Miitopianime! (Season 5)

By tomodaphne

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This is Season 5. Please read the first four seasons if you don't want to feel completely lost. "Miitopianime... More

Opening Theme 5A
Episode Fifty-Six: Destroy All Snurps
Episode Fifty-Seven: It's Flitz!
Opening Theme 5B
Episode Fifty-Eight: A Buncha Dorks Traversing in the Wild
Episode Fifty-Nine: My Frozen Body
Opening Theme 5C
Episode Sixty: Teleported Back to Greenhorne
Episode Sixty-One: Mojo Goes Insane-The Dramatic Sequel!
Opening Theme 5D
Episode Sixty-Three: 50 Freakin' Gold
Episode Sixty-Four: One Banana Allotment
Opening Theme 5E
Episode Sixty-Five: Maybe It's Treasure!
Opening Theme 5F
Episode Sixty-Six: Bruh.
Episode Sixty-Seven: You'll Be Sorry...
Episode Sixty-Eight: Livin' On A Prayer
Episode Sixty-Nine: The Noisy Plant
Episode Seventy: Heckin' Awesome Dance (Season 5 Finale)

Episode Sixty-Two: Disturburger

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By tomodaphne

(Start on Peculia Plains. Pop star DAPH-NII falls through a swirling white portal.)

Daph-Nii-AGH! Whew, I made it.

(She gets back up and calls through the portal.)

Daph-Nii-Looks like this one takes us back to the plains.

(The others begin piling out one by one.)

Victor-So we're back where we started.

Daph-Nii-Yeah, we're in that same biome.

Hidea-Kii-I thought we'd go to, like, an elven forest or something.

Daph-Nii-Well, I guess you were wrong.

(They begin walking. DAPH-NII, JUNKO, HIDEA-KII, and TRINI-TII lead. TRINI-TII rides on ANNALISE.)

Daph-Nii-So how will we know when we find a hamburger?

Faith-Do you know what a hamburger looks like?

Daph-Nii-Yeah. I'm just thinking is there a specific hamburger we're looking for, or is it just any random hamburger we find?

Faith-You know...I hadn't thought it that far through.

Daph-Nii-Oh for the love of God.

(They come across a giant hamburger with eyes.)

Daph-Nii-Um...so about how I was talking about the hamburger earlier...

Hidea-Kii-We know that already.

Daph-Nii-So is this the "hamburger"? I don't see any ham. Whatever. Chow time!

Hidea-Kii-You okay, Faith? You look scared out of your mind!

Faith-No I'm not! I'm just a little shook, that's all.


(Opening theme. The hamburger is accompanied by two breads.)

Daph-Nii-Looks like it's got the double breads.

Trini-Tii-Then let's get baked!

Hidea-Kii-Uh, Trini-Tii?

Trini-Tii-I mean, let's make them get baked!


(The leaders draw their weapons. TRINI-TII prepares to attack.)


Trini-Tii-You bet!

(They pincer-attack Bread B.)

Daph-Nii-Aw, I thought we'd just kill it right away.

(ANNALISE walks up to her.)


(She mounts ANNALISE, who snorts blue fire on the enemies, defeating Bread B.)

Daph-Nii-Well, there goes one.

(The hamburger attacks JUNKO.)


Daph-Nii-You okay?

Junko-Apparently, I'm a pirate now.

(The hamburger opens its mouth.)


(It swallows her up.)


Junko-Oh no! She's been swallowed by an hamburger!

Hidea-Kii-Give her back! DOUBLE SLASH!

(He double-slashes the hamburger and Bread A.)

Junko-You coulda just hit the hamburger twice, ya big dummy!

(Bread A prepares to attack HIDEA-KII.)

Hidea-Kii-Oh shit.

(He braces for impact as the bread attacks him. JUNKO consumes banana. FAITH attacks the hamburger.)

Trini-Tii-Give Daph-Nii back!

(She attacks the hamburger in the sweet spot.)

