Momo's Romance Helpline

811 39 14

Inspiration credited to @Envyclopedia

Todoroki: Should I tell Izuku that he would look best with nothing on?
Yaoyorozu: Save that until after you've been on a few dates.
Todoroki: Okay. Thanks.
Yaoyorozu: Anytime. Shoto, mind if I consult Jirou on your questions sometimes?
Todoroki: That's fine.
Yaoyorozu: Thanks.

Yaoyorozu snorted, and Jirou looked up from her own phone.
"Permission granted?"
"Yes! Come over here, these questions are priceless!" Squealed the ravenette, her bright smile making Jirou flush.


What were the questions, you ask?


Todoroki: I went to the doctors about that heart problem.
Yaoyorozu: Heart problem?
Todoroki: My pulse elevated occasionally at school at times when I was not doing strenuous activity. I thought it concerning.
Yaoyorozu: Ooh this wouldn't have anything to do with Izuku would it?
Todoroki: Izuku?
Yaoyorozu: The green haired boy with the erasure quirk, our teacher's kid?
Todoroki: I have noticed a correlation. Maybe the fact I have two quirks messes with his erasing abilities in some way?
Yaoyorozu: I very much doubt that Sho.
Yaoyorozu: What did the doctor say?
Todoroki: He laughed at me and ruffled my hair. I don't understand why a potential risk of cardiac arrest could be a cause for humour. He told me to talk to my father. Should I?
Yaoyorozu: Please promise me you won't. I think you should investigate this yourself, but if you have questions, I'm here to help!
Todoroki: Thank you, Momo.


Todoroki: He touched me.
Yaoyorozu: WHO? Endeavour?
Todoroki: Izuku
Yaoyorozu: Oh...when? I didn't see you near each other?
Todoroki: He brushed past me on the way to the principal's office. He was carrying a large ceramic elephant, and a bag of potatoes.
Yaoyorozu: I'm not questioning that. So you touched. How did it feel?
Todoroki: my arm was burning.
Yaoyorozu: Oh! Bad then?
Todoroki: Not exactly. Good burning, but it does not make any sense Momo. Fire is never good.
Yaoyorozu: it is when it's used to cook soba?
Todoroki: You're being obtuse.
Yaoyorozu: Pot, Kettle.
Todoroki: I'm obtuse?
Yaoyorozu: We're getting sidetracked. What are you going to do?
Todoroki: That's what I wanted to ask you.
Yaoyorozu: Well, do you want to touch again?
Todoroki: I...I think I do. Though it burned in weird places, not just where we touched.
Yaoyorozu: That is normal in cases like this.
Todoroki: Other people feel this?
Yaoyorozu: Sometimes. You're normal, and it's okay Shou.
Todoroki: It's...normal.
Yaoyorozu: It is.
Todoroki: isn't friendship is it.
Yaoyorozu: No, not usually.


Todoroki: Why do I want to hit Shinsou-kun?
Yaoyorozu: What about him makes you angry?
Todoroki: His hair and uniform are always so messy, I don't understand how someone can be so disrespectful in such a prestigious school. A school he only got into because he had Izuku to train him to fight. He should show more respect. And he slouches, it's terrible. And the way he walks, and smirks like he's above everyone. I don't like it. Could he be a villain spy? Momo, I know what Izuku says about his quirk, but I'm talking about the way he behaves, why does he even want to be a hero? He could be poisoning Izuku against us all. Wooing him to the dark side because of his powerful quirk. And he's somehow got Sensei's complete trust because he bribes the man with coffee to stay in his good graces.
I also think he might be harassing Izuku. He touches him so much, and is always right in his personal space, and you know how Izuku hates other people coming too close. He needs to be stopped!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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