The Hafiz Game

By TieDyeHijabi

22K 1.4K 621

It all started with a will. A piece of paper written by my late father. A different kind of will. Before my... More

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Chapter ٨

1.8K 91 30
By TieDyeHijabi

Chapter 8:


I was falling deep and deep into the pit of darkness when I was shoved to the side. My shoulder ached but I jolted up and blinked several times. My leg felt compressed but I didn't know whether it really happened or if I was just thinking it. My hands were drenched with sweat and a tingly feeling erupted through my pores as I looked around and noticed that I was still in detention. Was that all another dream? The air around me felt heavy and humid but I looked outside and realized it was just California weather.

"Psssst. Imran?" I looked around and raised an eyebrow when I seen Grant sitting next to me.

"What are you doing here dude?" He shrugged and looked to the front of the class where Mrs. Parrot was glaring at me. I knew she hated me, but the hate in her eyes was intense. Her eyes glared right into me and I raised an eyebrow and turned my attention to Grant who looked frantic.

"I got caught sneaking in the girls' bathroom again. You?" My jaw dropped as I stared wide eyed at him. He shrugged and gave me nonchalant look. After a few seconds he cracked a smile and shook his head at me.

"Just kidding man goodness, chill out. You know I'm not like that. I forgot to bring my gym cloths so coach gave me a detention. What are you in for?" I sighed and combed a hand through my messy hair.

"I forgot my backpack in the car and went to get it and Mr. Flemings thought I was ditching." Grant shook his head and started ripping a piece of paper into small little balls. My heart still was beating frantically from the dream I had.

It felt so real. I was afraid if I moved my leg that it would fall off. The beaming lights, the sound, the rhythmic beat of the train pounding against the rails coming right towards me. It all felt way too real. I sighed and shook my head. I'm going to have to get to the bottom of these dreams sooner or later.

I looked up just in time to see Grant throwing paper at someone's head. I cracked a smile when I realized it was Anisa. I haven't seen her in a while. Her navy blue hijab shined in the light when Grant aimed and through it right in the middle of her head.

She slowly turned around and glared at Grant who froze for a second. I blinked and leaned back. I've never seen this side of her before. Her eyes blazed as she glared at Grant, clenching her hands and jaw.

"I swear Gertrude if you throw one more ball at me I will rip out your esophagus and choke you with it!" I tried my best to hold back my laughter when Grant's eyes widened with fear and anxiety.

The look on his face was priceless!

Anisa glared one more time and turned back around in her desk. With her back fully to us I smiled. Grant turned to me with a terrified look and shook his head.

"She gets me every time. I don't know if it's the look on her face or her deathly voice but she's scarier than my dead grandmother." I laughed and shook my head. Anisa usually isn't scary she's just weird.

"Wait till you see her twin sister, then you'll be running for the hills. By the way, why is she so mad at you?" Grant shrugged and looked away cautiously when Anisa slowly turned in her chair again and gave me a forced smile.

"Your excuse of a friend here decided it would be funny to prank the coach by slipping a small lizard into her back. She freaked and came running at me so I dodged her in fright and she broke her leg. I got busted for nothing, and it was all his fault." Her eyes blazed as she glared at him. Grant cracked a smile and tried to hide it from Anisa but gave up and threw his head back in laughter.

"I've never seen a middle-aged woman run that fast before in my life. It was epic man! You should've been there." I smiled and shook my head. I'm not even a little bit surprised. Anisa narrowed her eyes at him and shook her head in disgust when Mrs. Parrot shushed us from the front of the table.

"Shut up Gertrude." Grant sighed and leaned forward resting his arm on her chair.

"For the last time Anisa, my name isn't Gertrude its Grant!"

"I'm serious Gertrude Shut it! You'll get us in trouble again and this time I won't take back m threats."

They just back and forth continued bickering until the bell rang and Mrs. Parrot dismissed us. Anisa gave us the cold shoulder and walked out the door faster than anyone else. I grinned and shook my head while shrugging on my back pack. It was already four thirty, and I have to go to the masjid to pray asar before it's too late.

"That girl has problems bigger than Mount Everest. Would it kill her to actually be nice and smile for once in her life?" I shook my head and remembered what Salma told me a while back.

"You'll get used to it sooner or later man. But go easy on her okay, she's not like the rest of them. In Islam girls aren't allowed to get comfortable with guys. So you're making it kinda hard for her when you constantly annoy her. Just, leave her be for a while okay?" Grant took in what I said and smirked.

"Nah. She'll crack soon, and then I'll leave her alone." I shook my head and called out after him when he started to walk out.