Daph-Nii-(peeking out of the hamburger's mouth) Spit me out! Oh my God! Like, actually stop, please!

(The hamburger attacks HIDEA-KII.)

Hidea-Kii-Daph-Nii! Give me the hyper sprinks!

Daph-Nii-(from inside the hamburger) I gotcha!

(She tosses the hyper sprinkles to HIDEA-KII. He inhales them and gets hyper.)

Junko-You rock, Daph-Nii!

(The hamburger prepares to attack her.)

Trini-Tii-Junko, don't! Avoid it!

Junko-Don't avoid it?

(The hamburger attacks her.)

Trini-Tii-Goddammit, Junko.


(He attacks the hamburger.)


Trini-Tii-Junko, here's the plan. Stab the bread so we can get it out of the way and focus on the big thing.


(JUNKO stabs the hamburger.)

Trini-Tii-Or not.

Junko-It's got buns. They're not as big as mine, but they're there.

(Bread A attacks HIDEA-KII.)

Trini-Tii-Luckily, these breads aren't all that strong.

Faith-Haute couture!

(She heats up her frying pan.)


(She smacks Bread A, defeating it.)


Trini-Tii-Thanks for f--Thanks for that, Faith. Faifth? Fefthefaith! I need to get back on track.

(She kneels to do a Cure spell.)

Trini-Tii-Mega Cure Junko!

(She heals JUNKO.)

Junko-THANK you!

Trini-Tii-Okay, what was I saying?

(The hamburger spits out HIDEA-KII.)

Trini-Tii-Oh my God, Hidea-Kii. Are you okay?



(The hamburger prepares to attack her.)

Trini-Tii-Junko, look out!


(She dodges the attack.)

Trini-Tii-Oof! Finally!

(The hamburger spits DAPH-NII out.)

Daph-Nii-Oh, cool. I'M BACK! Bright out here, isn't it? Is it time to destroy?


Daph-Nii-I think it's time to destroy.

(She screams into her microphone.)

Daph-Nii-DESTROY! Wait, the breads are gone? I guess I didn't need to do that.


(He prepares to attack.)

Trini-Tii-I'll help!

(They attack the burger. JUNKO spews the Demons on it.)

Junko-If you gotta make a hamburger boss, you gotta make it as disturbing as possible. That's the only way you can do it.

(FAITH attacks the hamburger. TRINI-TII attacks it in the sweet spot. Then it swallows JUNKO.)

Trini-Tii-Junko, no!

(The burger prepares to attack her.)



(She dodges the attack.)

Trini-Tii-Thanks for that.

Daph-Nii-Good 'cause you have the lowest HP, and if you didn't survive that, like, oh dear God. Now what have I been doing this whole time? Oh, yeah. I was being eaten! Encore, Hidea-Kii!


(He attacks the hamburger. The hyper sprinkles wear off.)

Hidea-Kii-I'm not done yet!

(He prepares to attack.)

Trini-Tii-I'll help you!

(They attack the hamburger. JUNKO peeks out of the hamburger's mouth.)


Hidea-Kii-Everything's your sexual fantasy.

Faith-Haute couture!

(She cooks up some spicy food and presents it to DAPH-NII.)

Faith-Dig in!

Daph-Nii-Oh no! I am not eating that!

Faith-You wanna destroy, don't you?

(DAPH-NII huffs.)

Daph-Nii-Alright, fine.

(She eats the food. Then she breathes fire on the hamburger. It spits JUNKO out, disassembles itself, and gets defeated.)

Junko-I'm out!

Daph-Nii-Yeah. It's dead. It disassembled itself, so I don't think it'll be that easy to eat.

Faith-Another day saved by the power of spicy food! That reminds me. Who'd've thought? We were almost hamburger meals! Happy meals, in fact! I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. Well, best not to dwell on it.

Daph-Nii-You should have considered that earlier.

Faith-Here. Just a little thank-you present.

