The Untold Story Of The Seco...

By immalilbaby

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Honey L. Snape grew up rather sheltered, and although she was raised on Hogwarts property, she had barely eve... More

The Beginning
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Character Art!
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fiffteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Sixteen

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By immalilbaby

Honey sat in her bed silently, so much had happened that night and she could only assume she was still in shock.

She had never felt so horrible yet so numb in her entire life. All she could see playing in her head was the dead body of the once pure and innocent unicorn ad it was tainted by none other than Voldemort himself.

Honey couldn't help but feel responsible for the creature's death. If she had been faster. If she had told Harry the truth may be the unicorn could have been saved.

But then again Harry would never believe her. She was nothing to him. Just another person to follow him around. Just another person.

She wasn't his sister, not to him at least.

Honey quickly pulled her knees into her chest, hugging her legs tightly. She sat there in silence, unable to cry, or feel angry.

All she could do was sit and think.
Which was the most dangerous thing for her in those moments, her wild imagination taking full force. She started over to her blank walls, as she listened to the calls of Hagrid, Hermione, and Ron.

"Harry?" Hagrid called full of worry

"Harry we are so glad you're okay!" Hermione rang through cheerfully

"What happened Harry?" She heard Ronald question.

She scoffed to herself as she tried to force the voices from her head.

"Honey are you okay?" She whispered to herself.

"I'm so glad your safe,".

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Honey said a single test rolling down her face without her realizing.

All the worry the group had for Harry didn't extend to her, and although Harry made it out unscathed, Honey had been physically and emotionally hurt.

She picked at the cuts that lined her legs and cringed as she touched a particularly sensitive cut on her knee

"I should have known better, who am I compared to the great Harry Potter?
So what if I'm his sister! No one knows! Why would I expect to be as good as him, I was raised by the cruelest teacher at Hogwarts I wouldn't trust me either," Honey mumbled to herself.

She laid herself down in her bed without a noise.

Mel tried her best to comfort the young girl but Honey refused to let the bird close to her making a point of turning away from the bird whenever it sat within her gaze.

She tossed and turned in her bed lost in thoughts of why she wasn't good enough, go be Snape's daughter, to be Harry's friend, to attend Hogwarts. These thoughts tormented her until she finally drifted to sleep.


She awoke late the next day, but honestly, she didn't care. Nothing seemed as important to Honey as it had the day before. She decided to skip her classes and just stay in bed, which seemed to be the better option, she didn't want to explain why she was upset, nor was she allowed to.

She stayed in her room all day quiet, most of the time she spent sleeping. It wasn't until around dinner when she decided she not only needed to eat but she needed to prove to people that she was fine even if she wasn't.

She slowly changed out of her slept-in clothes and headed out the door quietly. She walked slowly to the Great hall in discomfort and fear.

She was afraid to face her schoolmates. She was afraid that they would know her and how she felt and push her to tell. But most importantly she was afraid to be around Harry.

She knew the moment she sat with Harry and quietly observed him and the others she would begin to feel unimportant and inadequate as if she wasn't there.

She stopped at the big doors and thought for a moment.

'Perhaps I should just eat at home?' She thought as she gently reached a hand to gently press on the door. She closed her eyes for just a moment just to clear her head just a bit.

"Honey?" A voice called from behind her. Honey turned around instantly. She looked up to meet the eyes of four Slytherins each watching her with a different expression.

"What in Merlin's name are you doing?" Pansy asked quite annoyed by Honey's presence.

"Shut it, Pansy!" Draco commanded the girl immediately. "You!" He called over to Honey. "Where have you been all day?" He questioned Honey angrily.

Honey swallowed nervously. "A-at home," she stuttered slightly, nervous under the eyes of her peers.

Draco huffed and grabbed the girl's arm dragging her away from the door.

"Where are you going!?" Pansy screamed in anger as Draco stormed off with Honey in hand.

"Just shut up and go sit down! Merlin!" Draco huffed. He dragged the girl further down the hallways until it was just the two of them.

"Draco what are you doing?" She finally asked the boy ripping her arm out of his grasp.

"You need to tell me what's going on with you! Last night you- er," Draco stopped mid-sentence to think about what he was trying to say. "You started acting weird last night and then you skip meals and classes! Somethings wrong and we're gonna talk about it!" He huffed angrily at the girl.

"Draco I'm fine, it was just a little hard to see that's all and I didn't want to scare anyone by telling them what happened." Honey tried to calm Draco down by telling him a smidge of the truth.

Draco looked at the girl for a few moments trying to find some sort of indication that she was living but he saw none. He knew that wasn't the full truth but he also knew if she was going to lie to him it meant she didn't want to talk about it.

"Fine." Draco finally puffed out. "But you're not sitting with Potter!" Draco decided as he again grabbed the girl's arm and began to drag her back towards the Great hall.

"Draco! I can walk fine on my own!" Honey called as she struggled to keep up with the boy's pace. He ignored her and continued to pull her back down the hallways and eventually to next to him at the Slytherin table.

Honey was in shock. In her many months at Hogwarts Honey hadn't sat at the Slytherin once, and for some reason, it didn't feel all that wrong.

"Why did you bring her here?" Pansy asked even more frustrated than before. "She's not a Slytherin!" Pansy cried while crossing her arms.

Draco completely ignored Pansy and continued eating his dinner.

"Draco! You can't be friends with her," Pansy hissed loudly. Draco continued to ignore the girl, which only frustrated pansy further.

"Draco think about our reputation! She isn't even a pureblood!" Pansy finally yelled as she slammed her fists onto the table.

Draco finally looked up to the girl surprised by her sudden outburst. He looked around at the Slytherins who were all staring at him, waiting for his response and he swallowed.

"Yeah well, she's Snape's daughter so we're just going to have to get over it!" He said rolling his eyes in frustration before returning to his food.

"We shouldn't have to babysit her then. She's not a little kid Draco." Pansy said crossing her arms sternly.

"Yeah well of course Snape trusts her to me, I'm his favorite student and she's so airheaded someone has to watch her."

Honey stared at the boy in shock. She could hear the sniggering coming from the other Slytherins. She slowly stood up from her seat her head hung low.

"On second thought I don't think I'm hungry." Honey said quietly. She then raised her head looking at all the Slytherins who were still staring at her.

"I hope you all enjoyed your show." She said bravely before calmly walking out of the Great hall her head held high. Draco watched her leave the Great hall and he felt his heart drop, he knew he had just messed up, big time.

He quickly stood up and began to run after her, but then he realized all of the Slytherins were watching him in disbelief and disgust. He slowed down watching the girl as she fully disappeared.

He shook his mind from the watching stares of his housemates and forced himself to continue moving forward. He quickly exited the great hall and screamed after the girl.

"Honey! Come back please!" He begged as he chased her. She ignored him and began to pick up her speed to a light jog.

"Just let me explain!" Draco called angrily. Honey stopped in her tracks. Turning around to face the boy as he was just a few steps behind.

"Explain what Malfoy! That you are embarrassed to be my friend? Or is it perhaps that I am a great opportunity for your potions grade?" She spat angrily back at the boy.

Draco caught off guard by the girl's sudden outburst took a step back from her.

"That's not it! He called back to her pleadingly.

"Oh, it's not? That's funny because every time I am with you and your friends you treat me like a burden. Like I am an embarrassment that just follows you around like a duckling! I am not an idiot Malfoy. You are either my friend or your not. Make up your mind." Honey said sternly and then without giving the boy a chance to respond she turned and began to walk away from the boy in a huff.

Draco followed after her, the anger in him boiling over. He roughly grabbed her arm once more holding her in place.

"You don't get to leave me like that! You didn't give me a chance to talk! You not going anywhere till you forgive me!" He angrily yelled back to the girl pulling her closer to him.

"Oi' you little git! I believe she made her point clear." Astral called walking up behind Draco and clapping an angry hand onto the smaller boy's shoulder.

"Shove off Cube, this isn't any of your business. Why don't you run back to your sister now will you?" Draco said shaking Astral's hand off his shoulder.

Honey's eyes grew wide the last thing she wanted was more drama she looked between the two boys the tension between them growing. She attempted to pull her arm from Draco's grasp, but it was no use his grip was too strong.

"I don't think your listening to me mate. Let. Her. Go." Astral said his tone darkening significantly.

Draco swallowed and slowly he released the girl's arm.

Instantly Jemina and Dasiy we're at Honey's side as if out of thin air.

"Are you alright Honey?" Daisy asked her slightly panicked.

"¿hizo que el idiota te lastimó?" Jemina questioned in anger.

The girls stopped to look at Jemina but they didn't have time to ask.

"If you ever touch her like that again I swear on Merlin's pants it'll be the last thing you ever do boy!" Astral. threatened. Honey looked to Draco and she could see the feat and anxiety mixing within him.

"You can't tell me what to do Cube! I'll tell my father about this! I'm sure your father would love to hear what his boy is doing!" Draco spat back at the boy with fake confidence.

Astral scoffed at the boy. "I'm not afraid of your father Malfoy," Astral said calmly.

"Yeah well!-" Draco tried to come back at the older boy but he suddenly met the concerned, pleading gaze of Honey. He stopped himself, guilt replacing anger. It was then he realized, everything Honey had said to him was true. He hadn't been a good friend, he had been terrible to one of the few people he trusted.

"I- I really sorry," Draco softly whispered to himself barely loud enough for only Honey to hear, before quickly turning away from the group and running off down the hallways.

"You okay Honey blossom?" Astral asked the girl kindly.

"Yeah I'm fine, he just makes me so angry sometimes," Honey sighed, looking down to her arm which had already started to develop small bruises where Draco's fingers had been.

"Hey, Honey we were looking for you when we saw you and Draco yelling at each other, we were worried about you since we hadn't seen you since last night," Jemina said carefully.

"Yeah, well a lot happened last night and I was just planning on ignoring it but I don't think that's really a healthy option." Honey said looking down to the ground nervously. She was so close to breaking all the rules, but she wanted to be honest with her friends without being too honest.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, just know we are here for you no matter what," Jemina said giving Honey a comforting smile.

"Thanks, guys!" Honey said standing up to hug all of her friends at once. She felt her eyes begin to sting with tears. She had spent so much time absorbed with Harry that she forgot that she had such caring and loving friends. She pulled away with a smile to look at her wonderful friends.

"I'm sorry guys, I haven't been the best friend lately. I guess I got so absorbed in Harry's life I forgot I had my own. But I promise it will never happen again, you are the best friends I could ever ask for!" Honey smiled pulling her friends into a giant hug once more.

"I'm glad you figured out you can balance your social life kid, but can we eat? That lamb sounds really good right now," Astral joked to the group causing them all to laugh.

"Fine!" Honey cried happily.

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