Chapter 17: An impostor among us

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:how did you spend your weekend sweeties??

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An impostor among us

Yinzi's fear of being exposed his real relationship with Gu Hai makes him decide to let Gu Hai hugs him to sleep. "Ok.. Ok.. I'll let you hug me but just like last night no extra touching... and no kissing again."

"Nice... as you wish my baobei..." Gu Hai went back on the bed and hugs Gu Hai until they both fell asleep.

But what Yinzi did not expect is Papa Bai's intuition. That time Papa Bai saw Yinzi stepping out of a car, he felt that this is unusual for his son. Even before that she has a girlfriend he never allowed his girlfriend to send him back home nor his friends who has their own cars.

Then he saw a red mark on Yinzi's neck as he walks closer to him. He wants to ask his son about it but he became more curious upon seeing that a young guy who he thinks the age is closer to Yinzi is the one who sends his son home. He accepts the fact that his son might have a work for the weekend somewhere but it is pretty unusual too that his son told him about it only midnight last Friday and that is through text only because Yinzi will always call him if something arises. What Yinzi told him on that day is the welcome party in the company only. Then when he asks Gu Hai, he didn't answer right away and looks at Yinzi first before answering that they are colleagues.

"Something's fishy." That's what Papa Bai thought for the whole day. Not only because he feels comfortable with Gu Hai that he let him stay for the night but he also wants to confirm it right away with his own eyes. During dinner, Gu Hai would put food on Yinzi's plate and Yinzi will eat it. He can remember that Yinzi doesn't like it when he puts food on his plate when they are eating. Most especially the way Gu Hai looks at his son adds in his doubts.

And what he is seeing right now is a confirmation of his doubt this whole afternoon. Gu Hai is hugging his beloved son in bed and he can see how peaceful his son sleeps in someone's embrace. This is how he sleeps when he is with his mom's care back then. This is how he sleeps when he also hugs him to sleep.

He never saw Yinzi this asleep when his friends will come over to sleep. He knew in his mind and in his heart there is something between them. Evidences has been gathered and tomorrow he is armed for what his son's reasons are. He closed the door and went back to sleep in his own room.

*******Monday morning at the company

Bai LouYin came late than YuChang.

When he came in of his office, Yuchang almost screamed after seeing him. "Yinzi!!" YuChang called Yinzi after noticing something.

"What?? You almost scared me with that." Yinzi answered.

"Is that a hickey???" YuChang asked pointing to his neck.

Yinzi feel alarmed after realizing that the weekend left a mark on his neck. He talks inwardly: "It's because of the evil Gu Hai!" but he cannot tell YuChang the truth right now so he just put on a lie. "No!! just a mosquito bite." Then he scratches his neck a little.

YuChang is not convinced as he walks closer to Bai LouYin to have a closer look. "Yinzi... do you think I'm still your friend who only knows how to eat and play? I already know the ways of the adults you don't need to lie to me. Tell me what did you do after the party? You left early and just texted me that you went home already but when I texted your father he told me that you said you will have a work for the weekend."

"What? You asked my father?" Yinzi realized that he can't tell a lie to YuChang and remembers how Papa Bai told him a thing this morning. "Yinzi, come home early later I have something to talk with you." Papa Bai's word before he and Gu Hai left early that morning.

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