Daph-Nii-I was told it was money!

(FAITH hands her a sack of gold.)

Daph-Nii-Money! Thank you very much. I love me some good cash. By the way, do you know anything about Darker Lord Henrietta?

Faith-Hm? Well, I know this person is dark...and lordly. I honestly have no freakin' clue. Can't tell you much else, really. Sorry.

(She walks away.)

Daph-Nii-Well, bye.

(Cut to a while later. JUNKO approaches DILLYDILLY.)

Daph-Nii-Don't you dare.

Junko-Ah, it's the Failure Photographer, DillyDilly!

DillyDilly-Don't miss this photo op! I'm DillyDilly, roving photographer extraordinaire. Want to buy this photo I just took? It's only 20 gold!

Daph-Nii-C'mon, just give it to me.

(She snatches the photo. It's a picture of DAPH-NII's head sticking out of the hamburger's mouth.)

Daph-Nii-Oh, well. FINE!

(She drops some gold coins into DILLYDILLY's hand.)

DillyDilly-Pleasure doing business with you!

(They resume walking.)

Daph-Nii-I'm gonna make a failure album of all my failure photos I got from this guy. Like that time Cameron was cursed, and...did I get a Mojo photo and that time I got frozened?

(They come across an inn.)

Daph-Nii-Well, today's been a long day. Time to fuckin' SLEEP!

(They go inside. Cut to the Al tent. ALEX is lying spread-eagle across the floor. DAPH-NII peeks her head in.)



Daph-Nii-You sad about Faith ditching?

Alex-Maybe. I made this tent for two people. It'll get lonely in here with just me.

Daph-Nii-Don't worry about it. Chances are tomorrow, we'll go back to the Travelers' Hub and find someone else whose errands we need to run, and you can sleep with them. In the meantime...

(She lies down next to ALEX.)

Daph-Nii-Maybe I can keep you company.

Alex-I don't know. It'll be kind of weird. Besides, aren't you rooming with your boyfriend tonight?

Daph-Nii-Who, you mean Mojo? We'll have plenty of other nights to sleep together.

Alex-Please don't say it like that.

Daph-Nii-Or you can room with me and Mojo. Mom can probably whip you up a mattress or something.

Alex-And listen to you to make sweet sweet love all night long?

Daph-Nii-Mojo and I are not like that. We're trying to have an affair of the heart and not of the 'nads. Victor and Junko, however, I make sweet sweet love to all night long.

Alex-You have three boyfriends?

Daph-Nii-No. I have two boyfriends and one girlfriend.

Alex-You're bi?!

Daph-Nii-I honestly don't know anymore. Junko might just have the sexuality-questioning power of people such as Park Jimin.

Alex-Who's that?

Daph-Nii-Let me tell you.

(Cut to the stable the next morning the next morning. ELLA is talking with ANNALISE.)

Ella-Right, right.

(JUNKO enters.)

Junko-Ella, what the fuck?

Ella-(ignoring her) Ha! Oh, you!

(ANNALISE neighs.)

Ella-Is that true?!

Junko-Ella? Am I...interrupting?

(ELLA turns around and sees her.)


(Cut to the doorstep. Everyone is gathered together. ALEX and DAPH-NII are sing-shouting "Boy With Luv" by BTS.)

Daph-Nii/Alex-OH MY MY MY! OH MY MY MY!

Victor-(in tune) Can you two please shut up? I just woke up ten minutes ago.

Daph-Nii-Alright, fine. It's serious business time. Guardian, thief me!

Guardian-This is serious business?

Daph-Nii-The most.

Guardian-If you say so.

(He turns DAPH-NII into a thief.)

Daph-Nii-Mom, when we get to wherever we're going, do you mind switching out with Hidea-Kii?

Saralyn-Sounds like a plan.

Daph-Nii-Alright. Let's set out!

(Cut to the Travelers' Hub. The gang is walking together.)

Hidea-Kii-There must be more people here who need our help.