"Dude, don't say I didn't warn you!" I grabbed my phone out of the box Mrs. Parrot placed it in and tried to ignore the glare she was sending at me again. I walked out of the room and sighed when a wave of heat smacked into me. The sun blazed high in the sky and the floor looked about ready to steam from the heat.

I sauntered off to my car and turned up the air conditioner when it started. The drive to the masjid was cool and quiet. Every time I would step on the gas pedal, a thought would come back at me and I would remember the dream. I closed my eyes for a second and tried to calm myself. The dreams were getting crazier and crazier by the day.

I smiled slightly when the masjid came into view and jumped out of the car. The masjid was as beautiful as it always was. I remembered that Imam Musa was coming over and pulled out my phone and texted mom. I didn't know why, but women have a tendency of getting mad when people come un-noticed. My relatives do it all the time just to annoy mom which I find hilarious.

After texting mom, I shoved my phone into my pocket and took off my shoes. The masjid was quiet so I walked behind the door and started my salah. While on my third rakah, I heard laughing. I chill ran through me, who else was here?

I finished my salah and froze' listening to the laughter coming from the other end of the masjid. I frowned when I realized that it was little kids laughing. I sat up and tried to peek through the hole. No one is usually here at this time, since salah asar was twenty minutes ago. Imam Musa usually goes to his house and closes up. Most people would spend this time with their families and come back for maghrib, but who was here?

"-Even the shaytaan were scared of Umar رضي الله تعالى عنه. Can you imagine the amount of imam he had. The shaytaan would bypass him when they seen that he would be approaching and it wasn't only Umar who had experiences like this guys. The angles would praise and greet Uthman رضي الله تعالى عنه wherever he was. Imagine these people kids. They weren't angles. They were average men, and yet they had one of the most blessed lives. Take Abu-Bakr as-Sadiq for example. He was one of the men given the glad tiding of Jannah while living, but you know what; he never let that get to him. He would still pray, fast, read Quran, and defend Islam whenever needed. He already knew that he was granted Jannah but he still made ibadah. What I'm trying to tell you is that these people were average men that strove to get there." I cracked a smile when I realized that it was Abdullah. He was telling the kids exactly what dad told us seven years ago.

"You could do it too guys. Ridwaan, Zakariyah, Yunus and the rest of you guys. All of you could be granted Jannah if you strive for it. Let the Sahaabah be your role models. Copy what they did, learn what they learned and Insha'Allah all of you could get there guys." Gasps went around the masjid and Abdullah's laugh circled the room.

"Okay, who are your favorite Sahaabah?" A small smile crept up my lips when all of the kids started to scream out their favorite Sahaabah. It was adorable.

"Khalid Ibnu Al-Walid!"

"Bilal Ibnu Rabah!"

One little boy stood up and climbed onto Abdullah lap as Abdullah laughed and ruffled his hair. The boy looked like he was three as he smiled at Abdullah and gave him a look of admiration.

"My favorite is Umar Ibnu Al- Khattab because I want the shaytaan afraid of me too. I want to be a leader and a warrior just like him!" His missing tooth showed as he smiled and fist pumped into the air. Abdullah smiled widely at the group of boys and placed the little boy on the ground.

"We all want to be like Umar Ridwaan. Okay kids times up. Insha'Allah we'll continue next week. Tell your family what you learned okay." All the little boys rushed to hug him and scurried off to the parking lot to their parents.

I stood up and walked up to Abdullah and slowly clapped, the noise echoing in the empty masjid. "Bravo man. That was amazing Abdullah. Never knew you had it in you." He furrowed his eyebrows and stood up frowning.

"What are you doing here?" I shrugged and grabbed all the books off the floor.

"That doesn't matter. Seriously dude, when did you become a teacher?" Abdullah bit his lip and awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

"Well, imam musa asked if I was busy after school on the weekdays and I said no so he offered me this. I had nothing better to do so I accepted and started small Islamic studies for a group of boys." I nodded my head and patted his back.

"That's awesome man." He grinned and grabbed his keys from the table.

"Thanks Imran. Look, I got to go. Jafar wants me to pick him up at the park. He took Hana and she wants to go take her doll back to Safas house." I nodded my head and shoved my hands into my pockets. Safa was Hana's little friend. I smiled when I remembered her. That little girl probably persuaded him into taking her.

"Cool, can I come? I've got nothing to do until magrib anyway." He nodded and pointed his finger at me.

"If you even dare tell anyone about this I'm telling everyone you were scared of the dark up until 15." I gaped at him and shook my head. It wasn't my fault. Dad told me about jinn's at age five and ever since then I hated being in the dark.

"That's not even fair man. Teaching is cool; being afraid of the dark is embarrassing." He shook his head at me and smirked.

"Life's not fair. Keep it as a secret of else yours goes out." I huffed and nodded my head. Abdullah was always finding ways to embarrass me and each time I had to bargain for my dignity.

