The quirky adventures of Aiza...

By whimsical_girl_357

57.9K 2.2K 970

These are short stories and deleted scenes based around my fan fiction called 'The Emerald Prince' Also conta... More

The Rewind Quirk: Part 1
The Rewind Quirk: Part 2
The Rewind Quirk: Part 3
The Rewind Quirk: Part 4
Chapter 44 (Hawks x Izuku smut ver)
Chapter 68 alt: Hot Spring Fever (Bakudeku smut)
Chapter 106: DabixHawksxIzuku Smut
Chapter 124 alt: The Murder of Inko
The Plant Quirk origin
Chapter 117 alt: Eri isn't there (Bakudeku Fluff)
Chapter 125 alt: The Stake Out of Nighteye's Office
The Mermaid Quirk
Tododeku smut: Let me take care of you
The Siren Quirk
Shindeku: The Cat Quirk
Chapter 62: Touch (Shigideku Smut)
A Wander Toward Canon
Momo's Romance Helpline

Epilogue (smut ver)

3.4K 128 56
By whimsical_girl_357

It turned out kissing at the Empress' birthday party was not normal. Izuku, Shinsou, Hiniyuki and Bakugou were pretty efficiently ousted as polyamorous by the media in the week following, though their's had become quite a famous love story by this point. It was also nice not to hide.

It had been five years since that ball. Shoto marvelled a little at the thought as he added some more soy sauce to the sizzling stir fry, and lowered the heat on the noodles. Five years and hadn't they been wonderful.

After a year, Izuku had decided to follow his example and transferred out of the hero course. He'd gone to join Hatsume in the support department, and now was joint owner of what was growing to be the most successful tech company in the world. They'd called it Wonderland after a more affluent newspaper had called them the Mad Hatter and March Hare of the science community. Shoto thought Izuku was more of a bunny than a hare but he'd let it go.

He'd graduated law school two years early thanks to private tutoring with Nezu, and was now running his own law firm specialising in domestic abuse cases, especially with regards to children. He'd partnered a lot there with Izuku who'd set up a boarding school or two, using the fact he was above the law to essentially kidnap abused kids and raise them safely. Since Izuku had a tech company to run, and secret missions for global peace to carry out regularly, Shimura was headmaster of the place, and doing an excellent job of it apparently with Jin and Touya, though he couldn't shift the strong Severus Snape vibes.

Bakugou had overtaken Takami a couple months back as number one hero. New restrictions and requirements had been added to the career since Izuku had come about, and it would now be nearly impossible for someone like Endeavour to make it through the checks. Bakugou certainly wouldn't with his Junior High records had Izuku not subtly inferred.

Though Izuku had bought the four of them a house two years back, Eri still lived with Aizawa and Yamada. She was about to enter her first year of junior high school, and was turning into a force of nature with almost as much sass as her brother, and three body guards, Kirita, Kouta and Hisashi to follow her every whim.
Izuku gave her a new quirk each birthday, though she was starting to show a clear preference for shape shifting quirks. Her current one, which allowed her to change into feline forms, she'd grown increasingly attached to. They weren't expecting her to ask for a new one on her twelfth birthday.

The little shit Kouta was still around. He'd taken to making surprise visits with Eri, and completely destroying their romantic plans. Izuku didn't think so naturally and spoilt the demon rotten, but Shoto knew. They all knew that little shit for what he was. It was pretty fun watching him butt heads with Bakugou though. Just like he'd semi-adopted Eri, and Shinsou had a close relationship with Kirita, Bakugou had grown close in his weird way with Izuku's first kid.

Shinsou had become an underground hero. He was part of a team called 'the Night watchmen' with Tokoyami, Kuroiro and Jirou, and since they became active; rapes, drug incidents and muggings had dropped by 60% in the city. Due to his nocturnal schedule, the eye bags Izuku had managed to erase during their second year at UA had returned in full force. They were attractive apparently. Izuku had admitted that when they'd got him drunk, and ever since Shinsou had freely embraced insomnia.

Shoto looked over, unable to help a smile as he eyed the other hero. Shinsou was asleep when he got back from work, currently in an emerald green sleeping bag on the floor of their kitchen, snoring softly. In an attempt not to be compared with Aizawa despite the sleeping bag, Shinsou had cut his hair short, and now had a stubby beard than Izuku apparently found attractive too. It offended him how little effort Shinsou made into his appearance to earn just as much admiration.