Daph-Nii-More like people we need help from.

(They approach FAITH. ALEX gasps.)


Daph-Nii-Wait, is Faith your girlfriend?

Alex-No. She's, like, five.

Faith-I'm eleven, so shut the fuck up.

Daph-Nii-So how's it going, Faith?

Faith-That "hamburger" was a fearsome monster! But it did look kinda tasty. And disturbing!

(The gang keeps walking.)

Daph-Nii-So where to next?

(All of a sudden, they hear a voice.)

Mukuro-(offscreen) Junko!

(JUNKO looks over her shoulder and sees MUKURO running towards her.)

Mukuro-Junko, over here!

(JUNKO gasps.)


(They run towards each other squealing and hug. The rest of the gang catches up.)

Saralyn-Well, if it isn't Mukuro! I never thought I'd see you again.

Alex-What brings you to the Travelers' Hub?

Daph-Nii-Who is this?

Junko-I guess I should do some introductions. Mukuro, this is (pointing at HIDEA-KII) Not That Kind of Fairy, (pointing at TRINI-TII) Definitely Not Catholic, (pointing at VICTOR) Big Titty Boi, (pointing at CAMERON) A Big Fat Nerd, (pointing at ASH-LII) Toph Beifong, (pointing at ELLA) Some Fairy's Bitch I Haven't Heard the Whole Story, (pointing at MOJO) Anime Catboy, (pointing at DAPH-NII) and Daph-Nii. Everyone, this is Mukuro Ikusaba, my twin sister.

Daph-Nii-There's two of them?!

Mukuro-Don't worry. I'm the serious one.

Daph-Nii-Cool. (to SARALYN and ALEX) How do you two know her?

Saralyn-She used to be my student.

Daph-Nii-She did?

Saralyn-Mukuro and Junko came together, but Mukuro left to study magic on her own.

Cameron-It must have been before I came. I don't know who you are.

Mukuro-Likewise. Now, can I help you?

Daph-Nii-No, can I help you? You're the one who came to us.

Hidea-Kii-We're looking for Darker Lord Henrietta.

Mukuro-Darker Lord Henrietta? Is this person famous? Hm...Oh, actually, that reminds me. My friend Matt told me something. He's in Nimbus right now. Shall I show you the way?


Mukuro-Very well, shall we go then?

(Cut to the skies above Miitopia. Everyone's flying on DOMINIC's back except for HIDEA-KII, ALEX, and JUNKO.)

Mukuro-Junko, you tamed your own dragon?!

Junko-Actually, it was a group effort.

Mukuro-I'm surprised you're not flying with us.

Junko-Well, with wings like these, I don't need a dragon.

(She look down at the clouds below.)

Junko-Ah, home! I never thought I'd see it again.

Daph-Nii-Are you sure? It just looks like a bunch of clouds to me.

Junko-That's just it. Nimbus is the City of Clouds! The Land of Dragons! And probably some other shit, too!

Daph-Nii-Well, if you insist. Dominic, take us down!

(Cut to Nimbus. DOMINIC lands, and everyone gets off.)

Daph-Nii-Junko, you're from Nimbus? I thought for sure you'd be from Peculia.

Junko-Why? 'Cause I'm so Peculia?

Daph-Nii-No, 'cause you're fucking weird.

(Commercial break. They begin walking. DAPH-NII, JUNKO, TRINI-TII, and SARALYN lead.)

Junko-So how have things been going up in the clouds, Mukuro?

Mukuro-They've been going great. Cloudy as usual. How about you, Junko?


Mukuro-How have things been going on land?

Junko-They've been amazing. I got to fuse with a god, I had some amazing boob-kneading sex, and I'm on a quest to save the world!

Mukuro-Save the world. From whom?

Junko-Uh, hello. The Darker Lord Henrietta!

Daph-Nii-Formerly the Dark Lord Alex Chang.

Mukuro-Never heard of 'em.

