The Cruel World (completed)

By mattdrei07

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How will Bai LouYin live in a world full of sufferings? Family make Bai LouYin strong but it is also his weak... More

Chapter 1: How it all starts
What to expect? What to do?
Chapter 2: Why did it happened
Chapter 3: Congratulations
Chapter 4: In the eyes of the tiger
Chapter 5: Who is the tiger?
Chapter 6: Meeting the tiger 1
Chapter 7: Meeting the tiger 2
Chapter 8: Lured prey
Chapter 9: The beauty is taken
Chapter 10: At the tiger's den
Chapter 11: The bathroom
Chapter 12: The underwear
Chapter 13: He really likes me
Chapter 14: Kisses... hug
Chapter 15: The battle
Chapter 16: Keeping up with the Bais
Chapter 17: An impostor among us
Chapter 18: Tell me the truth
Chapter 19: Wordly-things
Chapter 21: Want some wine??
Chapter 22: Alive
Chapter 23: Eaten alive (Rated R)
Chapter 24: Eaten alive 2 (Rated R)
Getting near the Finale
Chapter 25: You're ban for now, a new chapter
Chapter 26: A new chapter begins
Chapter 27: The Investors Gala
Chapter 28: Mr. Jiang
Chapter 29: Flashback to Yinzi's disappearance
Chapter 30: Welcome S*x (Rated R)
Chapter Special: The Life of Assistants (Rated R)
Chapter 31: Questions???
Chapter 32: Trust, love and respect
Chapter 33: I say NO! (steamy)
Chapter 34: I said YES!
Chapter 35: F*ck you two!!
Chapter 36: Uncle... dad, real quick
Chapter Guides
Chapter 37: A look back at Yinzi's whereabouts
Chapter 38: A bunch of useless things
Chapter 39: On the way to the party
Chapter 40: Bai LouYin is missing
Chapter 41: Finding the culprit
Chapter 42: Reasons
Chapter 43: Finding Yinzi
Chapter 44: Rescuing Yinzi
Chapter 45: Rescuing Yinzi 2
Chapter 46: I have to be strong
Chapter 47: Back to his life again
Chapter 48: Eager to go back to work (R)
Chapter Special: Life after the kidnapping
Chapter Special: Life after the kidnapping 2 (R)
Chapter 49: The new assistant
Chapter 50: Glorious
Chapter 51: Will be killed together
Chapter 52: The video call (steamy)
Chapter FINALE 1: Happiness
Chapter FINALE 2: Happiness

Chapter 20: No hickeys

608 37 70
By mattdrei07

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No hickeys

Papa Bai cannot believe how hilarious his son that he allows someone to suck his neck hard and give him a hickey and hugs him to sleep but they don't have a relationship. "Son... are you still ok? You've been doing all these things already and you don't have a relationship???" Papa Bai sighs deep. "I thought I cannot accept my son having a relationship with another guy but it's more than that. It gets worst. How can I accept my son doing this worldly-things with another guy but they don't have a relationship?"

Yinzi, on the same thought, cannot believe how hilarious his father to think badly of him allowing someone to give him a hickey and hug to sleep without a relationship. "Pa... aren't you going overboard saying all these things to me? Pa, remember I'm your son. You know me since birth that I'm not bad for you to think this way."

Gu Hai cannot believe too the exchange of words between the father-and-son. This makes him giggle seeing how cute his baobei is, trying to defend himself for innocence.

"I know Yinzi, you're my son and I'm only telling you what I've noticed. I'm not saying you're bad already. I'm just saying how were you able to do these things." Papa Bai added.

After an eternity of explaining, Papa Bai came up with something in his mind. "Ok... Yinzi and Gu Hai, I will be giving both of you the benefit of the doubt doing all these out of curiosity or something that young kids tries to do nowadays and because of that I will be giving you both a condition."

"Pa..." Yinzi scratches his temple guessing what it could be.

Gu Hai get curious of what will Bai HanQi would say so he moves his body a little closer so he can hear it clearly. He's thinking that Uncle Bai might approve their relationship now.

"I will not talk about what you've done anymore. I will still allow Yinzi to be in his current job and spend times with you Gu Hai. You can still work on a weekend but you have to be here at night and most of all, Gu Hai you can still spend a night here in our house but both of you cannot sleep anymore in one bed."

"What???" Yinzi and Gu Hai asks at the same time.

Yinzi feel damn struck with his father. "Pa... what do you think of me? A girl? And what's with these conditions I'm not even saying that I will let Gu Hai spend nights here in our house. Remember it's you who insist Gu Hai to sleep here."

"Uncle..." Gu Hai cannot believe after realizing what could be the implications of Uncle Bai's statement.

"If you will spend the night here Gu Hai, it's either Yinzi will sleep with me in my room or one of you sleep in Yinzi's room while the other one will sleep here in the living room."