Shoto didn't really get it, but he had every intention of remaining clean shaven and well groomed until his dying day.
After a year he'd abandoned the upper cut. It wasn't exactly respectable for a lawyer, though within a month of him growing it out, Bakugou had gotten one, leading to many wonderful hours of jibes and teasing, settled as it always as by Izuku...distracting them. He was really fucking good at that.


They'd all grown. He was the tallest, standing at six foot four now, whilst Bakugou was six foot one but much broader and muscular. Shinsou was between them at six foot two, his build was leaner than either of them, and though he'd filled out a bit, you could still see the lanky teenager in him.
Izuku, however, hadn't joked an age ago when he'd said he wouldn't grow. He barely grew an inch in the last five years, upward or outward. He was still slim and lithe and deadly, though at five five it wasn't any wonder they all physically dwarfed him.
He'd kept his hair long, it almost reached his hips now. Shoto knew it was a hassle to keep, but the greenette insisted. He was certain Izuku kept it mostly for him though. He adored running his hands through it, and when they bathed together he loved washing it, and the way Izuku melted into his chest when he did.

The sound of the door brought him back to the present, and Shoto turned down the gas, looking over his shoulder hopeful only to be disappointed to see Bakugou trudging in. He noted the blond had fresh bandages. "Alright?"
Bakugou grunted, narrowly avoiding stepping on Shinsou as he moved over to slump into a chair. "I finally hunted down the centre of that drug ring. Captured all those bastards and burned the whole place down!"
"Creating a hell of a lot of paper work for me huh?" Muttered Shoto dryly.

He sometimes wondered why he had agreed to be Bakugou's lawyer, then he remembered that Izuku had asked him.
Those damn green eyes.

Bakugou grunted again, and Shinsou shifted in his sleep. Out of the corner of his eye, Shoto spied the blond reach out to nudge the underground hero awake. He raised a small ice wall blocking his foot and glared. "You know perfectly well he has barely had three hours sleep. Leave the guy alone."
"If he wanted to be left the fuck alone, why did he chose to lie in the middle of the kitchen?" Asked Bakugou dryly.
"Because Zu was supposed to come back first." He pointed out calmly.
"Where is the nerd?"
The blond's voice had softened like it always did when the greenette was mentioned. Shoto thought the guy might actually more of a simp than he was.

"Emergency, virus outbreak."
"UK again?"
"No, Brazil actually. Hatsume released a virus that causes people to crave Brussels sprouts."
"Weird ass steam punk. When did she get into that shit?"
"Since she got a god for an assistant."
"How the fuck did that happen again?"

Just as Shoto was about to answer they both heard the front door again. They turned expectantly to the kitchen entry way, instinctively relaxing when Izuku appeared, smiling brightly.
"Hey Sho, Kaachan!"
"You're back late Deku." Grumbled Bakugou, but he'd already launched from his chair, all tiredness gone to embrace the smaller man.
Izuku hummed, chuckling a bit as Katsuki's hands moved from his waist down to rest firmly on his hips, "messed up a bit of biochem in the labs. I felt guilty so cleaned it up myself."
"You mean that Hatsume went behind your back, releasing a virus into the centre of Rio de Janeiro to see what would happen and you resolved it." Corrected Shoto, giving another stir of the pan as Katsuki captured Izuku's lips hungrily with his own, Izuku healing his wounds casually as they kissed.

Izuku pouted a little into the kiss, snickering as the blond squeezed his ass, "nothing compared to my number one hero! Heard you finally eradicated that drug ring!"
The blond preened a little, and Izuku gave him another kiss in reward before smoothly escaping his clutches and moving to Shoto. Shoto didn't think his jealously and need for attention had been showing that obviously, but the greenette had always been able to read him like a book.

He pulled the shorter man close, tucking a loose curl behind Izuku's ear.
"How did it go today?"
Shoto hummed and ducked down to claim his own kiss, memorising the curves of Izuku's waist with his hands, "Tenko'll have three new students by the end of this week."
Izuku's eyes sparkled happily, though he'd flushed a little from all the physical contact, "I'm glad!"

Their conversation seemed to finally rouse Shinsou who groaned,  "why the fuck am I on the kitchen floor?"
Izuku pulled away from him and knelt to steal kiss three from the drowsy man. "You probably got sidetracked by Reddit getting a snack, love. Happens to the best of us."
"No it fuckin' doesn't." Grumbled Bakugou, but Shinsou ignored him, leaning up to chase Izuku's lips when the shorter man moved to stand back up.