Junko-You can't be serious.

Daph-Nii-Look, Junko! We're above the clouds! The clouds are so fluffy!

Junko-Yeah, so light and soft!



(They come across a sign.)

Daph-Nii-How does a sign stay upright on a cloud?

Mukuro-It's a magical cloud.

Daph-Nii-Yeah, whatever. Let's go left. It can't be that bad.

(They resume walking.)

Junko-So you're saying you've never heard of the Dark Lord?

Mukuro-Nope. I guess he never visited Nimbus.

(ALEX heaves a sigh of relief.)

Mukuro-Now, what made this Dark Lord so dark?

Junko-He stole people's faces!


Junko-Just peeling 'em clean off! The Darker Lord's doing the same thing, but, like...more darkly.

Mukuro-That makes no sense.

(They are stopped by two mecha goblins.)


Trini-Tii-We can never get rid of these things, can we?

Junko-That was the other shit! Nimbus is the Land of Technology!

(The leaders draw their weapons. DAPH-NII sets her booby trap.)

Trini-Tii-I don't think there'll be a need for that.

(She raises her staff. A yellow glyph forms in front of her.)

Trini-Tii-Righteous Anger!

(The glyph shoots at Goblin B, defeating it instantly.)


(Goblin A attacks SARALYN.)

Saralyn-Of course! Hit the person who doesn't have a booby trap.

Junko-Are you OK, my mage?

Saralyn-Sure. Just a little miffed. Now, hold on a sec.

(She begins warming up.)

Mukuro-You still call her My Mage?

Junko-She doesn't seem to mind.

(She jabs DAPH-NII in the butt.)

Daph-Nii-AGH! You!

(She attacks.)

Saralyn-OK, I'm ready! Steady! Gonna deal some spells!

(She raises her wand.)

Junko-I'll help!

(She raises her spear.)

Junko-Listen up, Mr. Goblin Demon, you'ma goin' to hell!


(They set Goblin A on fire, defeating it.)

Junko-I just came up with that.

(They resume walking.)

Daph-Nii-Eh? Is there something in my pocket?

(She reaches into her pocket and takes out an HP banana.)

Daph-Nii-Cool. Who sent me a banana today?

(She takes a letter out of her pocket and begins reading it.)

Hidea-Kii-(voice-only; reading the letter) Dear Daph-Nii, you don't need HP bananas to taste (singing "Sweet Victory" from Spongebob) SWEEEEEET sweet victory! But here's one on the off chance that you do. From Hi-deaky."

Daph-Nii-Hi-deaky! Aw, you're the best! Didn't I get a letter just like this a while back?

Trini-Tii-I wonder how much farther we'll have to go.

(They come across an inn.)

Daph-Nii-That far.

Trini-Tii-Cool. We took the easy path!

(Cut to DAPH-NII and HIDEA-KII's room that night. HIDEA-KII gets into his pajamas while DAPH-NII faces the wall.)

Hidea-Kii-I can't believe Mukuro's never heard of the Dark Lord. I just assumed he was one of those things everyone knew about, like the COVID-19 pandemic or One Direction.

Daph-Nii-Did Alex never really visit Nimbus? I'll have to ask him about it tomorrow.

Hidea-Kii-You can look now.


(She turns around. She looks out the window at the Al tent. We can see light coming from it and hear muffled heavy metal music playing.)

Daph-Nii-Well, Alex seems to be having a good time. He and Mukuro did use to know each other. It's gonna break her heart when she finds out he's the one who ravaged the world.

Hidea-Kii-We don't have to tell her.

Daph-Nii-We don't?

Hidea-Kii-Alex hasn't had someone treat him like a normal person in nearly a year. This might be his only chance.

Daph-Nii-You're right, but wouldn't that be lying to him?

Hidea-Kii-I wouldn't call it lying. I'd say it's more like deliberate non-truthing.


(Fade to the next morning. DAPH-NII, JUNKO, and TRINI-TII are sitting together.)