I closed the masjid door and smiled when the sun dimmed and started to dip down to the lower portion of the sky. The sky was filled with clouds and the air was cooler and lighter. The trees silently swayed in the breeze. It was great.

Abdullah walked to the car and started the engine just as I buckled up. I sighed and remembered the dinner. "Oh hey dude, were driving to our house after okay. Imam Musa is coming so everyone is going to meet there. Mom probably told your parents already since Aunty Aminah is going to be there." Jafar said Aunty Aminah was beyond exited when she found out. I loved having her around; she would always make everyone laugh by telling everyone embarrassing stories of Jafar.

"Sure. Imam Musa needs guys there anyway. Imagine the awkwardness if he was the only dude."I grimaced and smirked when I remembered the last time mom forced him to join us.

"His face bunches up and turns bright red. Imam Musa always was a tomato face when stuff like that happened." Abdullah chuckled and drove down the street as a calming silence filled the car.

"Hey dude, when are we going to look at the next ayah?" I shrugged and watched the shimmering sun through the window. All the windows were open and the cool breeze wove through my hair and face. I sighed and closed my eyes trying to relish in the feeling.

"Soon Insha'Allah. There's only two days till thanks giving break so we could start it then." I opened my eyes and watched as we approached the park. A smiled slowly crept up my lips when I spotted Hana running towards the car with a tiered Jafar trailing behind her.

"Imran!" I stepped out of the car and enveloped her small body into a hug. Her hijab had water stains on it like she was crying. I untangled her from me and cupped her small face. Her eyes were slightly pink and worry soon came over me.

"Hana what happened? Why were you crying?" Jafar snorted behind me and crossed his arms over his chest. I smirked when I realized that his whole body was covered with water stains too. In fact his whole body was drenched and the cold gave it this old dirty look.

"Dude, what happened?" Jafar frowned and avoided my gaze.

"We got chased by a dog so she ran and stumbled in the fountain and pulled me down with her." Hana gasped and shook her head frantically.

"No, it was Jafar who got scared and ran into the fountain. The dog chased him because he whistled it over. When he came running at us, he ran into the water and splashed me with water." Abdullah doubled over laughing and pointed at Jafar who blushed and shook his head.

"You promised Hana. That's it; I'm not taking you to the park anymore." I smiled and shook my head at Hana who was at the brink of tears.

"I'll take you to the zoo Hana, stop crying. Come on, Safa is probably waiting for her toy." She nodded and gave me one last hug and ran to the car.

I turned to Jafar and shook my head at him. "Really dude? Don't you know the saying; don't poke the dragon because it never ends well. Why would you call it over if-" Jafar shook his head and started walking to the car.

"I don't want to talk about it. I already feel like less of man so don't make it any worse." I chuckled and shook my head.

Once we all got in the car Abdullah asked Hana where Safa lived and sat in the silence driving in the empty road when Abdullah spotted a dog. He chuckled and whistled.

"Hey Jafar, look it's your pall Ralph." I laughed along with Abdullah and turned to see Jafar glaring at us.

"Just wait till you get chased, then we'll see how funny it is." Abdullah shrugged and parked the car in front of the house. Hana ran out of the car and into the house that second while Abdullah and Jafar continued bickering.

"Trust me man. I'm not scared of dogs." I shook my head and smirked.

"Oh is that right? So in second grade you didn't scream like a girl when-"Abdullah automatically covered my mouth and glared at me.

"We must never speak of that day again." I chuckled and slapped his hand away when someone knocked on the window. I looked up and froze when I realized it was a cop. His black eyes scanned my face and glared at me. His bold brown eyes pierced through me as my heart beat started to quicken.

Jafar groaned loudly and shrunk in his seat. "Oh god it's a cop. Abdullah what did you do!" Abdullah looked down and took out his wallet searching for his drivers' license. His fingers shook with fear as he searched for it.

"I swear to Allah I'm parking in the right spot. Nothing, I didn't do anything wrong." I frantically looked between them and again at the officer and gulped when he asked us to step out of the car. We all stepped out and stood in front of the car.

"Boys, what are you doing here at this time of the day?" My mouth clamped shut when he glared from me to Jafar and Abdullah. The sun was almost fully down and had a dim light to the sky. He took out his flashlight and beamed it at my face. My heart was beating in my chest when he slowly turned the light and focused it on Jafar.

"Someone speak up now or else you're all going down to the station for trespassing at private property." Jafar stuttered his words and looked down to the floor afraid to look him in the eye.

"Please sir, we didn't d-do anything wrong I promise you. We only came to take his little sister to her friend's house. We'll leave right now. I swear I'll never come here again. Please don't take us to the station; were going to die there." The officer took a step towards him when suddenly a laugh came from the house.

