Hear Me Roar: Lions Pride One...

By Coolest-Cassette

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Some one shots based on my book "Lions Pride". Dedicated to my friend-and the only reason I've felt motivated... More

Welcome To My New Book
Panic Attacks on Halloween
I Didn't Wanna Know
Regina VS Raph
Spring Fling
Family Time
Hotel Room
Mission Cheer Up Clara, is a Go!
You're So Rude To Me
I'm In The Jingle Mood
Yard Sale
I Want This
Naming Party
Genius at Work
Baby Shower (Part 1)
Baby Shower (Part 2)
The Best Parts of The Hectic Season
Late Night Snack Run
Career Day (Part 1)
Career Day (Part 2)
Career Day (Part 3)
Maisie Rose Heron-George
The Friendship Book
Wedding Bash
I Like You, But You Like Who?
Let's Look For Eggs
Pointless Banter
Movie Night (Part 1)
Movie Night (Part 2)
Movie Night (Part 3)
Gold Star: I Hardly Knew Thee
Why You Acting So Weird
As All That I Am
Pranked Ya!

I'm @CoolMom

52 3 51
By Coolest-Cassette

( Regina is sitting on the couch relaxing with her feet up on her phone )

Clara: *hurries into the room, gathers her hoodie and car keys, starts heading to the front door*

Regina: Um hello? Just because you have your license now doesn't mean you can just leave without saying anything to anyone!

Clara: Uh....sorry? .......Okay, we done?

Regina: .....No! We're not!

Clara: *groans annoyed* What do you want?

Regina: To know where my daughter is going would be a good start. *sets hands on hips*

Clara: If you must know, I'm going over to see Ms Sarkisian.

Regina: Janis? Is Charlotte going to be there?

Clara: *shrugs* Possibly?

Regina: You don't know? Why are you headed over there then?

Clara: Um...I just told you. To see Ms Sarkisian. She promised she'd show me how to paint.

Regina: *blinks* Since when do you have an interest in art?

Clara: Since Ms Sarkisian offered me her assistance in my art class in school.

Regina: So...your going over just to hang out with Janis?

Clara: *nods slowly* Yes. Very good. Now, can I go?

Regina: *huffs at her attitude* I guess so—

*Clara rushes out the door*

Regina: *throws hands up* I didn't even get to finish my sentence!

Cady: Whats wrong, babe? *comes into room after hearing her yelling*

Regina: Cady, be honest with me....am I cool?

Cady: *blinks confused* What—I mean, yes, you're very cool. But...where is this coming from?

Regina: Clara wants to hang with Janis.

Cady: ....So?

Regina: So, my question is...how come she never wants to hang with me? Every time I try to talk to her...she gets this attitude about her!

Cady: Well...she is your daughter....

Regina: Cady!

Cady: *chuckles* I'm kidding, I'm kidding!

Regina: *squints eyes* Are you?

Cady: .......Yes?

Regina: *sighs, sits down, and covers face with hands* When did I become uncool?

Cady: Hon, you're not "uncool". It's just that we got older and a new generation with new trends took our place. Besides, no child likes to hang out with their parents. That's just how it goes.

Regina: But why?! I wanna be cool again, Cady! I wanna be so cool that our daughter wants to hang out with me! Heck, I'm gonna become so cool that she's gonna start begging to hang out with me!

Cady: *blinks* Gina, are you even listening to yourself? Just—take a minute. Take a breath.

Regina: *takes a breath* Why do I care so much? I mean, I would've rather eaten an alive cockroach than hang out with my Mom when I was in high school. So..why can't I accept that Clara is the same way?

Cady: *chuckles and rubs her back* I don't know, honey—

Ithlilen: I know! *raises a hand*

Cady: Ithlilen Leo—

Ithlilen: It's because you don't wanna believe you're old now! Though, it does seem like a huge slap in the face that Clara would choose to hang out with someone else's mother over her own, huh?

