Chapter 106: DabixHawksxIzuku Smut

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Sorry this took me a while, hope you pervs enjoy!
This is smut, you have been warned :)

This was too much like deja vu.

Keigo shared a tremulous look at Touya, a silent plea.
He was cowering behind a tree, which was a plus on the cupboard since he could fly the fuck out of there, but it didn't change the fact a feral Aizawa wielding a deadly weapon wasn't hunting for him.

Touya was twenty metres to his left, also terrified. But if he ran for it, he'd distract Izuku then Keigo would be safe!
The blond brought his index and third fingers to touch his thumb making and 'O' shape and shook his hand at Touya, cocking his head in a question.
The redhead shook his head immediately, facing Izuku holding a gun was not worth a hand job apparently. Keigo was mildly offended. He did amazing handjobs.

He raised his hand, still in an 'O' shape, to his lips, moving it back and forth so an innocent person would think he was miming playing a trombone. Once again Touya shook his head though his lips quirked in a slight smile.
He raised his hand slowly, spreading all five digits.
Five blow jobs?!!???!
Keigo scowled affronted, raising his right hand in a peace sign. Two.
The redhead shook his head, not lowering a single finger. The blond slumped in acceptance.

"You two finished negotiating?"

Keigo would never acknowledge the squeak of terror his made, or how his wings puffed up in panic. Touya for his part gave a frightened yell, launched himself backward forgetting there was a tree there and growled in pain as his shoulders collided with rough bark.

Izuku had his paintball gun resting back on his shoulder, with his left hand on his hips and his eyes luminous green and predatory. "You have?" He continued as if they'd spoken, lifting the gun of his shoulder and aiming it at Touya, "excellent, then let me turn you into LGBT+ mascots yeah?"

Okay. Keigo was out. They'd agreed no quirks but fuck that.
He launched upward into the air.
"Ooh!" Izuku brightened, casually shooting Touya in the ankle to trip the man up before raising his gun, "I love clay pigeon shooting!"


"I didn't know you were such an artist Izuku." Stated Touya dryly as they trod up the stairs into into Keigo's bathroom.
The greenette chuckled bashfully, reaching for a cloth to help wash the multicoloured paint from Hawks feathers.

He'd been given red paintballs, Keigo yellow, and Touya blue. Within two minutes he had obtained his opponents' guns, though they had grasped the opportunity to take cover.
When he found them however, he'd artfully used all three primary colours on his canvases turning both men every colour of the rainbow. Mascots for pride indeed.

Now though, he painstakingly and gently removed the acrylic from those red feathers, placing his full attention on it in his usual endearing way.

By this point, the trio were pretty well accustomed to each other. Physically as well as emotionally.
Touya stripped off his paint covered clothes without a shred of self consciousness (not that the view warranted any) before stepping into the shower. Keigo also removed his ruined jacket and jeans, only Izuku being untouched by paint. Since Touya was stood butt naked and gorgeous in the shower, Keigo had no qualms in following suit, so he pulled off the shirt too.

Izuku eyed them up openly, his confidence during these moments never ceased to throw Hawks off, the teen's eyes raking over every inch of their abs with no shame at all as he wiped away the last of the purple from Keigo's left wing.

The right wing was nearer the shower, and when Keigo showed no sign of moving, with a roll of his eyes and a smile on his lips, Izuku removed his bomber jacket and entered the danger zone.
Exceeding even Keigo's expectations, Touya immediately raised his hand and adjusted the angle of the shower head to hit Izuku directly, soaking the greenette to the skin.

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