"Dad. Stop messing with them, their friends. A second longer and you're going to make him pee in his pants." The second I heard that, i craned my neck and spotted Salma and Anisa smiling at us. Salma glared at Anisa and smirked at our shocked reactions. All three of us gaped at them and turned to the officer who was now grinning at us. I frowned until it clicked. They looked exactly like him.

"Come on Anisa, it was just getting good!" I glared at Salma and cracked a smile when I seen Jafar staring wide eyed at the officer.

"You're their dad? What!? So this was all a lie?" The officer chuckled and slammed his hand on to my shoulder. His equipment shined in the dim light, and my eyes automatically narrowed on his gun. Must be scary walking around town with that attached to you twenty-four-seven.

"Son, when you're my age anything is funny especially scarring the pants of off kids like you. I could tell by the look on your faces when you seen me that you guys are good kids." I frowned and smiled when Abdullah slowly whispered to himself.

"At least now we know where Salma gets her craziness from." Jafar still looked appalled and gaped at them.

"Your dads a COP!" I laughed shakily and pulled Jafar away from the sidewalk and to the car in case he fainted from fright. He always hated cops and police officers ever since his father got arrested when he was younger.

Anisa smiled and walked towards us. "Yup. Guys I'd like you to meet Yusuf Mohamed, our dad." Salma walked up and smirked while gesturing between us.

"And dad I'd like you to meet dumb, dumber, and dumbest." Jafar glared at her and turned to Mr. Yusuf.

"Sir is a pleasure to meet you. I'm Jafar, he's Abdullah and that's Hana's brother Imran." Mr. Yusuf smiled at us as his brown eyes shined with giddiness.

"Nice to meet you kids. Want to come in for salat?" I smiled and nodded my head kindly when Jafar beat me to it. He stared wide eyed at Mr. Yusuf and awkwardly laughed at him.

"No sir, it's okay. We were going home right now anyway. Thank you though." He pulled Hana, who was standing there confused and ran inside the car. Abdullah gave Mr. Yusuf one last smile and walked to the car. The second we got inside the car Jafar tapped Abdullah shoulder and gave him a frantic look.

"Hurry and drive before they come back to talk. It's a family of lunatics' wallahi. Come on!" i chuckled when Abdullah started the car and zoomed down the road to our house.

When we finally came home to pray salat, everyone was already there. Imam Musa car was parked with Abdullah's parent's car and Aunty Aminah's car. I smiled and ran to the door with Hana in hand. The smell of food instantly clouded my nose. My shirt clung to me as the breeze swept through it. I slowly inhaled and sighed when the smell of moms cooking seeped through the door. The sounds of laughing, screaming and plates filled our ears and I smiled.

I slowly turned to Abdullah and Jafar and laughed when I noticed they had done the same. We all smiled when the same thought rang through us.

"Home sweet home!"


"Jafar, Abdullah, Imran, hurry up! You've been eating for half an hour now." Aunty Aminah screamed at us. I laughed despite having food rammed in my mouth and grinned at her. Imam Musa chuckled and smiled at us.

"Let them eat Aminah, they're growing kids." We placed our plates in the dish washer and walked to the living room where everyone else sat. It has been two hours since magrib and now Abdullah's mom, Aunty Sumayah said she had some important news she wanted to share.

I sat down on the opposite chair from them all and sighed when Jafar threw himself next me and Abdullah next to him. Mom laughed and stood up. She stood slowly and held her stomach as she did. I frowned and raised an eyebrow questioningly at her. She gave me a slight smiled and shook her head. The baby hadn't bothered her yet, but she promised to tell me if it ever became worse.

"As you all know, Mohamed is getting married this year to a lovely girl once again." Abdullah sat up and grinned widely when Aunty Sumayah stood and smiled at us.

"Mohamed wanted me to ask you guys if you guys wanted to come to his wedding in-"

"Yes!" everyone turned to Jafar who smiled widely at her. Imam Musa chuckled and shook his head at him. Uncle Isa grinned and raised an eyebrow at us. Everyone else turned to him wide eyed and shocked.

"We'd love to go." I nodded my head and pulled Hana only my lap and played with her hair. Her small head bounced with happiness when she heard about the weeding. She sat silently and watched Aunty Sumayah as she clapped and squealed.

"Alhamdulillah! It's settled then. Next week Insha'Allah we'll all go to Sacramento for the wedding." She turned to mom and aunty Aminah to discuss the rest when Jafar screamed and pulled me and Abdullah into a hug and almost dropping Hana in the process.

I chuckled and smiled when he turned to me and pulled the words right out of my mouth.

"Road trip!"


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