Cady: *sighs defeated* Theo...remember the whole "think before you speak" thing we've been working on?

Ithlilen: Yeah why—oh. *eyes Regina warily*

Regina: I-I'm old? Oh my god—Cady we're old! We're so out of touch with our daughter because we're too old!

Cady: Hey! Call yourself old all you want but don't tar me with the same brush! And anyway, you just turned 37. You're not old!

Regina: Easy for you to say, Mrs 36!

Cady: *sighs* Gina, I turn 37 next month....*rubs her shoulders* we're not old.

Regina: We're almost 40! 40 years old, Cady! No, I'm not going to say goodbye to my youth like this!

Cady: What is happening—

Regina: Ithlilen Leo!

Ithlilen: *looks up confused* Yeah?

Regina: Teach me how to be...cool!

Ithlilen: W-What?

Cady: Regina, I think you might be over reacting just a tad.

Regina: You heard me, Ithlilen. Starting today, you're going to show me how to be one of the kids! It's gonna be lit!

Ithlilen: Okay...1st lesson....never say "lit" again.

Regina: Got it.


Clara: *walks in the front door from school the next day* *sees Regina and stops* What are you wearing?!

Regina: *wearing a backwards hat, frumpy basketball shorts, sports jersey with a few of her long necklaces, with a pair of heels from her closet* What? Don't you like my outfit, Clarabelle? Isn't it...cool? *smiles twirling for her daughter*

Clara: *rubs her forehead* I didn't mean to make you feel bad that I went over to hang out with Ms Sarkisian....you don't need to deliberately embarrass me by dressing this way!

Regina: What do you mean?! I'm not embarrassing! Look at me, aren't I cool?!

Clara: *facepalms* I'm gonna go do my homework. Just—whatever you're doing...can you stop? Thanks. *hurries up the stairs*

Regina: *sighs and turns to Ithlilen* It didn't work.

Ithlilen: I saw. I don't know how it didn't work! You look great, Mom!

Regina: No I don't. I'm sorry, Theo but...I may be "old" but I'm not old enough to forget what fashion is. Need I remind you of my job?

Ithlilen: *sighs* I guess so...fine...let me think about our next step. Clearly Clara doesn't understand what cool even is!


Clara: *phone to her ear as she hurries down the stairs* Alright, yeah! I'll be right over! *looks up and sees Regina blocking the front door* *groans* Omi, I gotta go. I'll see you soon, kay?

Regina: *smiles* Hello Clarabelle.

Clara: *squints eyes in suspicion* What are you doing?

Regina: What do you mean? Can't I stand where I want in my own house anymore? Jeez, you're really cramping my style.

Clara: *rubs temples* Mom, what is going on? Why have you been so weird?

Regina: Oh, so now I'm weird?! What's the deal-i-o with you, home slice?!

Clara: *groans* Momma!

Cady: *comes into room from her office* Whats going on, Clarabelle?

Clara: Make Mom stop being weird! It's making me feel uncomfortable!

Cady: *sighs* Regina, we've talked about this—

Regina: What do you mean, hot stuff? This is all me, baby!

Cady: *eye widen* Oh wow.

Clara: Can you do something about this, Momma?! I've gotta get going to Naomi's! Mrs Karen made her famous chocolate chip sugar cookie cupcakes!

Regina: WHAT?!

Clara: I KNOW! I didn't think it was possible either, but there soooo good! Mrs Karen has the recipe down pat! It's so cool!

Cady: Clara—oh no...


Cady: Clarabelle—! *takes Regina in her arms*

Clara: Can someone please explain to me what is going on?! Everyone is being so weird!

Cady: *rubbing Regina's back as she hugs her* Clara, your Mom just wants you to think she's cool.

Clara: What—why?

Cady: For some reason, she thinks just because you've been going to see Ms Janis and now Mrs Karen that she isn't cool anymore.

Clara: ....Why would she— *shakes her head* Mom, you're not uncool.

Regina: *picks her head up from Cady's shoulder* I-I'm not?

Clara: No! I never said you were! I just needed Ms Janis's help with my art class...and I'm going over to Naomi's because have you tried Mrs Karen's chocolate chip sugar cookie cupcakes?! It's like little baker fairies are dancing on my tongue!

Ithlilen: Ha! And Mom's the one whose uncool?! Did you just hear what came out of your mouth?!

Clara: Um actually—if you were listening I just said Mom wasn't uncool. I never said I wasn't uncool. So, Mom, where were you getting the absolutely horrible advice on how to be cool? Because.... I genuinely thought you were deliberately trying not to be cool to embarrass me.

Ithlilen: Hey! I'm sure whoever she was getting the advice from would be offended if they heard you say that!

Clara: *eyes him suspiciously* Okay...why would you get advice from Ithlilen, Mom?

Ithlilen: Hey! I never said it was me!

Regina: *chuckles* I was....desperate.

Ithlilen: Again....Hey!

Regina: *playfully messes up Ithlilen's hair* No, I appreciate your help, Theo. *sighs* I'm sorry, Clarabelle. I guess I was just worried I was losing a connection to you and I wanted to do whatever I could.

Clara: Ya know...all you have to do is ask to hang out, right? In fact, I'd love to hang out with you.

Regina: *blinks* Really?

Clara: *chuckles* Yeah, sure! When I get home...I'll show you how to be really be cool. Ya know, in the eyes of your children.



Ithlilen: That's a creeper. Just run away from it—it's not that fast.

Regina: I'm trying to run away from it! It keeps chasing me!

Ithlilen: Then keep running!

Regina: Whats that square thing?

Clara: Uh...it's Minecraft so...what square thing are we looking at?

Regina: You don't see it?! The square thing right there!

Ithlilen: Dude, everything in this game is either a square or rectangle!

Regina: AHHH!!! The square thing is chasing me! It's chasing me! Why does everything in this game want to chase me?! I know I'm hot but that is no excuse!

Clara: *blinks* Was that you're go to phrase in high school?

Regina: Not the time, Clarabelle! Now, what is chasing me?!

Clara: Oh...it's just a Zombie. There not hard to outrun just keep—Wait, stay away from that thing. That's an Enderman and—what are you doing?! Why would you run towards it?! Whatever you do, don't look it in the eyes—MOM!"

Regina: Well I'm sorry! I don't play these video games!

Ithlilen: Well usually, when something looks scary...you don't go towards it!

Regina: Everything else is apparently easy to outrun! Why wouldn't this Enderman thing—IT JUST DISAPPEARED?!

Ithlilen: It teleported...that's what they do. That's also why Clara told you to stay away from it!


Clara: Then hit it back. *chuckles*

Regina: How?! How do you hit?!

Cady: *hurries into the room* What is going on?! What's with all the screaming?!

Ithlilen: Mom's trying to play Minecraft. It isn't going well... *yawns bored*

Regina: Cady, there's this tall block creature thing that's trying to hurt me! *mashing buttons on the controller trying to hit the Enderman*

Cady: *sighs and rubs her forehead* Alright...as long as none of you are hurt. Dinner will be done in five. *heads back into kitchen shaking her head half amused, half annoyed*

Regina: *yelps* He's gonna kill me! I have two hearts left!

Ithlilen: Here! Give me the thing! *takes the controller from Regina and has the Enderman dead in just a few hits*

Clara: *giggles* You were doing well, Mom. You're really good with the run away screaming tactic.

Regina: Clarabelle Lyra...don't patronize your mother. Anyway, *takes the controller back from Ithlilen* I'm finding another one of those Ender-MAN things so I can show him how RUDE it is to try to hurt someone!

Ithlilen: Ah yes. Let's go find a demon like creature thing and say "Being mean is lame, what's cool is being nice!"

Regina: That's not what I mean! I'm gonna hit that Enderman like you did until he poofs away! *looks determined*

Cady: *pokes head in* Dinner time! Put the game up and come eat!

Clara: *shrugs and starts to stand up*

Regina: Don't you be going anywhere! Either of you! We've got a mission!

Ithlilen: I know we do! It's called dinner, and I don't know about you..but I'm not going to be reason Momma flips out again.

Cady: *calls from other room* I heard that Ithlilen Leo!

Ithlilen: *mutters* I'm not wrong.

Regina: Dinner will be there when we're done!

Clara: So will Minecraft. However, my dinner will not stay warm forever, and I don't know about you all but I hate cold potatoes.

Regina: You can just warm the potatoes up!

Clara: No! You can't! They don't taste the same!

Cady: *calls from kitchen again* Hello?! I said dinner is done! Don't make me say it again!

Ithlilen: It's not our faults, Momma! Mom is keeping us captive on the couch until she finds an Enderman!

Cady: *groans* Regina George! *comes into room* You're not setting a very good example for our children. Dinner time is family time. That means all technology is put aside for a half an hour!

Regina: I know! But Cads, I have to do this!

Cady: *rubs forehead* Why? Why must you do this?

Regina: Because I'm a cool Mom!

Cady: *crosses arms, sending a glare towards all of them* Dinner table. Now.

Ithlilen: *yelps* See! I told you all she would flip! *hops up and scurries into kitchen as if he was running for his life*

Clara: Yeah, I'm going with Theo. Sorry, Mom...but Momma's doing that look that means....if we don't move we'll regret it... *stands and follows Ithlilen*

Regina: Come on you two! Sometimes you've gotta break the rules when it's important! Raise above authority! Grow a spine!

Cady: *clears throat* *narrows her eyes at Regina*

Regina: *chuckles nervously* Oh..hi, darling. Have I ever told you how absolutely gorgeous you look in this early evening light?

Cady: Regina. *keeps her menacing look*

Regina: *sighs* Fine.... *walks by Cady keeping her head down* This whole family dinner time thing is lame...

Cady: Uh huh...yep. Keep making it worse for yourself. *shakes head and follows her wife to the kitchen*

( They sit around the table. Everyone is there except Raph who had practice with his band that evening )

Clara: *phone goes off* Uh...I know there's a no phone rule....but—

Cady: *waves her on allowing her to answer*

Clara: *picks up phone* Hello? Yeah...I'm his sister...

Regina: *squints eyes confused*

Cady: *looks up from plate towards Clara*

Ithlilen: Whats going on—?

Clara: *quickly puts her pointer finger up as a way to silence him* Is he okay—? *gasps*

Cady: Clarabelle? What is going on?! *getting really worried*

Clara: Y-Yeah...we'll be right there! *hangs up* Raph was in an accident...

Cady: WHAT?! What do you mean?! How?! Where?!

Clara: Apparently it was a car accident.

Cady: Whose car was he in?! Why was he in someone's car?!

Clara: I don't know...all they told me is that the car flipped and everyone inside was sent to the hospital...including Raph...

Regina: *takes Cady's hand immediately* Lets get going over there....*looks to Cady seeing the tears starting in her eyes* Kids, go get ready. We're headed over there as soon as possible.

( Clara and Ithlilen nod breathlessly and hurry off to get ready )

Regina: *looks back towards Cady giving her hand an affectionate squeeze* Hey, sweetheart....look at me...

Cady: *eyes fixed on the center piece of the table* Gina....h-he...he could be—

Regina: We don't know that. *stands up and kneels at her side* We can't think that way, okay? We need to stay positive and worry about each moment as it happens. Come here. *stands her up and immediately embraces her* We'll go and find where he is. Then, we'll know everything we want to know. Until then, we need to be strong...if not for ourselves...then for Clara and especially Ithlilen. And of course, Raph himself.

