His?- (Louis Partridge friend...

By partridgeloll

208K 5.7K 5.7K

You meet the guy who changes your life in your 4th year of Hogwarts. You are a slytherin with a lot of gryffi... More

-Chapter 1- Hogwarts
-Chapter 2- Sorting Hat
-Chatper 3- Welcome to Slytherin
-Chapter 4- Bet
-Chapter 5- Friends
-Chapter 6- Angelina
-Chapter 7- Astronomy tower
-Chapter 8- Future?
-Chapter 9- Yule Ball
Chapter 10- Hospital wing
-Chapter 11-Amortentia
-Chapter 12- Closet
-Chapter 13- Goblet of Fire
-Chapter 14- Bruised arm
-Chapter 15- Moaning Myrtle
-Chapter 16-Truth or dare
-Chapter 17- Task 2
-Chapter 18- Potions
-Chapter 19- Detention
-Chapter 20- Task 3...
-Chapter 21- Cedric
-Chapter 22- Last day
-Chapter 23- Nail polish
-Chapter 24- Forbidden forest
-Chapter 25- Make up
-Chapter 26- I won't tell lies
-Chapter 27- Vaillia perfume
-Chapter 28- Yesterday
-Chapter 29-Professor Trelawney
-Chapter 30- New rule
-Chapter 31- I'm gonna regret this
-Chapter 32- Black hair dye
-Chapter 33- It's just a kiss
-Chapter 34- Sorry
-Chapter 35- Train
-Chapter 36- Best friend
-Chapter 37- Inahler
-Chapter 38- Stupefy
-Chapter 39- Blue
-Chapter 40- Adrian
-Chapter 41- Cats
-Chapter 42- Headmaster
-Chapter 43- Just ignore it
-Chapter 45- Potion
-Chapter 46- Day before summer break
-Chapter 47- Tom Riddle
-Chapter 48- Issie and Millie
-Chapter 49- Kendall
-Chapter 50- Joke shop
-Chapter 51- Potion class
-Chapter 52- Overthink
-Chapter 53- I'm kidding
-Chapter 54- Train ride
-Chapter 55- Snow
-Chapter 56- Why would you
-Chapter 57- Brain freeze
-Chapter 58- Extremely powerful love potion
-Chapter 59- I hate to admit it but...
-Chapter 60- I love you
-Chapter 61- Prove it
-Chapter 62- Polyjuice potion
-Chapter 63- The wedding
-Chapter 64- Ministry of magic
-Chapter 65- Mary
-Chapter 66- Perfume
-Chapter 67- Horcrux
-Chapter 68- Ring
-Chapter 69- Godric's hollow
-Chapter 70- Mr Lovegood
-Chapter 71- Malfoy manor
-Chapter 72- Mr Dumbledore
-Chapter 73- Neville
-Chapter 74- Dark Lord
-Chapter 75- Marry you
-Chapter 76- It all feels like it was just yesteday

-Chapter 44- Death eaters

2.2K 67 25
By partridgeloll

"Get up!"- I heard Louis screaming from common room as always.

I got up and got ready for the day.

"My daily alarm."- I said as I walked towards Louis. Draco was sitting on a couch with piece of paper in his hand and a pen.

"I didn't think he was serious."- Louis said looking to Draco.

"You are unbelievable."- I said to Draco.

"I take it as a compliment."- He said.

I rolled my eyes and me and Louis were walking towards Great Hall.

"Y'n!"- Adrian yelled as we turned around. "Where were you yesterday?"

"With Louis and Draco most of the time."- I said. "Why?"

"I was looking for you everywhere."- Adrian said.

"Too bad."- Louis said as I pushed his shoulder to shut up.

"Anyways do you need anything?"- I asked.

"Can you hang out afternoon?"- He asked. "Alone."

"Sure."- I said looking confused.

"Too bad Louis won't be all 24 hours with you today."- Fred said as him and George came behind us.

"Too bad."- I said sarcastically.

We all walked to breakfast and separated and sat down.

"You two."- Hermione came behind us putting her hands on our shoulders. "Be nice and don't be curious after lunch today."

"Why?"- Louis asked.

"Just go hang out somewhere and mind your own business okay?"- She said.

"Well okay I guess."- I said

She walked away with smile and sat back on Gryffindor table.

"We are gonna follow her right?"- Louis asked.

"Of course we will."- I said. "She can't say no and expect for us to not be curious."

"But what about your little date with Adrian?"- He raised his one eyebrow.

"First it's not a date and second this with Hermione is not gonna last the whole afternoon. I hope."- I said.

"Then what is it if it's not a date?"- He asked.

"Hanging out Louis."- I said. "By your logic we go on dates daily."

"It's not the same."- He said.

"It's just hanging out Louis."- I said. "No need to be protective."

"Don't let Draco hear that."- He laughed.

"Hear what?"- Draco came sitting opposite of us.

"Nothing."- We said at the same time.

Breakfast ended and me and Louis had separate classes again. All of these tests will make me lose my mind once I swear.

Bell rang after forever and now it was time for lunch.

"Hermione, Ron and Harry went away 2 minutes ago. They didn't even eat."- Louis said as I sat down.

"What are you waiting for then?"- I said getting up again.

"Well for you obviously."- He said as we got up.

"Why are they going towards Department of Mysteries?"- I asked.

"Let's just follow them."- Louis said.

"Wait there is Luna and Neville."- I said.

"Shush."- Louis said as we entered the big room that had thousands of glass round bottles on shelfs.

"What are they looking for?"- Louis asked.

"I heard Harry saying something about some prophecy."- I said. "But I'm not sure."- I said.

We were walking around following them. They were looking for something that's for sure. After some time they just stopped.

"Why did they stop?"- I asked.

"Y'n look in front of them."- Louis said looking petrified. In front of them stood death eaters, Bellatrix Lestrange and Lucius Malfoy.

"Weren't they supposed to be in Azkaban?"- I asked.

"They 100% should be."- He said.

They were talking about something about how Harry needs to give Lucius prophecy. They didn't look like they agree. Next thing I saw was them flinching their wands and glass balls started falling.

"Run!"- I yelled as I took his arm.

We were running towards doors until we suddenly lost track of each other. I was running straight for few minutes and finally saw Louis.

"Move!"- I yelled as I saw death eater behind him. "Stupefy!"- I flinched my wand and hit death eater with a spell.

"Thank you."- Louis said in panic slightly smiling.

I took his hand and we were running towards the door. We ran through door and fell in a big hole.

"Ouch."- I said as we hit the floor.

"What in bloody hell are you two doing here!"- Hermione was freaking out. "Just hide okay!"

Me and Louis ran behind some big rock and heavily breathed there. I turned around and saw Lucius with his hand in front of the Harry.

"Get away from my godson."- Sirius appeared behind Lucius and punched him.

White flashes appeared our of nowhere and Lucius was on floor trying to get ball but it broke. I saw Tonks and Lupin appear.

"We should've minded our own business."- Louis said.

"We 100% should've."- I said heavily breathing.

Next thing I know everybody started throwing spells and me and Louis had to get on ground.

"If we die I just wanted to tell you-"- Louis tried to say something, but spells in back interrupted him.

I looked up and saw Lucius, Harry and Sirius throwing spells at each other.

"Nice one James!"- I heard Sirius saying to Harry. Lucius was wand less and Sirius used spell and he flies away.

"Avada Kedavra!"- Bellatrix yelled.

Spell hit Sirius and I was shocked. He turned around to Harry and slightly smiled. He flied away while Harry looked broken. I looked over to Louis who couldn't believe his eyes.

"Y'n."- He said.

"We are gonna die."- I said.

Lupin was holding Harry who was screaming in pain. After a while Harry was chasing Bellatrix who was saying:

"I killed Sirus Black! Are you coming to get me?"

"Stay here."- Hermione said. "If you don't want to die."

Me and Louis listened and stayed.

"What did you wanted fo say to me?"- I asked still in shock.

"It doesn't matter now."- He said.

"I can't believe we just saw Sirius die."- I said as my eyes started watering.

Louis didn't say a word he just hugged me. He hugged me like it was last hug ever. He held me tight while I wiped my tears away.

After a while we entered a room Harry was in and saw him and Dumbledore. Harry was on floor laying in pain.

"He's back!"- He yelled. "Voldemort is back!"

We all just froze. We never thought we will hear that name from anyone's mouth. Everyone looked shocked. They all looked on edge of the tears.

"Go back to your common rooms."- Dumbledore said as he confronted Harry.

Me and Louis walked to our common room and sat on couch.

"This is all too much to process."- Louis said.

"We really should've minded our own business."- I said.

"It's my fault."- He said. "I said first we should go."

"Louis hey."- I said putting my arms on his shoulders. "It wasn't your fault. I could've said we shouldn't go."

"But we would still go."- He said.

"It's not your fault okay?"- I said.

"What about Adrian?"- He asked.

"I will explain to him I couldn't go. He is my last worry right now."- I said. "What did you want to say to me?"

"You should go rest you know?"- He said completely ignoring my question as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I'm gonna stay here."- I said.

I fell asleep with Louis on couch resting my head on his shoulder. I really didn't wanted him to be alone tonight and I would freak out being alone too. It is too much to take right now. Especially for Harry.

Hope you guys like the chapter!!!
Tell me what you think about the story so far!!!

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