Daph-Nii-So (pointing to JUNKO) you want a new spear for 3300, and (pointing to TRINI-TII) want new vestments for 2900.


Daph-Nii-The problem is we have only 2400 and one.


Daph-Nii-Looks like we'll have to send a sacrifice to the rock-paper-scissors gods.

(Cut to the stable. MOJO is massaging ANNALISE.)

Mojo-You've got a lot of tension, my friend.

(DAPH-NII enters.)

Daph-Nii-Alright, Mojo. We need you to send a sacrifice to the rock-paper-scissors gods.

Mojo-What? Why me?

Daph-Nii-Why not you?

(She drags MOJO away.)

Daph-Nii-C'mon, let's go!

(Cut to the library. HIDEA-KII is reading a book on the floor while JUNKO watches.)

Junko-Good book?

Hidea-Kii-Yeah. It's a fun read.

Junko-I want to read it, too!

Hidea-Kii-No problem. Let's flip through it together.

(They sit down together.)

Hidea-Kii-Can I turn the page yet?

Junko-NO! Hang on, almost done...I wonder how Mojo's doing getting my spear.

(Cut to the arcade. MOJO is at the rock-paper-scissors machine. The gold comes pouring out of the machine.)

Mojo-I'm never going to get these five minutes back, am I?

(Cut to Nimbus. The gang is standing at a sign. DAPH-NII, JUNKO, TRINI-TII, and SARALYN lead. TRINI-TII is wearing new vestments.)

Daph-Nii-Whoa, more paths! It's like a maze. Let's go left for now. How bad can it be?

(They go left. They are immediately stopped by two mecha skulletons.)

Daph-Nii-That bad, apparently. I guess that's my mistake.

Trini-Tii-Ooh, these things are colorful.

Daph-Nii-Who cares? Let's fight 'em!

(The leaders draw their weapons. ANNALISE walks up to DAPH-NII.)

Daph-Nii-Let's start with my ULTIMATE ATTACK!

(She mounts ANNALISE, who snorts on the enemies.)

Trini-Tii-And then end with my ultimate attack!

(She raises her staff. A yellow glyph forms in front of her.)

Trini-Tii-Righteous Anger! Destroy!

(The glyph shoots at Skulleton B and misses.)

Trini-Tii-Ah, it missed.

Saralyn-But I know this won't. Mega Lightning!

(The lightning strikes Skulleton A and jumps to B. Skulleton B attacks her. Skulleton A does the same.)


Junko-Don't worry. I'll deal with them!

(She stabs Skulleton A.)

Daph-Nii-That only got one of them.

Junko-But next time, I'll get the other.

Mukuro-Action! More Mega Lightning!

(The lightning strikes Skulleton B and jumps to A, defeating them both.)

Mukuro-All the lightning! They've been destroyed!

Daph-Nii-And they say you're the serious one.

(They resume walking. JUNKO is riding on ANNALISE.)

Alex-So lemme get this straight: your dream is not to become a mage but a...

Mukuro-Film director? Of course. Magic's cool and all, but to make a stellar movie, you'll need state-of-the-art filmmaking technology, and where else can you find technology than in Nimbus, the City of the Future?

Junko-Except in the future, everything's an iPod from 2004.

(They are stopped by two mecha goblins and a mecha skulleton.)

Daph-Nii-Oh, s-


Daph-Nii-What was that?

Junko-I might have heard you say that a few times.

Daph-Nii-Haha, very funny. Two types of...mecha? I wouldn't think about it too much.

(The leaders draw their weapons. ANNALISE walks up to DAPH-NII.)

Daph-Nii-'Cause I'm bouta make them stop existing real soon.

(She mounts ANNALISE, who snorts on the enemies. TRINI-TII prepares to attack.)

Daph-Nii-I'll help you out.

(They both attack Goblin B.)

Mukuro-Quick question, Daph-Nii: how do you not get shocked by your own booby traps?

