Coach Jimin || Jikook


792K 47.4K 27.3K

Jeon Jungkook is a single father, he's raising his son who is struggling emotionally because of a recent acci... More

00 - Introduction
01 - The Accident
02 - Soccer Tryouts
03 - The Arcade
04 - Feeling Lonely
05 - Welcome
06 - Dinner with Jeon
07 - Others Accusations
08 - First Practice
09 - The Betrayal
10 - Romantic Feelings
11 - Forced Intimacy
12 - Keep Me Company
13 - The Truth
14 - Another Chance
15 - Moment of Clarity
16 - The Night Club
17 - A Mistake
18 - Caught In Action
19 - Disappointment
20 - Courage
21 - Deserved It
22 - Destined
23 - The Rejection
24 - Nice Distraction
25 - The Secret
26 - Confession
27 - Too Late?
28 - Making A Choice
29 - Growing Love
30 - Helping Hand
31 - The Game
32 - Victory
34 - Everyone Needs Love
35 - Freed
36 - Reunited Bodies
37 - Comforting Presence
38 - Meant To Be
39 - Morning with Jeon
40 - No Forgiveness
41 - Restoring Friendship
42 - Attacked
43 - Opening Up
44 - Stability
45 - Bonding
46 - Little Lies
47 - Young Love
48 - Happiest Man
49 - Lover's On Board
50 - Jeon Family
51 - Time Flies
52 - Future Adventures

33 - Promise Me

7.2K 450 37

Jimin observed Jungkook getting the popcorn ready as he scrolled through the selections of movies until picking a romantic comedy. "Can I sit on the bed with you?" Jungkook questioned when he turned around to find Jimin sitting with his legs crossed over the single queen sized bed, fidgeting fingers struggling to keep his hold on the steaming hot popcorn bag because it was fucking burning. Jimin nodded and scooted over a little to give Jungkook's larger body space to be comfortable.

They were 30 minutes into the movie and neither of the two were paying attention to it, they really just couldn't though, because every so often their gazes would shift from the screen to see what the other was doing and when one was caught they'd simply turn to face the moving pictures again. It was awkward as hell, not what Jungkook had planned for it to go but as minutes kept passing he had enough of it, so he cleared this throat to kill the silence between them with more awkwardness.

"My wife died last year..." Jungkook said getting Jimin to frown and face him to see his gaze on his lap as he took a trip down memory lane. "Jungkook, you don't have to talk about it if you're not ready." Jimin interrupted the taller. He placed his small hand on Jungkook's thigh, and felt his own tears form when he saw a few fall from the others glossy eyes.

"I need to talk about it, there's only two people that really know my internal struggles and I feel like I need you to know them also, to really understand why I pushed you away at first." Jungkook stated looking up to meet eyes with Jimin, he slid his hand over to hold onto the smaller one, clutching it tightly and taking in a few deep shaky breathes because he was getting emotional over the painful memory.

"We got into his argument just before she died, all because she thought that I was cheating on her and didn't love her anymore. She stormed out of the house angry, and I didn't chase after her, I let her go because truthfully I did stop loving her romantically. Everyday I live with this agonizing guilt in my heart, reliving that same day and hating myself all over again for not telling her what was really going on with me." Jungkook professed.

"At the time it didn't make sense, but for some unknown reason I wanted something different. I felt like my needs weren't met with her, she was wonderful though, a great mother and a wonderful wife but I couldn't explain why none of that made me happy. It had nothing to do with sex, it's like there was a missing piece in my heart that I hadn't unlocked yet." Jungkook exclaimed with his heart on his sleeve.

Jungkook lifted Jimin's cute little hand and brought it up to his slender lips and closing his eyes at the feeling of his soft skin on his while endless tears rolled down his face and damped the smaller males limp. Jimin didn't move or pull away, he wanted to let Jungkook seek comfort in him, and it was working because the taller males frown was slowly morphing into a smile, it was broken, filled with so much sorrow but there was hope behind it also.

Jungkook left another kiss on Jimin's hand, holding it close to his flushed cheek as he continued gazing into the other males lovely brown eyes. "I found that missing part when I met you though Jimin, that fire that I was longing for wasn't another woman, or a man, it was you, specifically you with your sweet smiles that make me melt, those soft kisses that have me wanting more and that endearing personality that I love being around."

Jimin had tears in his eyes, they were falling rapidly down his cheeks at Jungkook's confession, it was everything he wanted to hear but it was too late now. "Jungkook, I'm sorry but please stop, don't, don't do this." Jimin cried caressing Jungkook's cheek with his hand, his actions were so different from his words and it was clear to the taller how he's been craving him so badly for these past three months, just like he did. 

"I know, you don't have to say it. I just wanted you to know that I was terrified, it didn't make sense to me because I went my whole life liking woman, thinking I was completely straight and you knocking me off my feet the way you did was confusing. I want you to know that I don't care about that, labels don't mean anything to me, whether I'm straight, gay or bi doesn't matter because I want you, I love you Jimin."

Jimin understood what it was like, he was scared himself when he was younger, not understanding the sudden attraction to the same gender was terrifying, and he found himself in denial for a long time. Jimin knew that it wasn't something that was easy to go through, it wasn't something that he owned up to quickly, it took him many years to accept that it was who he was and even many more to get his father to learn to live with the idea of it also. 

Jimin wiped at his tears and leaned in to wipe at Jungkook's precious doe eyes before cupping his flushed face with his warm palm and stroking his thumb along cheek, not letting the tears on that side tumble down any further. "Jimin, I never thought of you as a fling, I wanted you by my side, like a boyfriend, like a life long partner. I never meant to hurt you or make you feel bad, I truly am sorry." Jungkook expressed with his entire soul, repenting for how things happened.

Jimin propped himself up on his knees to cradle Jungkook in his arms, letting him continue to cry and sniffling against his chest while he rubbed at his strong back muscles, but as Jungkook pushed harder into the smaller male he ended up making him fall back onto the bed. Jungkook was resting his body in between Jimin's lovely legs now, staring at his lovely swollen lips that were parted when he gasped at the unexpected action.

Neither of them were in a hurry to part and Jungkook found himself leaning forward to brush his lips over Jimin's, feeling that emptiness in his heart fill up when the smaller wrapped his arms around his neck and deepening the kiss. Jimin couldn't deny that Jungkook's kisses always made him feel like he was floating high above the clouds, no one else's compared to his and he also felt the abyss on his sullen heart become overwhelmed with love for him.

"I love you Jimin." Jungkook whispered against Jimin's mouth, moving down to land kisses over his cheek, jaw and working to nibbling on his neck. "Jungkook, ah. I love you too, but you need to stop. I can't do this, this isn't fair to my boyfriend, this isn't right because I'm dating Taehyung." Jimin whispered still unable to remove his hand from running through Jungkook's hair before he left one last kiss along the soft sensitive and heated neck of the smaller male.

Jungkook parted slightly, and sighed, he knew that there was something between Jimin and Taehyung, especially since he was always with him during their soccer practices but he was hoping that it wasn't true, wishing that Jimin hadn't been letting him kiss and make love to him while they were apart. "What's not fair is that we can't be happy together, it's clear we both want this." Jungkook stated leaving another kiss on Jimin's lips.

"Please tell me you'll think about this, think about us, think about how happy we could finally be together Jimin." Jungkook whispered trailing more kisses along every inch of Jimin's lips, then trailing his mouth down again to nibble on his neck again, wanting to get those precious moans he missed listening to become released. Jimin let a few tears escape his eyes and he shook his head, making Jungkook lift his face to see how guilty he was feeling over all of this mess they found themselves into. 

"Jungkook, I don't know if I can make that promise to you...." Jimin exclaimed fully hating what he said. Jungkook tried his best to hide the heart shattering pain he was wearing on his handsome face, but Jimin's rejection cut him really fucking deep and his tears began to escape his eyes. Rapid, endless salty droplets were falling onto Jimin's flushed and equally tear stained complexion as he laid under him, not wanting to move away.

But that's what Jungkook did, he lifted his larger body up off Jimin's slim figure and moved to stand over the bed now, he let out a short scoff and wiped at his face before giving Jimin the most bitter smile he's ever shown him. "Goodnight Jimin, sorry for bothering you." Jungkook claimed. Jimin sat up over his bed, hugging his knees and silently sobbing into them while his eyes followed the taller movements towards the door until he wasn't visible anymore. 

Jimin hated this lonely feeling settling into his heart, he was already missing the weight of Jungkook on his small body and he instantly regretted not stopping him from leaving, but unfortunately he couldn't accept the love Jungkook had for him just yet. Not when he was already in a relationship with someone else, someone devoted and loyal as Taehyung didn't deserve this, and Jimin of all people knew how betrays hurt. 

Sighing out with frustration and Jimin laid back on his bed, he gazed over at his phone, contemplating on if he should call Taehyung and explain but he was exhausted. The moment passionate and vulnerabel moment he just shared with Jungkook, the tears that he's cried and still continued to cry were all making him finally feel sleepy, too weak to speak and too tired to confess to Taehyung what disrespectful actions he had done. 

Jungkook and Jimin spent the night tossing and turning in their lonely beds, they were both dying to run back to each other, to be in the others warm arms, to caress their heated bodies together and ignore the drama it might cause. Jungkook and Jimin just wanted give into their desire, to spend the night intertwining their fingers and tongues together, to experience the amazing pleasure they received from one another. 

They were human after all, the heart wanted what it fucking wanted but Jimin couldn't, he knew that he needed to talk things out with Taehyung first and so he spent the rest of the night ignoring the painful cries in his heart, mind and soul as he suppressed the feeling of Jungkook's hands on his body and his lips on his skin to find some peaceful sleep.

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