Celebrity Crush

By Emicorn18_

41.2K 1.5K 670

A drunk decision with his best friend to apply for the assistant job for his celebrity crush, Aven Thornton... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 13

1.3K 53 24
By Emicorn18_

Aven's POV:

There's a soft knock at my door before Ezekiel pops his head in, "is it ok if I come in?"

"Yes of course, you are allowed to let yourself in here anytime unless I have notified you otherwise."

"oh ok," he mutters, fiddling with his hands, "I just wanted to let you know that I finished your schedule organising and was wondering if I'm meant to send it to you or someone or if I just keep it?"

"You can send it to Sandra if you want, but that's your schedule. I have one but yours will stay as the most updated and you will have to let me know when meetings are and everything."

"Well, you have a meeting today at 1pm with Thomas in conference room 5."

"Ok thank you," I say, I nearly forgot I had that meeting today.

"Also, Z," I say, getting his attention before he leaves, "I have a business trip in I think it's three weeks?"

"The one to London?"

I nod my head agreeing. He has a good memory for something he just found out about today.

"Yes, it's the 13th today and you leave on the 3rd of July so that's in three weeks. What were you saying about it sorry?"

"I was wondering if you would be comfortable to go with me. I normally take my assistant on all my business trips but if you aren't comfortable with going away with me and my team then that's completely understandable, we've only known each other for just under a week and I don't want you to feel-"

"V," he says, cutting of my rant, "it's ok, I would love to go."

"oh," I say looking down, suddenly feeling shy for some reason, "great, that's great."

Wow. Real smooth Aven.

Why am I suddenly nervous?

"What did you want me to do next?"

"Well, what time was my meeting with Thomas?"

"In an hour, why?"

"Well maybe we can get Leanne, Sandra and Caylen into the meeting room and we can book the business trip and stuff?"

"Ok that sounds good, I can give Sandra a ring to come up, which room?"

"Meeting room on floor 24, thank you. I'll come with you to your office if that's ok and we can walk down together?"

Why did I say that? Why am I being so awkward and shy? Maybe he won't notice?

Ok Aven, pull it together, you're never nervous around anyone.

After my short pep talk to myself Ezekiel is hanging up the phone and smiling up at me. That's a good sign, I guess he's happy to walk together.

We're all in the meeting room discussing the business trip to London, Caylen will be staying here to look after the company for me.

"Hey V," Ezekiel whispers, leaning towards me, "we have to be at the meeting in 15 minutes should we go?"

"Yep, good plan," I whisper back, "is it ok if I don't call you Z in front of them, I want it to be our nicknames for each other, if that's not too weird?"

It's definitely too weird you idiot Aven.

"No that's not weird, I was actually thinking I want it to just be a me and you nickname thing as well," he says, blushing like crazy.

I laugh quietly with him, "I mean eventually we can say it in front of them of course, but for now I don't want it to catch on that that's what you like to be called by people if that makes sense?"

"Yeah that makes sense, it's our special thing together I guess."

We both laugh quietly, and I pretend not to notice Leanne and Sandra's smiles. Caylen left the room and I'm glad because otherwise he would definitely tease me about it.

"Hey sorry to cut the meeting short but Ezekiel and I have to go to a meeting with Thomas, is it alright if you book the accommodation?"

"Yeah of course, you guys go to your meeting."

I don't like the look on Leanne's face when she said that. But I don't have time to question it, I trust them to book a good quality accommodation.

"Hello Sir!" Thomas greets us, someone obviously never told him about using your inside voice.

"Hello Thomas, this is my new assistant Ezekiel Morrow," I move Ezekiel closer to the screen, my hand on his lower back to push him forward slightly.

Ezekiel gives Thomas a small wave as a greeting.

Thomas starts laughing. Not just a short chuckle, a full volume laugh. Once he finally calms down his face turns serious, "you're kidding right?"

"No, I'm not, why would I be kidding?" I respond, trying stay calm, I don't want Ezekiel to see me angry.

"Well, no offence, but he's a guy. Everyone knows you sleep with your assistants and normally assistants are just hot girls for publicity and image, you could've at least gotten a hot guy not some baby face kid."

"Well, no offence to you, you idiot, but I personally prefer to hire someone who can actually do the job that is required of them, I do not just hire someone hot to sleep with because that would suggest that is all women are needed for in a job like this which I do not agree with. I will also inform you that Ezekiel is incredible at doing this job, and I think there are plenty of people who disagree with you about his appearance." I say, struggling to not raise my voice, the last thing I want to do is scare Ezekiel on his first day.

Before I can keep lecturing Thomas about how wrong he is about everything he said Ezekiel looks up at me, a small smile on his face, and shakes his head lightly. I step closer to him, my hand still on his lower back and whisper to him, "don't listen to him Z, he's an idiot."

"It's ok V, there's a reason we need to go visit him, he can't even do his job," he whispers back at me, moving slightly closer to me. I don't think he even noticed that he moved closer to me.

We both laugh quietly to ourselves at his comment about Thomas.

"Well, Thomas," Ezekiel addresses him remembering that we're not the only ones in the room, "I personally feel that attractiveness has nothing to do with Mr Thornton's hiring system, because he gave you a job didn't he?"

"oh my god Z" I whisper, not able to keep back my laughter. Thomas doesn't find it amusing at all and I'm glad.

"Anyway, on to the meeting about how we have to help you do the job you were hired to do," Ezekiel says, his facial expression making his comment even funnier because he's completely serious.

I clear my throat, trying to hide my laughter, "Yes, on to the meeting."

We sit down, discussing the logistics of what will happen when we get there and that current state of the financial situation. Ezekiel's responses to Thomas are one of the things that remind me how glad I am that I hired him. During the meeting he impressed me even more with his ability to act professional after Thomas' comment.

"So, we just got a notification that you make a booking for a four person stay at the hotel not too far from the office, and you'll be staying for a week, is that correct?"

"Yes, that's correct," I say, not surprised by how fast the girls were able to book somewhere and also grateful that it's close but not too close to the Earth Energy building.

"May I ask who will be attending and why there is four?"

"It will be Ezekiel, Leanne, Sandra and myself."

"Ok, we will get you all some visitor name tags made up for you."

"Name tags?"

"Yeah, for visitors we give them name tags so they can be identified if something goes wrong or they do something that they're not supposed to."

"Sorry but I don't think it would be necessary for us, especially Mr Thornton," Ezekiel says, voicing my exact thoughts.

"Well, we will make one for the other three then,"

"No Thomas I agree with Mr Morrow, I don't think name tags are required, I don't want to be rude, but I will not force my team to wear name tags at a company that they work at."

"Well, that's settled then, no nametags for you and your team," Thomas says, rolling his eyes.

"Thomas, do I need to remind you that I am your boss and the three people accompanying me are all your superiors so you will respect me, and you will respect them or there will be consequences."

"Yes of course, sorry sir," Thomas says clearing his throat and sitting up straighter.

"This meeting is over, we will see you in a few weeks," I say, before I get mad at Thomas all over again.

"Thank you for your time, nice to meet you Mr Morrow."

"And you Thomas."

Thomas just lost a lot of the respect I had for him, it's one thing to insult me and my team but to say those things about Ezekiel and laugh in his face as well, it was rude and unnecessary.

I'm glad I don't have to see or talk to him for another three weeks.

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