Daph-Nii-Isn't it obvious? I've got thief's feet.

Cameron-Please don't draw attention to your feet. You'll get a page on WikiFeet.

Daph-Nii-I'm just answering her question.

Saralyn-Mega Lightning!

Daph-Nii-Yeah! More lightning!

(The lightning strikes the skulleton and jumps to the goblins, defeating Goblin B.)

Saralyn-Mom Powers Activate! Though I'm running a bit low on MP.

Daph-Nii-I got you.

(Goblin A attacks DAPH-NII.)

Daph-Nii-These things are so dumb! They keep coming after me!

(The skulleton attacks TRINI-TII.)

Trini-Tii-Like it's better that they attack the rest of us?

Junko-I know what'll get the old blood pumping!

Daph-Nii-To my weiner?

Junko-Not in this situation!

(She jabs DAPH-NII in the butt.)

Daph-Nii-Boo! You guys!

(She attacks. MUKURO attacks the skulleton, defeating it.)


Daph-Nii-So there's one enemy left. What should I do now?

Saralyn-Daph-Nii, I still need MP.

Daph-Nii-Ah, of course.

(She blows MP sprinkles on SARALYN.)

Daph-Nii-I think if there's one enemy, a little whirlwind won't hurt anybody. Eh...

(She whirlwinds it around the last goblin.)

Daph-Nii-Whirlwind destroyed is more like it!

(Cut to the kitchen at the inn the next morning. Everyone is gathered together except for SARALYN and DAPH-NII. DAPH-NII enters holding a sandwich.)

Daph-Nii-Bad news, guys.

Trini-Tii-You ate all the sandwiches?

Daph-Nii-Not that. Mom's gotten sick.


Ella-Yes, again.

Junko-And she just joined the leaders a few days ago.

Daph-Nii-Well, we'll have to take her off the team until she gets better.

Victor-We're not leaving her behind, are we?

Daph-Nii-Of course not. She can still travel with us, right? I mean, she did last time.

Trini-Tii-I feel like there's always someone sick on this team.

(ALEX stands up.)

Alex-I'll go.

Daph-Nii-You will? How are you even going to fight?

Alex-The best I can. All I've done since I've joined this team is walk around, tell you the names of the monsters, and get a shitton of character development. If I want to redeem myself, I'll need to a more direct role.

(The others look at each other.)

Daph-Nii-If you insist. Welcome to Team Miitopia.

Alex-Team Miitopia?

Daph-Nii-That's the name I gave all ten of us. Team Insanity is my folks from Greenhorne, Team Rapture is the Neksdor gang, and my friends from Realm of the Fey have the name Team Princess Fireslayer. Together, we're Team Miitopia!

Victor-Wait! Why do they get to be Team Princess Fireslayer?

Daph-Nii-I couldn't choose between Team Princess and Team Fireslayer.

Victor-But both of those names individually sound so damn cool!

Daph-Nii-You are going to take your insane team name, and you are going to like it.

(Cut to the beach. ANNALISE is rolling around in the sand while HIDEA-KII watches.)

Hidea-Kii-What are you doing, Annalise? You know what, that looks fun. Hm...Fuck it, I wanna roll around in the sand too.

(He begins rolling around in the sand.)


(Cut to the doorstep. Everyone is gathered together.)

Daph-Nii-Everyone's heard the news, right?

Saralyn-What news?

Alex-I'll be taking your place on the leading team.

Saralyn-You are? Alex, you'll get hurt!

Alex-But at least I'll be able to pay for my mistakes.

Saralyn-Don't get all broody with me out there, young man. I can't let you go out there with no way to fight.

Alex-It'll just be until you get better.

(SARALYN sighs.)


Daph-Nii-And if that falls through, I'll have Ash-Lii step in.

Alex-What? Hey!

Daph-Nii-Alright, team. Let's set out!

(They exit the inn as the screen fades to black.)

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