"That's it, we don't need to talk anymore." Papa Bai stands from his seat. "I will only allow both of you to sleep in one bed if you are in a relationship, but if not, no weekend getaway or whatever or sleeping in one bed and most of all..." Papa Bai points one of his fingers up. "most of all... no hickeys."

Gu Hai and Yinzi almost went insane after what Bai HanQi told them. It's as if they've done something that is unforgivable. They both ended up scratching their heads and with their palms covering their faces while howling. They lay their bodies back at the sofa in defeat.


Since then, Papa Bai always updates Yinzi especially on Fridays if there will be a weekend work. If Gu Hai will drive Yinzi back home, Bai HanQi will always remind them of his conditions.

******In the company

Most of the employees talk about them but it slowly fades with the amount of work they are doing. They will only remember it if they saw their president visiting Bai LouYin in his office or if Bai LouYin and Gu Hai will come or leave the company together.

Employees also changes the way they treat Bai LouYin knowing who he is in the company. Those who raised their eyebrows when the news breakout now treating him well too after noticing how fair their president is in giving him projects. His projects which is whatever he can make a deal with will be his or whatever left from the senior project managers will be his project. Even the choice of his office which is not ahead of what other department heads and project managers' offices is. Not even went far of having his office beside the president's. They saw how their president treat him fairly as an employee. The only difference, Bai LouYin can ride the president's car and has his own car and driver personally given by Gu Hai.

YuChang on the other side supported Yinzi and Gu Hai. But he has one problem. "What? You're taking Yinzi again? How can I finish everything if you're always taking him early when it's lunch time or taking him early in the afternoon?" YuChang is in total chaos because their work will always end up in his hands because Gu Hai always uses his powers to YuChang to take Yinzi every time he wants.

Si Hu also on the other side gets a problem. "What boss? I have to accompany that small guy again? When will you end up with that dating stage?" Si Hu ends up working with YuChang every time Gu Hai takes Yinzi on a lunch date or leave early on the afternoon to have a date.

******Gu Hai and Yinzi on their way to a lunch date

Gu Hai is the one driving the car while Yinzi munches on some sweet snacks on the passenger seat.


"What again?? Don't you think I did not realize that you're taking me almost every day?"

"But here you are again.. it simply means you like going out with me for lunch or dinner."

"Because you're always bribing me with delicious foods and fancy restaurants. If not, I will not join you."


"You know what... my ear is about to fall hearing you calling me that way always. I told you to stop doing it."

"But I like it even when you complain." Gu Hai makes a serious face after making a stop beside the road. "Yinzi... isn't it three months already and where doing still the same thing. Going to work, most of our lunch and dinner we're together. Every weekend we go to a picnic or something, then I'll spend a night in your house. Having a nice chat with uncle and grandpa and grandma. Yet, I don't know if you developed a feeling towards me already or if ever you have feelings to me and I'm not sure if it will go deep or not ever."

But Gu Hai... Are you.."

"No, I'm not telling you that I'm getting tired already or I cannot wait anymore. I just want to know if I'm doing it right or not. So I can make adjustments or think of other ways to have you and you fall in love with me." Gu Hai said it straight.

"Yinzi... you know that..." Gu Hai did not anticipate what will happen next when he was cut by Yinzi's lips.

Yinzi stop Gu Hai from talking more with a kiss. It's a sudden action that he himself never anticipated too. It's a just peck on the lips but it sends a wonderful meaning to Gu Hai.

"Baobei... are you??"

"What if I told you I like you? What if I told you I like the way you're treating me, like the most precious person in this world? What if I told you that I've fallen in love with you right now because I'm not thankful of what you've done to me and to my family, but because I'm in love with you and that's what my heart feels? That my heart beats for a crazy guy who is obsessed with me that he is willing to give everything to me but still I love that person and not what he has in his pocket. Gu Hai, I'm not a romantic person but I just want to say I like you and I love you." After saying all those things, Yinzi took Gu Hai's face in his hands and place the sweetest kiss he knows on Gu Hai's lips.


Sweet things are sweeter for those who wait.

Gu Hai cries a river while his mouth is shut and cannot say a word or two. A literal tears of joy. The best day comes in the most unexpected way. A while ago he is just asking Yinzi what he can do for Yinzi to fall in love with him but right now he is receiving all the love from Yinzi with the sweetest kiss ever of his life.


The day ends...

...with their first romantic night together.


:how's the story so far sweetiess??

:want to read the hot-night???? ooohhh!! chill and wait for a bit!! It will be publish super soon because I'm done writing it already. I know how patient you are guys waiting for it since it's 20chapters already and no hot-thingy is happening. I will be blessing you soon guys. This is THE CRUEL WORLD and I'm part of it. hehe!!! love you guys!!!!!

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