Tododeku smut: Let me take care of you

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This is Izuku and Shoto's first time alone. This is the first smut I wrote for the book because I really liked the dynamic and wanted to explore it. Shoto is a top...but he's also a sub/service top to you veterans out there that know the lingo.
I hope you enjoy.

Kindly leave this be if you are underage. It's not quite as vanilla as the stuff you should start out with when you're ready.


Katsuki stretched and Shoto growled at him impatiently. Izuku chuckled, "you're gonna be late to Auntie Mitsuki's, Kaachan."
The blond scowled, "fuckin' fine..." he glowered at Shoto, "just don't fuck up the sheets. Only cleaned them yesterday."
Izuku smiled placatingly, "I know, we're all terrible slobs and I don't know what we'd do without you."

The blond grunted, still dissatisfied, and naturally Izuku moved over to him, resting a hand on his chest and raising rounded green eyes to Katsuki's dark crimson ones. "Thank you Kaachan... take such good care of me..."
Shoto watched the blond shiver with both amusement and trepidation, the guy's chest puffing up a little in pride even though Bakugou knew it was more teasing than serious.

Izuku had them figured out quickly when it came to that side of their lives, becoming a chameleon and adapting to their needs though he assured them he enjoyed it. Just as his needs, for hugs, for care and constant reassurance were apparent to them, Izuku could read their desires and worries like a book, and play them like well tuned instruments and make them sing, patching their insecurities and strengthening their weaknesses with each day that went by.

Izuku knew their relationships with each other were still predominantly non-sexual, so in their few mutual 'adventures' Shoto knew he'd held back a lot, kept Katsuki and Hitoshi's preferences to himself to allow them a little privacy from each other while they still worked out where they stood. But Shoto was nervous.

He was the do this stuff. He'd got more time, and more dates than the others, as Izuku gently helped him explore the world and understand it. Helped him understand himself too, which he never really had. He'd just known he wanted Izuku to stroke his hair, or to hug him, or wanted to cook for him, never really why, though Yaoyorozu had helped him label it as love.

But yesterday he'd told Izuku he felt ready, and today Shinsou had gone out to tutor Kirita and 'babysit' him and Tomura while Kayama and Oboro were out. And Katsuki had suddenly been invited to dinner with his mum and dad and was intending to stay over.

He watched Katsuki leave, startled at the wink the blond sent him as he slipped out the door. To be honest it just made him more nervous. He knew Bakugou and Shinsou were pretty dominant types, and better educated through this 'porn' stuff he'd yet to really investigate. But he wasn't like them. He didn't know what he wanted other than to be as close to Izuku as possible, and if he didn't know, how could Izuku? Katsuki took good care of Izuku, but how could Shoto?

He was startled out of his thoughts by a hand on his cheek, "easy there handsome."
Izuku spoke softly and he wore a gentle smile, not the smirk he sometimes sent Hitoshi that made the insomniac drop his coffee. A loving smile, warm like a summer afternoon, and promising kindness and support.

He felt his body relax as he leaned into the touch, eyelids fluttering as Izuku hummed to him softly, "don't worry Shoto, I got you. Let me take care of you, okay?"
Being taken care of sounded nice. It sounded very nice. Izuku always had his back, Shoto could trust him, he'd take care of him, keep him safe and make him feel loved.
"But..." he began, a hint of clarity piercing through the strange warm fog, I should be taking care of you...making you feel loved and good...

But a finger to his lips stopped him and there was that smile, "don't worry Shoto," a hand ran through his hair, "you always take good care of me. You always support me, and put me first so let me be good to you okay? A reward."
A reward did sound nice. Shoto never got rewarded.
"How about a reward for my good boy."
Okay. Shoto liked this very much. He liked being a good boy. He was never a good boy. But Izuku thought he was, and if Izuku said so it must be true.

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