Chapter 47: Back to his life again

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***happy holidays sweeties


These new chapters are on my drafts before I got the burn on my wrist. Until now, I can't write new stories but this new update is my treat for y'all guys for christmas.

****happy reading, don't forget to comment and VOTE.


Back to his life again

Bai LouYin felt that his world is about to fall apart. He prays to God to save him from the danger that Gu Yang can brought to him. He cannot take any longer the way Gu Yang does his lascivious act. The way Gu Yang kisses and licks him feels like his stomach is about to turn upside down.

"You're so sweet Yinzi."

"I cannot wait to enter in this hole. I'm thinking how does it feel inside. I'm sure it will feel so damn great Yinzi. You're f*cking hot Yinzi. Uhmmm.!!"

Gu Yang's words that sends shiver down his spine. It is the most unwanted words he hates to hear from Gu Yang. As his world swirls upon him cause by the dizziness, he wishes that he dies than being laid by this evil. As he closes his eyes and prays to God to save him, that is the same time that Gu Hai enters and kick Gu Yang out of the bed and on top of him.

In his dream, he saw how heroic Gu Hai is saving him from Gu Yang. He did not see it fully but he felt it around him how Gu Hai fight with all his might and he was being saved. Now, he wants to open his eyes as he felt Gu Hai's presence around him. He felt the familiar body heat that Gu Hai emits through him. It feels like God brought him again to life.

Little-by-little he opens his eyes. He saw the beautiful ceiling of an unfamiliar place. It's not the ceiling of the room in Gu Yang's farm house. It's not his own room's ceiling, not even Gu Hai's or any room which he knew. He tries to look around and the place looks more like a luxurious hotel room but there are medical equipment. "Am I in the hospital or in a hotel room?" He asks himself.

He then felt the natural heat emitted by a body near him. There he saw two guys, one on his both side, sleeping beside his bed with their heads on his bed. "Is this for real?" He asks himself again not believing what he is seeing. "Did God really granted my prayer to save me from that evil?" His tears start to fell down his face being grateful of what he is seeing right now. The most important person in his life is beside him.

From his sleep, Gu Hai felt the sudden movement from the bed. He look up and saw that Bai LouYin is now awake. "Baobei... baobei.." he sobs and sobs seeing Bai LouYin's wonderful eyes. He stands up and wipe Yinzi's tears. "Don't cry... don't cry please..." He wipes Yinzi's tears again as his tears also fell down his face. He pick-up Bai LouYin's hand and kisses them as he tries to control himself from crying seeing Bai LouYin awake.

Papa Bai felt the noise around making him awake too. When he looks up, he saw his beloved son awake already and Gu Hai is kissing his hands. "Yinzi... my son." Papa Bai sobs too seeing Yinzi smile at him again.


"Yinzi... you're safe now. Gu Hai brought you back."

Jiang Yuan with Si Hu, YuChang, YangMeng and YouQi and coming back to Yinzi's private room with foods for everyone. They are having little chats about how happy they are that Yinzi is back and they hope that Yinzi wake up this morning. Si Hu opens the door for everyone and when everyone saw how Bai HanQi and Gu Hai hugs Yinzi on the bed, they all burst cheering and crying.

Jiang Yuan felt that her son is brought to life again. She stayed at her position with her tears flowing down her cheeks. The happiness brought by Yinzi to her life and the happiness that Yinzi is back again makes her more emotional as a mother. YangMeng guides Jiang Yuan near the bed to be with Yinzi. Jiang Yuan hugs Yinzi too and the rest of them.

After a few seconds, Yinzi is scolding everyone to move away from his body and they all burst out laughing. They share the food together and have a happy conversation. Tears of joy is all over the room.

After cleaning up the mess they made after eating, Bai HanQi and Jiang Yuan excused themselves to freshen up first and promise Bai LouYin that they will be back.

In the afternoon while they are watching a variety show, something came up with Bai LouYin. "Can I ask something? How can you save me from Gu Yang? Where is Gu Yang now? And... and by any chance did Liu Chong made it out of that place too?" He asks Gu Hai.

Everyone fell into deep silence once they heard Bai LouYin's questions.

"Ehem..." Si Hu gulped down some liquid down his throat as he looks on Gu Hai and Bai LouYin's face. "As you know Gu Hai and I followed Gu Yang and tried to save you. Gu Hai did all his best to be there before you get hurt. He was able to save you but Gu Yang took a gun and almost shoot the both of you but just right in time before he gets to pull the trigger, the police came and shoot Gu Yang which killed him on the spot."

Bai LouYin got shock how things happened last night. He does not feel anything bad for Gu Yang but his tears fall again upon knowing how Gu Hai use his body as a shield if ever Gu Yang shoots them. He hugs Gu Hai tight and place a kiss on his cheeks and lips.

"eiii!!" Everyone's reaction.

"How about Liu Chong? He's the other victim of Gu Hai. He's a good friend of mine. Were you able to save him too?" Bai LouYin asks again.

"Are you calling me my friend?" A voice coming from the door.

"Liu Chong!!" Bai LouYin felt so happy seeing Liu Chong again.

Liu Chong walks fast near Bai LouYin's bed and hugs him. "It's nice seeing you again LouYin."

"Nice seeing you too." Bai LouYin hugs Liu Chong tighter. "You're safe and finally free too. Im so happy for you."

Their hugs are getting longer and everyone around is feeling the tension building from someone until it is being cut by the jealous tiger by pulling Liu Chong out of Yinzi's body. "Isn't that too long for a hug?" Gu Hai utters.

"Wahahahah!!" Everyone laughs seeing Gu Hai's jealous reaction.

"What is happening here and everyone seems so happy?" Bai HanQi asks while coming in of Bai LouYin's room with Jiang Yuan and Gu WeiTing.

"Yinzi!!" Gu WeiTing walks near Bai LouYin and gave him a hug. "I brought all these flowers for you." Showing the basket of flower in his hand. "I know you like them."

"Thank you dad." Yinzi responds.

Everyone felt so happy. Let's say happier. Bai LouYin also introduced Liu Chong to everyone and also tell them how Liu Chong helps him when they are in that house of nightmare.

Liu Chong felt elated after he felt the warm welcome from Bai LouYin's family and his circle of friends. He doesn't feel being new with everyone.


For the past weeks, Bai LouYin focused on recuperating with the recommendation of the doctor so he can regain his normal strength. Gu Hai and Bai HanQi doesn't want Bai LouYin to come back to the company but Bai LouYin is a hard-headed business-minded individual now who thinks about the company and his work being left for the past weeks.

"Can you please calm down guys? I'm ok now and I can go to work now. I will not be back to my normal self if I keep myself from sleeping and eating here at home."

"But son.. you have little strength to begin with your work again. How about just a week more before you work again? Papa Bai suggests.

"Yes Pa you're right. Yinzi... why don't you stay here and we can bond more as you get yourself ready for work?" Gu Hai suggests.

Bai LouYin's face turn sour hearing Gu Hai's suggestion. "Bond more your face pervert! I know what you're thinking."

"Gu Haiii!!" Papa Bai looks at Gu Hai ready to scold him.


***Happy Holidays Sweeties

The Cruel World (completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora