The Mermaid Quirk

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Wholesome post main plot side story I wrote during MerMay but couldn't publish until now.


The greenette was sat on the windowsill in one of the empty classrooms reading. It was Saturday so no sensible students would be caught dead in the main building. A very good hiding place. Usually.

He glanced up when she entered the room, "oh, hey Momo, what's up?"
The ravenette smiled softly, "the whole class is going to go to the pool. Please come?"
Izuku gave her a friendly smile that didn't reach his eyes, "sorry, I don't know how to swim."
She didn't blink, "I'll teach you."
"We know everything now Izuku, we know you have scars and tons of don't have to hide." She said calmly.
The greenette sighed, closing his book, "you'll have to make me swimming shorts Yaomomo."
She grinned in triumph as he crossed the classroom to join her, "of course, I'm thinking pink, orange and frilly, yes?"
He rolled his eyes as they strode down the corridor.


Most of the class were already changed by the time Yaoyorozu emerged in a gorgeous red two piece swim suit.
"Didn't come huh?" Asked Kaminari, stretching and trying not to look at his boyfriend's abs.
"Oh, I did."

The group glanced up, to see Izuku walking toward them in black shorts, his hair down to his waist and swaying as he strode forward, smile on his lips, shoulders set.
The colour drained from their faces seeing all his scars, there were just so many. Most of the group froze up completely, though Kaminari smiled and approached the teen.
"Looking hot as always Izu!"
"Thanks" muttered the other, finally halting at the pool edge. He'd been a guy on a mission to dive into the water and escape their gazes, but now he'd remembered he'd drown... leaving him stranded in front of everyone with nowhere to go.

...or not.
He took a deep breath and running forward, leapt high over the water. He could hear Yaoyorozu yelling in panic as he plunged deep into the more lake than pool, sinking downward and gazing around with fascination. He'd considered suicide by drowning, but it only took him a few google searches to understand how horrific a death it was.
That said, he spread his hands about, feeling the water displace around them and gazed into the calm deep blue. His hair wafted around him, currents brushing past his skin giving him goose bumps. It was...serene.

He was starting to run out of air, so he flicked through his quirks, finding his target quick enough and activating it. Looking up he saw a panicked Bakugou swimming toward him reaching out in worry. He grinned widely, bubbles trickling upward, before taking a draft of water through his new gills and launching upward past the blond.
He wanted to show off his tail to his classmates.

Though it was his first time, it felt natural, instinctive, and he dove a few metres above the water, droplets shooting from his emerald scales as he twisted and re-entered the pool. He dipped down, laughing as he spun playfully around an astonished Bakugou before going for another aerial leap, spinning this time and cackling at their awestruck faces

After diving and skimming around the bottom of the pool he swam to the surface and propped his arms on the pool side, raising his eyebrows. Next thing he knew his head was being shoved underwater again, and when he rose back up it was to Bakugou yelling angrily, "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DROWNING YOU IDIOT!"
Izuku chuckled awkwardly, "sorry Kaachan! Always been dying to try this quirk!"

The blond rolled his eyes but his cheeks burned red.
"Let me see!" Exclaimed Uraraka, swimming over to join him.
Izuku nodded and lifted himself to sit on the edge, then raised his new tail. It was about two metres long, covered in smooth scales, dark turquoise in colour but with iridescence giving blues and greens as he shifted it in nervousness.

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