giving her a side hug as she continued eating.
We ate the rest of our meal in silence, as Jessica was back on her phone. I went on my phone as well, and texted Kathryn.
*Hi.* She replied.
*I'm still at work. My shift is until 12 all weekend.* She answered.
*Aw that sucks :(* I told her, trying my hardest to not fall into the pool of awkwardness that always seemed to happen when talking to her.
*Louis, where is this conversation leading...?* She questioned. I laughed to myself at the fact that she always seems to think I'm have a reason to text her, in which I don't. I just want to.
*Absolutely nowhere Kathryn. I just felt like texting you, that's all.* I told her.
*Okay* She ended.
*Sooo* I continued.
*Bye Louis, I have to get back to work.* She texted me.
*Fine then.* I responded. I looked at Jessica, and she was still on her phone. I rolled my eyes, and got up from the table to go take a shower. By the time I finished and I was going to bed, Jessica was still on her phone. I lied in bed alone, waiting for her. I heard the shower turn on after a few minutes, but I guess I fell asleep waiting for her.


The clock finally reached 12:00 AM. I let out a sigh of relief as I exited the building. My co-workers did the same, and my boss closed the bar as soon as everyone was out. I had to walk home, as late as it was, because there weren't any buses or anything that would run this late. The last bus or train would leave at 11 or 11:30, so on weekends I would have to walk home. It was quite dangerous, I mean it was 12 in the morning and I had to walk a mile to get home. It was a little scary too because it was so dark, and me being myself... I would not be able to defend myself if someone attacked me or something. So, that thought always seemed to cross my mind when walking home like this. But I guess I was used to it by now.
*Finally off work :)* I texted Louis, doubting that he would even be awake at this time because of college tomorrow.
*Hey look who just woke me up* He answered.
*Oh haha sorry. :P I'm trying to not focus on the creepiness of tonight by texting the only contact that replies to me* I told him.
*Wait there's no buses that run this late huh. Are u walking home??* Louis questioned.
*Yeah. I always do that.* I responded. Then he had no response. I waited for a while seeing that he just read my message and left.

Silence started to fill the air and I began to get nervous. I always refused to listen to music when walking home because I would be oblivious to everything, making it more dangerous for me.
I felt like someone was watching me.
It was not a comfortable feeling.

I saw a pair of headlights appear in the distance. I brushed it off. Knowing that this was Manchester, People could easily be up this late.
The headlights grew nearer and nearer, and I picked up my pace and began to walk a little faster. When the car was right behind me, I knew it was following me. So I ran.
The car went faster as I did, so I ran down a dark alley and leaned on the wall, hiding in the shadows. I was much too scared to see who or what was further down the alley, so I stayed near the front where the dim street light and the faint moonlight took away some of the fear that was now taking over me. The car sped past me, and the breath I had been holding was released. I peeked my head out of the alley a little and I saw the car make a U-turn, coming back for me. I went back to my previous position against the wall as my heart beat raced in my chest. The bright light of the car's headlights came into view on the wall in front of me. They stayed there. The car was parked, meaning that they knew I was here. I held my breath as there was silence. I didn't know what to do. I was terrified.

I heard the sound of the car's window rolling down.

"Kathryn what the fuck are you doing." I heard a familiar voice say, "It 12 it the bloody morning. I'd rather not sit here and play hide-and-seek with you all night."

What the hell?

"Kathryn get the hell in here. Don't make me drag you in this car myself."

I peeked over the wall and sure enough, there was Louis. He looked very annoyed as he sat there in his pajamas with his messy hair, covered with a gray beanie.
"Louis? What are you doing here?" I questioned.
"Picking you up from work. I don't want my friend to get raped." He replied, "Come on, I wanna go back to sleep." I ran up to the car and got in and Louis started to drive away.
"Louis you scared me! What the hell!" I told him. He just started to laugh as he asked, "How did I scare you?"
"Well a car just started following me around." I explained, "I thought I was gonna get raped or something."
"Well that should teach you a lesson on why you shouldn't walk home this late." He laughed.
"How else am I supposed to get home?" I questioned.
"I want you to call me ok? I can give you a ride." Louis told me.
"Why? I've been fine all this time..." I started.
"I honestly don't mind giving you a ride, Kathryn. It's really dangerous for you to be waking home this far at 12 in the morning. I hope you realize that." Louis reminded me.
"What are you like my dad now? Why do you care so much?" I asked him.
"Like I said, I don't want to see my friend get raped." He responded.
"No one else cares, why should you?" I questioned.

"What are you doing Kathryn?" My subconscious warned me.

"I'm just looking out for you Kathryn... I don't see why you're so angry about this." Louis stated.
"Yeah that's the question." I began, "Why are you doing that?"

"Because I don't want to see you get hurt even more than what you get every day from those girls." Louis told me, "In case you didn't realize, I actually give a fuck about you. So if something bad happened to you I'd be sad."

"No one else would be.." I muttered.

"Well I would Kathryn." Louis raised his voice, "So I'm going to give you a bloody ride at 12 AM every weekend wether you like it or not."

The car grew silent.
I looked out the window, avoiding Louis' gaze.
Like he was even looking at me anyways.

"I'm sorry Louis." I mumbled, "I... I don't know what's wrong with me right now. I shouldn't be mad at you for caring."

He didn't say anything.

"I guess I'm just weird and selfish at 12 AM." I half-whispered, not knowing what else to say.
He still didn't say anything.
I looked over at him realizing that the car was stopped in the middle of the road.
He was staring into the space in front of him with a hurt expression etched on his features.
"Yeah." He whispered.

The car lurched foreword, and uncomfortable silence filled the air once again.
Once we reached my house Louis stopped the car. He got out along with me and walked me to the door. "Thanks Louis." I told him, "Thanks for having my back... I really appreciate it."
A small smile appeared on his face.
"No problem." He said.
He gave me a hug goodbye followed with a 'see you tomorrow' and we parted ways.

{Hiiiiiii thanks for reading
If you're enjoying this so far please vote or comment or something I would really appreciate it :)
I'm literally so excited to get to the drama with this fic :D
It's in a long time tho sorta but oh well.
So I'm gonna try to update every weekend. maybe more if I'm in the writing mood that day haha
So yeah ily if u read this ok bye}

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