Cady: Our little boy...our baby boy.....I-I can't handle the thought of him being hurt! *breaks into sobs* I know we have to be strong...b-but—

Regina: Shhhh. *brushes her tears away with her thumbs* He's gonna be okay. I know it. Like I said, one moment at a time. I know you've got what it takes to be strong....that's what you do best. It's just one of the hundreds of things that make you an amazing Mom and wife. *kisses the top of her head* Come on, my love....give me a smile....

Cady: *finishes wiping away her tears and sighs embarrassed* God, I love you. *kisses her lips gently*


Raph: *fiddles with his hands bored* *looks up when his hospital room door opens*

Cady: *runs to his side and immediately takes his hand* Oh my baby. My boy, you're okay! Thank god! *repeatedly kisses his hand*

Raph: *gives her a reassuring smile*

Regina: *sighs relieved* Thank goodness, buddy. You really worried us all! *kisses his cheek* *releases a breathe she didn't know she was holding*

Clara: *smiles at Raph* So happy you're okay, Ninja Turtle....My heart dropped instantly when I got the call from your friend.

Ithlilen: *stands silently fighting tears in his eyes*

Cady: Theo? What's wrong?

Ithlilen: I-I'm so mad at you, Raph! *furrows his eyebrows and grits his teeth*

Regina: Ithlilen—what do you—

Ithlilen: *immediately wraps his arms around Raph's neck* You scared me so much, you jerk! Don't you ever do that to me again! I could punch you in the gut for this!

Raph: *eyes widen* *finishes out the hug by wrapping his arms around Ithlilen*

Cady: *wipes her tears again* *reaches down and ruffles Ithlilen's hair, smiling at the brotherly love*

Clara: You missed it Raph! Mom was playing Minecraft with Theo and I.

Raph: *raises his eyebrows*

Clara: I know! She was doing......great?

Regina: Hey! It was my first time playing! How was I supposed to know everything wants to hurt me?! I didn't even know that game had enemies in it!

Ithlilen: Really? So every time you bought me, Clara, or Raph something Minecraft themed, you never questioned what the creatures were?

Regina: *rolls eyes* Honestly, half of the time I just looked for a tag that said Minecraft on it...not for what creatures were on it.

Clara: Actually, technically, those creatures are called "Mobs".

Regina: *rolls eyes again* Fine..."Mobs."

Cady: *still holding Raph's hand* Raphael, what were you doing in someone's car?! I told you if you need a ride to call me, or Mom, or even Clara! I don't want you in someone else's car, understand me?

Raph: *nods slowly*

Doctor: *comes in and smiles at family* Good evening. So, nothing to worry about to much. Just a broken wrist and a few scraps we bandaged up on his abdomen. Just change those a few times a day and within the next week, they should be able to be removed.

Cady: Thank you. *sighs relieved*

Raph: *looks relieved too*

Doctor: *smiles once more before leaving*

Ithlilen: When are they setting you free again?

Raph: *shrugs*

Regina: I'm sure they probably will tonight. Especially since they've already gotten you pretty well taken care of. But I'll go check for sure. *stands up and heads out*

Clara: *shrugs* I don't know what she was worried about. You know, about her being "uncool." I don't wanna tell her directly because I know it'll go to her head *chuckles* But, all of my friends think she's really intelligent, hard working, and of course beautiful. If anything, my friends are jealous she's not their Mom.

Ithlilen: Yeah, same with my friends. Man, she's so cool.

Raph: *nods*

Clara: I think so too.

Cady: *blinks* Hello? What about me?

Ithlilen: What about you what?

Cady: I'm cool too! Right?

Clara: ......

Ithlilen: *clears throat*

Raph: *looks down to the floor*

Cady: Oh come on! I'm wicked cool too!

Ithlilen: *groans* She really just said wicked....

Clara: Momma....you're not helping yourself prove a point right now. It's best to leave the cool part to Mom.

Cady: I can be cool! Heck I am cool! And I'm gonna prove it!

Clara: Oh noooo....not again!

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