Shoto stretched before plating up and setting four bowls of teriyaki on the table. "Our schedules line up tonight right?"
Izuku tried to pull away to answer but Shinsou was having none of it, having practically pulled Izuku inside the sleeping bag (wouldn't be the first time), one hand buried in the long green hair that rippled down the other's back, another steadily trying to make its way up Izuku's shirt.
Bakugou nodded though his eyes never left Izuku, "if that little shit shows his face, he'll never walk again."
"Don't worry," managed Izuku, chuckling as he attempted to escape Shinsou. The purple haired man was especially handsy when sleepy, and the arm around his waist holding him close wasn't going anywhere, or the lips exploring his neck. "Kouta isn't coming tonight. It's our anniversary after all. I intend to be the only one who won't be walking tomorrow."

Shoto took his boyfriend and lifted him out of Hitoshi's grasp ignoring the growled protest. He moved to deposit the short man on a chair but changed his mind, sitting down with Izuku on his lap and signing contentedly at the reassuring weight. "Then best eat up."
Devilish green eyes caught his and Izuku shifted his hips teasingly, "I fully intend to."
Katsuki smirked hungrily as Shoto focused on his own meal in an attempt to regain his composure.
Izuku knew them too well.

According to Izuku he was a service top. All he knew was that he was weak, so very weak to praise. He loved making Izuku happy, doing what Izuku told him to, and being as good at it as possible, because praise from Izuku made every part of him warm and happy and proud. And Izuku made sure to praise him, even outside the bedroom the greenette regularly told him how good he was, how clever or handsome or skilled he was. And he loved it. He knew his reactions made Bakugou and Shinsou laugh but he didn't care, he was Izuku's good boy and he adored it.

Shinsou was a bit of a surprise. Well, none of them were surprised the bastard was the kinkiest, but that he was the most dominant was unexpected. They usually had intimate moments with Izuku one on one, though sometimes they'd double up, or work all together. He hadn't been there the first night Bakugou and Shinsou had been together with Izuku and settled the dominance hierarchy but every time he mentioned it Izuku would shiver and his eyes darken. Shoto was a little curious but Bakugou had exploded a cupboard the one time he'd asked, and Shinsou only smirked.
It took a little time for Shinsou to admit his love of control. After so many years of discrimination for having the ability to brainwash others, admitting he did like it had been difficult. Well at first. When he'd told them, Izuku had grabbed the insomniac by the collar and dragged him upstairs and the issue had never prevailed again.

Bakugou had taken a while. As a group they never went near bdsm. Like him, Bakugou had been terrified of dominating Izuku. Shoto was frightened of becoming like his father, and though he knew rationally now he never would, doing such stuff gave him anxiety.
Bakugou was the same but he actually had been abusive to Izuku, so any implication of violence or demand was out initially because the guilt still weighed heavily on the blond (as it should in Shoto's petty opinion). The blond was not a service top like him though. The hero liked control and power however much he refused to indulge it. Shoto didn't exactly know how Izuku resolved that problem, but one night when Shinsou was out he'd asked Shoto to stay at his mother's leaving the pair alone.
He'd comeback that morning to both teens covered in hickeys, hobbling and pretty much incapable of sitting without wincing, but both of them looking happy.

Hitoshi finally stood up, still semi-enshrouded in his sleeping bag and clutching a cat Shoto hadn't seen before. They had a lot of cats, fifteen last time he counted and between Izuku and Hitoshi the number was steadily rising. He was pretty sure only Izuku knew all their names.
They also had a Pomeranian. Shinsou had got the dog for Bakugou as a house warming present. No matter how the blond behaved, they all knew he adored Princess Explosion Murder.

Shinsou slumped into the last chair and dived into his 'breakfast'.
"Long night?" Asked Izuku gently leaning back a little into Shoto's chest.
Hitoshi chuckled, "was a bit, met up with Atsuhiro. He says hi. Helped us take out a gang that's been a real pain. One of them had a blanket invisibility quirk making them a nightmare to find, even for Kuroiro."
Izuku nodded shivering as he took his first mouthful of dinner, "you've gotten amazing at cooking Sho."
"I had a good teacher." He replied affectionately, unable to resist kissing Izuku's neck again and making the greenette chuckle, as his hands found the hem of Izuku's shirt, untucked thanks to Hitoshi.
"You guys are pretty keen tonight."
Shinsou snorted, "it's been five days!"
"Three for me." Said Bakugou, his tone complaining, but his eyes looking triumphant at beating Shinsou. Those two never stopped competing.
"Two." He murmured, grinning against Izuku's jaw at their sharp glares.
Izuku rolled his eyes, though his composure broke when Shoto' lips found his sweet spot. He moaned a little, the small sound putting them all on edge.

"Sho, seriously!" Whined Izuku, pulling back as the bicoloured teen's hands tried to find their way to his nipples. "At least- mnn- let me finish my teriyaki."
Hitoshi smirked, "don't worry, we'll give you plenty to eat."
"Hell yeah." Katsuki grinned, "all night buffet."
Shoto snorted as he played with Izuku's pert buds, enjoying the way the greenette had started rocking his hips in retaliation, "tough words from the guys who always come first."
Hitoshi choked on a mouthful of noodles and Katsuki flushed red.

"Now now boys~" Izuku seemed to have given up on his teriyaki, though Shoto was mildly impressed the greenette could even talk with the way he was changing the temperature of his hands. Izuku was very sensitive, and this was always a great way to turn him into a moaning mess.

It was him who whined loudly though, when Izuku gracefully left his arms and moved to the kitchen door way. He pulled off his coat they'd never given him a chance to remove, and then moved his hands to raise his shirt a little so they could see his waist, gazing at them with his biggest fuck me eyes, "it's our anniversary, play nice."

Baring his midriff revealed a hint of black and pink lace lingerie, but before they could make out anymore, he'd disappeared out of view, throwing the shirt behind him and laughing as he bounced up the stairs. Shoto wondered how he hadn't felt the lace but shared an excited grin with Katsuki and Hitoshi before they all raced after their boyfriend.

They stumbled up the stairs like they were clumsy teenagers, but they'd learned the view would never disappoint them and had never let their eagerness fade.
Izuku was sprawled over their bed. Propped on his arms, his entire beautiful form on full display.

Floral designs in black and pink lace covered his hips and ass, and crept up his sides to cover his chest too in a small bralette. It was probably the sexiest thing they'd ever seen him in, and that was really saying something, since the guy loved indulging their desires. A familiar black collar was on his neck, a gift from Katsuki on their one year anniversary. It had an emerald cut similar to the pendant Kiyo had given the greenette, except it had his three boyfriends' names inscribed on it. So he'd never forget who he belonged to. They'd binned the Yakuza leader's version.
Izuku wore garters too, a weak spot of Hitoshi's, though Shoto and Katsuki had never complained, and they certainly never would.

Katsuki practically dived onto the bed groaning as he easily raised Izuku with one hand at his waist and kissed him feverishly. Hitoshi moved to the bed straight after, whilst Shoto settled on a chair to enjoy the show. He preferred savouring his meals, and there was something amazing about having Izuku last...but that was for later, hopefully. Sometimes his plans were derailed. Izuku was Izuku afterall.

Hitoshi was mouthing at Izuku's nipples through the lace, the greenette moaning freely now as Katsuki palmed him through his panties and pretty much tongue fucked his mouth.
"My good little slut." Groaned the number one hero, eyes fluttering as Izuku rubbed his thigh against the larger man's groin still whimpering himself under Hitoshi's careful ministrations.

Shoto couldn't handle the strain anymore, removing his jacket and tie then unzipping his flies, releasing his already painfully hard cock, and palming himself a little to try and ease the need of it. Five years into their relationship, and Izuku still barely had to look at him to get him hard. He did just then, their eyes meeting as Katsuki ripped off the green haired man's bralette and his own shirt, taking his turn with Izuku's nipples as Hitoshi moved to Izuku's legs to have his fun with the garters.

Those emerald eyes were half lidded and lust filled, and Shoto nearly came right then.
A slender hand reached out between the muscular backs of Hitoshi and Katsuki, reaching for him even as the greenette's head fell back in a cry of pleasure.
Katsuki was a demon with his tongue, Shoto knew from a bet he'd won, that combined with the way Hitoshi was sucking hickies into his thighs made the fact Izuku was close, unsurprising.

Walking past the other two, Shoto settled at the head board, bringing Izuku's upper half onto his lap, and smiling at the happiness on Izuku's face at the sight of him, even through his pleasure filled haze.
He startled a little when Izuku pulled back and turned over, beginning to lick up from the base of his cock, and never breaking eye contact. Shoto cried out in spite of himself, his head falling back, as he was suddenly deep throated. He met Hitoshi's gaze and saw the purple haired man had removed Izuku's panties. And they shared a grin with Katsuki, before Hitoshi slowly ducked down to face Izuku's hole.

Izuku came untouched the next moment, forcefully, his throat constricting wonderfully around Shoto's cock as Hitoshi tongue fucked him through his orgasm, his whole body trembling. Shoto gasped as his own orgasm took him by surprise, shaking him, as even in his post orgasmic daze, Izuku dutifully swallowed his entire load.
"F-fuck...Zu..." he groaned softly as Izuku slowly pulled off his now flaccid cock.
"What was that about coming first earlier?" Asked Hitoshi playfully, and Katsuki cackled.
The duo were both fully naked now, their dicks straining and red with need, not that Shoto could blame them.

A whine brought their full attention back to Izuku lying sprawled between them. As usual, post orgasm he'd lost his words but they all adored how much more vocal he became, honest too. Like how his hands reached for them desperately, making grabbing motions as he expressed his desperation.
"Aww, sweetheart," murmured Hitoshi teasingly, "feeling needy?"
Izuku whined a little louder, which was all they could take before the duo were on him again. They were all pretty rubbish at teasing Izuku, he just had to look at them, his eyes filled with need and desperation and they'd each cave pretty much immediately.

The needy whine shifted into a gorgeous full moan when Katsuki replaced Hitoshi between Izuku's muscular thighs. Izuku shivered, still a little over sensitive even as his cock hardened again.
The greenette writhed in pleasure as Hitoshi and Shoto leant over him, kissing every inch of his chest, body worshiping, tracing each scar with their lips. It had taken years of reassurance for Izuku to feel comfortable with them seeing all his scars. And even though now, he barely hesitated, they still took every opportunity to show how much they loved him the way he was.

Another high, drawn out moan brought Shoto back to the present, and he watched as Izuku took Hitoshi's length in his mouth, just as Katsuki finally pushed into him from the other end. It never ceased to amaze him how well Izuku could handle them all. It had taken a year before they managed to make him come first. It would be embarrassing if it wasn't so...amazing.

Hitoshi's shoulder muscles were tense, a tell tale sign he was closer to his orgasm than planned and fiercely trying to hold off. They all competed, though Hitoshi and Katsuki's rivalry was the most blatant. He knew that Izuku enjoyed playing them off each other, well, not in this state he didn't. In the state he was in, what Hitoshi called 'subspace', eyes closed and streaming as he sucked on Hitoshi's cock, and rutted his hips back on Katsuki's... the other two, natural born dirty talkers as they were, would tease him about being desperate for his own pleasure...but they all knew that in that state, as normal, Izuku's first desire was to take care of them.

That was proved by the hand gently pumping his cock back to fullness. Izuku was always the best multitasker. He watched as Katsuki and Hitoshi both tensed with the effort to out last the other.
Izuku pulled of Hitoshi's dick, breathing cool air over it, and the purple haired man whimpered.
He looked up, haze a little lifted as playful emerald eyes searched all their expressions, before he smirked.
"Come for me."
He deep throated Hitoshi, clamped down on Katsuki and pumped Shoto forcibly all at the same time, and they all cried out, surprising themselves as they came together panting.

Izuku pulled of Hitoshi with a self satisfied smirk, and made eye contact with each of them as he licked his lips. "I love dessert."
"Well prepare for more," growled Katsuki, "I don't think it's fair that Shoto came twice."
"You did say all night buffet." Said Izuku lightly, sitting up and fishing out the shredded remains of the lingerie and garters, "will you ever stop ruining these. They're expensive you know."
Hitoshi snorted, "if you're in them we can hardly help it."
Shoto smirked and pulled Izuku back into a lazy kiss, "yeah, 'fraid that's on you love."
Izuku chuckled shyly, his cheeks flushing as he looked between them.

Then he startled as Katsuki grabbed his hips and pulled him back. "Wa- Kaachan!"
"Come on nerd. Round 2."
"But you just-"
The blond gestured to his cock once again standing to attention, he was weak for Izuku's shy moments. "Your fault. Take responsibility would ya?"
"Actually," Hitoshi moved over, "I think you'll find it's my turn with that end."
Izuku scowled, "Guys-" but before he could complain about how short the break was, Shoto pulled him back into another kiss.

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