Chapter 44 (Hawks x Izuku smut ver)

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If you are too young to be reading this, you won't be mature enough to resist doing so so I won't bother with warning.
There be gay.
Lots of gay.

It was Saturday night and Izuku was leaning against a wall in one of the more grotty night clubs.
He'd dressed to kill, in his red booty shorts and a lovely pink off the shoulder top that brought out the green in his eyes.
He'd debated about breaking out one of his pairs of heels, but he'd been on his feet all week, so chosen his red converse instead. He loved the colour red, it screamed confidence, and just wearing it seemed to make him feel brave.

So there he was looking gorgeous, enjoying the music and the amorous gazes sent his way, when someone spoke to him.

"I thought I'd be the only angel here."
The voice was light, but husky in all the right ways, and tilting his head to casually view his companion, Izuku almost dropped his drink. It was Hawks.

The Hawks. THE fucking hottest hero in the top ten...heck hottest (current) hero generally...was talking to him.

He was in a burgundy bomber jacket, and black skinny jeans, hair gelled back halfheartedly which only succeeded in making him look even more ruggedly handsome, his golden eyes all the more bright and stunning for the contrast with the red of his jacket and wings.

"How many people have you used that pick up line on?" He said coolly, trying to calm his inner fanboy. The guy was gorgeous.
"None that dared call me on it." The hero grinned and offered a hand, "dance?"
Izuku chuckled, taking it, "How could I refuse?"

Hawks pulled him onto the floor, holding him firmly by his waist and leading with relaxed confidence to the slow dance that just came on. Izuku closed his eyes and enjoyed himself, flirting back and forth happily.


"You really are beautiful." Hawks murmured as the music faded out, the fourth song since he'd lured the gorgeous teen in his arms onto the dance floor.

"Thank you." Izuku opened one eye - he had them closed during the dance - to examine his partner quizzically. "I'd compliment you back, but somehow I doubt you'd believe me."
Hawks tilted his head, the action so bird-like it made Izuku laugh. "You're a major hero, and a young hot one. How many people kiss up to you every evening?"

"None I actually wanted to kiss." He murmured into the greenette's ear as they moved toward the bar.

He'd pulled the number three hero.
He'd... no... the number three hero had pulled him? Was that how it worked? It didn't sound right but- focus!

He hesitated, Hawks hadn't asked about his quirk...but it was different somehow. This was a major hero.
Hawks was already leaning in, and reluctantly Izuku pressed a finger to his lips to stop him. "What if my quirk relates to kissing?"

The hero seemed surprised staring at the hand impeding his plan, before raising his eyes to give the teen an appraising look, then he grinned, "Worth the risk."

That sounded like consent to Izuku. He moved his hand away and leaned up so their lips met, winding his arms around the taller man's neck as strong arms found his waist. If he was doing this, he would make it as 'worth the risk' as he could. Not that his motives were entirely honourable.

Fierce Wings
Take Copy Leave

It was a surprisingly sloppy kiss compared to Touya's.
Izuku recalled the hero being a famously hard working character, and guessed lack of experience must be it.
The guy definitely made up for technique with enthusiasm though, and he realised he was enjoying himself, melting slightly into Hawk's strong arms.

The quirky adventures of Aizawa IzukuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora